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Royally Yours: A Bad Boy Baby Romance

Page 118

by Amy Brent

  She shuttled up and down my length, sucking occasionally as she pulled back, and I could feel my body responding far too rapidly. It seemed that after six months she had learned quite a lot about me, and I knew I had to be careful not to lose everything now. I didn’t want to lay down and wait for twenty minutes while my body decided it was time for round two. I wanted her pleasure to be constant and cataclysmic in the grand finale, not with a strange intermission between Acts Two and Three.

  But she didn’t seem quite as on board with that, laving her tongue along my underside and teasing at my head. She drew out groans from me, and moans, and hisses, until finally I had to pull her off while stepping back.

  “Not yet,” I said, holding up a finger. “Although that was very, very tempting.”

  She smiled at that, wiping her mouth, then settled back onto the mattress. I followed after her, posting myself above her. I hope she knew that I was about to show her the time of her life.

  And if she didn’t… well she was about to find out.

  Chapter Thirty-Four


  It didn’t seem possible that my body could still be clamoring for more considering the world-rocking orgasms Rafael had already gave me, but it just wasn’t enough. I needed to feel him side of me, thick and hard, as we both moved against each other in our primal, ancient dance.

  Thankfully, it looked like he was finally ready to oblige me. Not that I was complaining about the constant pleasure he had been giving to me, but that was like being at a restaurant and having delicious appetizer after delicious appetizer but never getting the main course. And I was ready for the main course.

  “I want you, right now,” I whispered heatedly, reaching up to caress Rafael’s face. God, he was so handsome, especially like this, posted above me with undiluted desire on his face. Everything about him made my blood pump faster and my womanhood just grow that much wetter.

  “Ask and you shall receive,” he responded, voice low and sending shivers right down my spine. I felt him align myself with my entrance and slide forward, filling me more and more until finally, he was completely inside of me.

  Like usual, he gave me a second to breathe, to adjust to his wide girth, but when I wrapped my arms around him and nodded, we were off to the races.

  His powerful hips rocked against me, going gently at first but quickly picking up pace until he was hitting that spot deep within me that just about drove me crazy. I lifted my legs, wrapping them around his waist and letting him that much deeper into me.

  I was aware that high pitched whines were escaping my mouth, but I didn’t try to suppress them. I let them ring out, completely unabashed as I let him know just how much he played me like a tightly strung fiddle.

  I could feel both of our bodies growing slick with sweat as wave after wave of pleasure washed over me. It was like drowning, but I never wanted to surface to the air. Just perpetual bliss and euphoria.

  Feelings started to rise up with the ecstasy. I still was in shock that Rafael was so on board with me possibly having his child. How much love did this man have for me and what on earth could I have possibly done to deserve it?

  I didn’t know, and I had a feeling that I would never understand it, but I was eternally grateful. I could already see bits of our future together. Doctor’s appointments with updates about what we had created together, Dom reading bedtime stories to his little brother or sister, just happiness and contentment as far as my mind could see.

  Rafael bent so that one his hands could reach my breast, his fingers rolling my nipple while his mouth took the other. I found myself arching into him, holding onto his frame as tightly as I could, and taking everything that he could throw at me.

  Which turned out to be quite a lot. I felt like I had awoken something in him, his thrusts being that much stronger and staccato than before. How he kept up that pace was beyond me, but when his hand let go of my breast to side between us and his fingers pressed against that sensitive spot once more, I lost hold of reality and flew up into paradise.

  My vision left me, my senses left me and there was only the good. There was no stress, no worry, just mind-numbing pleasure that reached the deepest parts of me.

  I called out Rafael’s name, along with a slew of jumbled phrases, and he kissed me gently, swallowing my praises. I couldn’t tell how long I floated high in the clouds of my own personal heaven, but when I came back down there was no quarter. Rafael immediately flipped me over, pulling my hips up so he could thrust into me with everything he had.

  If I thought what we had before was intense, this new position was that much more… everything. He was hitting an entirely new area within me, drawing out sounds that were quickly swallowed up by the pillow I was pressing my face into. The sound of flesh against flesh filled my studio, slapping against each other in quick succession.

  “Think you have one more in you?” Rafael growled into my shoulder, gently biting at the flesh there.

  “Maybe,” I said, breathing heavily. And in all honesty, I didn’t know. My entire lower half felt like scrambled and melted jelly, and I was close to just collapsing in on myself like a dying star. But apparently that small possibility was enough, and his hand reached around me to rub around that little bud of pleasure at the top of my folds.

  I didn’t know how long we were like that, but I did know that my hips were aching, and I was beginning to find the border between what was pleasurable and what was just pain.

  “I’m almost there,” Rafael breathed, pulling my hips up higher so he could pound into me anew. The new angle awakened something else within me, and I felt that white-hot wave of perfection rushing towards me again.

