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Lingerie and Lariats (Rough & Ready#7)

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by Cheyenne McCray

  She pushed away strands of hair that had escaped her ponytail. “I’m not sure. It’s all happened so fast.”

  “You’re welcome to stay here as long as you need to.” He hooked his thumbs in his pockets as he watched her. “Giving any thought to moving to this area?”

  She gave a slow nod. “A lot. But I believe that before I jump into anything I need to think long and hard about it. It’s a big decision.”

  “It sure is.” He pushed himself away from the doorframe. “I’ll give you a chance to get settled.”

  She nodded and set her purse on top of her suitcase. “Just give me a few minutes to freshen up.”

  “Take your time,” he said with a smile then turned and headed back toward the stairs.

  She watched him until he walked down the stairs and vanished from sight. With Dan she felt that what she saw was what she got. He wasn’t trying to pretend to be someone different than who he was. He wasn’t trying to show off or impress her. He was just Dan. A down to earth, good man.

  Thoughts of Jerry tried to invade her mind, but she pushed them away. She’d have time to deal with her thoughts and feelings about him later. Right now she just wanted to relax and spend some time with Dan.

  Chapter 11

  Lightning cracked the sky followed by the boom of thunder and the bedroom’s windowpane rattled. Fat raindrops started pelting the glass in a sudden rush.

  Renee listened to the storm for a moment and smiled. Being in Arizona in the middle of a desert monsoon brought back so many childhood memories.

  A bathroom was attached to the guest room. She took her time as she showered, blow-dried her hair, then slipped into a light blue summer dress with tiny white daisies on the fabric. She left her hair down and it tumbled to her waist in long chestnut waves.

  Not bothering to put on sandals, she headed down the stairs, the wood smooth and cool beneath her bare feet. Part of country life was running around barefoot all over the place. At least that’s the way the little girl inside her remembered it.

  The kitchen was just off the living room and she entered it, sniffing the air as she walked in. The most delicious smells were coming from the stovetop.

  “What’s for dinner?” She peered around Dan’s shoulder and saw him making a sauce that was growing brownish-red from the chili powder he was putting into it.

  “It’s enchilada sauce.” He gestured to the corn tortillas, a small brick of cheese, an onion, lettuce, tomatoes, salsa, and four eggs. “Making them Sonoran style.”

  “Mmmm.” She looked around the kitchen with its marble countertops, stainless steel appliances, and the copper bottom pans hanging from a rack over the center island. “I’ll start with the cheese. Where is your grater?”

  Outside, the thunderstorm raged. Through the kitchen windows, Renee saw the rain pouring down and every now and then the flash of lightning. Rain poured from the gutters and wind gusts slammed rain against the windowpanes.

  Dan told her that Zane had called earlier, while she was freshening up, to see how she was doing.

  After she finished with the cheese, she tackled the onion, chopping it into small pieces. Her eyes stung and moistened and she blinked back tears. For some reason, crying over onions made her feel stronger. She hadn’t cried over Jerry and she didn’t plan to.

  When everything was ready, Dan dipped the tortillas in sauce then layered everything with the cheese, tomatoes, and onions. He fried the eggs over easy and put two each on their enchilada stacks, Sonoran style. They sat at the small kitchen nook table to eat.

  “I’m in loooove with your enchiladas.” Renee closed her eyes as she took another bite and savored it.

  She opened her eyes and saw that Dan had an amused expression. “I aim to please.”

  “Who’d have thought?” she said. “A sexy sheriff who can cook.”

  The moment she said sexy, her face burned. Damn. She hadn’t meant to say that, it just sort of popped out of her mouth.

  He gave her a quick grin. “I’ll take that as a compliment.”

  “You should.” She gave an embarrassed smile. “The enchiladas are terrific.”

  Over dinner they talked more about their lives over the past years and Renee felt as if a strong bond was growing between them.

