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Author Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (The Messenger Archive Book 1)

Page 27

by DC Bastien

  As he wandered the ship, something was bugging him. The same something that was keeping him from falling asleep, probably. It was right there, right on the edges of his mind. If he could just distract himself enough for the epiphany, then...

  "Really, Gunner?"

  "Been a long time since anyone called me that, Kip."

  "I know."

  "Couldn't sleep?"

  "I could give you the glib answer, and we could argue some, or we could just cut to it."

  Well, that meant Vadim was in a rare mood indeed. The ephemeral thought, the one just out of his grasp, was fading by the minute. Kip was a little bit too distracting: he took up slightly more of Avery's attention than music would, or the feel of a hot shower. He could tell the man to leave in the hope that the fading idea would materialise, or he could turn and greet him properly.

  "Why are you here, Ith?"

  "As you said you didn't want glib, would you kindly specify which 'here' you mean, so we don't argue semantics in circles for hours on end?"

  "You bumping into us the first time how you did was probably an accident - though I put nothing past you - but the fact we were in the same sector, and you warning me away... it wasn't coincidence. Nor was you on Baharii. Then you give us your super secret villain base--"

  "It is not a villain base!"

  "...and run around saving people and being a nice guy, and... why, Ithon? Why?"

  "Have you ever considered it might be because I am infuriatingly fond of you?"

  "Still doesn't explain things."

  "I want to get to the bottom of this Hleen issue. I want to get to the bottom of this whole mess. And of course I knew you'd be useful. You being dragged in so your little princess could be slaughtered was just fortunate. The rest... the rest I expected."

  "Why are we never honest with one another?"

  "I don't know, Kip, why aren't we?"

  Avery watched as the other man ran hands into his hair, then grabbed at it. He wasn't even sure why he was winding him up like this, it just... came naturally to them.

  "Why are you such an asshole?"

  "Why do you care?"

  Which - eventually - riled Vadim enough that he grabbed the front of his shirt and lifted him from the ground, slamming him into the wall. Not too much off the ground, because he had several inches on him. Ah, this was familiar. This was how their interactions normally went. Violence and reply, violence and reply. Not even injury, just threat. It was as familiar as breathing.

  "I care because I care about you, although I don't know why I do, because you're the most irritating piece of shit I ever met."

  Ithon laughed. "I know. You rub me up in all the wrong ways, but I can't... stop. I just have to poke you with a stick, to watch you turn and snarl. You're addictive, Kip. And when you come alive like that, it's... it's worth it."

  There was no alcohol to blame this time, though there was the imminent threat of death. Death was always there, but sometimes more obvious than others. Right now, with a hacked AI on a half-made skeleton ship, going up against a corrupt universal legal system, with planetary leaders involved... it was a bit more present than usual.

  Ithon wasn't going to let Kip have all the fun, and he grabbed the man's stubble-rough jaw and kissed him. Kissed him good and hard and punishing, the kind of kiss that spoke of so much pent-up longing. It had been clumsy and half-cautious last time, but this time he was determined to show his prowess.

  There was a momentary pause, the kind that made Ithon's stomach lurch as the fear of rejection kicked in, and then Kip kissed back as good as he got, all teeth and growls and a knee between his legs. That was uncalled-for, so Ithon wrapped his legs around Vadim's own legs - high up - and pushed with his elbows away from the bulkhead. They went down in a tangle of limbs and guttural noises, and then they were tearing clothes off without caring when buttons popped off, or seams tugged open. Ithon was on top of him, and this time he bit and licked his way up over Vadim's stomach, purring at the hand in his hair, and then he was using his teeth and tongue to worry at one very, very erect nipple.

  Vadim howled, because damn, damn that felt good. Not just the sharp sting of pain, but the whirlwind of need from the other man. He let his head fall back for the moment, revelling in being wanted. He hooked his feet together under Ithon's so-pert ass, and ground him down as he rutted up. He was panting - and hard - and when Ithon bit at his throat, he was gone.

  "Fuck, yes... oh god, Ith, don't stop."

  "I won't, not unless you beg me to," he replied.

  The man's voice was just... it was like sex distilled into sound-waves. Kip rubbed up against him again, trying to encourage more touching.

  "But you'll beg me for something else, instead, won't you?"

  "Right now?" His own voice was weak to his ears, weak and wobbly. "Fuck yes, Ithon."

  "Then... do it."

  There was a pause. A long, long pause. Blue eyes met brown, and they stared at one another from far, far too close. Vadim resisted as long as he could, before he laughed. It was a broken, hungry laugh. "I want you in me, Ithon. Stake your claim. Bite me all over, lick your scent onto my skin, and take me."

  "God, you have a filthy mouth, Kip. I love it."

  In reality, it felt a bit... well. Vadim had talked dirty before, but he felt more... bare, for some reason, doing it now. Naked and exposed. It was thrilling, but in that almost-hysterically-terrifying way. Ithon held his eyes for a moment more, before he gave him a slower, more passionate kiss. It was reassuring, and it made his stomach do even more zero-g manoeuvres, but it did the trick.

