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Unraveled - A Short Story Collective

Page 4

by KR Bankston

  Alisha wondered what the hell he was thinking about as she watched him. He was smiling slightly and his breathing was ragged and uneven. “Lathan,” she said softly trying to get his attention. His eyes snapped open and he frowned deeply seeing her at the door.

  “Yeah, what is it?” he asked all business.

  Alisha sighed softly. She knew it wasn’t going to be easy, but she had to talk to him. “Listen, I know I was acting really stupid last night, but I wanted to come apologize and ask you to please forgive me,” she told him using her most sincere voice.

  Lathan looked at the woman speaking and sighed deeply. He was sick of the drama. This was almost a weekly thing. Last night it’d been about Chrissalyn and his friendship with her, as per usual.

  “Yeah, ok, Alisha” he returned not sounding too convinced.

  She was panicked. I can’t let him break up with me, she thought as she tried again. “Lathan, I understand that you and Chrissalyn are friends, nothing more,” she began again as he looked directly at her. Come on girl, pull this off, she thought to herself of the lie she was about to tell. “I finally understand, really, and I promise I’m not going to be crazy about it anymore,” she told him careful not to allow her facial expression to change.

  Lathan continued to look at her without speaking, his mind going in a million directions. Finally he took another deep breath and told her okay. She believed him this time and smiled slightly, taking the bag he offered, which held her breakfast.

  “Thanks,” she said softly and he simply nodded. That was too close, Alisha thought to herself as she arrived at her desk and sat down. She knew that she had much more to lose and her ability to keep up the façade wouldn’t last long. After finding Kina, the two hatched a plan to end Chrissalyn and Lathan’s friendship.


  Jackie stopped at Chrissalyn’s desk on her way back to her own. “Don’t let Alisha get on your nerves,” she said simply.

  Chrissalyn looked up at her and smiled slightly.

  “Keep on being you,” Jackie noted and continued to her desk. Shortly after, Kina rounded the corner headed for the fax machine.

  “Hey girl,” she greeted Chrissalyn all sugary sweet. Kina was a bit better at maintaining her pretense of civility than her friend was.

  “Hey Kina,” Chrissalyn replied, making no attempt to mask her irritation.

  Kina, seemingly oblivious, plunged ahead anyway. “We’re going out to Milton’s tonight after work,” she began. “Why don’t you come with us,” she finished as she dialed the fax number.

  Jackie heard the exchange and watched intently, hoping the young woman would say no. Just as Chrissalyn was about to answer, Devon appeared. “Chriss, I know you going to Milton’s” he boomed as he pulled Kina’s ponytail. She angrily told him to stop, which only made him laugh and pull it more. “You can ride with me, we’re leaving at 5:30,” he told Chrissalyn, not allowing her the option of saying no.

  “Damn Devon, can you stop?” Kina told him as he continued to aggravate her.

  Chrissalyn smiled to herself, glad he was giving her all the hell she could handle right now. She deserved every bit of it and then some. Finally, completely flustered with Devon annoying her, Kina left without Chrissalyn’s answer.

  “Devon,” Chrissalyn began before he cut her off. “I don’t wanna hear that you don’t wanna go,” he told her calmly looking directly at her. “Be ready at 5:30,” he finished softly as he reached out and gently caressed her face, turning just as abruptly and leaving.

  Defeated, she quizzically thought to herself of not only his action but the look in his eyes when he said it. Granted Devon was attractive, she’d never thought of him romantically. Jackie sighed lightly, wondering if she would say anything to the young woman. She had a bad feeling about tonight and how this weekend was going to end. She shook it off and returned to her work, making a mental note to reconsider later.

  Morning graduated into afternoon and soon quitting time was here. Jackie had indeed spoken with Chrissalyn about the planned outing this evening, and the young woman was going to heed the advice given. Devon came bounding around the corner at 5:30 on the dot.

  “Come on girl,” he told her pretending to be impatient.

  Chrissalyn smiled. “I’m not going Devon,” she told him calmly and waited for his reaction.

