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Saving Our Hearts

Page 16

by Velvet Reed

  After the initial shock wore off, everyone left us for the night but not before expressing their love and relief that the danger had passed. I didn’t think my mom and dad were going to let either of us go.

  The nursing staff was none too happy about us sharing the bed, but they turned a blind eye given the circumstances. Laying here now with my love safe and sound in my arms after everything we went through and found out about yesterday is a blessing. The reality of how bad the threat was against me and how deep Troy’s obsession was with Gracie has me thinking all night and re-evaluating things in regard to our futures. The outcome could have been much worse, so now I’m refusing to take a single day for granted.

  Gracie stirring in my arms garners my attention. “Morning, Sweet Cheeks.”

  A sleepy smile appears on her face as she looks up at me through her lashes. The dark rings under her eyes are evidence of the restless night she had; though I’m sure mine must be the same.

  “Mmmm, morning,” she mumbles before placing a soft kiss to my lips. “Well, I can honestly say that I hope I never have to sleep in a hospital bed ever again.” She sits up stretching and covers her mouth, stifling her yawn.

  “Now I know how the patients feel,” I say with a small chuckle.

  Gracie turns back and smiles at me. “You think we’ll get discharged soon? I really want to see Cooper this morning. I feel terrible that neither of us have been up there since yesterday morning.”

  I couldn’t agree with her more. I really want to hold my son. “The doctors should be doing their rounds shortly. I can’t see any reason they’d keep us much longer, since we only stayed overnight for observation. I think we’ll be out of here before we know it.”

  “Sounds good. Can you get my crutches, so I can use the bathroom, please, babe?”

  I place a chaste kiss on her forehead and get off the bed. I’m in need of the bathroom myself, but I’ll wait for Gracie to fix herself up. When the door closes behind her, there’s a soft knock at the entrance to the room. “Come in”

  My mom and dad poke their heads inside, sublimely happy to see I’m up and about. Mom rushes over to me and pulls me into her arms without saying a word.

  “Morning, Son. Where’s Gracie?” Dad greets me.

  “She’s just in the bathroom,” I offer as my mom continues to hold me.

  “Okay, Livie, give him a break. You can’t hold onto him all day long,” Dad chuckles.

  She pulls back slowly and smiles at me. “I’m his mom and I don’t care how big he gets; I'm still going to hold him when I want.”

  I roll my eyes at her dramatics but love her displays of affection. “So how did you sleep?” she enquires.

  I heave a tired sigh. “Not great and Gracie didn’t either. Too many things were running through my head.”

  They both nod in understanding. “I guess that’s to be expected. I must say we didn’t have the most restful sleep either after what you shared with us last night. It’s still hard to fathom that someone could really act like that. I mean we’re not naïve in thinking that people like that don’t exist, but when you’re faced with it, in reality, and the intended victims are your loved ones, well, it’s a lot to process,” Dad says.

  “It really is. And listen, I want to apologize for the way I spoke to you yesterday. It was uncalled for, and I’m sorry. I know I need to apologize to the others as well. It’s just that when the detective gave us the details of what was in his house... well, I’ve never experienced rage like that in my life. When I think about what could have happened—”

  “Stop!” Dad interrupts me. “After what you told us, I think we all understood your reaction, Cole. Hell, I think once the initial shock wore off, we all felt more than a little anger toward the guy as well. If he was alive, you wouldn’t be the only one out for his blood, that’s for sure.”

  Knowing Gracie will be coming out of the bathroom any second, I rush my next words. “So I thought about a lot of things while I wasn’t sleeping last night and made a few decisions. I’m going to need both of your help with something... well, everyone’s for that matter. I think it’s time to make some changes because life is definitely too short to sit back and let it pass us by. But I won’t be telling Gracie about it yet, so please keep it to yourselves.”

  My mom’s eyes light up and I receive a knowing smile from both my parents as the bathroom door opens and Gracie appears. “I thought I heard voices out here. Morning, guys,” she beams.

  “Morning, honey,” Mom greets her, and when she makes it across the room, they both give her a kiss and hug.

