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Page 14

by Serena Akeroyd

Rafe frowned, and something about his expression made Thalia think that he was looking inward, seeking answers from deep inside himself. “Y-You might be right.”

  “What powers though?” Mikkel asked. “Did your mother say what changelings can do?”

  “No. She didn’t. But, don’t you think it’s interesting that Rafe is a child of Vulcun, and that Thalia could be a child of Terra, Caelus, Aer, and Mare?”

  “’Could be’ being the operative words there.” She blew out a breath. “That’s crazy. Why are we mated? We should be enemies, shouldn’t we?”

  Theo nodded. Slowly. “Exactly. But you’re not. Rafe shields you in a way that a man does only when he deeply loves someone. He wishes no ill upon you.”

  “I could never harm Thalia,” Rafe choked out, stiffening at Theo’s remark.

  “I know, brother. I know,” he said softly this time, gentle, even. “But you must fight your instincts.”

  “What instincts?” Rafe growled, his tone more strident.

  “The need to make her crave you.”

  “Crave me?”

  “She isn’t as strong as you think.”

  “Hey, I am here, you know?” Thalia grumbled, huffing even as she knew Theo was right on the money. Whatever power Rafe had over her, it was immense.


  Well, if suffocation ended with an orgasm.

  Hmm. She really needed to watch more porn.

  The thought stirred her to action. “Mikkel, give me your phone.”

  “What’s wrong with yours?”

  “I’m not messing mine up by going on porn sites.”

  He gaped at her a second before bursting out laughing, handing his over to her with no further question.

  Rafe, still taken aback by Theo’s remarks, murmured, “Are you really going to watch porn as we land in Austin?”

  “Yep,” she told him brightly. “I’m watching it on the ride over to the Alpha’s place too. And then, when I’ve killed some motherfuckers who thought they could take this bitch out, my mates are going to fuck me. And I’m going to be prepared because I’ve watched a gangbang so I’ll know what to expect.”

  “You saw a thousand people having sex,” Mikkel retorted.

  “I was still orgasm-drunk from you going at me like you were on Viagra,” she grumbled. “I didn’t really know where to look either! You guys do remember I was a virgin until Rafe came for me, right?”

  “Came… Literally and figuratively, eh?” Mikkel teased, elbowing Rafe in the side.

  The four of them laughed, and Thalia, still chuckling, clicked onto Mikkel’s browser.

  She’d been in a daze when they’d walked into the orgy organized on her behalf. All she’d really remembered was a woman with two dicks in her pussy and one in her damn ass. But she hadn’t seen much. She just remembered a tangle of arms and legs.

  A tangle she suddenly wanted.

  Very, very badly.



  Theo, feeling strung out, watched as Thalia wiggled in her seat.

  When she wiggled some more, he closed his eyes. Then, when that enhanced her scent, he opened them and tried not to lose his temper when she bit her lip, rocked her hips up and then back as though trying to appease an ache.

  An ache she was making herself feel.

  “Are you trying to drive us crazy?”

  Mikkel was the one who broke first, but then, with his short temper, that didn’t come as much of a surprise to Theo.

  “Crazy? I have it on mute!”

  At her retort, Mikkel growled. “You’re wriggling around. Your skin is flushed. You keep licking your goddamn lips. And your nipples are hard as pikes beneath your damn shirt!”

  She turned her attention from him after pressing pause—their little Lyken didn’t feel like missing even a second of the action, it would seem. “I’m horny. You have a problem with that?”

  “When you’re on a way to a challenge, yes,” he snapped. “Why aren’t we going to Rafe’s place first?”

  “Because I want this over with,” she retorted.

  “You want this over with,” he repeated. “Why?”

  “I want to go back to Heden.” She jerked her chin up.

  “Why?” Theo asked this time, putting his support in, because Mikkel, he was surprised to note, was onto something.

  She returned her gaze to the phone, but her jaw had firmed. “Because.”

  “That’s not an answer, Thalia.” Rafe’s voice made her stiffen. She peeped over at him on the seat opposite her.

