Regency Romance: To Capture The Duke’s Heart (CLEAN Historical Romance) (The Inheritance Saga)

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Regency Romance: To Capture The Duke’s Heart (CLEAN Historical Romance) (The Inheritance Saga) Page 6

by Jessie Bennett

  If not for Hannah’s appearance at the door, she wondered what Edward would have said or done to her. Charlotte’s eyes grew wide at how much Edward knew of Maria Beaumont.

  “Your Grace, it is time for you to feed Lady Sophia and Lord William,” said Hannah.

  Charlotte glared at Hannah. “Bring them in here with their lunch and I shall feed them,” she said.

  “You will do no such thing, Charlotte. The dining room is where they will have their meals, not in bedrooms. So get yourself to the dining room and feed our children,” said Edward.

  Charlotte grunted as she brushed past Hannah and Edward, and left the room in a fit of anger, but she stopped outside and listened to what Edward was telling Hannah.

  “Hannah, I have hired a governess. Her name is Maria Beaumont and she will arrive at the castle tomorrow morning. Please make sure that the bedroom next to the nursery is prepared for Maria,” said Edward. Hannah’s eyes widened at the recognition of the name, but she did not utter a word.

  Charlotte balled her fists in anger as she listened to Edward. She saw how easily Edward had used the new governess’s name.

  Hannah nodded. “I shall have the bedroom ready, Your Grace,” she said.

  Charlotte hurried down the corridor before Edward emerged from the bedroom.

  The following day, Maria Beaumont arrived at the castle, accompanied by her father, Jacob Beaumont.

  Duke Edward and Duchess Charlotte met them in the Duke’s office. Charlotte took an instant dislike to Maria, as she was a pretty girl with long blonde hair and hazel eyes, and a complexion which far outshone Charlotte’s.

  “Your Grace, I have never let my daughter fend for herself,” said Jacob.

  Maria’s head shot up when she heard her father’s words. He had never used that word on her at all.

  Edward nodded. “You need not fear, as Maria will be safe here at the castle,” said Edward. Charlotte gave a lopsided smile.

  Jacob nodded. “I believe so, or else her Mama and I would never have agreed with Maria becoming a governess, no matter how grand the job might be,” said Jacob.

  Maria could have kicked her father in the shins, as she very well knew how impatient Jacob was the whole of the previous night. He kept getting up at all ungodly hours as he waited for dawn to spread its glow on the earth.

  Charlotte noticed the endearing glances Edward gave Maria, although Maria seemed oblivious to them, or was she playing a part too. Maria was a beautiful girl and any man would be foolish not to make a pass at her.

  After Jacob had left, Edward summoned Hannah to his office. “Hannah, this is Maria Beaumont, our new governess. Please show Maria her bedroom and see to it that she is made comfortable before she takes up her duties,” said Edward.

  Charlotte’s lips twisted in a sneer.

  One week later

  Maria settled down extremely well and Sophia and William took to her like the proverbial ducks taking to water. In turn, Maria showered them with love and care, and the twins began to love her dearly.

  One morning, Maria decided to take Sophia and William for a walk in the woods in their twin pram. She dressed them in warm clothes and bonnets. Sophia and William were thrilled, as Maria showed them birds and stopped to pick wildflowers that grew on the hedges. Maria was so engrossed in showing Sophia and William a butterfly that she failed to see the stump of a tree jutting out.

  She heard the sound of hooves and as she turned around in a hurry, her foot caught the stump of the tree. Maria winced in pain as she fell.

  Edward, who was on his stallion, jumped off and rushed to Maria’s side. “Are you alright, Maria?” asked Edward as he took her hand in his.

  Maria nodded and turned to look at Edward. Their eyes met and held for a long time. Edward could not drag his eyes away from her and Maria felt the same. She clung to Edward and as if on cue, their eyes met again and with it their lips.

  Maria clung to Edward and he kissed her again.

  “Maria, I wanted to tell you this for a long time. I was attracted to you from the moment I saw you on the night of the storm, when you gave us shelter in your home. I don’t know what to call it, but I do know that I am falling in love with you,” said Edward softly. “But still I feel it is so inappropriate,” he added.

