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Regency Romance: To Capture The Duke’s Heart (CLEAN Historical Romance) (The Inheritance Saga)

Page 5

by Jessie Bennett

  Nicholodimus smiled and nodded. “I heard the revelry and fun going on at the castle and knew that you would not be there,” said Nicholodimus.

  Edward was getting more and more surprised at the way Nicholodimus spoke. He seemed to know everything that happened at the castle. Edward shook his head and sighed.

  “Your Grace, like I told you, give Her Grace a little more time to adjust to the norms of the castle. Your good father and mother, bless their souls, were meant for each other, but not you and Duchess Charlotte. However, you have to adjust your life to suit the Duchess’, as she needs to settle down,” said Nicholodimus.

  Edward looked at the old man in utter surprise and found himself nodding in agreement to what Nicholodimus just said. “I think you are right,” said Edward as he got up and dusted his trousers of weeds that had stuck to them. “I must be going, Nicholodimus. Why don’t you come to the castle sometime?” asked Edward.

  Nicholodimus shook his head. “No, Your Grace, if you want to talk to me, you could come out here. I am always around,” he said as he smiled kindly at Edward. “Now be off with you,” he said.

  Edward spun around. Where had he heard those words before? Nicholodimus was already walking away from him.

  Edward watched the old man pass the vault and then he mounted his stallion in an attempt to follow Nicholodimus, but to his utter surprise, he found that Nicholodimus was nowhere to be seen. Edward looked around and then turned his stallion toward the castle.

  He would forgive Charlotte this time.





  “In giving birth to our babies, we may find that we give birth to new possibilities within ourselves.” ~ Unknown Author

  Four months later

  Duke Edward was adamant that Charlotte take care of herself and he never left her side. If the Court of St. James wanted him to be present, he sent Wallace with a note of authorization to act on his behalf. Charlotte was furious with her husband, as her every waking moment was spent with him. Surprisingly, Edward enjoyed being with Charlotte as he watched her stomach grow and knew that within the walls of her stomach lay his son or daughter. The thought alone of his baby growing inside Charlotte’s womb gave him new inspiration and the will to go on in life.

  Charlotte sat beside her bedroom window as she pondered what she thought was her fate. She was so engrossed in thought that she failed to hear Duke Edward enter the bedroom.

  Edward stood for a moment as he watched his wife gaze aimlessly out of the window, and then he smiled. Charlotte had turned out to be very beautiful and Edward feared that it was for his as well as her own downfall that her beauty came forth.

  Charlotte turned and saw Edward looking at her. “What are you staring at?” she asked.

  “You,” said Edward with a smile.

  Charlotte walked to the bed and sat down with a sigh as she massaged her spine.

  “Do you feel sick?” asked Edward with concern.

  Charlotte nodded. “I have been having this intermittent pain and oh…there it comes again,” said Charlotte as she gritted her teeth and Edward saw that she was in deep pain.

  “Let me ring for Dr. Mowbray,” said Edward as he pulled the golden rope that he had had installed, which connected with a bell in Dr. Mowbray’s quarters.

  Charlotte was now writhing in pain as she gasped and clutched the sides of the mattress.

  Dr. Mowbray arrived in minutes, with Hannah close behind.

  “I think Her Grace is in labor,” said Edward as he moved aside to let Dr. Mowbray take a look at Charlotte.

  “Indeed, Her Grace is in labor,” said Dr. Mowbray as he pointed to the pool of water that had soaked the bed spread.

  “Your Grace, would you kindly stay outside please?” said Dr. Mowbray, as he prepared to attend on Charlotte.

  Edward nodded and left the bedroom, but he hovered in the corridor, his hands clasped in prayer. He paced the corridor for hours and only stopped when he heard the screams of Charlotte, and then all was silent for a while.