  I excuse myself and head for the bathroom while Gracie catches up with my parents. I wonder if Gracie and I should talk to a professional about the whole Troy situation. I know we spoke about it last night, and I know our families will be there for us to discuss anything. As horrifying as everything is, we both understand how grave the situation actually was, and we’re relieved that Troy is dead and no longer poses a threat. I guess we’ll just have to take each day as it comes, and if we’re not dealing with things, we’ll take the appropriate actions. However, for now, I have bigger things to think about. We’ve been through enough in the last seven weeks to last a lifetime; it's time to start fresh and begin the next chapter of our lives. And I know just how to do it.

  After showering and changing into fresh clothes that my parents brought in, Gracie and I were discharged. Since it was her normal day for a therapy session, we met with Kevin, who gave Gracie an earful about undoing the progress she had made by using the stairs and walking unaided to rescue me. As it turns out, her adventure didn’t cause the problems he anticipated. Gracie did amazing in her session, and Kevin agreed that if she kept going the way, she’ll be back to full strength faster than anticipated.

  Bryan came for a visit during the session and waited around until Gracie was finished. As much as we both wanted to visit Cooper as soon as possible, we knew we needed to sit down with Bryan and try to alleviate the burden of guilt he was carrying. After grabbing a coffee from the cafeteria, we sat out in the courtyard to soak in some of the spring sunshine.

  It seems Bryan was caught up on the fact that he had Troy working for him for so long and obviously never knew what he was capable of. He was devastated because he felt he had failed in his responsibility of protecting his daughter. As much as Gracie and I tried to reassure him that it wasn’t his fault and that no one could have foreseen the depth of Troy’s obsession, he still didn’t seem one hundred percent convinced. He came up with us to visit Cooper, and it was only when Gracie went and embraced him as he held his grandson in his arms, that he broke down and cried, telling her how much he loved them both and couldn’t survive without them.

  Bryan’s love for his family was indescribable. I love Gracie, Cooper and my family more than I ever imagined I could, and I know my dad feels the same, but neither of us have lost someone like Bryan has. While I may have experienced the fear, it’s clear that even fifteen years on, Bryan still deals with the loss of his wife every day. Having gone through the accident and the current situation, the prospect of losing his beloved daughter has taken its toll on him.

  Gracie and I didn’t spend the whole day with Cooper; we were both exhausted and knew we weren’t doing ourselves any favors by staying at the hospital. When we finally arrived home, we didn’t even bother having dinner. After a quick shower, we crawled into bed as the sun was starting to set and snuggled into each other’s arms.

  I slept soundly that night. My dreams full of the smiling, happy faces of mine and Gracie’s families; of Cooper running around our backyard with other children playing beside him and of my auburn-haired beauty walking toward me in a white dress. My dreams were perfect, and I was ready to make them our reality.

  Chapter 23


  The next few days pass by thankfully drama free. Hopefully, that’s the way our life will be from now on. We spoke to the detectives a few more times, and they assured us our involvemen
t would be minimal to none considering the SWAT officers were the ones who shot Troy, and they have so much evidence against him. I’m more than happy to put the whole experience behind us. Cole and I have talked at length about it and we’ve also spoken to my dad, Olivia and John. It seems having a group discussion has not only helped Cole and I, but my dad as well. I couldn’t bear it if he continued to blame himself in the slightest way for Troy’s actions and his presence in our lives.

  The garage has provided a great distraction for my dad as he sinks back into the daily running of the place. Troy’s absence wasn’t felt too much as an old-school buddy of Charlie’s came home from the marine’s and snapped up the permanent position. Dad and Charlie are both excited to have someone they know and trust working with them now, and Tanner has fit right in working well alongside Brad.

  Since Cole was given the rest of the week off work, he slipped right into the routine we had before he went back. We’ve still had Olivia fussing around like a mother hen, but there’s no way we would stop her.