  Ithon slid his pants off like he was used to it. Kip felt a little like a first-timer, like so many of the people he'd charmed into bed over the years, and he liked it.

  "It was never about 'convenience', you asshole," Ithon said, pausing now he had him all but stripped. "It was never about anything but me, and you."

  "I know."

  "And I'm not expecting to settle down with you. Start a family, make a home... it's not who either of us is, Kip. But that's okay. We can be this, instead."

  'This', apparently, was a kiss that lasted until the air in his lungs was burningly hot, until the blackness behind his eyes spread further into his skull, and the finger behind his balls slipped in to the first joint. It had been a while, but he was no moron. He spread his legs a little wider, pushed down a little more. It stung, but in a good way. He wasn't quite slack enough to be fucked raw, but this little threat - no, not threat, tease - was sending a shiver up his spine.

  "I want this," he said, growling it slightly. "I want us. And I'm not saying it just because you're about to screw me senseless... I mean it."

  "I know you do," Ithon replied, but there was a heavy weight to his voice that was different to his normal, airy tone. He wasn't smiling, but that was because he looked so very, very intent. He slid that finger slowly in and out, in and out...

  "I... my jacket," Vadim mumbled, a little embarrassed by the confession.

  That did make him laugh. "My, Kip. Did you come to find me with lascivious intent?"

  "Oh, shut up. Pretend you haven't been thinking of switching it about since that night."

  "I'm afraid I've had dirty thoughts a bit longer than this week, Kip."

  "Well... maybe you should have let on."

  "I thought I did."

  Ithon reached over for the jacket, but he'd been a bit enthusiastic with flinging it off. He caught it with one finger, and inched it closer, and closer. All the while sliding that finger in and out, in and out.

  "Jeez, could you just grab it already?"

  "Do you not think that after all this time that a few minutes more to do it properly are in order?"

  "Not when I have your finger up my ass and I want your dick," Vadim snarked back.

  Which was when Ithon crooked his finger inside of him, rubbing against something put there for the sole purpose of making men's legs buckle and their dicks twitch.

  Vadim swore. V
adim swore a lot.

  "Oh, hush, anyone would think this was your first time!"

  "How do you know it isn't?"

  "You told me. In graphic detail. Several times."

  "Oh. Yeah." Oops. "And you still didn't get the hint?"

  "I didn't want to be drummed out of the Enforcers, you idiot. Now: are you going to keep this up or can I--?"

  Kip lifted his legs, locking them behind Ithon's neck. He held onto his own cock, but more to keep it from bobbing around madly than anything else. There was a sound of something sticky and goopy - the lube he'd brought hopefully along with him. And then... and then Ithon was shallowly pushing into him, hands on the back of his thighs, biting at his bottom lip with an air of such intense concentration, eyes unfocussed and brow shining with the effort. He didn't even look like an angel... or, if he did, it was the purely fallen kind.

  "Oh god, that feels good," Kip said, because it freaking well did.

  Ithon chuckled, and then - showing he was far too limber for his own good - he split Vadim near in half as he bent to kiss him. "It's generally the idea of this."

  "I hate you."

  "I hate you too."

  It was, of course, a lie. Or - sort of.

  Vadim worked his hand up and down his cock in slow, uneven strokes. It was difficult to concentrate on too many things at once, and the way each sharp, rough thrust was hitting those nice places deep in his ass was just... well. Intoxicating, really. He bit down on his lip to keep the noise back, more used to being surrounded by the ship, by crewmates, used to needing silence when seeking his own pleasure.

  And the quiet made it louder, somehow. Made the noise of Ithon's balls slapping at his thighs ring in his ears, or the way their harsh breaths almost but not-quite fell into pace. He reached up with his free hand, catching the back of Ithon's neck and pulling their lips together again.

  "It was... it was only ever you," Ithon hissed, and his words were warm and tickling.

  "I know... I know... it was... it was only ever you, too."

  Even though there was no alcohol involved, and he'd deny it to anyone who asked, it was over pretty damn fast. Between the harsh metal floor, the fingernails pinching white circles into his thighs, the slam of Ithon's dick almost into his guts... he was coming - hard and messy - before he knew what hit him. With a broken little yelp, he spilled all over Ithon's shirt, making a mess of them both. It was glorious, sweaty, ill-advised... and perfect. He jerked himself off until it felt almost painful, and then he went back to kissing and nipping at Ithon's lips.

  Ithon managed a little while longer, but not much. He grunted unintelligibly, then there was a sudden, warm, wet feeling inside. Vadim clenched his cheeks around him, trying to squeeze every last drop of pleasure from his lover, and then they were sprawled in a panting, sweating heap on the floor.

  After a moment, Avery barked a little laugh. "If I knew that the fate of the universe being in your hands was what it took to get you to put out, I would have started my own conspiracy long ago."

  "Hey. If you were behind it, we wouldn't be fucking."