  Maria’s eyes filled with tears. “Your Grace, I have thought of no one else but you since the night of the storm,” whispered Maria. “But just like you I feel it is not proper,” she added.

  “Would you let me come to you tonight?” asked Edward.

  Maria nodded. “I will be waiting for you, my love,” said Maria as she stood up rather unsteadily, not out of the pain she felt in her leg, but out of the love that burned within her.

  Luckily for Maria, the pain in her leg subsided quite fast and she was able to take Sophia and William back to the castle, while Edward hovered in the woods, giving ample time for Maria to get back. However, there was one person watching them together and saw it all. Lord Stephen Huntington chuckled to himself as he quietly walked away from the shrubs.





  “Stranger things may be generally accounted for if their cause be fairly searched out.” ~ Jane Austen

  Lord Stephen Huntington walked toward his sister’s suite of rooms. He had important business to discuss with her that would make her sit up and think. He tapped on her bedroom door.

  “Come in,” said Charlotte from her usual place beside the window.

  Stephen walked into the room and headed for the window, where Charlotte sat gazing out at the meadows and fields.

  “How are you today?” asked Stephen.

  Charlotte turned in surprise, as her brother had never inquired after her wellbeing. “What’s the change about?” she asked, eyeing Stephen suspiciously.

  “Cannot a brother ask after the wellbeing of his sister?” asked Stephen, sounding offended.

  “Oh, shut up, Stephen,” said Charlotte as she smiled at her brother.

  “I have some very disturbing news for you, Charlotte,” said Stephen.

  “On whom are you going to cry rope?” asked Charlotte with a laugh.

  Stephen made a face. “Would you sit up and take notice if I tell you that it is on your husband that I am going to cry rope?” asked Stephen.

  “Edward? What about him?” asked Charlotte.

  “I saw him with the new governess in the woods this morning,” said Stephen as he watched his sister carefully.

  Charlotte spun around to look at Stephen. “And?” prompted Charlotte.

  “And what is going on is really something that you should sit up and take note about, not sit here and mope, and what I think is that my brother-in-law is having a havey-cavey business with the new governess,” said Stephen.

  Charlotte’s eyes grew large. “Are you sure? I have never known you to be peeping Tom, my dear brother, and wonder whether you are telling me the truth or just fibbing,” said Charlotte.

  “Of course I am telling you the truth,” said Stephen as he looked hurt.

  “Oh, alright. Now tell me what you came across,” said Charlotte.

  “I saw them in the woods this morning and they were…raising some kind of mischief together,” said Stephen pointedly.

  Charlotte gasped. “Are you sure?” she asked.

  “Of course I am,” said Stephen. “And what’s more, they plan to meet in Maria’s bedroom tonight,” said Stephen.

  Charlotte was shocked as she looked at Stephen. “What do we do now?” asked Charlotte.

  “Listen, I have a plan. When Edward comes to bed tonight, you be extra loving and nice to him so that he gets the notion of being with you tonight and I will take care of the rest,” said Stephen.

  “Oh, thank you so much, Stephen,” said Charlotte as she flung her hands around her brother and hugged him.

  That night, Charlotte sat in bed awaiting Edward’s arrival, but he was late to come to b
ed and she feared that he had already gone to Maria. In the meantime, Edward was on his way to the nursery, as he planned to enter Maria’s bedroom through the connecting door of the nursery.

  Edward slipped quietly into the nursery so as not to awaken Sophia and William.

  Maria was waiting for him at the connecting door, and she flew into his arms when she saw Edward. “Oh darling, I thought you’d never come,” she whispered as he kissed her passionately and the two of them walked into Maria’s bedroom silently, turning the key to the connecting door. But they could not continue, when there was a tap on the nursery door and Hannah walked in. She was surprised to find Duke Edward in the nursery. “I was here to say goodnight to Sophia and William,” said Edward as he smiled at Hannah and walked out.

