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Regency Romance: To Capture The Duke’s Heart (CLEAN Historical Romance) (The Inheritance Saga)

Page 13

by Jessie Bennett

  Lady Clare awoke and found herself alone. Getting up in a hurry, she rushed out of the house and through the front door. Stopping in her tracks, she watched as the man she believed had saved her from Jeremy stood beside his stallion as he looked at the hills beyond.

  “I thought you had left me,” whispered Lady Clare, but the man did not turn or speak. She walked in dizzy steps toward the man and placed her hand on his shoulder.

  Michael shuddered at her touch and ever so slowly she made him turn around.

  “You…Oh God, was it you who saved me?” asked Lady Clare, her voice barely a whisper.

  Michael looked at Clare and nodded as he turned back to look at the hills.

  Lady Clare was surprised that with a reputation such as Lord Michael Havenshire possessed, he had protected her instead of taking advantage of her. To her surprise, she found herself looking at Michael with admiration. Still, Clare was wary about Michael, as she had heard about his trysts with gambling and most of all his love for the opposite sex, which more or less had ended in disaster for the women he bedded.

  “Your people must be out there looking for you now. I shall take you to the border of the woods and leave you to return to Hatherton Castle,” said Michael, still looking at the hills.

  “Yes, that would be good,” said Clare.

  “One more thing before I take you to the border. Can you tell me whether you recognized the man who tried to molest you?” asked Michael.

  “Yes, it was your half-brother, Jeremy Hetherstett,” said Clare.

  Michael spun around. “Jeremy Hetherstett?” he asked as anger surged through his body. Clare nodded.

  “I guess it runs in the family,” she said as she turned away.

  “I beg your pardon, Lady Clare Hatherton,” said Michael as he caught up with her and took her arm in a grip that Clare feared would break her bones. She looked down at Michael’s hand around her arm and then slowly lifted her eyes to look at him. The fire in her eyes was very evident, so much so that Michael slowly released her arm and turned away. “You will have to ride with me if you want to get to the border,” said Michael.

  “Lord Michael, I have my own stallion, in case you have not noticed,” said Lady Clare as she pointed to where her stallion stood swishing its tail in equal dignity and pride as his mistress.

  Michael nodded and walked toward his stallion while Lady Clare mounted her own stallion. “It would be safer if I followed you to the border of the woods. There I am sure you will find your guard, who will be looking for you by now,” said Michael.

  Clare nodded and rode past him, urging her stallion into a slow trot.

  Michael followed and in the distance could see the castle guards riding toward the woods. He quietly turned his stallion and rode away from Lady Clare. He was in no mood for meeting with her guards or for any more biting words she had stored for him.

  Lady Clare beckoned to the castle guards and they rode up to her, looking shocked at her appearance. “My guards are here, Lord Michael, and….” she turned around, but found that Michael had already left and she could see him riding into the woods again.

  Shrugging her shoulders, she ordered the guards to follow her to the castle. However, her mind was full of Michael Havenshire.

  “My Lady,” said one of the guards.

  “Yes, what is it?’ asked Clare.

  “His Grace is out there looking for you. We shall need to wait for him here at the border as he instructed us to do,” said the guard, bowing low.

  Clare felt a prickle down her spine. Good God, I hope Papa does not meet Michael out there in the woods, she thought. “Very well, we shall wait here for my father,” said Clare.





  “Everybody is taken in at some period or other.” ~ Jane Austen

  Michael rode as fast as he could. He needed to get to Jeremy’s house before noon, as he had a score to settle with him, but Michael’s ride was interrupted when he met Duke Andrew Hatherton, who had taken another route to look for Clare. “It’s Lord Michael Havenshire, isn’t it?” asked Duke Andrew as stilled his stallion and stopped before Michael.

  Michael tipped his hat and nodded. “Yes, indeed it is, Duke Hatherton,” said Michael.

  “Have you seen Clare? She’s been missing all night and …” Duke Andrew could not continue, as Michael turned his stallion and rode off into the woods at top speed.