  They were in a limo—her grandfathers’ doing. The large space, had they not been on their way to a challenge, would have been perfect for taking the edge off Thalia’s need.

  And then, Theo really thought about that and wondered why they were focusing so much on sex when they had goals. One of the biggest, ballsiest goals in the history of man-fucking-kind.

  Thinking about their plot to topple Morningstar from his dark throne was a migraine in the making, and Thalia, in this mood, was a blue-balls-in-the making kind of situation. Neither outweighed the other in his opinion.

  Yes, he knew how fucked up in the head that was.

  “I-I just want to go back there, that’s all.”

  Her words were edgy, and Rafe, enticing this, murmured, “Speak to us, Thalia. A problem shared is a problem halved.”

  Mikkel snorted and, on the brink of mouthing off, bit his tongue when she quivered in her seat.

  Rafe was doing it again, Theo noticed. Captivating her. Theo had never seen anything like it.

  He’d seen the Dark Fae at work. Rarely, but he’d seen them tempt and entice. Had watched them ply their trade. Using sex and whatever wiles they needed to get what they wanted.

  But this?

  Rafe’s voice was sinful in its power.

  Even Theo was affected by it, and he was considered a decent-aged Fae. Strong. Mature. Totally in control of himself, and yet, when Rafe had captured Thalia earlier, Theo’s cock had been as hard as nails.

  “I-It will be harder to get to me there.”

  “To get to you?” Theo repeated, his arousal quenching at that. “You think we’d let Morningstar get to you again?”

  “It happened once,” she told him, her tone sad. “Why not again? But at least there, there are safeguards. Here, his minions are roaming around and I don’t know what they look like. In Heden? It’s different. Magda was an aberration. And I’ll be safer once people know I’m pregnant. They’ll start to hope again.”

  She wasn’t wrong. Their last child had been born before the dawn of civilization. That was a long time to be without any younglings wandering around the place.

  Teachers had nothing to teach.

  Lovers had no one to raise.

  They were living a present with no future, with endless amounts of time ahead of them.

  Thalia spoke true.

  Hope was a powerful thing, and it would, undoubtedly, protect her. The Fae who were tempted to fall might stick to their guns with the future Thalia promised with each breath she took.

  “You’re safe with us. You weren’t with us before,” Mikkel ground out. “You were alone.”

  “Think I don’t know that?” she growled. “Think I don’t know that one of you is going to be on me like glue for pretty much the rest of my fucking life? Think I’m happy about that?”

  “Thalia,” Rafe said gently. Calmly. Shit, the man’s voice was like silk.

  When had that happened?

  She stiffened, then seemed to force herself to relax. Jerking her chin up though, she glowered at Mikkel before turning her attention back to the porn.

  He’d been steadfastly ignoring what she was watching. All Fae had voyeuristic tendencies. It was a part of their natures; a reason why they enjoyed public sex. Porn had been a rather pleasant development by the humans. Considering they were prudes, he’d been surprised at their tenacity in recreating smut in the many different mediums that had developed over the years.<
br />
  He and Brian had been no different. Brian had enjoyed watching Theo with other men and women, while Brian preferred mostly men. With the fluidity of the Fae, Theo hadn’t cared who he’d fucked, so long as his dick was wet, and both him and his partners screamed out their pleasure at the end of it. For a while, he’d preferred the roughness of sex with men, but, in truth, they were interchangeable to him.

  Watching Thalia watch porn however, was a study in agony.

  He’d never felt like this before.

  Like he could come out of his skin with need for her.

  And not to share her either.

  Just to be with her. Just her.

  He knew Rafe and Mikkel had shared her. Had scented them both on her a time or two, but he’d never been interested in that. Something that surprised him, but not overly. They’d live a very long life, and while that life would never involve anyone outside of their quartet, that didn’t mean they wouldn’t experiment with each other.

