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The Face of Deception ed-1

Page 16

by Iris Johansen

  Not until we talk. You havent told me every-thing, have you?

  No, well talk later. I dont know how much time we have right now. The only reason I risked staying this long is that I had to have your cooperation.

  We do have time. For Gods sake, do you expect someone to break through those electric gates?

  Maybe. His lips tightened grimly. It could happen. Anything could happen. Think about the power of the presidency. There isnt much that couldnt be covered up if you have enough clout. As long as they think they have Chadbournes skull, theyll go slowly, eliminate us one by one at their leisure. But as soon as they find out they have the wrong skull, theyre going to assume we have the right one. The gloves will come off. And theyll do anything to get the skull back and erase every witness.

  A bolt of panic jolted through Eve. If she be-lieved that skull on the pedestal was Ben Chadbourne, then she had to believe the threat was as deadly as Logan said.

  After all the lies he had told her, there was no way she could trust him, but she had created Chadbournes face with her own hands and mind. If she trusted her own skill and integrity, then she had to believe the skull was Ben Chadbourne.

  She strode quickly across the room toward the pedestal. Get moving. Ill pack up the skull.


  Kenner and six of his men will be here in ten min-utes in a chopper, Timwick told Fiske as he strode out of the lab. Youre going to Barrett House.

  Fiske stiffened. I wont knuckle under to that prick Kenner again.

  You wont have to knuckle to anyone. Its your game now. Kenners only instructions are to assist and clean up after you.

  It was about time. Logan and Duncan?

  And everyone else in the place. Margaret Wilson and the electronics man went to the airport earlier today. Well have to track them down later. Theyre relatively unimportant, or Logan wouldnt have per-mitted them to leave. But Price, Duncan, and Logan are still at Barrett House. Theyre your targets. Handle it any way you have to. We cant have anyone left alive who knows what they were doing there.

  This was more like it. Clean and neat. Whoever Timwick had phoned clearly had more intelligence than he did. No witnesses?

  No witnesses.

  What the hell are you doing? Logan asked as he strode back into the lab carrying a duffel bag. That skull was supposed to be packed.

  Eve repositioned the cameras. Taking some more shots of the head. I may need them.

  Get them later.

  Are you going to guarantee well be somewhere with technical equipment?

  He hesitated. No.

  Then, shut up. She took two more shots. Im hurrying as fast as I can.

  We have to get out of here, Eve.

  She took three shots of the left profile. That should be enough. Where are those photographs you said you had of Ben Chadbourne?

  He reached into his duffel and brought out a brown envelope.

  Are they current?

  None taken more than four years ago. May we go now?

  She stuffed the envelope in her purse, placed the skull in the leather box beside the pedestal, and fas-tened the latches. She pointed to the small metal box beside the cameras. Stuff that in your duffel. I may need it.

  What is it?

  Its the mixer. I can probably jerry-rig cameras, VCRs, and monitors, but a mixer is sometimes spe-cialized and more difficult. I may not

  Never mind. Forget I asked. He picked up the mixer and put it in his duffel. Anything else?

  She shook her head. Just grab Bens case. Ill get Mandy.


  You have your priorities. I have mine. Mandys just as important to me as Ben Chadbourne.

  Take whatever you like. Just get out of here.

  Gil met them at the front entrance. Sorry, Ive got only one bag for you, Eve. With this shoulder, I cant manage anything else.

  It doesnt matter. She started for the front door. Lets go.

  Wait. Theres another Shit.

  She heard it too. A low throbbing, becoming louder by the second. Helicopter rotors.

  Logan went to the window. Theyll be landing in a few minutes. He ran toward the kitchen.

  Eve followed him. Wheres Margaret? Weve got to

  She and Mark left over an hour ago, Gil said. They should be at the airport by now. In three hours theyll be at a safe house in Sanibel, Florida.

  Where are we going? Shouldnt we try to get to the limo?