  It came rolling towards me with speed, and before I knew it, my entire body was locking up from the pleasure. I practically howled Rafael’s name yet again, and I could feel him respond in kind.

  He throbbed several times and then I felt him emptying within me, reaching his own intense climax along with my own. It was intense and perfect and everything I could have asked for.

  When my orgasm was over, and I was left feeling like a boneless husk, I sank down onto the mattress face first. Rafael fell beside me with an oomph! and wrapped his arms around me.

  We laid there like that for a long time, just enjoying the moment. I had a feeling that our lives were about to change quite dramatically, so this might be the last time we were able to be together like this for a long while. The idea was certainly daunting, but I was confident that we could get through it. With Rafael supporting me, I felt like I really could truly conquer anything.

  I snuggled closer to him, reminding myself that I would have to wash my sheets later, but pushing that to the back of my mind for now. Batting my eyes at him, I pressed a chaste kiss to his cheek.

  “Thank you,” I murmured, my breath still raspy in my own throat. “For everything.”

  “My pleasure,” he answered, pressing his own kiss on my forehead. “So… about moving in?”

  Chapter Thirty-Five


  “I sure am going to miss seeing you every night,” Alisha said, sighing as we stood in the doorway leading to the building’s exit.

  “I know,” I said, giving her a long hug. But I just don’t think it’s safe for the baby to be around all of these chemicals.”

  “I couldn’t believe it when you handed in your resignation and two weeks’ notice. But are you going to be okay? Are you going to be able to provide for yourself?”

  “Oh, don’t worry about me, honey. The father is providing for literally everything.”

  “As a good man should,” Davie said, joining us from where he had been putting away the last of his supplies. “It takes two to salsa, after all.”

  “That it does,” I said, reaching over to give him a hug too.

  It had been a month since that fateful day when I had found out I was carrying Rafael’s child and I had decided to keep the little thing. While I still didn’t know if they were a girl or a boy,
I had taken to calling the thing our little potato.

  I had had my first doctor’s appointment only a week after that day. How Rafael had gotten me into his office and to see a new GP in just six days was beyond me, but I had learned that Rafael would stop at nothing to make sure that I was absolutely taken care of. It was strange to be so thoroughly tended to, but he made sure my every need was met.

  Before I could even blink, it seemed he had me a gynecologist, a hospital picked out for the birthing plan, as well as several pediatricians once our little potato was born. And it wasn’t in a controlling way at all either, not like Bradley would have been in the same situation.

  “So, when are you going to tell us who the father is?”

  I looked at my cellphone and saw a text waiting for me. “Well, considering it’s Saturday morning, he’s here to pick me up.”

  “We better not keep him waiting then!”

  The three of us went outside and I kept my eyes on their faces so that I could see their reaction when they found out who the mysterious father was. At first, I had considered keeping it a secret permanently, but now that I wasn’t working for Rafael’s company, I couldn’t be accused of fraternization.

  I mean sure, I knew that people were going to talk, and I was sure that they were going to have some very choice words about me, but I didn’t care. I had happiness, and I wasn’t going to let some petty betties try to steal it from me.

  Sure enough, Rafael pulled up in his sports car and both Davie and Alisha’s jaws were on the floor.

  “Wait, you…” Alisha gasped, her eyes wide. “and… and…”

  Rafael exited his car and walked forward, brushing his hair out of his face and striding forward like he just walked out of a fashion magazine. “Good morning, babe,” he said, planting a sweet kiss on my cheek. His eyes flicked to my two friends and he extended his hand politely. “Rafael Barbos. Nice to meet the two of you.”

  “Oh. My. God.” Alisha said, still staring openly. “You mean the two of you, uh, you-”

  “Many time,” I answered chuckling lightly.

  “Is this why you loved cleaning the top floor so much!?” Davie asked, his face still one of shock.

  My cheeks colored at that and I shook my head. “Oh goodness no!” Well, I guessed that I didn’t have to keep that part a secret either. “I liked going up there because there’s a lot of open space and I could clean while I danced.”

  “While you what?” Alisha said, looking like she believed me about as far as she could throw me.

  “Danced,” I continued, steaming right through the embarrassment. “You know, moving it and shaking it while pushing the mop and broom around. It helped me deal with a lot of pent up energy.”

  “Apparently not enough,” she said, raising her eyebrow and letting her eyes flick to Rafael. We all laughed at that, and it was another round of hugs all around.

  “Alright, I better go. The movers are going to be at my place soon and I want to be there for it.”

  “Movers!?” Davie repeated emphatically. “Ay, this really is a big weekend for you, isn’t it?!”

  “It is,” I answered, letting Raphael guide me to his car. “Have a good weekend, all of y’all!”

  “We’ll try!”

  There was more waving and cheers to be safe while Rafael drove off. When we were a block away, I finally rolled up the window and let out a long sigh.

  “You alright?” He asked, letting his intense eyes flick to me for a moment while we pulled up to a stop sign.

