Regency Romance: To Capture The Duke’s Heart (CLEAN Historical Romance) (The Inheritance Saga)

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Regency Romance: To Capture The Duke’s Heart (CLEAN Historical Romance) (The Inheritance Saga) Page 7

by Jessie Bennett

  “Oh, oh now I can see who is infatuated by Maria Beaumont,” said Charlotte, laughing.

  “Look, Charlotte, be a little kind to that girl. She is all alone here in this castle and feels so helpless at times,” said Stephen.

  Charlotte nodded.

  “Let’s meet up in the East Wing tonight, the four of us,” said Stephen.

  Charlotte’s eyes lit up like a thousand stars in the night sky. “Oh, that would be lovely and would make a difference too, as my husband has forbidden me to leave the castle and go dancing,” said Charlotte.

  “Well, we could dance in the East Wing. No harm will come out of that,” said Stephen.

  As time went by, Charlotte and Maria became great friends and they often met in the East Wing, where Jeremy and Stephen would be waiting for them. The four of them danced until the wee-hours and Maria and Charlotte went back to their respective bedrooms, hand in hand.

  Duke Edward barely took any notice of Charlotte and let her do as she pleased. He was in no mood to reform anyone if they did not want to stray off the bad path they were traveling. He was happy that Maria took great concern now of the twins, but did not know that it was Stephen who had told her to do so. Duke Edward also knew that Jeremy was staying in the East Wing, as he was told by Lord Nicholas Huntington, who had taken a back seat in everything and had confined himself to his room, seeking solace in the Bible.

  Stephen knew that Jeremy had left Berkshire due to a ban imposed on him. According to the rules, he could not practice anywhere in London. Why he was banned Stephen did not know, and did not care to ask him. Funds were fast dwindling for Jeremy. He had to find a way out of the poverty that he could see on the horizon, which was heading toward him very fast. He could not ask Charlotte for money and discussed this issue with Stephen.

  “I could have helped you, my friend, but my brother-in-law has cut down on part of the allowance he gives my sister, so she has to make do with what she is given,” said Stephen.

  In the meantime, Charlotte was thrilled that she had made friends with Jeremy and Maria. They were a fine pair and she knew that Stephen had an extra fondness toward Maria. This was how Duchess Charlotte saw it. Nevertheless, what Charlotte failed to see was that her brother, Maria and Jeremy were conniving a plan to make easy money. All three of them needed money, even Stephen.

  “What can we do to make some easy money?” asked Stephen one night when Maria and Jeremy were with him.

  They thought of various plans, until Jeremy came up with an idea. “I don’t know how you will look at all this, but I have a plan,” said Jeremy.

  “What is it?” asked Stephen and Maria eagerly.

  “We will kidnap Lord William and Lady Sophia and then demand a huge ransom from Duke Edward and Duchess Charlotte,” said Jeremy.

  “Are you crazy?” asked Stephen.

  “Well, when you are purse-pinched as I am, anything sounds acceptable,” said Jeremy.

  Maria shook her head. “I don’t think that is a good idea,” she said and Stephen nodded.

  “Well, then the two of you come up with something,” said Jeremy.

  After some time, Stephen nodded. “Let’s meet up tomorrow and discuss this plan in a better way. We should not be discussing this in the castle, as walls have ears too. Let’s meet down by the creek,” said Stephen.

  The following evening

  The following day was a Saturday and Maria’s day off. Hannah looked after the children when Maria remained in her bedroom, but that day Maria decided to take a little walk down by the creek. She walked casually around the garden and then turned to head toward the creek. Jeremy and Stephen were already there.

  “Oh, there you are, Maria. Did anyone see you coming this way?” asked Stephen.

  “No, I was very discreet,” said Maria.

  Unknown to the three of them, someone did see Maria heading for the creek. Why didn’t she ask me to go with them? thought Charlotte as she headed for the East Wing.