  No time. And theres bound to be someone watching outside the gate. Logan was opening the door of the walk-in pantry. Come on. He reached under one of the bottom shelves, lifted up a trapdoor, and tossed his duffel bag into the darkness. Dont ask questions. Just climb down the ladder.

  She scrambled down the ladder and found herself in some kind of cellar with an earthen floor. Logan followed. Close the pantry door, Gil.

  Done. Theyre in the house, John. I heard them at the front door.

  Then get the hell down here and close the trap-door, John ordered.

  Stand aside. Im tossing down the suitcase. A moment later the light was blocked as Gil closed the trapdoor and bolted it.

  Running footsteps on the wood floor above them.


  Where are we? she whispered. A cellar?

  Yes, with a tunnel. Logans voice was almost inaudible as he set off down the passageway. You asked why I bought this particular house. It was used by the Underground Railroad to smuggle slaves out of the South before the Civil War. I had the beams rein-forced. The tunnel leads a half mile north and under-neath the fence to the woods. Stay close. I cant risk a flashlight until we get around the next curve.

  He was walking so rapidly, she and Gil were al-most running to keep up with him.

  They must be away from the house. She could no longer hear steps above them, she realized with relief.

  Logans penlight suddenly illuminated the dark-ness in front of them. Run. Theyll be searching the house, and it wont be long before they find the trapdoor.

  She was running, dammit.

  Her breath was coming in labored pants.

  She heard Gil cursing softly behind her.

  He was wounded. How much longer could he keep up this pace?

  Up ahead Logan was opening a door. Thank God.

  Up the ladder.


  A thick screen of shrubs hid the door, but light filtered through them.

  Fresh air.


  Quick, Logan said. Just a little fartherhellip;

  They followed Logan around the shrubs and deeper into the woods. Behind another screen of bushes, a car, an older model Ford with the blue paint beginning to chip.

  Get in back. Logan placed Chadbournes case on the floor of the passenger seat and climbed in the drivers seat.

  Eve sank into the backseat beside Gil and set Mandys case on the floor at her feet. She barely had the door shut, when Logan started the car and it began moving over the bumpy terrain. Jesus, what if they got a flat tire? Where are we going?

  Theres a back road three miles away. Once we reach it, well circle the woods and head for the freeway. The car hit another bump. That should buy us a little time. Theyll probably use the heli-copter to try to spot us, but even if they do, the license plates on this car couldnt be traced to me.

  If they even reached the road, Eve thought as they plowed over one more shrub.

  Its okay. Gils gaze was fixed on her face. I had heavy-duty tires and a new engine put on this baby. Its not as decrepit as it looks.

  Hows your shoulder? she asked.

  Okay. He smiled slyly. But my spirits would be a hell of a lot better if it wasnt John doing the driving again.

  No one in the tunnel. Kenner was climbing back up the ladder into the pantry. It leads to the woods. Ive sent two men to reconnoiter.

  If Logan arranged a bolt hole, he would have ar-ranged transport. Fiske moved out of the pantry. Ill scout the area from above in the helicopter. Stay here and burn the place to the ground
. Nothings cleaner than fire.

  Kenner shrugged. Okay. Then Ill set an explosion.

  Idiot. It was a good thing Fiske was in charge now. No explosion. Thats not clean. Set a fire. No gasoline. Make it look like bad wiring.

  That will take time.

  Taking time is worth it to keep a job clean. He headed toward the helicopter. See to it.

  He had been in the air ten minutes when he flipped open his cell phone and dialed Timwick. No one was at the house. Were scouting the area, but no progress so far.

  Son of a bitch.

  We may still find him. If we dont, Im going to need a list of locations Logan might go to.

  Youll get them.

  And Ive ordered the place burned to the ground to destroy any evidence.

  Good. Actually, I was going to tell you to do that anyway. It was part of the contingency plan I was given. Timwick paused. One more thing. I need a body in those ruins.


  A mans body burned beyond recognition.


  Anyone. As long as the height is close to Logans. Get back to me when its done.

