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Frat House Confessions--Ridge

Page 2

by Bethany Lopez

  “This year. Last year. Ever since he started school here. He’s always here hanging on some different girl. Like I said, you could do better.”

  I gasped and looked back at him, shocked.

  “Last year he was here? With a different girl every time?” I asked, my voice loud enough to make people look over at us.

  He nodded.

  “Mother fucker,” I hissed, then tossed back my beer, threw the red solo cup on the ground, and stormed over to where Ermina was still giving Drake the business.

  “You cheating asshole!” I shouted when I was close enough.

  “Karrie, what the fuck?” Drake asked, looking around, seeming embarrassed I was making a scene. “We aren’t dating anymore, I can see who I want.”

  “Not now, douche nozzle, before, when we were together,” I clarified, stopping before him and putting my hands on my hips. “My new friend over there said you were always coming in here with strange women, even when you were supposed to be committed to me.”

  Drake looked over my head and scowled.

  “You believe fucking Ridge? Dude’s the biggest player around.”

  “I don’t care if he gets more action than Dwayne Johnson, I’m more worried about what you were doing.”

  Drake clasped his hand around my bicep and started dragging me down the hall.

  I squirmed and tried to get loose, but his grip was too strong.

  “Get your hands off her!” Ermina yelled, her heels clapping down the hall as she ran after us.

  Before I could jerk my arm away, my blue-eyed stranger was standing before us, glaring down at Drake.

  Call me petty, but I liked the fact that he towered over Drake.

  “Unhand her, man, that’s not how we treat women at Delta.”

  Surprisingly, Drake let me go, before turning on his heel to go back the way he came.

  “Keep your crazy away from me, Karrie, yeah? We’re over. Let it go,” he said over his shoulder and he was gone.

  “You okay?”

  I rubbed my bicep absently and finally asked, “Who are you?”

  “My name is Ridge, and I have a proposition for you.”



  “Uh, looks like you got it handled,” Karrie’s hot friend said, then clicked off toward the party.

  I looked down at the skeptical girl in front of me and suppressed a grin.

  She may have been wearing glasses, unfortunate clothes, and not an ounce of makeup, but even with her hair piled on her head, I could tell she could be seriously hot with a little effort.

  This would be almost too easy … if I could get her to play along.

  “What sort of proposition?” Karrie asked warily.

  “Come upstairs with me, so we can get some privacy, and I’ll tell you all about it.”

  “Upstairs? Yeah, right. Why would I go upstairs alone with you? What do you think I am … stupid or easy?” she asked, and I bit back an impatient retort.

  “Neither. It’ll be quiet, and we won’t have so many eyes on us. What I want to ask needs to be done in private,” I said.

  When she looked like she wanted to argue some more, I looked her pointedly up and down and added, “Don’t worry, I just want to talk. You’re not my type.”

  Karrie scoffed, looking momentarily offended.

  I worried I’d been too honest, but then she shrugged and said, “After you. But, I’m texting my friend to let her know where I am, so she knows who to come after if anything happens.”

  “Works for me.”

  I grabbed a couple beers on the way up and led her to my room.

  My mom had raised me to always make my bed and put things in their place, so I wasn’t worried about freaking her out with my piggish ways, like some of my brothers.

  “Hey, Ridge!”

  I looked down over the railing into the room below, to see Crush looking at Karrie’s back and giving me a thumb’s up sign.

  Then he fisted his hands and gyrated them like he was fucking the air from behind.

  What an ass.

  I ignored him and kept on walking.

  Once we were to my door, I opened it and stepped aside to let Karrie walk in first.

  “Wow, this is nice,” she commented, the surprise evident in her voice. “It doesn’t even stink. Drake’s room always smelled like sweaty socks. I always came armed with room spray.”

  “Take a seat,” I said, ignoring her comment as I shut the door behind us.

  Karrie looked at the bed, then at my desk chair, before choosing comfort and opting for the bed.

  “Okay, I’m here. What’s the proposition?” she asked, accepting the beer I offered.

  “First, let me ask you to hear me out, all of it, before you bust in all pissed and say no.”

  “That sounds ominous,” Karrie said, and I chuckled. “But, yeah, okay … go ahead.”

  I paced the room for a minute, then grabbed my desk chair and placed it in front of her. I sat down, keeping my eyes on hers, and prayed she was as cool as I suspected she was, and wasn’t about to kick me in the nuts or something.

  “Here it goes … Crush, our VP and resident dick, has the pledges picking girls to give makeovers to. The pledge that makes the biggest transformation, wins, although, I have no fucking idea what the prize is … probably to wash Crush’s jock strap or something. Anyway, Crush and I don’t see eye to eye, and he’s been making noise about trying to get me fired as Sergeant at Arms so he can find someone to take my place who will do whatever he says. It was suggested to me, that if I play along and lead this stupid game, it’ll keep him off my back, at least this year. The position looks good on my resume, or I wouldn’t care, but I’m not gonna let that douche mess things up for me.”

  Karrie looked more and more pissed as I talked, so when I paused, I held up my hand and said, “I’m not done yet.”