  Stephen’s friend Jeremy Hetherstett, a barrister by profession, had come to Bath in search of employment and was staying with Stephen in the East Wing. Talking to Jeremy delayed Stephen and when he got to Maria’s bedroom, Edward had already left and Maria lay awake on her bed, thinking of Edward.

  Maria sat up when she heard a light tap on her bedroom door. “Who is it?” she whispered.

  “It’s me, Lord Stephen Huntington and Maria, I have to speak to you urgently,” he said.

  “What do you want, Your Grace?” asked Maria.

  “I need to talk with you urgently. It is about His Grace Duke Edward,” said Stephen.

  Maria jumped out of bed and rushed to the door, her heart racing. She threw open the door and stood aside for Stephen to enter.

  “Close the door,” said Stephen.

  Maria did as she was told and turned to Stephen with frightened eyes.

  “You are a fool, aren’t you?” asked Stephen, peering at Maria in the light of the lamp that hung from the roof.

  “I don’t understand,” said a frightened Maria.

  “You let His Grace take advantage of your flesh a few hours ago and do you know that he derives great pleasure in seeking out young gullible women such as you to vent his pleasure, as my sister does not give him that chance?” said Stephen.

  Maria’s hand flew to her mouth. “I don’t believe what you are saying,” said Maria.

  “Oh, you don’t, do you? Wait until you are with child, his child, and then when he drives you out of the palace, you will then remember what I said to you tonight,” said Stephen as he walked to the door.

  “Oh, Lord Stephen, please, please tell me that this is a lie,” begged Maria. She did not want to tell Stephen that Edward had done nothing to her, as Hannah had come entered the nursery at that time.

  “Of course not, you little fool,” said Stephen. Steven left Maria’s bedroom with a sly smile on his face.





  “If you would live long, live well, for folly and wickedness shorten life.” ~ Benjamin Franklin

  Hannah walked into the nursery and found Lady Sophia and Lord Willaim wailing in unison. “Oh dear, what is the matter, my little ones?” cried Hannah as she hurried to their cribs.

  Both children stopped their weeping as Hannah wiped their runny noses. “Where is Maria?” thought Hannah as she walked to the connecting door to Maria’s bedroom.

  When Hannah opened the door, she was utterly surprised to see Maria seated in front of the mirror, combing her hair with not a care in the world. “Maria, didn’t you hear Lord William and Lady Sophia wailing?” asked Hannah.

  “I did, but don’t I have to look prim and proper before I go to Lady Sophia and Lord William?” asked Maria as she turned to glare at Hannah.

  Hannah was taken aback by the attitude of Maria, as she had never seen Maria in such a mood before. “Is something the matter?” asked Hannah.

  “Oh, nothing, nothing that you should worry yourself about,” said Maria coolly as she rose from the chair and walked into the nursery, brushing past Hannah.

  Hannah shook her head and turned to leave. She was desperate to know why Maria was behaving that way and went straight to Duke Edward’s office. Hannah tapped lightly on the door.

  “Come in,” said Duke Edward.

  “Your Grace,” said Hannah, who was almost in tears.

  “Yes, Hannah,” said Duke Edward.

  “Your Grace, I found Lord William and Lady Sophia wailing this morning and Maria was just seated in her bedroom, combing her hair with not a care in the world,” said Hannah.

  “Oh, did you tell her to go to the children?” asked Edward.

  “I did, Your Grace, and she snapped at me before she went into the nursery,” said Hannah.

  “I shall speak to her now,” said Edward as he rose to leave his office.

  “Please do, Your Grace, as I cannot bear to see Lord William and Lady Sophia so distressed,” said Hannah as she followed Edward out of the office.

  Maria was feeding Sophia and William when Edward walked into the nursery. She did not hear him enter and was almost poking spoons of food into Sophia’s and William’s tiny mouths, so that Duke Edward had to shout for her to stop.

  “Maria, what are you doing? Are you trying to harm my children?” roared Edward.

  Maria got such a shock that she dropped the spoon of food onto the floor with a clang. “You frightened me,” she said, glaring at Edward.