  Fiske pressed the end button and put his cellular away. It was the first time Timwick had indicated he was actually taking orders and not just consulting with his cohorts. Interesting that they wanted Logan to appear dead. He wondered just what

  He suddenly grinned, then turned to the pilot. Get back to the house right away.

  The adrenaline and pleasure were pumping through him as he thought of Timwicks words.

  Anyone. As long as the height is close to Logans.


  Were going south, Eve said. Is it too much to hope youre taking me home to Atlanta?

  Yes. Were going to North Carolina, to a house on the shore there. Logan glanced over his shoulder from the drivers seat. If you think this through, youll realize you dont want to bring trouble down on your mother by going home.

  No, she didnt want to do that, she thought wearily. She was caught in a whirlpool of deceit and death and Mom had to be kept clear. And just what are we going to do in North Carolina?

  We have to have a base, Gil said. The house in North Carolina is right by the beach, in a prime tourist area. Our neighbors will be people on vaca-tion, and they wont care about newcomers.

  You have it all planned out. Eve smiled crookedly. You were that sure it was Chadbourne?

  Pretty sure. You can see I had to make plans based on the assumption.

  I cant see much of anything right now except that youve used me without a scrap of conscience. You deliberately caught me in a trap so that I would have no choice but to try to expose Chadbournes death.

  Yes. Logan met her gaze in the rearview mirror. Deliberately. "

  She looked out the window at the flowing traffic. Bastard.


  Could you dial one of my country stations on the radio, John? Gil asked plaintively. I need soothing. Im a sick man and all this tension isnt good for me.

  In your dreams, Logan said.

  Eve turned to Gil. And youre not a good ol country boy turned chauffeur, are you?

  Sure I am. He shrugged. But I also did a stint with the Secret Service under the last admin-istration and another six months with the Chadbourne administration. I was pretty sick of dealing with Timwicks little regime and wanted to get as far away as I could from Washington. I thought a nice, peaceful job on the Seventeen Mile Drive was just the ticket. He grimaced. It didnt work out as Id planned, but you might say that my few contacts in convenient places have increased my value to John.

  And Margaret?

  Gil made a face. Shes just what she appears to be. A top sergeant of the business world.

  She doesnt know about Chadbourne?

  Logan shook his head. I tried to keep her as clear as I could. She doesnt even know about the beach house. I made the arrangements myself.

  How kind.

  Im not a complete son of a bitch, he said roughly. I dont want anyone risked unnecessarily.

  But I was a necessary risk. Who made you God, Logan?

  I did what I had to do.

  For your damn politics.

  No, more than that. The man in the White House may be acting like Ben Chadbourne, but he doesnt have either his ethical standard or his training. I dont want that man able to press a button that could start World War III.

  So now youre not a political opportunist, youre a patriot?

  Patriot, hell. I just want to protect my ass.

  Now, that I can believe.

  Its not necessary that you believe me. Its neces-sary that you know were on the same side.

  Oh, yes, were on the same side. Youve seen to that. Youve tossed me right into the middle of this mess. She leaned back against the seat and closed her eyes. And do you know who that man in the White House is?

  We believe hes Kevin Detwil. Hes one of three doubles who were used during Chadbournes first year in office, Gil said. Detwil was used only twice at brief public appearances and then resigned. He said he had to go home to Indiana on personal business, but he actually went to South America and had more plastic surgery done.

  More plastic surgery?

  He had some done in Washington before he got the job. When he was drawn into the plot, he had to look exactly like Chadbourne, including scars on the lower back. He also had to be coached in depth about gestures, voice intonations, and so on. And he had to be briefed on policy, politics, the day-to-day living at the White House. Lisa Chadbourne would have been able to help him, but he couldnt just be thrown into the role.

  This is all supposition, I assume.

  Gil shrugged. The other two doubles are alive and well and doing occasional appearances. Detwil never showed up in Indiana. However, I managed to track him to a private clinic near Brasilia and a Dr. Hernandez, who had the reputation of supplying new faces to embezzlers, murderers, and terrorists. Detwil entered the clinic under the name Herbert Schwartz. A short time after Mr. Schwartz was dis-charged, the unfortunate Dr. Hernandez fell off the terrace of his penthouse.