  To her utter surprise, she found the East Wing empty except for her father, who sat reading the Bible. Charlotte did not stop to talk to her father, and she hurried to the creek. She wanted to surprise her three friends and quietly bent down by the shrubs, waiting to pounce on Jeremy and scare him and the others.

  “So now, what is the plan?” asked Stephen.

  “Maria, you will see that the children are taken for a walk and then…..” said Jeremy.

  “Even if we kidnap Sophia and William, they should not be harmed,” said Stephen.

  Charlotte almost had a heart attack as she listened to her brother, Jeremy and Maria. She was devastated. Gathering her skirt above her ankles, Charlotte ran over stones and shrubs, scraping her ankles as blood oozed from the bruises. She had to see Edward right now and tell him of the plan she had just heard. “Oh my babies,” cried Charlotte as she ran.

  Charlotte tore down the corridor, much to the surprise of Hannah, and sped through Edward’s office door.

  “What is the matter Charlotte?” asked Edward when he saw his weeping wife fall to the floor in exhaustion. Edward came around his table and picked up a weeping Charlotte. “What is the matter, Charlotte?” repeated Edward as he shook her gently.

  “Oh, Edward, our babies, they… are planning to kidnap them,” cried Charlotte as she pointed to the door.

  “What? Who is trying to kidnap Sophia and William?” asked Edward.

  “I heard Jeremy, Maria and Stephen as they talked by the creek just now. They were planning on kidnapping Sophia and William and then asking us for ransom money,” cried Charlotte.

  Hannah, who had come to the door, put her hand to her mouth. “I knew those three were up to something,” said Hannah as she entered the office, holding Sophia and William by their hands.

  “Forgive me, Edward, please forgive me for being so undesirable and neglecting you and our children,” cried Charlotte as she clung to her husband.

  Edward wrapped his arms around Charlotte and soothed her.

  “I just can’t see this happen to our children,” said Charlotte as she dropped to the floor in front of Sophia and William. “Come to Mama, my darlings,” she said.

  “Let us wait until the three of them return and then I will take up this matter,” said Edward.

  Hannah put her hand to her cheek. “I have never heard of such crimes in my whole life,” she said and Charlotte nodded.

  “Hannah, ask the castle guards to be present and also ask Wallace to come to my office,” said Edward. Edward stood at the window and watched as Jeremy and Stephen returned to the castle and then, after about five minutes, Maria followed them. “We need to catch them in the act, Charlotte,” said Edward as he turned to look at his wife.

  “Oh, but then would it be too late?” asked Charlotte as she sipped a cup of steaming tea as Sophia and William played with their toys seated by the side of their mother.

  Edward nodded. “They are so enthralled with what they want to do that they might even harm the children,” said Edward.

  Charlotte nodded. “That is what I meant,” she said.

  “Let us call the three of them to the office,” said Edward. “And Charlotte, I am banishing them from the castle forever. Your brother will have nothing to do with us or the castle anymore,” concluded Edward.

  Charlotte nodded. “Of course, Edward,” she said.

  Jeremy and Stephen were surprised when Wallace informed them that His Grace wanted to see them in his office. Maria looked frightened as she was summoned by Hannah to the office of the Duke.

  The three of them met in the corridor. When they entered Edward’s office, they were shocked to see Charlotte sitting beside Edward and the palace guards positioned around the room.

  Maria guessed that something had gone wrong and began to cry. Charlotte looked at her in vehemence. “Will you stop wailing, Maria,” she said sternly, which made Jeremy and Stephen jump as Edward looked at his wife in admiration.

  “Charlotte?” said Edward, nodding to his wi

  Charlotte sat forward in her chair and looked from her brother to Jeremy and Maria. “I never thought that my brother could stoop so low as to be a party to connive with a barrister who has been banished from Berkshire and a chit of a woman who calls herself a governess,” said Charlotte, anger surging through her body. Jeremy and Stephen looked uncomfortable and Maria continued to wail.