  Now why did he leave in such a hurry? thought Andrew as he turned and rode in the direction Michael had come from, hoping he would find Clare.

  Clare waved at her father when she saw him ride out of the tree line. “There he is, there he is,” she shouted, for once forgetting her ladylike manner.

  Andrew smiled broadly when he saw his daughter waving at him.

  Clare jumped down from her stallion and rushed to greet her father.

  “I am glad you are safe and well, Clare,” said Duke Andrew as he dismounted his stallion and hugged his daughter. “You can tell us all about what happened to you, as I am sure that something happened, once we get back to the castle. Your Mama has been very worried,” said her father as he put his arm around Clare’s shoulder.

  As they rode back to the castle together, Andrew found Clare to be very subdued and knew that something untoward must have happened to her. He did not want to think of the worst, but his thoughts centered on meeting Michael and Michael’s sudden rush to get away from him.

  Louisa Hatherton gathered her skirts and rushed down the stone steps of the castle when she saw Clare with Andrew. “Oh Clare, my darling, whatever happened to you? We have been out of our minds worrying about you,” said her mother as Clare dismounted her stallion and hugged her.

  “Let us go in and listen to what Clare has to say,” said Duke Andrew as he ushered his wife and daughter into the castle.

  “First, Clare, go up to your bedroom and change into something clean,” said her mother.

  Clare entered the living room looking clean and tidy just a few minutes later.

  “Would you like a cup of tea?” asked Louisa as she poured tea into porcelain cups.

  “Yes, thank you, Mama,” said Clare as she settled on a sofa opposite her parents.

  “Are you ready to tell us what happened?” asked her father. Clare nodded.

  “I was riding out there when the storm broke. Having no place to take shelter, and knowing I would not make it home in time, I rode on until I came to a dilapidated house in the middle of the forest. Glad that it still had its roof, I took refuge inside. But…after a few seconds I heard footsteps and before I could turn around, someone caught me and began dragging me to one of the bedrooms,” said Clare.

  “Oh my goodness,” said Louisa as her hand flew to her mouth. “Did he harm you?” she asked.

  “No, he did not have a chance,” said Clare.

  “Did you recognize the man?” asked her father furiously.

  “No, Papa, how could I?” said Clare. Clare was frightened to tell her father that it was Jeremy Hetherstett, as she knew the type of man Jeremy was. He could retaliate against her father when Duke Andrew rode through the woods, and she was also aware that Jeremy hung around the woods with Lord Stephen.

  “Then how did you escape?” asked her father.

  “Although you say that you did not recognize the man who tried to harm you, I think I know who it was,” said her father.

  Clare and her mother both gasped. “You do?” asked Clare. Her father nodded and rose to leave the living room.

  Clare and her mother watched him go. “How does your Papa know who it was?” whispered Louisa.

  “I am sure he is guessing, Mama,” said Clare as she patted her mother’s hand. However, in her mind Clare was upset, not knowing whether her father knew it had been Jeremy.





  “Making assumptions simpl
y means believing things are a certain way with little or no evidence that shows you are correct, and you can see at once how this can lead to terrible trouble.” ~ Unknown Author

  Duke Andrew Hatherton was seething with anger as he paced the floor of his study. How could Lord Michael Havenshire have tried to commit such a vile act? Much too low for his title. He had to talk to Michael and thrash this out with him once and for all. After all, if Michael had done such a deed, and he was sure he had done so, he would not be fit to hold the title of Duke of Hampshire at all.

  Should I send for Michael or visit him at the castle myself? Duke Andrew asked himself as he rubbed his chin in contemplation. Duke Andrew decided to wait until Clare had gone to visit her cousin Duchess Charlotte and then he would ask Michael to come to Hatherton Castle.

  Two days later

  Michael was equally as disturbed as Andrew Hatherton, but he did not know that Andrew had assumed that it was he who had tried to molest Clare.