  “And you nearly killed me with fright,” said Edward.

  I wish I could, thought Maria as she clenched her teeth.

  “What is the matter with you, Maria?” asked Edward.

  “Nothing is the matter with me and, Your Grace, I would like if you leave me alone from now on. I don’t want to be involved in your nightly pursuits or be branded a piece of muslin,” said Maria.

  Edward gaped at Maria as if he was in a dream. He’d never expected her to speak with such irreverence to him. He thought that they had shared something special the previous night, but from the way Maria was behaving, he knew that what they’d shared was nothing special to Maria. Edward turned on his heel and walked out of the nursery. He found Hannah hovering in the corridor and hoped that she had not heard what Maria had said.

  “Hannah, from now on I want you to keep an eye on Maria. I don’t trust her, but have no alternative but to keep her on until I find another governess,” said Edward.

  Hannah nodded and walked back to the nursery.

  One week later

  Maria was cleaning her bedroom when there was a tap on the door. “Who is it?” she asked.

  “It’s me, Lord Stephen.”

  “Oh, the door is not locked, do come in,” said Maria.

  Stephen walked into the room, carrying a posy of flowers he had picked on his way from the village that morning. He held the posy out to Maria.

  “Is this for me?” asked Maria in surprise.

  “Of course this is for you. Do you think that I carry posies in my breeches, distributing them to all the lovely damsels I meet on the way?” asked Stephen.

  Maria giggled. “You are too kind, Lord Stephen,” said Maria as she took the posy from Stephen.

  Stephen looked at Maria and she felt her heart race. “Maria,” said Stephen, his voice barely a whisper. “I don’t know how to say this to you, as I have never said this to any girl in the past, believe me,” said Stephen.

  Maria looked at him with her head to a side and a smile on her lips. “What is it, Lord Stephen?” she asked in a whisper.

  “First of all, please call me Stephen.”

  Maria nodded.

  “Good, good girl,” said Stephen as he reached out and took Maria’s hand in his.

  Maria looked at Stephen through her half closed eyelids and smiled.

  “I am in love with you, Maria,” said Stephen, as his lips sought hers and locked in a passionate kiss.

  They were so engrossed in what they were doing that they did not hear the connecting door to the nursery open. Duke Edward stood watching exactly what he had done with Maria a week before. Stephen hands were wrapped around
Maria, so that Duke Edward was sure she could hardly breathe. “What in heaven’s name is going on here?” roared Duke Edward.

  Maria jumped back and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand.

  “Stephen, I am ashamed of you,” said Edward.

  Stephen threw back his head and laughed. “You, ashamed of me?” he asked.

  Edward nodded.

  “Dear, dear brother-in-law, I think I should be the one saying that to you,” said Stephen. “I think the boot is cut on the other leg,” he concluded as Edward looked away.

  He knew now what Stephen meant. Maria must have told Stephen that he had been intimate with her. Edward went red in the face, as he turned and left Maria’s bedroom. Duke Edward headed for the stables. He wanted to get away from all of this for a while.

  Stephen left Maria’s bedroom after spending some time with her, as Hannah had taken Lady Sophia and Lord William out for a walk. “I will come to you when time permits, my beloved,” whispered Stephen before he left Maria.

  Stephen headed for his sister’s suite of rooms. Surprisingly, Charlotte was not seated by the window, and instead he found her thumbing through the latest edition of the La Belle Assemblee, a fashion magazine that told ladies throughout England what was in fashion each month in London.

  Charlotte smiled when she saw her brother. “You seem to be visiting me quite a lot these days,” said Charlotte as she smiled at him.

  “And I heard that you have been visiting my friend Jeremy quite a lot as well,” said Stephen.

  Charlotte blushed a deep pink. “Oh, I met him in the garden when I was out walking, so we walked together and chatted for a while,” said Charlotte.

  “Very good, very good,” said Stephen.

  “And what have you been up to?” she asked.

  “Who, me? Well, do you know that Maria Beaumont is not as bad as you think she is? In fact, she is a sweet girl,” said Stephen.


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