  They didn’t talk much about the future. Renee wasn’t ready to think that far ahead and Dan seemed to understand. When she tried to think about what she should do with her life and about Jerry, what could happen when he got out, even her relationship with Dan—everything just jumbled inside her and she could feel herself almost growing paralyzed.

  She’d have time enough to work things out. Right now she just needed to relax and enjoy Dan’s company.

  When they’d finished dinner and washed up the dishes, she walked with him to the living room. They paused and stood in the center of the room as he studied her and she met his eyes. Her belly flip-flopped at his intense gaze. He looked her as if she was a treasure he wanted to protect.

  But at the same time he looked at her like a man who wanted a woman. A look of passion and need was in his gaze that couldn’t be disguised.

  He reached up and ran strands of her long hair through his fingers. “I want to kiss you, Renee.”

  She bit the inside of her lip as her own need expanded inside her. She slid her hands up his chest to his shoulders and offered him a smile. “I want you to.”

  His warm breath feathered across her lips as he lowered his mouth to hers. The intensity of the moment was filled with a kind of fire that made her burn inside.

  Her eyelids fluttered closed as he brought his mouth to hers, and it was like magic sparked between them when their lips met. She felt as if her mind was spinning and stars glittered behind her eyes. She fell into the kiss, her head whirling, her heart pounding.

  His taste made her want more of him and she made sounds of need and pleasure. He deepened the kiss and she gave a soft moan.

  She reveled in his embrace, the feel of his hard chest against her breasts and the warmth and comfort of his arms around her. She strained to somehow get closer to him, to become a part of him.

  A deep, rumbling groan rose up in him and he kissed her hard before drawing away. He still held her in his embrace and she loved the feeling of security she experienced in his arms.

  She opened her eyes and stared up at him, her lips moist from his kiss, her breathing a little fast.

  He gently brushed hair from her cheek as he looked down at her, and his expression turned serious. “I’ve wanted to kiss you from the moment I first saw you at the Cameron’s place, but I shouldn’t have done that. I don’t want to take advantage of you in a vulnerable state.”

  For a long moment she looked up at him, studying the sea green of his eyes. “When I was a young girl, living with the Camerons, I had the biggest crush on you.”

  The corner of his mouth quirked into a smile. “Is that so?” he said in a lazy drawl.

  She returned his smile. “When you saved my life, you became my hero as well as my crush.”

  “I thought you were pretty cute.” He slid his fingers into her hair and cupped the back of her head. “And you’ve grown up to be one hell of a beautiful woman.”

  She placed her hands on his chest, reached up on her toes, and kissed him. His lips were firm and he returned her kiss, his kiss as hungry as hers. Searching, longing, and filled with desire. She gripped his shirt in her hands as she pressed her body tight to his. She didn’t think she could get enough of him.

  Judging by the hard ridge she felt against her belly, she knew he was as affected as she was by the moment.

  He drew away again and she felt his rapid heartbeat against her palm and his chest rose and fell with the increased pace of his breathing.

  “It was a mistake to kiss you because it only makes me want more. A lot more.” He slid his fingers through her long, glossy hair. “I want so much more of you than that. But it’s too soon.”

  She closed her eyes, letting her breathin
g slow. When she opened them again she found him watching her. Her voice seemed a little shaky. “You’re right, it’s too soon. All of this with Jerry has been so emotional. I’m feeling everything right now… Hate and anger for him, and strong feelings for you. But I shouldn’t take things so fast no matter how right it feels with you.” She brushed her fingers along his shirt collar. “And Dan, it feels so right.”

  “It feels unbelievably right.” He lowered his head and gave her a firm, hard kiss then stepped back. Her palms slid down his chest and then he took her hands in his. “How about watching a movie and getting our minds off of certain things?”

  “That sounds like a good idea.” Not that she thought she could get her mind off of wanting to experience more with Dan. She gestured to the front door. “Why don’t we watch the storm first?”

  He took her small hand in his big one and they went outside onto the covered porch and closed the front door behind them. Patches of warm yellow light spilled from the house onto the porch.