  “Yeah,” I murmured, hands rubbing my stomach. I wasn’t anywhere close to showing, but it was so insane to think that there was a little mini me plus Rafael growing there. I mean sure, I knew all the science behind it. I was aware of the weeks where what developed and how the cells all split and multiplied, but still, it really did seem like magic.

  “Hey,” I said, just realizing my surroundings. “This isn’t the way to my place.” Although we had been careful to never be seen together at work, I still knew enough of the city to be aware that this is not the way one would drive to get to my side of town.

  “I know,” he said with a smile. “We have someone special to pick up.”

  “Dom?” I asked, feeling my face light up. “But I thought he wasn’t due in for another three days.”

  “He wasn’t. But I called up my ex because I knew there was a big premiere in the UK and told her I would take him off her hands a couple of days early if she wanted to head out. Of course, she ate that up and so now we’re going to get to surprise him with the news.”

  “Surprise!” I objected. “You mean you didn’t tell him?”

  “Well, no. I wanted to do it to his face and my ex always gets more time with him during the summer to accommodate for vacations. So, I figured we could treat this as a sort of present for him here.”

  “But what if he’s upset?” I could feel anxiety rise in me as I thought about it. “What if he feels blindsided, or surprised in the bad way?”

  “It’s alright,” Rafael said, reaching over and patting my hand. “I assure you that he’s going to be absolutely over the moon. The moving crew will have to race him to see who can get you into my place sooner.”

  “If you say so,” I grumbled, feeling quite uncertain about the whole thing. As if I needed one more thing to worry about.

  “I do. And have I ever led you wrong yet?”

  Ugh. I hated when he had a logical point. “No…” I said with a bit of a pout.”

  “Exactly. Now trust me. It’s going to be fine.”

  I settled down and tried to make myself relax for the rest of the ride. Unsurprisingly we were heading towards the east end of the city, where the airport was if I remembered right. Of course, his ex wanted to meet him there. Going over to Rafael’s place would be far too much trouble for her spoiled self.

  Thinking about her just made me angry. I couldn’t wait until I lived with Dom and could show him every day what it was like to have a true friend who supported him every day. Suddenly all the nerves about surprising him faded. This would be as good for him as it was for me.

  Rafael pulled into one of the small but upscale cafes that were just outside of the actual airport, and a common meet up place for those who were traveling. We were there first, of course, despite her telling us that she was already there, so we both got out of the car to grab a drink.

  “No coffee, I’m guessing,” Rafael said as he walked up to the counter.

  “Nope. Just a nice green tea and a glass of water.” At first, I had tried to cover myself for such small things, but I had long since learned that Rafael seemed to take pride in being able to provide for me, from the littlest things to the biggest.

  “Why don’t you go find a seat, I’ll wait in line for us.”

  I nodded and headed over to a nice window booth, so I could hopefully see Dom going in and he could also sit comfortably while we explained all the changes that were about to happen to his life. Once more the nerves started to set in, but only just slightly.

  The line was certainly impressive, and Rafael was only just reaching the cashier when I saw a car whip in at insane speeds, park crookedly in a spot, and then a woman dressed form head to toe in lavish designer clothes to step out.

  I would have known it was Rafael’s ex even if she wore a full-on mask, which honestly would have been an improvement over having to see that snide expression across her face all the time. But I tucked those thoughts away and slapped a kind smile onto my face when she came into the door.

  She spotted Rafael almost instantly, crossing her arms and huffing that he dared to make her wait, but Dom didn’t seem to mind. His head swiveled this way and that and it didn’t take him long to see me giving him a small wave from my booth.

  “McKenna!” He called happily, running over to me. I slid out of the booth and caught him with open arms, swinging him this way and that. I hadn’t been put on a weight lifting limit yet, so I wanted to take advantage while I could.

p; “Hey there, little buddy. How are you!”

  “Great now that you’re here! Are we gonna-”

  “What is she doing here?”

  I looked up from the young man to see Rafael’s ex had come over as well, although she kept her distance as if I might somehow dirty her with my very presence. I noticed that she didn’t address me as an adult to and adult but spoke about me as if I wasn’t there. Geeze, was this high school all over again?

  It certainly seemed like it.

  Thankfully Rafael came to the rescue, with two drinks in either of his large hands. I was impressed, but didn’t have time to say so before the conversation continued. “Ah, you’ve met Miss McKenna before,” he said, setting the drinks down before circling around to stand beside me. “When you dropped Dom off at my office.”

  “Yeah!” Dominic echoed. “Remember? She’s my friend that I keep talking to you about! The one that has been watching movies and playing games with me.”

  “I thought that was just another one of your make-believe friends.” Her eyes shuttled over me before stopping suddenly at my middle. “You have to be kidding me!” She spat, making me jump at her sudden vehemence. “You got her pregnant, didn’t you!” My mouth dropped open, but her face only grew redder. “Oh God, Rafael, you never learn, do you?!”


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