  When his eyes darted to the screen, he wanted to cross them at the sight. She wasn’t just watching any old porn. Nothing simply ‘hardcore’ for her, oh no. She was watching a man with his hands around a female’s throat. The female was tied up, her legs in the lotus position but they were strapped into place by thick bands of rope. Woven into the rope was a vibrator that was positioned directly at her clit.

  His voice was thick as he asked, “Thalia? What are you watching?”

  She cut him a look. “You can see what I’m watching.”

  “But why?”

  “I was curious.”

  “I thought you wanted to see a woman being shared.”

  “I watched a few clips of those already. They’re only three or four minutes long,” she informed him, her words an obvious complaint. A complaint all three of the males in the limo heard if the others’ chuckles were anything to go by.

  He watched as, true to her word, the video came to an end, and she scrolled down more videos, starting some then stopping them, watching a few all the way through then moving onto the next.

  How long he watched her watch them, Theo didn’t know. He did know that his cock had never been harder in his fucking life.

  “Did you never watch anything like this while you were growing up?”

  She squirmed at his gravelly question. Not in a good way, either.

  Frowning, he asked, “Thalia?”

  She huffed. “They had parental restrictions on the internet.”

  He blinked at her, then pity welled inside him. “Dearling, I’m sorry.” Unable to help himself, he shuffled closer to her and slipped his arm over her shoulder. Knowing how much that must have pricked her pride, he murmured, “You’re free now. To do as you wish. Whether it’s watch porn or to…” He paused. “What else does a child lock do apart from restrict someone from porn?”

  Mikkel snorted. “That’s pretty much it. How puritan were your folks, anyway?”

  “They thought I was insane, Mikkel,” she grumbled, her focus on a sight that had Theo half choking on his tongue.

  Three men.

  One woman.

  Each hole deliciously overfilled.

  Gods, he couldn’t wait until Thalia was ready for that.

  “I think we need to take advantage of a drugstore while we’re here,” he rasped.

  “Why?” she asked, peeping up at him.

  “Lube. We need lube. Lots of it.”

  “Fuck yeah,” Mikkel inserted. “I get her ass. You promised it to me, didn’t you, baby?”

  When she swallowed, the sound was audible. “Y-Yes, I did.”

  “You want me to stretch you out, don’t you?”

  The scent of her seemed to mist over everything. Like a mushroom bomb that had just exploded in the close confines of the limo.

  Suddenly, the elegant vehicle felt more like a cage. One he wanted, no needed, to liberate himself from.

  Her scent was like the most beautiful poison he’d ever known. It permeated everything, soaking into the air and, subsequently, into his lungs, like the most deadliest of weapons.

  He’d always known she was his. But this? It was just more evidence of that fact.

  She wiggled next to him. “Will it hurt?”

  “Very likely. At first, anyway,” Mikkel told her, matter-of-fact. But he wasn’t being cruel, just making a statement. “Then, you won’t care. I’ll stretch you with my fingers first,” he carried on, his cock as hard as Theo’s if the bulge in his pants was anything to go by. He’d crossed his feet at the ankle and had his hands bridged at his belly.

  He looked relaxed, at ease, but there was a fire burning in his eyes.

  A fire that was…


  The Ouroboros.

  Just what they fucking needed.

  Theo, deciding to ignore that very clear portent, mumbled, “We’ll get you some toys, dearling. We want you ready to take all of us.”

  “All of you? At the same time?” her squeaky voice had him hiding his grin in her hair as he pressed a kiss to her crown.

  “No, just one of us. I meant we’re all different shapes and sizes. You need to take us comfortably.” She released a breath, but he noticed she didn’t relax any. Did she wish to take them all at once? His brows rose at the thought as he carefully stated, “Tavelah has been having sex for many years, dearling. That was why she could take so many at once.” He explained why one of the female Fae at the claiming festivities had been able to be penetrated twice in her vagina.

  She licked her lips then hummed under her breath.

  What, sweet Gods, did that mean?

  That she wanted it?

  Wanted all of them at the same time?

  Need pooled in his belly, and he couldn’t stop himself from reaching over to lift her chin. As he did, she tore her gaze away from the screen, a question in her eyes.