  Edward stopped and listened amazed as he heard the cry of a newborn; his son or daughter had come into this world. He wanted to rush into the bedroom, but controlled his desire. He expected Hannah to come out of the bedroom and was about to go in when he heard another cry, much different from the one he had heard earlier.

  “Oh my good heavens…can it be so?” asked Edward to himself as the bedroom door flew open and Hannah stood smiling broadly at him.

  “Your Grace……oh, I am so happy. You are now Papa of twins, a boy and a girl,” said Hannah as she clapped her hands in delight.

  “Am I?” asked Edward as he rushed into the bedroom. Edward gazed at the two babies, who lay side by side on the bed next to Charlotte. He sat down quietly on the bed and took a tiny pink hand in his.

  The baby’s eyes fluttered open, as if it was aware of its father’s presence.

  “Oh my precious baby,” said Edward as he stroked the baby’s cheek, which was soft as rose petals.

  “Thank you so much, darling, for giving me two lovely children,” said Edward as he reached for Charlotte and kissed her tenderly on the forehead.

  Charlotte sighed and closed her eyes. She was exhausted after the delivery and all she wanted to do was go to sleep.

  Edward and Hannah stood watching the twins. “Which one is the boy and which is the girl?” asked Edward as he peered at his newborn children.

  “This is the girl and he is the boy,” said Hannah as she pointed at the two babies, who were now fast asleep, like their mother. “I shall be back with some hot milk and sandwiches for Her Grace. She has to eat well from now on, as nursing two babies is a task to reckon with,” smiled Hannah as she hurried out of the bedroom.

  Duke Edward sat and watched his son and daughter. Tears stung his eyes as he thought of his parents. How he wished they were alive.

  Charlotte stirred in her sleep and opened her eyes.

  “My beloved, thank you so much for giving me the most precious gifts,” said Edward as he reached for Charlotte, but she turned away and Edward felt as if a spear had pierced his heart.

  Hannah walked into the bedroom with a glass of milk and sandwiches. “Your Grace, you must eat, so that you will be able to nurse the babies,” said Hannah as she placed the tray beside Charlotte.

  Charlotte looked at the tray and turned away. Hannah glanced at Duke Edward. She did not know what to say. Charlotte knew that she was ruined now. The babies grew restless as they began to feel hungry. Hannah picked up one baby and placed it on Charlotte’s bosom. Charlotte looked at the baby and Hannah was relieved when she saw her smile.

  Within five minutes, the baby boy was suckling at his mother’s breast. Once her son had had his fill, Charlotte gave the baby over to Hannah and took her baby daughter to her other breast.

  Edward watched in awe. He knew that it was no easy task to be able to feed two babies almost simultaneously and he admired Charlotte for the way she fed her babies. “What shall we name them?” asked Edward.

  “You may choose any names you like,” said Charlotte, not meeting Edward’s eyes.

  He wondered why she behaved in this manner. Why was Charlotte trying to distance herself from him? Why couldn’t she be amiable? Edward sighed, as he had no answer to this question.

  Charlotte opened her eyes and looked at Edward. Her look caused Edward to shudder. “Edward, do you think it would be possible to employ a wet-nurse?” asked Charlotte.

  Edward was bewildered. He had heard this word, but for a moment he could not recall what a wet-nurse did or meant. “A wet-nurse?” he asked inquiringly.

  Charlotte nodded. “Yes,” she said.

  “What or who is a wet-nurse?” he asked in surprise.

  Hannah stood rooted in place when she heard Charlotte mention a wet-nurse.

  “A wet-nurse is a woman we can employ who will breastfeed our babies,
especially at night, and I can then get my rest and sleep,” said Charlotte.

  Edward shot out of his chair, anger surging through him. “We shall do no such thing as employ this… wet-nurse,” he roared.

  Charlotte made a face and looked away.

  “You, Charlotte, will breastfeed our babies day and night, as I believe that is what a mother should do,” he said as he brushed past Hannah and walked out of the door, his head in a whirl.