  “Why?” he asked slightly disappointed.

  “I just don’t think that Alisha or Kina are people I wanna hang out with,” she replied honestly.

  Devon chuckled heartily. “Hell, they ain’t my favorite two either, but you ain’t gotta spend no time with them, hang out with me,” he replied thinking he’d found the perfect solution to the problem.

  Chrissalyn smiled again and held her ground. After a couple of moments, Devon sighed deeply and looked directly into her eyes. “OK, so where do you wanna go?” he asked softly never taking his eyes from her.

  There was no doubt in Chrissalyn’s mind of his attraction now. She wasn’t sure when or how it began as Devon had never given her any indication. Just as she opened her mouth Lathan walked over.

  “Come on ya’ll let’s go,” he told them cheerfully. “I’m ready to beat you down at some pool,” he told Devon giving him a look.

  “Chriss and I are going to hang out somewhere else,” Devon replied taking for granted she would accept his invitation.

  Lathan was immediately angry, but managed to control his reaction. “Oh, it’s like that huh?” he replied managing to sound playful.

  He looked directly at Chrissalyn as he asked the question and she saw the anger in his eyes, as well as the hurt. She was completely perplexed at the moment. Okay, this is a joke right? She thought to herself of the jealousy she saw and heard from Lathan and the interest she’d suddenly gleaned from Devon.

  Lathan had never given her the impression he thought of her romantically and now here he was acting like a scorned lover. Chrissalyn had cemented his identity as her friend, putting all the romantic feelings she once carried for him in proper perspective.

  “Where ya’ll going?” Lathan queried, still angry that Devon was interested in Chrissalyn.

  “Probably check out a movie or something like that,” Devon replied.

  “Mm, well have a great time you two,” Lathan replied giving Chrissalyn another look before leaving.

  “You wanna go eat first?” Devon asked as they prepared to leave. Chrissalyn simply shook her head yes and followed him to his truck. I’m going to need to wake up from this dream real soon, she thought to herself as Devon got in and started the truck, headed for Bones, the BBQ restaurant she’d suggested.

  “What is wrong with you tonight?” Alisha asked.

  Lathan had been distant and almost angry the entire evening. It was well after 10:00PM now and they’d been drinking since they arrived. She was feeling really good and his mood was beginning to affect her high.

  “Nothing’s wrong Alisha, damn,” he replied testily as he had another beer. He wanted to be left alone to brood in peace, centering his thoughts on this afternoon’s revelation.

  Devon wants Chrissalyn, he kept repeating in his mind again and again. He couldn’t very well confront his friend. Devon asked him point blank if he had feelings for her, and Lathan had said no. I don’t know if I can handle knowing they’re together, especially if she sleeps with him, he thought gripping his beer tighter as his anger rose. Alisha returned to the bar and kissed his neck softly. There were no other co-workers here, leaving her free to finally act like the couple that, in her mind, they were. “You wanna go home now baby?” she asked him seductively.

  Lathan was completely repulsed. She drank like a fish, getting totally sloppy and fawning all over him. Normally he just screwed her, any emotion having been replaced with animal instinct. Tonight, however, he didn’t want her to come near him. He wanted to know where Chrissalyn and Devon were and what they were doing.

  “No Alisha, I don’t wanna go home,” he replied calmly trying not to go off. �
��Go have another drink or something,” he added effectively dismissing her.

  “Come on girl, leave that man alone and let’s play pool,” Kina giggled as she grabbed Alisha’s hand. The two left to play while Lathan continued to brood.

  Moments later, Devon and Chrissalyn appeared at the bar. His mood improved seeing Chrissalyn but soon faded back to an abyss upon discovering Devon with her.

  “Wassup man?” Devon greeted him, ordering himself a beer and Chrissalyn an apple martini.

  “Nothing,” he replied smiling slightly. “I thought ya’ll was going out?” he replied glancing at Chrissalyn.