  She stuck out her tongue, then bit down on it to let me know she was keeping her promise.

  “I need to take someone home with me for Thanksgiving, to keep my mom off my back about settling down, even though I’m not even done with school yet. She’s a little crazy and is adamant that I get married right after graduation. Since I’m not prepared to pick out my wife just yet … that’s where you come in.”

  I stopped talking, and when Karrie stayed silent, I said, “Okay, you can stop biting your tongue now.”

  “What’s in it for me?” she asked, and I felt relieved that she didn’t automatically shut me down.

  I didn’t know her well, but the fact that she was hiding her light under a bushel, and I could offer her something in return, made my job much easier. I’d rather not lie to some unsuspecting chick about Crush’s stupid game, and I didn’t want to pick one of the frat house groupies who may think I’d come to actually like them.

  Karrie was obviously bitter, and still hung up on that douche Drake, which made her perfect for my plan.

  “Drake and I hate each other. Like, I fucking can’t stand him. From what I can tell, you and he were a couple and not only did you not know he was stepping out on you the whole time, but things didn’t end well. If he thinks you’re with me, it’ll drive him crazy.”

  “Hmmm, I’m listening,” Karrie said, tossing back more beer.

  “You’ll get to hang out here, which means free food and all the booze you can drink. Plus, I’ll pay for the makeover. That includes, clothes, makeup, hair … You’ll be set for the year.”

  I looked her over again. She obviously needed some help putting herself together, and I had money to spare.

  “And, we’ll pretend to date,” she clarified.


  “What about this stupid makeover thing for your hazing, what do I have to do for that?” she asked.

  “It’s not a hazing, just a mess around,” I said, not wanting that shit to get around. Hazing was illegal on campus and they wouldn’t hesitate to shut us down. “You’d come to the initial party next week, where all the pledges and bro
thers who are playing bring their girls and we take their before pictures. Then, in two months, we’ll have the big reveal, where we’ll show off the transformation and take the after pictures. There’ll be some sort of ceremony where Crush gets up in front of everyone so he can hear himself talk, and then he gives out prizes to the girls and pledges.”

  “Then, Thanksgiving.”

  “Yup, Chicago for Thanksgiving. And, after that, it’s over. We’ll stage a breakup and you can go back to your life.”

  Karrie stood up and I followed suit.

  “Can I think about it?” she asked.

  “Of course. Why don’t I give you my number and you can call me with your answer? I just need to know before the party on Friday.”

  I watched as she input my number into her phone, then walked her to the door.

  “Thanks for hearing me out,” I said, but Karrie just nodded and gave me a small smile, before walking out and disappearing down the hall.

  I shut the door and leaned against in, sending up a small prayer that she’d say yes.

  She’s the one, I know it.



  “How’s it going, sweetheart? You doing well in your classes?”

  “Mom,” I chided. “School barely started.”

  “I know, honey, but your scholarship…”

  “I’ve been doing this for three years now, I know what I need to do to keep my scholarship.”

  “Sorry, force of habit.”

  “Yeah, it’s okay, I’m used to it,” I joked. “How’s Carter doing?”

  My brother, Carter, was fifteen and a teenage nightmare. He and I had always been close, but my parents were having a hard time with him.

  My mom sighed.

  “The same. Basically stays in his room all day and grunts at us when we try and talk to him.”

  “Is that Karrie?” I heard my dad ask in the background.

  “Yes, Judd, I’m not done…”

  “I just want to say hi before I head out, Sam.”

  I smiled at their bickering.

  “Hey, baby girl, how’s practice going?”

  I rolled my eyes and laughed.

  While my mom was always worried about my schoolwork, my dad only cared about softball.

  “So far so good. It’s been great seeing everyone again, and meeting the new team members.”

  “Coach still got you at short stop?” he asked, and the fact that we’d had this conversation a million times over the years brought me comfort.

  “Yup, that’s what she said last practice.”

  “That’s good. Make sure you’re warming up good every time, even if you’re just running drills.”

  My dad had played baseball in college and had even gone pro for a while, but had given it all up for me and my mom. He’d gone on to coach at the high school he was a teacher at, and coached me growing up.

  There’d never been any question about it, I was always going to be a softball player.

  “I know, Dad, I will… promise.”

  “Okay, Kare-bear, love you, here’s your mom back.”

  “I love you too, Dad.”

  “I’m back,” my mom said eagerly, and I felt bad when I informed her, “Mom, I’ve got to go. My first class is in fifteen.”

  “Oh, okay, honey, you have a good day, and we’ll talk again soon.”

  “Thanks, Mom, love you.”

  “I love you, too.”

  I hung up and picked up my bag as I headed for the door.

  “I wish I had parents like yours,” Ermina said groggily.

  My eyes flew to where she stood in the kitchen, coffee cup in hand.

  “Jeez, I didn’t know you were standing there!” I exclaimed, my hand going to my heart.

  “Mmmm, I was eavesdropping while you talked to your hot dad.”


  I curled my lip up at her as I put my hand on the door handle.

  “I gotta go,” I told her, and added, “And, your parents are great.”