  “Will you stop your crying,” shouted Charlotte. “I heard the three of you talking by the creek a while ago and the hairs on my body stood up when I heard that you were going to kidnap our two children and then hold them for ransom. My husband, the Duke of Cumberland, has been so nice to all three of you, especially Stephen. It is my mistake for bringing you here to the castle. I should have only brought Papa,” said Charlotte.

  Edward sat and listened to his wife in awe. He was extremely proud of Charlotte and the stand she had taken, and he decided to let her mete out the punishment the way she saw fit.

  “Edward?” said Charlotte as she looked at her husband.

  “Go on, Charlotte. You are at liberty to make whatever decision you want to make,” said Edward, nodding to Charlotte.

  “Thank you, Edward,” said Charlotte as she turned to face Jeremy, Stephen and Maria. “I am forthwith banishing Lord Stephen Huntington, ex-barrister Jeremy Hetherstett and Maria Beaumont from the castle for life. Don’t every step onto the precincts of the castle or any area around it, as if you do, I shall have you banished into the dungeons of the castle, which I could have done even now,” said Charlotte, her eyes spewing fury and anger.

  “Guards, see that the three of them leave the castle in half an hour, taking with them only their personal belongings,” said Charlotte.

  Once the guards had left with Jeremy, Stephen and Maria, Edward turned to Charlotte. “My beloved,” said Edward as he held out his arms to Charlotte, who flew into them and was enveloped in an embrace that had Hannah looking down shyly at her feet.

  Sophia and William clung to their mother’s skirt. “Mama, Papa…” they laughed.

  The Frampton Castle had come alive once again with much merrymaking and joy as everyone watched Duke Edward and Duchess Charlotte stride hand in hand across the gardens of the castle, and everyone looked away when they discreetly stopped to kiss or hug each other. Duchess Charlotte had turned over a new leaf and was an adoring mother to her children and a loving wife to her husband.

  Two months later

  Duchess Charlotte was eagerly awaiting the arrival of her husband from the Derby Races. She had heard that he had won the first place and was anxious to see him. Her happiness was twofold, since there was a secret that she wanted to share with him.

  Charlotte stood at the front door with Sophia, William and her father by her side as she watched the carriage carrying her husband come into view. Edward put his head out of the carriage and waved at her and the children. Sophia and William jumped with joy when they saw their father.

  “Papa, Papa is back,” they shouted.

  Duke Edward jumped out of the carriage and Charlotte flew into his arms as he kissed her passionately, oblivious of those around them. The castle staff had become used to seeing the Duke and Duchess of Cumberland kiss and hug each other now.

  “You look so beautiful,” said Edward as he put his arm around his wife.

  “And you look so handsome,” said Charlotte with a twinkle in her eye.

  “You have something up your sleeve, don’t you?” said Duke Edward as he bent to look at his wife.

  “Oh, nothing of the sort,” said Charlotte, avoiding her husband’s gaze.

  “Come out with it,” said Edward, smiling tenderly at Charlotte.

  Hannah took Sophia and William for their evening tea. She knew the Duke and Duchess would want some time together.

  “Edward,” said Charlotte once they were in their bedroom.

  “What is it, darling?” asked Edward as he took out a blue velvet box from his suitcase.

  “I have a secret to tell you,” whispered Charlotte in his ear.

  “What is it, darling?” repeated Edward.

  “I am pregnant again,” said Charlotte.

  Duke Edward’s joy knew no bounds when he heard the good news. “My darling, my life and my love, I am so happy, and I think this is a befitting gift for the mother of my children,” said Duke Edward as he presented Charlotte with the blue velvet box.

  Charlotte took the box carefully from Edward, her eyes not leaving his for a moment. She flipped open the brass latch and gasped when she saw the ruby necklace, earrings and bracelet lying on a bed of white satin.

  “Oh my God, this is so beautiful,” said Charlotte as she reverently ran her palm over the jewelry.

  “This is for the best wife in the world,” said Edward, as he gathered Charlotte in his arms and kissed her deeply as the dress she wore fell in a pool of satin around her legs. “Are you sure it is alright?’ asked Edward as he caressed his wife.