  “We did,” Devon replied taking a swig from his beer bottle. “But I managed to talk Chriss into coming here after the movie,” he replied as he lovingly glanced over at the woman. “Where Alisha at?” Devon asked and Lathan told him they were playing pool. “Oh okay, I’ll be right back,” he said as he left, leaving Lathan and Chrissalyn alone.

  “So you and Devon had a good time?” he asked the tinge of irritation evident in his voice.

  Chrissalyn frowned slightly. “Yeah, he’s really a lot of fun,” she replied and sipped her drink again.

  “Hmph, I’ll bet,” Lathan replied sarcastically.

  Chrissalyn sighed deeply. She wasn’t in the mood for any more drama tonight. “What’s wrong with you Lathan?” she threw at him. “Did I do something wrong?”

  “I don’t know. Did you?” he asked testily.

  He knew he shouldn’t be angry with her, but he was and jealous to boot.

  “We ate and went to a movie Lathan,” she tried again.

  Lathan shrugged and looked at her even harder. “Hey, you’re a big girl, do whatever or whomever you please,” he replied and Chrissalyn caught the insinuation.

  “That wasn’t called for Lathan,” she replied softly, tears threatening to come.

  Devon returned and Chrissalyn turned to him immediately asking if he would take her back to get her car. “What’s wrong Chriss?” he asked concerned, seeing that she was genuinely upset.

  “Nothing, I’m just ready to go,” she lied not looking at him.

  Devon glanced up at Lathan who was staring straight ahead, drinking his beer. He sighed deeply, taking her hand and telling everyone goodnight.

  “You wanna talk about it?” Devon tried.

  Chrissalyn told him it was nothing; she was just tired and had an early day tomorrow. Devon didn’t press but he had a good idea what was wrong. He made a mental note to have a talk with his boy tomorrow about the subject, as Chrissalyn thanked him for a wonderful evening and prepared to get out. Before she could, Devon leaned over and kissed her softly on the lips, telling her goodnight.

  Chrissalyn smiled slightly and returned his goodnight. She managed to make it halfway home before the tears returned and overtook her. How could he say that to me? She thought to herself of the hateful thing Lathan had said. Turning her thoughts to the kiss from Devon made her cry even harder. She wasn’t even sure how she felt about him but he’d already made it crystal clear how he felt about her. It hurt to think anymore, so Chrissalyn turned on her CD, cranked the volume, and for now, tuned out the world.


  “Why are you on my back?” Lathan was telling Alisha trying hard not to grow angry.

  “Because you’ve been acting shitty all damned night,” she returned already gearing up for her usual histrionics. “Now you acting like you don’t want me to touch you and shit.”

  “Well damn Alisha, can we do anything besides fuck each other sometimes?” he threw back.

  Alisha in her drunken stupor could only hear the rejection in that statement. “You ain’t ever complained about it before, so what’s the issue now all of a sudden,” she replied angrily grabbing another beer and opening it.

  “You’re already drunk, why don’t you slow yo ass down?” Lathan told her disgustedly as he watched her drink it from the bottle.

  “It doesn’t matter, it’s not like I’m driving,” she replied making it plain she intended to spend the night.

  They’d come back to his place after leaving Milton’s. Lathan’s condo was lavish. He’d had the interior professionally done and took great pride in keeping it looking good. It boasted his favorite colors, garnet and gold, accented with black trim and finishes. He’d purchased the 32” flat screen right after he moved in, mounting it to the living room wall. He loved fish and he’d had the tank custom built, with plenty of scenery inside for his many tropical fish.

  “You can’t stay,” Lathan said flatly.

  “Why the hell not?” Alisha asked completely outdone that he’d asked her to leave.

  “Because I don’t feel like it tonight,” he replied as he headed toward his bedroom. She immediately followed, turning on the water works full stream. “Why are you being so mean to me Lathan?” she whined, “I apologized for last night, I’ve been good all day, why you trippin’?”

  Lathan sighed deeply. He didn’t want her to stay because she wasn’t Chrissalyn, but he couldn’t very well tell her that.

  “I’ll sleep on the couch if you want,” she offered again, sniffling pitifully for effect.