  The sky was dark, the occasional crack of lighting illuminating the trees and outbuildings for seconds before everything went dark again. The air smelled fresh and clean as wind pressed her clothing against her body and her hair rose up off her shoulders. A gust of wind sent a mist of wetness onto the porch and she smiled at the feel of warm summer rain on her skin.

  As they watched the storm, he squeezed her hand and looked down at her. She met his gaze and smiled. They stood on the porch a while longer and she watched bolts of lightning slicing the sky as thunder rolled across the valley.

  After they stayed out for a while, they went back into the house, still holding hands.

  “How about some popcorn and something to drink to go along with the movie?” he asked as they walked inside.

  “Wonderful,” she said.

  They made buttery popcorn on the stovetop and took big bowls of it into the living room along with beer for him and a wine cooler for her. He had an enormous TV that looked to be fun to watch a movie on. They picked out an action flick—he had plenty of action movies, which she loved. The movie they selected was the first Bourne movie. She’d always had a thing for Matt Damon, but as far as she was concerned, he didn’t hold a candle next to Dan.

  She sighed as the thought went through her mind. She was utterly and totally infatuated with the man. Was that all it was? Infatuation? Or was it something more?

  They sat on the overstuffed love seat as they watched the movie, the lights off and his arm around her shoulders as she rested her head on his chest. It felt comfortable being with him. It felt right. The rain continued to pour down outside making her feel even more like snuggling against him.

  He made her feel so good. She didn’t feel like she had to watch what she said or did. She felt like she could be entirely herself with him.

  When the movie’s one love scene came on the screen, her cheeks felt warm as she felt a connection with Dan unlike anything she’d ever felt before, with any man. The kind of connection where she could imagine spending the rest of her life with him.

  The thought gave her pause. This was happening too fast, too soon. She needed to slow down, take a deep breath, and give it all some time.

  When the movie was over, neither of them was ready for sleep. Renee was afraid they’d end up tumbling into bed together and Dan seemed to have the same feeling because he suggested a second movie. That would probably keep them out of trouble.

  This time she rested her head in his lap as they watched an older comedy, “There’s Something About Mary,” which had her giggling a lot during the movie. She sat up to take a drink of her wine cooler and then they rearranged themselves on the couch so that he was resting on her. She liked the feeling of his weight on her. It was something she could get used to.

  She could get used to a lot of things about Dan.

  By the time the second movie ended, the day had caught up with her and she was exhausted. Once the lights were turned off downstairs and they’d picked up what mess they’d made, they headed up the stairs and then walked into the quilt room.

  Just because the movies were over, she didn’t want the night to end. She didn’t like the idea of being in the guest room alone, left to think about Jerry and everything that happened. It left her cold with a queer sensation in her belly. It was as if he might come into the house in the middle of the night and steal her away.

  “Dan…” She swallowed before she continued. “Will you stay with me? Not to have sex,” she hurried to add. “I don’t want to be alone and I’d just like you to hold me. Do you think that would be okay?”

  “You’ll be testing my willpower.” But he said it with a smile. “But I’d like that.”

  She wondered what in the world she was doing as she went into the bathroom and changed into a silky shortie nightgown that she’d bought for the trip but hadn’t worn yet. She loved lingerie but Jerry could have cared less, so she’d bought it for herself.

  As she walked out of the bathroom and Dan got a look at her, she was certain it had been a mistake to wear the sexy nightgown. He looked at her with a hunger that matched her own.

  She was playing with fire.

  He was stripped down to his boxer briefs. It was the first time she’d seen him out of his clothes and she swallowed as she looked at the cut of his body. He’d looked muscular before, but she’d never realized how sculpted he was.

  “Do you workout in the gym?” she said then realized there probably wasn’t a gym around for a good seventy miles. “Or maybe you’re just designed to look like…that.”

  “I have a workout room here in the house.” He gave a pained smile as he watched her. She noticed the bulge in his boxer briefs and thought again that maybe this wasn’t such a good idea at all.