  Michael did not want to visit his mother and complain to her about what Jeremy had tried to do, as he had not found Jeremy before. He knew it would distress her very much and he did not want her to be sad or upset over the way her son had behaved. Instead, he sent word to Stephen Huntington to come to him.

  “Why do you think Lord Michael wants to see you?” asked Maria, Stephen’s wife, who was heavily pregnant with their first baby.

  “I really don’t know. Let’s see what he wants,” said Stephen as he kissed Maria on the forehead before he left for Hampshire Castle.

  Michael had informed Paul that he was expecting Stephen Huntington and as soon as Stephen arrived at the castle, he was ushered into the study, where Michael sat at his father’s desk. “Hello, Stephen, it’s been some time since the Red Ball, hasn’t it,” said Michael as he smiled at his cousin.

  “Indeed, Michael,” said Stephen as he sat opposite Michael.

  “Stephen, you must be wondering as to why I asked you to come and see me,” said Michael.

  “I wondered why,” said Stephen as he nodded his head.

  “I have very distressing news to tell you,” said Michael.

  “Oh,” said Stephen with a frown.

  “I was riding through the woods on that stormy night and came across a dilapidated house. Hoping to get some shelter, I walked in and a few minutes later, I heard a woman scream. I combed the house and came across a man trying to molest a woman. After a fearsome fight during lightning flashes, I managed to injure the culprit before he left. But what I came across thereafter has had my head in turmoil ever since,” said Michael.

  “What did you come across, or should I say, who did you come across?” asked Stephen, leaning toward Michael.

  “The woman I saved from the culprit was none other than Lady Clare Hatherton,” said Michael.

  “Lady Clare Hatherton?” gasped Stephen. “Oh my God, and who was the culprit? Did she recognize him?”

  Michael nodded. “She didn’t have to recognize him, as he had told her who he was,” said Michael.

  “Oh my God, who was he?” asked Stephen as he rubbed his forehead.

  “The culprit was none other than Jeremy Hetherstett,” said Michael.

  Stephen shot out of his chair in shock. “Jesus in heaven, what are we going to do now?” asked Stephen.

  “This is what I was thinking too. We can’t go to his house, as it would distress Mama very much,” said Michael.

  “Wait a minute,” said Stephen. “Did you say that you injured the culprit?”

  Michael nodded. “I think my sword slashed the side of his leg,” said Michael.

  Stephen nodded. “Aha, so that is why Jeremy looks woebegone and nursed an injured leg,” said Stephen. “He told us that he had a nasty fight with a bandit on that stormy night and managed to injure the bandit, but not before he was injured himself,” said Stephen.

  Michael could not help but laugh. “Very likely of Jeremy,” said Michael.

  “I wonder whether Clare has told her father that it was Jeremy who tried to molest her,” said Stephen.

  “I don’t think so, as Duke Andrew would have gone in search of Jeremy the following day had he known it was him,” said Michael.

  Stephen nodded. “Now what do we do, Michael?” asked Stephen.

  “Could you ask Jeremy to come to your house?” asked Michael.

  “Of course I could. This has to be thrashed out. We cannot let people like Jeremy go around molesting and raping young girls, be they lady or commoner,” said Stephen furiously.

  Michael nodded and Stephen left, promising to get Jeremy to come to his house that evening. Michael left for Stephen’s home early that evening. Jeremy was at Stephen’s when Michael arrived.

  “Oh hello, Michael. This is indeed a surprise,” said Jeremy as he tried to get up from his chair.

  “It is indeed a surprise. We are subject to many surprises in our lives,” said Michael as he sank into a sofa across from Jeremy. Michael looked at Stephen and nodded. “Jeremy, I have had my share of women in the past, but if she was unwilling, I would never have cast a second glance at her,” said Michael.

  Jeremy squirmed in his chair. “I don’t understand what this is leading to,” he said.

  “That’s a nasty cut you have there,” said Michael, pointing to Jeremy’s bandaged leg.

  “Things like this happen when you try to rescue a damsel in distress,” said Jeremy with a weak laugh.