  Kevin Detwil, Eve repeated slowly. He has to be unbalanced to do something like this. Yet the gov-ernment must have had a profile on him. A security check?

  Of course, but there arent that many men in the world who could pass as the President, so the choice is limited. The security check in these cases is mainly to determine if the subject is discreet enough to keep his silence and wouldnt shoot anybody and embarrass the administration. Gil added, Detwils background shows a stable, ordinary child of mod-erate intelligence, who became a rather dull, ordi-nary man. Hes unmarried, was raised by his mother, and lived with her until her death five years ago.

  What about his father?

  Split when Detwil was a kid. Evidently he was pretty well under his mothers thumb.

  Which set him up beautifully for Lisa Chadbourne, Logan said. A man with that background would allow himself to be molded by another domi-nant woman.

  But would he take a chance like this? You said he was dull and ordinary.

  But you saw the tapes. He loves it. He sparkles, Logan said. Suppose you had a lifetime of being a wallflower. Then suddenly you become the most powerful man in the world. Everyone defers, everyone listens. Hes a male Cinderella and Lisa Chadbourne has handed him the glass slipper.

  With strings, Eve pointed out.

  He probably wouldnt have it any other way. Hes used to strings and they can make some men feel secure.

  Then I gather hes not a weak link for her.

  He might be nervous at times but not when shes anywhere near him, and shes not about to let him out of her sight. Shes probably made herself the most important thing in his life.

  Important enough to kill Chadbourne for her?

  Logan shrugged. She probably wouldnt risk in-volving him in the actual crime. He wouldnt have the backbone.

  If she did kill him. You have no proof he was murdered.

  I was hoping you might help us there.

had known that was his intention, but she wasnt about to commit to any more right now. She needed time to digest everything she had been told and decide if it could be the truth. I bet you are.

  You have little choice.


  Well, not any other decent ones.

  Dont talk to me about decency.

  I believe its time to turn on the radio, Logan murmured. Why dont you try to nap for a while? Ill wake you when we get to North Carolina.

  He switched on the radio, and strains of Griegs Peer Gynt Suite filled the car.

  Oh, my God. Gil huddled in the corner. Eve, tell him to turn it off and save me. I think Im having a relapse.

  Save yourself. The music was soothing her raw nerves. I havent noticed you being particularly so-licitous regarding my needs. Not if they got in the way of what Logan wanted.

  Ouch. Gil grimaced. Forget I asked. I can get used to classical. In fact, by the time we get to the beach house, Ill probably like old Grieg better than Reba Mclntyre.


  "Youre sure its been done, James? Lisa Chadbourne asked Timwick. For Gods sake, it took you long enough. I cant have any more mistakes.

  Barrett House is in flames right now. The delay was only because it took a while to make sure the cause looked like faulty wiring.

  And you have a team on the way to retrieve the body? I dont want the fire department paramedics to get there first.

  Im not a fool, Lisa. Theyll whisk it away and take it to Bethesda.

  He sounded pissed. She had obviously been too authoritative. Everyone else was easy, but it was al-ways more difficult to strike a good balance with Timwick. In public he was properly respectful and subservient, but in private he never let her forget they were partners. She softened her voice. Im sorry, I know youre doing everything you can. Im just frightened. I feel a little helpless.

  As a king cobra.

  She felt a ripple of shock. It was the first time Timwick had ever used sarcasm with her. Not a good sign. Shed been noticing how nervous and on edge hed been lately, and now he was taking it out on her. Do I deserve that, James? We agreed it had to be done, and Ive always been honest with you.

  A silence. I didnt expect this to happen. You told me everything would go smoothly.

  Dont get angry. Look at the big picture. She needed Timwick. He had his job just as she had hers. She kept the irritation from her voice. Im doing my best. She reminded him gently, It was you who didnt wait long enough at the funeral home. There wouldnt have been a problem if youd made sure Donnelli had done his job.


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