  “There are few people whom I really love, and still fewer of whom I think well. The more I see of the world, the more am I dissatisfied with it; and every day confirms my belief of the inconsistency of all human characters, and of the little dependence that can be placed on the appearance of merit or sense.” ~ Jane Austen – Pride and Prejudice

  One year later

  Duke Edward was walking in the garden, contemplating the change in his wife. She had gone from bad to worse after Sophia and William, their twins, were born. The twins were looked after more by Hannah than Charlotte and Edward felt that it was a bad start for the twins not to be with their mother and feel her love and care, although Hannah showered both love and care in abundance.

  Edward turned when he heard the sound of hooves and a smile crossed his lips when he saw John and Victor.

  “Hello, Edward,” said John as he dismounted his stallion and tethered him to the iron pole at the gate.

  Edward nodded and smiled.

  “What’s the matter, Edward?” asked Victor.

  “Everything seems to be the matter right now,” groaned Edward.

  John and Victor exchanged glances. They had heard about how Charlotte was behaving and felt sorry for Edward, but there was nothing they could do except advise their best friend. “Edward, we heard about how Charlotte is behaving and Princy, my wife, says that it is normal for a mother to go into depression,” said Victor.

  “For heaven’s sake, Victor, I have heard about it too. In fact, Dr. Jenkins told me, but it is high time that she emerged from this so-called depression,” said Edward, slapping his hand against a nearby tree.

  Victor looked at John. “Let’s go riding to the far end of the hills,” said John, changing the subject.

  “Yes, do let’s go,” said Victor. “We need to practice for the Derby Races, don’t we?” asked John.

  “Yes, let’s go,” said Edward as the three of them walked toward the stables.

  Edward, Victor and John set off for the hills, which were a good two miles away from the castle, but Edward did not mind going with his friends.

  They stopped to rest under an old elm tree and Edward came out with what he was thinking all this time. “You know, I was thinking of employing a governess,” he said.

  “Now that is a very good idea, Edward,” said John, slapping his friend on the back.

  “Why don’t we look around for a governess? I shall tell Princy too,” said Victor.

  They reached the usual spot where they practiced for the Derby Races and surprisingly, Edward felt at peace as he prepared to practice. “Isn’t it quite chilly today?’ shouted Edward as he rode past John.

  “Yes, it is,” shouted back John.

  “Look, fellows, look toward the horizon. We’ve got a rain cloud and it looks pretty heavy as well,” said Victor as he pointed to the horizon.

  “Dear me, yes indeed. We will never be able to make it back before that cloud explodes,” said John as he dismounted his stallion and shaded his eyes to get a better look at the rain cloud.

  No sooner had he said that than heavy drops of rain began to pelt down from the sky.

  “What shall we do now?” asked Victor, as the rain splattered strongly.

  “Let’s take shelter under this tree for the moment,” said Edward as the three of them huddled under a large tree, trying their best to give shelter to their stallions as well, which was a hard task.

  The whole area was enveloped in darkness as the rain continued to grow stronger.

  They could not ride back, as it was a long way off, and risk injuring themselves or their stallions. The tree was no good as a shelter after some time, as the rainwater seeped down the branches.

  “Look, let’s walk around for a bit and see whether we could seek shelter somewhere,” said Edward.

  “Let’s do that, as we are already soaked to the skin,” said Victor. They roamed the hillside soaked to the skin, when finally, in the distance, they saw a flicker of a lamp.

  “John, I can see the flicker of a lamp beyond,” said Edward,

  John squinted. “Yes, I see it now,” he said.

  “Let’s see whether we could seek shelter until the storm subsides,” said Edward as he led his stallion carefully down the hill, with John and Victor following close behind.

  The house was an ancient one and the door was so old that Edward was scared to knock on it lest it fell apart.

  “Who is out there?” asked a male voice and Edward suspected someone must have seen them arrive.