  Charlotte nodded. “Of course it is in order, as the baby or maybe even babies know that it is their father,” said Charlotte as she rubbed her stomach.

  “Sweetheart, I love you immensely,” said Duke Edward as he gathered Duchess Charlotte in his arm.

  “And I love you too, my beloved,” said Duchess Charlotte as she melted into the arms of her husband.

  Seven months later

  Lord William and Lady Sophia were thrilled with their new brother, little Lord Jonathan Frampton, second in line to the title of Duke of Cumberland.

  Duke Edward and Duchess Charlotte sat in the castle gardens as they enjoyed tea and cake and watched Sophia and William play. Lord Jonathan lay in his pram and gurgled at the leaves on the trees, which swayed to a rhythm. He chuckled now and again when a butterfly flew close and perched on his stroller.

  An old man watched all this from a distance with a triumphant smile on his face. Nicholodimus nodded as he smiled to himself and walked slowly toward the vault, which was his resting place. He had done his duty toward the Duchy of Cumberland. He had saved them all.


  Duke Edward and Duchess Charlotte were inseparable and their lives revolved around their three children. Charlotte had turned out to be a dutiful wife and an adoring mother. Duke Edward loved his wife and children and at times he thought he would burst with the love he had for them.

  They were a model couple in the whole of England. Their children, Lady Sophia, Lord William and Lord Jonathan grew up to be good and obedient children, and none of them knew of their frowned-upon uncle, Lord Stephen Huntington, who had been banished from the castle, never to return again.

  However, fate had many ways of playing its role in human lives when Lord Michael Havenshire arrived at Cumberland Castle, searching for answers he knew Duke Edward would have. He encountered a vision of beauty that had haunted his mind for over one year. Lady Clare Huntington, cousin of the Duchess of Cumberland. Lady Clare’s immediate rejection of his advances had made him feel hollow.

  Lord Michael was not a man to draw back upon rejection, especially rejection of a female, and he did not take Lady Clare’s rejection to heart, but instead pursued her relentlessly, trying to gain her approval of him.

  Lord Michael sought the help of Lady Clare’s cousin, the Duchess of Cumberland, but his pleadings hit a stone wall, making him very angry and vindictive. He turned to the assistance of ex-barrister and friend Jeremy Hetherstett, knowing that Jeremy was out for revenge too.

  Duchess Cumberland was aware of his reputation and wanted no part in playing matchmaker to her cousin.

  Lord Michael had the worst of friends, always ready to help him in his dubious activities, and he knew that he could have his way at last if he had his devious friends around him.








  “Why don’t you go back to Havenshire Castle, Michael?” asked Oliver.

  Michael shook his head. “I was banished from the castle by my father and, Oliver, I have my pride as well,” said Michael.

  “She is very beautiful,” said Michael. “Do you think I should go and speak to her?” asked Michael.

  “I don’t think it is such a good idea, if what the local folks say is to be believed, she is proud,” said Oliver as he rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

  Did I hear a woman scream?

  “Yes, it was your half-brother, Jeremy Hetherstett,” said Clare.





  "In vain I have struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you.” ~ Jane Austen

  Bristol 1819

  Lord Michael Havenshire sat outside his house as he chatted with his best friend Oliver Longman.

  “Why don’t you go back to Havenshire Castle, Michael?” asked Oliver.

  Michael shook his head. “I was banished from the castle by my father and, Oliver, I have my pride as well,” said Michael.

  Michael and Oliver talked until the sun sunk low between the trees, looking like a huge ball of fire as its rays played with the leaves on the trees. Oliver was about to leave when Michael and he both heard the sound of hooves. “Who could it be at this time of the day, when dusk is falling?” asked Michael as he shaded his eyes with his right hand.

  At first, Michael did not recognize the rider, but when the man dismounted and walked toward Michael’s house, he recognized him as Simon, his father’s trusted aide and footman. “It is Simon, isn’t it?” asked Michael.


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