  “No, Theo,” she murmured softly. “I have to focus.”

  “Bullshit,” he whispered, “you’re teasing us.”

  Fire flashed in her eyes once more, and, for the life of him, he had to taste it. There was no other alternative. He dipped his head and pressed his mouth to hers. The minute he did, she moaned into him, and the fire that he’d seen in her gaze passed through him like an inferno. He wanted to roar with the wonder of it, but that would involve pulling away from her. Involve having to cease tasting her beautiful lips.

  Never, he growled out in his mind. Never.

  With a groan, she curved her arms around his neck, and he heard Mikkel’s cell phone plunk against the leather cushion between them.

  The little minx had turned the volume up. When had she had time to do that?

  He could hear a woman being fucked. The noise just amped him up. He didn’t want to hear the random females’ moans. Didn’t want to hear her cries and screams. He wanted to hear his woman’s.

  He wanted Thalia, not some porn star who was faking it.

  Both outraged and extremely aroused, he moved his hands to her hips and hauled her over onto his lap. When she did, she settled against him like she’d been born to be there—and hadn’t she just?

  This was her rightful place.

  In his arms. On his lap. Kissing him.

  Her arms tightened around his neck, and he loved the tight clutch, loved that she didn’t want to let go, didn’t want him to stop.

  They had to be getting close to the Summerford Packhouse, but she didn’t care. Neither did Theo.

  He wondered if Mikkel and Rafe did.

  Shifting his hands up to her waist, he cupped her tits from the side. She wore simple clothes, and the thin cotton of her tank molded to her form like a second skin. But it didn’t mold to her like his hands could.

  Suddenly desperate for the feel of her, he hauled her shirt up and skimmed his fingers over her belly. When she moaned into his lips, he knew she wanted this as much as he did, and he thrust his tongue into her mouth, seeking hers, finding it, fighting fire with fire as he shoved her bra up and cupped her tits himself. />
  The minute he squeezed them, she melted into him, he felt her go boneless and the submission sent shards of wonder through him.

  This woman.

  Gods help him.

  She knew how to get him hotter than the belly of a Hawaiian volcano.

  With a growl he pulled away, and seeing the bright blue dulled with need for him, her lids lazily drooping over her eyes as though she were overwhelmed with the pleasure he was giving her, he grabbed the hem of her shirt and dragged it over her head. Quickly, he reached around to grab the strap of her bra but he didn’t have to.

  Other hands were there.

  The inferno blew hotter.

  Seemed to gust around the limo’s cabin.

  He stared over her shoulder and saw Mikkel was there, Rafe at his side.

  Nostrils flaring, he nodded at them, and with the click of his fingers, they were naked.

  Thalia gasped, “Theo!”

  Mikkel just grunted. “Warn a dude.”

  “I thought I did,” he gritted out, then reached for Thalia once more. As he plundered her mouth, he felt her stiffen above him then moan into him. She wasn’t focused on the kiss anymore, and he loved that, knew the others were doing something to her. He pulled back, intent on watching her get off. Intent on seeing what the others were doing to her.

  As he did, he reached up to grab her breasts and fondled the nipples. Pinching them made her squeak, but he pinched down harder, loving how she let out a throaty growl as her head fell back.

  This had come out of nowhere.

  He’d never intended to do this here in the limo, but Gods help him, when he’d seen what she’d been watching… the lust for her, the need, had overpowered him.

  He had to have her.

  And have her he would.

  He saw fingers maneuver from under her body, the tips peeping out through the folds of her sex , and over her waist, Rafe’s hand appeared. It snaked down to reach between her legs, to caress her clit.

  Theo watched, his own cock swelling against his belly as both men touched her. Their hands seemed to avoid one another, and he wasn’t sure if that was by conscious thought or not.

  “Oh, Gods!” Thalia whimpered, her head still tilted back, her gaze still glued to the cab’s roof. Her hips began to rock, her pelvis nudging back and forth in a sinuous wriggle that made her tits shake.


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