  I’m standing under the cascading water of the shower when my musing is cut short by strong arms wrapping around my stomach from behind and slowly moving their way up until they’re cupping my breasts. After a small startled jolt at first contact, I relax as the gentle ministration ignites a fire in my belly.

  “Mmmm, morning, Sweet Cheeks.”

  After pulling my wet hair to the side, Cole’s lips make contact with my neck leaving a trail of soft kisses until he reaches the sensitive spot just under my ear he knows drives me crazy. An appreciative moan escapes me as I rest my head back against his broad shoulder and settle my body in perfect alignment with his. His rock-hard cock pushes against me, the feeling so delicious that my core contracts in anticipation.

  “I didn’t hear you come in,” I murmur, my voice full of lust as I reach back over my shoulder. Running my fingers over the back of his head, he continues kissing and sucking on my neck.

  “And I didn’t hear or feel you sneak out of bed. I’ve missed feeling you baby, and I think we need to rectify that little problem right now,” he huskily replies. His warm breath glides over my skin causes goose bumps to spring up even as the hot water washes over my heated body.

  One hand continues its exploration of my breast, teasing the nipple that’s already pebbled into a hard peak, while his other hand journeys down my stomach before cupping my mound. My breathing hitches as he slides one long finger through my slick folds, teasing my entrance then moving back to massage the tiny bundle of nerves. My body responds instantly to his touch as if lightning bolts are shooting out along each nerve ending. I’ve missed this.

  I can feel the pressure building as pleasure sweeps me away. My chest heaves as my hips arch into his hand and with a few more skillful strokes of his finger and a gentle bite to my neck, my body explodes like a fire cracker. I’m yelling unintelligible things and gripping his hair so tightly I’m sure I’m causing him pain as my climax reaches its peak and the waves of pleasure roll over my trembling form.

  I don’t waste time though. Before I’ve even fully recovered, I release my vise-like grip on his head and carefully turn in his arms. His smile is slow and lazy. He’s so goddamn sexy. The uncontrollable urge to devour every inch of him has me attacking him like a lioness goes after her prey. I wrap my arms around his neck and crash my lips to his, my blood heating and desire pooling low in my belly once more. My kiss is frenzied and my hands find their way back into his hair, pulling and tugging him close, but it’s not close enough.

  Our hands are everywhere, groping each other like a couple of inexperienced school kids but God, this is only the third time since the accident we’ve been like this and the need is desperate. So overwhelming. I reach down between us and wrap my hand around his throbbing shaft, stroking him none too gently. “Oh, fuck,” Cole gasps and continues to devour my mouth as he gropes my breasts.

  There’s nothing I’d love more in this moment than to drop to my knees and take him in my mouth, but I know my leg isn’t up to that yet, so I continue my strokes and then move my hand to fondle his balls, squeezing gently and rolling them in my palm. “Stop, baby, I’m gonna come,” he desperately pleads.

  I can’t take it any longer. I need him inside me. I need to feel him. Cole suddenly turns and pulls away; every part of me feels the loss immediately. I’m about to protest, but when he bends and turns back around, ripping a condom packet open with his teeth, I’m completely overjoyed that he thought ahead.

  He rolls the condom down his length and then turns his hungry gaze on me. I shiver at the need in his eyes, fully aware Cole’s about to reclaim me as his for the first time since ‘the incident’. He’s on me so fast that I gasp in surprise, grabbing me under my ass and hoisting me up before backing me against the shower wall. With water still cascading over us, his lips go straight for my neck and I move my head to the side, giving him more access.

  Even through my lust-filled haze, I think about his injured arm. “Be careful, babe. Don’t hurt your arm,” I say.

  “My arm’s fine, Gracie. My cock’s not,” he growls. Then I feel his gloriously hard cock at my entrance, and I’m screaming out in intense pleasure as he enters me in one almighty thrust. My eyes roll back into my head and I grip him tighter. No one has ever made me feel the way Cole makes me feel.

  I pull at the hairs on his nape needing to look into his eyes. He groans in response but pulls his head back, his eyes hooded with desire but questioning at the same time. “I love you so much, Cole. I love you more than you could possibly understand.”