  “Or try to put a damsel in distress,” said Michael, his eyes not leaving Jeremy’s face.

  “What are you talking about, Michael?” asked Jeremy.

  “I am talking about that stormy night when you tried to molest Lady Clare Hatherton in the old house in the woods,” said Michael as he got up and sat next to Jeremy.

  “Are you crazy or something?” asked Jeremy.

  “No, I am not, and you could hardly call me a bandit, could you?” asked Michael as Stephen and Maria watched Jeremy.

  Jeremy knew that he was cornered and his face drained of color.

  “You are very lucky that I did not kill you that night, Jeremy,” said Michael.

  “What in the world were you thinking when you tried to rape Clare, knowing very well who she was?” asked Stephen.

  Jeremy looked down at his feet, shame seething through his whole being. He was very much ashamed of himself.

  “I am ashamed of you, Jeremy,” said Michael sadly.

  “Oh please, Michael, please do not tell Papa and Mama about what happened. I promise I will turn over a new leaf. I promise I will find a job and be independent,” cried Jeremy, his hands clasped.

  “Well, I believe you this time, but please don’t repeat such acts, as I will have no alternative but to secretly kill you and hide your body,” said Michael.

  Jeremy shuddered at how gruesome his death would be if Michael were to kill him secretly.

  Michael left for home and strongly felt at peace, but not for too long. He saw a stallion tethered outside the castle gates and wondered who had come.

  “My Lord,” said Paul as he opened the doors for Michael. “There is a messenger from Hatherton Castle to see you.”

  “Hatherton Castle?” asked Michael.

  Paul nodded toward a messenger who stood a few feet away with his head bowed.

  “What brings you here?” asked Michael.

  “My Lord, His Grace Duke Andrew Hatherton has summoned you to Hatherton Castle this evening,” said the messenger, bowing low.

  “Tell His Grace that I shall present myself this evening,” said Michael as he walked into the castle and headed for his bedroom. Why on earth would Duke Andrew want to see me? Michael asked himself as he prepared to leave for the Hatherton castle that evening.

  Secretly, Michael hoped that Clare would be at the castle, but his hopes were dashed when he heard what Duke Andrew had to tell him.

  “You are not worthy to step into my castle, Michael,” said Duke Andrew, his eyes spewing anger and fury in one glance.

ichael looked from Duchess Louisa to Duke Andrew. He was not sure why Duke Andrew was reprimanding him so. “I don’t understand,” said Michael.

  “You don’t understand? You don’t understand?” bellowed Duke Andrew.

  “I certainly don’t understand,” repeated Michael, trying hard to keep his temper under control.

  “You say you don’t understand. Do you know I could kill you right here with one swipe of my sword for what you tried to do with my daughter that stormy night in the woods,” said Duke Andrew, shaking with fury.

  Michael rubbed his forehead and looked at Duke Andrew. “You think it was me, don’t you?” he asked.

  “Of course it was you, and that is why you just disappeared into thin air when I met you the morning after your tryst,” said Duke Andrew.

  “Would you believe me if I said that I did not try to molest Clare that night, but only saved her from being raped?” asked Michael.

  “Oh my God, how can you deny such an act?” said Duke Andrew.

  Duke Andrew stood his ground, although Michael tried to reason with him and make him understand that he had saved Clare from being harmed.

  “Just get out of my castle, before I do any harm to you and I warn you, Michael, stay away from Clare,” bellowed Duke Andrew.

  Michael nodded and left the castle a dejected man. How could Clare have told her father such lies? he thought as he rode back home.

  Half an hour after Michael had left Hatherton castle, Clare returned from her visit to Duchess Charlotte’s home.

  “Clare,” called her father when he saw her enter the castle.

  “Yes, Papa,” said Clare as she walked to her father and mother.

  “I summoned Michael Havenshire here a while ago and have warned him to stay away from you, and if he ever tries to harm you again like he tried on that stormy night, I will kill him,” said Duke Andrew.

  Clare opened and closed her mouth like a goldfish that had accidently jumped out of its bowl.


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