  She huffed. “My parents are more worried about whether or not I’m tarnishing their good name than how I’m doing in my classes. They’re nothing like your parents.”

  I didn’t have time to argue or talk up her parents, so I simply said, “Make sure you make it to class on time. I’ll see you tonight.”


  I was hurrying to the English building when a large mass stepped into my path.

  I looked up, pulled the earbuds out of my ears, and blinked at the sexy crooked grin from the other night.

  “Hey,” I said, cringing when it came out more breathless than I’d intended.

  “Hey yourself,” Ridge replied with a grin, giving me a onceover.

  I was suddenly very aware of the fact that I was wearing the same T-shirt from the party, my hair was pulled back in a makeshift bun, and my face was once again makeup free.

  Feeling self-conscious, which only made me defensive, I glared up at him.

  “Get a good look?” I asked. “I bet you’re happy I look like this … It falls right into your makeover plan.”

  Ridge cocked a dark eyebrow.

  “Does that mean you’re going to go along with it?”

  I’d told him I’d think about it and get back to him before the party, but I was still on the fence.

  “Not sure yet,” I said, before darting around him.

  Within seconds he’d fallen into step beside me. “What do you have going on today?” he asked.


  “Cause a boyfriend should know his girl’s schedule,” Ridge said with a cocky grin.

  “Ugh,” was my reply.

  “Come on, it won’t hurt you to tell me…”

  No longer hearing him, I stopped in my tracks when I saw Drake and the girl from the party. They were walking up the steps to the English building. He was smiling down at her, and she up at him.

  When he opened the door for her and followed her inside, the breath came back into my lungs and I became aware of Ridge talking.


  I blinked and looked up at him.

  A thousand pictures flashed through my mind.

  Drake and I at the fields after my games, Drake telling me he loved me as he hovered over me in bed, and Drake smiling at the girl who’d replaced me.

  “Okay,” I told Ridge, my mind made up for me. “You have a deal. I’ll be your makeover project and go home with you for Thanksgiving, if you help me make Drake wish he’d never even heard my name.”




  I was heading upstairs to my room when I heard my brother call my name.

  I looked down to see Wes, my younger brother, and soon to be frat brother, leaving a group of pledges and heading my way.

  “Hey, Wes, what’s up?” I asked as I turned and headed back down the stairs.

  Wes was a freshman this year, and first up on his agenda was to become a Delta. I’d encouraged it because having a group of brothers behind him would not only keep him motivated, but it was a good way for Wes to meet people and get involved.

  He was planning on going out for the swim team, since he’d been on the team in high school, but being a swimmer wasn’t going to get him pussy, especially as a freshman. Being a Delta, however, now that would have all the ladies fighting to get a taste.

  “Crush said you’d be at the party tonight, that you’re entering a girl into the contest.”

  “Nah, we’re not entering, I’m just playing along to … show solidarity, if you will. It’ll still be a pledge event. Why, worried about a little competition?” I joked, even though I knew that’s not what he meant.

  Wes was the middle child, the good one. He was Mom’s favorite and the peacekeeper in the family. I was hoping getting him out of her clutches would give him the chance to loosen up for once.

  “I don’t know how I feel about the whole thing … seems kinda dickish,” Wes said quietly, looking around to ma
ke sure no one heard him.

  Namely Crush.

  “It is, but we won’t let it get out of hand. Crush may be an idiot, but he’s not malicious … Antoine would never have signed off on something that could be seen as hazing or bullying,” I assured him.

  Antoine was our president, and nothing happened in Delta without his approval.

  “Do you have a girl picked out already?”

  Wes sucked in air and blew out his cheeks like a blowfish. It’s a nervous thing he’d done since we were kids.

  Having him here, at Delta with me, was actually extremely satisfying to me, and I hadn’t thought it would be. Given the fact that I’d grown up as Dad’s punching bag and he’d always been shielded behind Mom’s skirts, my brother and I didn’t have the best relationship.

  But, we were both growing up, out of the asylum of our childhood, and finally getting to know each other as people.

  Logically, I knew it wasn’t his fault he was Mom’s favorite. And, honestly, I’d rather be the one taking the hits and keep my brothers safe, but after years of bruises, welts, and broken bones, logic didn’t always factor.

  I’d been jealous of my brothers, and so eager to get away the ink had barely dried on my diploma before I was gone.

  After a few months, I’d started to worry that without me there, my father’s anger would turn to Wes or Brody; luckily, that hadn’t happened. Mom had finally put her foot down and stood up to our dad, and he’d apparently lost interest and started sleeping around … finding his jollies elsewhere.

  We were all better off without him in our lives.

  “Yeah, there’s this girl in my Lit class, she’s pretty cool. I told her about this competition and although she’s not into Greek Row, she does need help with something, so we’re gonna trade.”

  “What does she need help with?” I asked, hoping some chick wasn’t taking advantage of him already. “Is she a good fit for the comp? Cause Crush takes this shit very seriously.”

  “Huh? Oh, yeah, she’s a good fit. She’s not interested in a makeover, but said she’ll play along if I help her pick up chicks?” Wes replied, not taking his eyes off the ground.


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