  “We are three riders caught up in the storm, and we would be grateful if you could give us shelter until the storm clears,” said Edward.

  “How do I know that you are not thieves taking advantage of the storm to rob us of the little we have,” said the voice.

  “I assure you, good man, that we are not thieves,” said Edward.

  “Papa, open the door. They don’t sound like thieves,” said a female voice.

  “You mind your business and get away, girl,” said the man as he opened the door and looked out cautiously as he held a lamp aloft, so that he could get a better view of the men outside.

  Two hours later

  Edward, Victor and John were enjoying homemade bread and broth, a far cry from the meals at the castle. Edward kept looking at the girl who served them, mesmerized by her beauty, while the man, whom Edward suspected to be her father, looked at them with his beady eyes.

  Finally, when the man fell asleep on the chair and started snoring, Edward approached the young girl cautiously. She backed away from him, looking frightened. “I shall not harm you,” he said softly.

  The girl looked up at Edward and smiled shyly.

  “What is your name?” he asked.

  “Maria Beaumont,” said the girl as she looked over her shoulder at the sleeping man.

  “Is he your father?” asked Edward.

  Maria shook her head. “Yes, he is my father,” she said.

  Edward chatted to Maria for a few minutes and then an idea crossed his mind. Maria would make an ideal governess for Sophia and William. Edward wanted to ask whether she would like to take up the job as governess to his two children, but first he had to tell her who he was. “Maria, I don’t think you recognize me,” he said.

  Maria looked at Edward and shook her head.

  “I am Duke Edward Frampton,” he said.

  Maria gasped and backed away, bowing low.

  “Maria, please listen to me,” said Edward.

  Maria looked at Edward cautiously. She had heard of barons, dukes and viscounts who had taken advantage of poor country girls like her and had abandoned them with babies in the end.

  “I am looking for a governess for my two children. Would you like to take the job?” he asked.

  Maria looked down at her feet. She knew if she agreed to be governess at the castle that her mother would have a better life. She looked at Edward and nodded shyly. “Yes, I would like to work for you, Your Grace,” she said as the curtsied slightly.





  “There is no charm equal to tenderness of heart.” ~ Jane Austen

  Charlotte was once again seated beside her bedroom window, which had now become her favorite place in the castle. She hardly took care of Sophia and William, who were now one year old. Edward was disgusted with her attit
ude and her frequent trips to Evelyn’s shop, where she invariably had two or three ball gowns in the pipeline for sewing.

  “Charlotte,” said Edward. She did not turn round, even though she had heard Edward call her. “Charlotte, I am talking to you,” said Edward sternly.

  Charlotte spun around and glared at her husband. “I heard you,” she spat.

  “By the looks of it, I can see that you are not interested in looking after our children. Under the circumstances, I have had no alternative but to hire a governess,” said Edward.

  “A governess?” said Charlotte, whose tone was close to a shriek.

  Edward nodded.

  “How is it that you changed your mind? When I wanted to hire a wet-nurse, you vehemently objected. What made you hire a governess?” asked Charlotte with a sneer.

  “A governess is different than a wet-nurse,” said Edward.

  Charlotte shrugged. “They all sound the same to me,” said Charlotte.

  Edward sighed.

  “Who is she?” asked Charlotte suspiciously.

  “Her name is Maria Beaumont and she lives in Berkshire,” said Edward.

  “Oh, and how did you get her information?” asked Charlotte.

  “It does not matter how I met Maria, but I have hired her and she will report for duty tomorrow,” said Edward.

  “Oh is she a bird of paradise that you met on one of your trips?” asked Charlotte, vehemence etched in her voice.

  Edward spun around and Charlotte visibly cringed when she saw how angry he was. “She is no bird of paradise, as you put it, and it would befit you not to make such statements, which have not truth and are slandering toward a girl who is looking to work honestly and make a living, which would help her family,” said Edward as he advanced menacingly toward Charlotte.


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