  On impulse she grabbed a silky shortie bathrobe out of her suitcase and hurried to put it on. “Okay, I’m ready for bed,” she said when she’d tied a knot in the robe’s ties.

  He raised an eyebrow. “You don’t need to protect yourself from me. You have my word I won’t take advantage of you.”

  “It’s not you I’m worried about,” she mumbled as she walked to the bed, pulled the covers down, and slid beneath them.

  She tugged the covers up to her chest as she looked at him. “Turn off the light and sleep with me.” She smiled. “I promise I won’t take advantage of you.”

  He gave her a sexy grin before he switched off the light and slid into bed with her. She turned onto her side and he spooned his body to hers and put his arm around her waist. His erection was hard against her backside. She knew he couldn’t help that, just as she knew he had no intention of doing anything she didn’t want.

  Exhaustion finally overtook her. Feeling safe and secure she slipped away, into dreamland.

  Chapter 12

  The following morning was bright and sunny, the ground dark from last night’s rain. Renee stepped onto the porch as she waited for Dan to return to the house. It was Saturday morning and he wasn’t working today. He’d gone out to do chores early this morning while she was still in bed. He usually gave his ranch hands weekends off.

  She braced her hands on the porch railing, the painted wood feeling rough and weathered beneath her palms. The rain-washed air smelled sweet and the breeze off the wet ground felt cool on her bare legs and arms. Later in the day the ground would dry from the strength of the sun.

  Water in mud puddles rippled in the breeze and she felt like a little kid as she eyed them and had the overpowering urge to go walk in a particularly large one between Dan’s sheriff department’s SUV and his big white truck.

  She pushed away from the railing and jogged down the steps that were rough beneath her bare feet. When she reached the ground, she walked through a tire track and mud squished beneath her toes. She wore jean shorts and a red tank top. Rocks pricked her tender bare feet. As a youngster, the soles of her feet had grown tough and callused from running around barefoot all of the time. That wasn’t the case now.

  When s
he stepped into the mud puddle she grinned. The cool dark water went up to her ankles and mud and silt shifted beneath her feet. She kicked the water and it splashed up to her shins.

  “Don’t you look cute.” Dan’s voice had her turning around. He wore an old work shirt and faded Wranglers along with scuffed brown boots with muddy soles. His thumbs were hooked in his front pockets and he wore an amused expression.

  She grinned impishly at him. “Why don’t you join me?” She kicked the water and it splashed it near his boots.

  “I’ve got a better idea.” He moved the few feet to where she stood, caught her by the waist and flung her over his shoulder in one fast movement.

  She giggled and swatted his ass with her hand. “Put me down, you big brute.”

  He swung her down and settled her on her feet. “Why don’t you get some shoes on and I’ll show you around?”

  “I left my sneakers on the porch.” She jogged up the porch stairs and picked up her old canvas shoes before returning.

  He ran water from a hose and she rinsed off her feet. She put on the old shoes she’d used for gardening in the little plot she’d had in her backyard in Philadelphia. Because of her stepfather’s death and all that she’d had to take care of, she hadn’t planted anything this year and she missed having a garden to tend to. It had been relaxing, a stress reliever.

  After she had her shoes on, she walked beside Dan and they headed toward the corrals and outbuildings. She shoved her hands in her back pockets as they passed a small riding arena. They walked up to a corral that penned a small herd of red Hereford cattle with their distinctive white faces and underbellies.

  The pungent smell of manure carried on the breeze along with the low mooing sounds of the cattle as Dan and Renee passed the corral.

  They entered the barn’s cool, dim recesses. It smelled of manure, alfalfa hay, and sweet oats. He had four horses, all Quarter Horses, which included a black stallion, two sorrel mares, and a blue roan mare. She liked the blue roan in particular, a pretty horse named Apple. Because of her petite height, Renee had to step on an upside down paint can by the stall door. When she looked over the door, she noticed a wobbly-legged palomino foal beside Apple.


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