  "Really? How do you know I'm not behind this one?"

  "Because if you were, you'd have done a better job of it. Admit it, Ith, the universe is lucky you're not... that way inclined."

  The Enforcer slipped from between his legs, but then cuddled up close. They wouldn't be able to stay here for long: for one it wouldn't be comfortable to sleep like this, for two it would be horribly messy if they didn't clean up, and for three... well. Someone might well walk in on them in the morning. But for a little while, they could curl up together, letting their heart-rates slowly settle back to normal.

  "We have several beds, you know," Ithon said at last. "It would be a pity to let them go to waste."

  "I thought the Ur-Enforcers still slept on sticks."

  "That's only in training, Kip, and you know it."


  [Sianor: Argh! Why isn't it canon!]

  [Ashroe: You know why.]

  [Sianor: But! Angry, slammy, manly sex! Sexy sex! Argh!]

  [Ashroe: It wouldn't be on television then.]

  [Sianor: Whimper. Fine. But even if they didn't show the sexy fun-times...]

  [Ashroe: Yep, but that's what we call 'subtext'.]

  [Sianor: Screw subtext. I want KISSING.]

  [Ashroe: One day we'll get it. One day.]

  [Sianor: Yeah, and one day we'll have jetpacks.]

  [Ashroe: Don't remind me :(]

  [Sianor: Aww, but it's never the future, you know. Always the present.]

  [Ashroe: Yes, a present without jetpacks. That's not a present I want to live in.]

  [Sianor: Well I could try to freeze you in carbonite, and turn you into a coffee table.]

  [Ashroe: Ooooh. Sounds fun.]

  [Sianor: This is just conclusion-avoidance, you know?]

  [Ashroe: Am I that obvious?]

  [Sianor: Yes, sweetie, you are.]


  Chapter Twenty-Six - Mission: Direction

  "You sure about this idea of yours?" Vadim asked.

  "No," Kre admitted. "I am not. But a small group on one ship can approach with much less chance of detection than a fleet. We cannot go to the Ur, and we cannot go to my father."

  "It's an insane plan," Avery weighed in, "...but the insanity might just work."

  "Okay. I'm going to give everyone a chance to opt in or out this time," the Captain said, looking pointedly at Biann and Saidhe. "No pressure either way. We'll set out in an hour. Everyone who wants to go on this damn-fool mission... just board the ship."

  "Aye-aye, Cap'n."

  "In the meantime, go... go do what it is you want to do, for fun. You know. That thing you do when I'm not ordering you about."

  "You did just order us to do it, though," Loap pointed out, slyly.

  "Well... what I normally don't order you to do, but did - on this occasion - order... just stop with the tricksiness and go... fun!"

  Biann chuckled, and got up first. "I've got some things to do. Sai, you coming?"


  "You need more seats up here in the bridge," Avery complained.

  "No room for free-loaders. There's enough seats for those doing jobs, and that's right."

  "It's not very friendly." He was leaning to one side, fiddling with the controls.

  "Would you stop destroying my ship, please?"

  "I'm not destroying. I'm adjusting."

  "It's not your seat to adjust."

  "It is if I end up flying this rust-bucket. Your navigator's seat is made for someone way, way too tall, so I'm sitting here."

  "No, you're just too short."

  "I'm precisely the size I need to be."

  "Which is short."

  "Really? Pot, kettle, much?"

  "My navigator is taller than you."

  "But you're not. And your navigator is a Roq."


  "Excuse me, fellas." Saidhe was standing waiting, her foot tapping impatiently. "I believe you're in my seat?"

  "I will happily bow to someone who knows this delightful ship better than I do," Avery said, sliding out smoothly and offering her the chair.

  "Stop flirting, Ith."

  "Oh, Captain," he cooed. "That's simply how I talk."

  "Yes. Flirting."

  Avery offered a wink, and dropped next into the navigator's seat. "You're just worried I'll stray."

  "Oh, believe me, I'm not."

  Saidhe was trying very, very hard not to laugh. "B's just tuning up the engine. She said she wanted to do that and get Mes settled in the cargo hold with Kre before they came up here."


  Loap padded onto the bridge. "I was assisting with securing the shell ship. I do not trust Kre's shoring knots. She has a habit of accidentally fraying the straps."

  "Well, you've got a full compliment, then," Avery said, prising himself from Loap's chair, and gesturing deferentially to it. "We've got no excuse now."

Vadim flicked a switch on the outside arm of his chair. "Roll call... I've got Saidhe, Loap and Avery."

  "Kre's with me in the engine room, Cap'n," Biann said. "We're both ready to take off whenever you want to."

  "And... I am here," came the unexpected voice of Messenger.


  "Don't worry, Cap'n, I just put her close to one of the intercoms and made it voice-activated. She can't control anything except the broadcast. I programmed the voice-rec parts of the system to discount orders from that whole section," Biann said hurriedly. "I wanted... well. I didn't want to leave her alone any longer."


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