  He gives me that signature sexy smile of his, and then takes my mouth in a kiss filled with so much passion and love; I feel tears prick my eyes. The moment is intense, and I’m overcome by the immense feelings that Cole creates in me. He breaks the kiss but continues to move in and out of me while pressing his forehead to mine.

  “You’re my everything, Gracie. I love you so much it scares the shit out of me sometimes, but I swear to you. I swear that I will love you forever.” He whispers, “You’re everything.”

  Spurred on by our declarations of love, my second release takes hold and has me calling out his name. As my core clenches around his cock, he pounds into me at a punishing rate causing my back to hit the wall repeatedly. Then he stills and roars my name as his own release explodes out of him.

  We’re breathing heavily, clutching at each other and not wanting to let go. Cole’s face is buried in my neck, placing tiny kisses there every few seconds. I haven’t felt so calm, so completely relaxed in weeks. I’m thoroughly content and at peace, a feeling I welcome with open arms.

  Cole pulls out of me and releases his grip on my thighs, slowly sliding me down his body. When my feet plant themselves firmly on the tiled floor, I raise my gaze to his. The love and devotion shining in their depths convey so much more than words ever could. I will never doubt our love or commitment to each other again, because after everything we’ve been through and the way he’s looking at me now, I know that nothing will ever come between us.

  “I love you, Sweet Cheeks,” he says again, and then reaches for the loofa and body wash. For the next few minutes, he lovingly washes me from head to toe. When he’s done, I return the favor but let him deal with his still semi-erect cock, because Lord knows that even after the two amazing orgasms I’ve just had, there’s no way I’d be able to stop him if he wanted to give me number three. As appealing as a day full of uninterrupted love making sounds, we have things that need to be done and a gorgeous little boy to visit.

  Reaching past me, Cole shuts off the now cooling water. He grabs a towel and wraps it around his waist. Before I can reach for my own, he has another one in his hands and starts the process of drying me. The gesture is so lovingly tender and sweet my heart squeezes with happiness. He places a kiss on the tip of my nose when he’s done, and we give each other a content smile.

  “Come on. We have a little man to see,” he says and leads me back to our bedroom.

  We move about the room getting ready for the day in silence, my thoughts on Cooper and how well he’s doing. He hasn’t used the feeding tube for a few days now, which was the only thing stopping him from coming home. After sliding my shirt over my head, I turn to Cole. “When do you think we’ll be able to bring him home, now he’s feeding by himself?” I ask.

  Cole looks up from putting his shoes on. “Any day now, baby. He’s stronger, and he’s come so far. I wouldn’t be surprised if they tell us he can come home in the next day or two.”

  “It’s hard to believe he’s almost eight weeks old. I mean, if everything had gone to plan, I’d still have two weeks before he was even due.”

  Cole makes his way over to me and puts his hands on my hips. “That’s true, but he’s here, and he’s perfect. You can see by the weekly photos with his teddy just how much he’s grown, and I have no doubt in my mind that the moment he comes home and is surrounded by the love of his family, he’s going to flourish even faster.”

  A small niggling worry comes to the forefront, and I finally express it to Cole. “What if I can’t handle it or do the wrong thing? He’s had the nurses looking after him constantly. What if I can’t measure up to them?”

  His big strong hands cup my face tenderly. “Sweet Cheeks, you are going to be an amazing mom. Cooper is so lucky to have you. It will take some adjusting, sure, but you’ve been caring for him at the hospital right alongside the nurses, and when you couldn’t, you’ve been watching everything they do. Don’t forget you have all your experience from looking after Ruby as well. Trust me, baby, you have nothing to worry about.”

  “Yeah, but the nurses were always helping. I don’t—”

  He cuts me off. “I know you’re worried because you’re not fully recovered yet, that’s why mom will be here when I have to go back to work. And you’re crazy if you think Ashley and April won’t be visiting every chance they get.” He chuckles. “Even our dads, Charlie and Sam will no doubt be around constantly. We’ll be barricading the doors to keep them away.”


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