  He sighed again and told her to go home. He really just wanted to be alone.

  “I’ll take you if you can’t drive,” he offered.

  Alisha was furious and began to pout. “No, that’s okay, I’ll take my damned self home,” she fumed drunkenly staggering toward his front door.

  She was counting on his being a gentleman and not letting her leave as drunk as she was. Lathan watched her for a moment and relented.

  “OK, Alisha, you can stay” he told her tiredly. She smiled to herself before turning around and thanking him.

  “Here,” he told her handing her a blanket and pillow.

  Damn, she thought to herself as she took them. Still sleeping on his couch was better than not staying at all. When he falls asleep, I’ll just ease on in there and give him what he needs, she thought to herself as she lay down.

  Lathan undressed and headed for his shower, hoping it’d help him relax. He was still moody and angry. He knew without a doubt Devon would ask him about tonight and he wanted to have the answer. Try the truth, his mind taunted him. He sighed deeply and pushed the thoughts away as the water ran over his body.

  Devon entered the condo and found Alisha passed out on the couch again. This bitch really needs to get it together. Damn, he thought repulsed as she farted loudly. He shook his head and headed for the room he slept in when he stayed. He didn’t bother having his own place due to his extensive travels. He and Lathan were tight and this arrangement worked out well for both of them. What the hell was going on with him and Chris tonight, he wondered as he undressed preparing for bed. Devon took his shower and lay down, drifting off quickly, exhausted from his day. He began dreaming, seeing Chrissalyn and himself at the movies laughing and enjoying the comedy they’d chosen. They’d returned to the house and were embracing each other as they kissed passionately. He felt her nipples harden against his chest, as he grew hard holding her close.

  “Mm, Chrissalyn, you’re so beautiful,” he told her softly as she smiled at him.

  She began kissing his chest, while sliding her hand down his stomach toward his erection. Devon was in heaven as she unzipped his pants and helped him out of them and his underwear. The dream seemed to shift, and they were lying in bed together completely naked enjoying the feel of each other. He never saw her go down on him, but the warmth from her mouth felt fantastic as she took him in. Her hands caressed his balls as she teased the head, and then engulfed it again in her mouth.

  “Shit, that feels so good baby” Devon moaned as she continued to work him. He felt himself getting closer to his end. “Stop, I wanna feel you girl,” he replied pushing her away and pulling her to her knees.

  He slid his dick inside her wetness and began to thrust deeply as she moaned her pleasure.

  “Mm, yeah, right there baby” she moaned sensuously as they continued. “O
h shit, I’m coming baby, mm right there,” she murmured again and that’s when he heard it.

  Something was wrong. Devon opened his eyes to find Alisha atop him riding him hard, he was horrified, but couldn’t stop as he was so damned close to finishing. She moved her hips once more and he erupted inside her coming hard. What the fuck is going on? Devon thought breathing hard trying to recover.

  Alisha in her drunkenness had stumbled into the wrong room and was now fast asleep once again. Please let this trick be on the pill, he thought again knowing it would be impossible to explain. Who was going to believe he

  was asleep dreaming about sex, to wake up finding he was having sex. He also had to get her out of his bed and back into the living room before Lathan got up. He shook her gently and she didn’t move. Devon gently lifted her and took her back into the living room laying her on the couch. He sure hoped Lathan didn’t come out at that moment considering he was completely naked and so was she. Devon managed to complete his task and get back to his room safely.

  Fortunately, Alisha had undressed before she came into his room. Please, please don’t’ let anything come of this shit and anyone find out, Devon thought again, Chrissalyn immediately coming to mind.

  He wanted so much to be a part of her life. She was part of a dying breed in his mind, a really good woman, and he didn’t want anything to mess up his chances of being with her. He went and showered again trying to wash away the incident, finally returning to bed, laying down and allowing sleep to find him.


  Alisha was talking to Kina reminiscing on the previous night. “Girl, he is too funny,” she told her friend going on about her and Lathan sleeping together and him going back to his room leaving her on the couch.


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