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A Bride by Morning (The Bride Series Book 1)

Page 6

by Vanessa Lee

  He drove her higher and higher with his mouth, until finally, she stiffened and arched her back, crying out her release. Erica collapsed back onto the bed, her breath coming in huge gasps of air. She felt thoroughly spent. She felt Nick get up from the bed and watched him disrobe. When he was gloriously naked, he rejoined her on the bed and held her in his arms. She felt his erection rub against her thigh and she hid her face against Nick's chest.

  “Nick?” she asked.

  He gently brushed her hair back from her face.

  “Yes love?”

  “I think that I am still sore from... from last night,” she murmured.

  Nick kissed the top of her forehead “It's alright.” He pulled her up on top of him and grabbed her hand. Wrapping her hand around him, he watched her eyes widened as she realized what she was doing.

  “Oh, Nick!” she gasped.

  Nick groaned as she moved her fingers up and down his shaft. He grabbed both of her hands and guided her to stroke him. Her own curiosity won out, and she began to squeeze him and caress him on

  her own. Looking down at him, she asked him, “Nick, did you like it when I-” He groaned, at the pleasure her hands were causing, and at her question. “Yes, I liked it.”

  Needing no further instruction, she bent her head down to him and took the top of his shaft in his mouth. Nick lurched on the bed, his back tensing has her sweet mouth tentatively explored him.

  “Sweetheart, are you sure you want to-”

  “Mmm...” she moaned around him. “I love how you taste, Nick.” She continued to lick his length and suckle him until she felt him tense beneath her and heave up into her mouth. He spent his seed inside of her wet mouth that had tortured him to his release.

  Panting, Nick drew her up to him and kissed her. He gently placed his forehead against hers and wrapped his arms securely around her. His wife had surprised him yet again. Her willingness to love him in such a way had humbled him. He wanted nothing more than to consummate their marriage again and again inside her sweet body, but that was not meant to be this evening.

  Erica kissed Nick's chest. She was overjoyed at having brought Nick to such great pleasure. As he held her close to him, she breathed him in, committing every detail of this moment deep to memory. She was going to miss him terribly when he was gone. Erica had not only started go care for him. She was beginning to love him.

  Chapter 7

  The carriage ride to Abbie's home was slightly longer than what she was used to. Not only was Erica commuting from her husband's home for the first time, she was also extending a visit as a married woman. She felt like a married woman. Nick had done his duty as her husband and had awakened her to the pleasures of the marriage bed. She glowed inside, thinking of all the ways that he had pleasured her the night before. Erica was still sore from their first night together, but she was sure that by the time Nick returned home, she would be feeling much better.

  She would miss him while he was away. Nick had pulled her hard against him this morning and had kissed her in a most thorough way that had left her breathless and lightheaded. She was very much looking forward to his return.

  Erica looked out the window to gaze at the beautiful scenery that passed by. She was highly anticipating telling Abbie about what a wonderful husband Nick was, and how he was gentle with her in the marriage bed. Erica knew that Abbie would try to ply her for more intimate details, and she would have to be on her guard to make sure that she didn't let anything slip. Even though Abbie was her best friend and she had always told her everything, she also had Nick to consider now. He probably didn't want others being knowledgeable to the private details of their lovemaking. She knew she would just die of embarrassment if Nick ever found out about her loose lips, and was angry with her.

  Arriving at the Madison home, the carriage came to a stop. In addition to the Madison's carriages, there was another carriage also parked in the drive. The driver on Nick's carriage helped her down and she walked up to the home of her dearest friend. Upon being let in, a servant took her light overcoat, and she headed into the drawing room.

  Walking into the room, she came to a pause. Abbie was seated in her plush hostess' chair. She was also accompanied by her husband, Randall, and Seth Collins. Not pleased to see Seth at all, she became glued to where she was standing in the back of the room, with her polite smile frozen on her face.

  Spotting her, Abbie called out to her and waved her over, “Oh, there you are! We have been expecting you.” The men turned at her statement and rose in greeting. Erica walked into the room to join them. Randall extended his hand to her and when she placed her hand in his, he bowed over it and kissed it in greeting, just as he had always done. She had always considered him to be like a dear brother, and he knew that he extended the greeting innocently.

  However, not so innocently, Seth followed Randall's greeting with one of his own. He held her hand like Randall had also done, but when his mouth touched the back of her hand, her stomach lurched. She thought it might actually kill her to keep the smile on her face and not slap him silly. As usual, he kept his mouth on her skin for an inappropriate amount of time and his eyes twinkled at her. “I must congratulate you once more on your recent marriage, madam. You have been properly initiated into wife hood, I imagine?”

  Abbie and Randall laughed, as if Seth had made a funny joke. But the way that he was looking at her when he said it told her that he was being entirely inappropriate, with disgusting things on his mind. Whenever Erica complained about Seth, Abbie always shook her head innocently. In all other matters, Abbie took Erica's side against anyone or anything that Erica had a complaint about. However, when it came to Seth, Abbie actually stuck up for him. Having grown up with Seth, with their father being friends and joint partners in many business endeavors, Abbie saw a different side of him than she did.

  She actually liked the man and didn't understand the disgust that Erica had always felt towards him.

  Randall had participated in business dealings with Seth, and considered him a friend, as well. Erica was not willing to lose their friendship over such a despicable person. She consoled herself that she only had to interact with the man on rare occasion, keeping their encounters as brief as possible.

  Withdrawing her hand from Seth's hand and mouth, she widened her smile and wiped the back of her hand against her dress. “Oh yes, thank you, Nick is ever such a wonderful husband.” There, she thought. Let him chew on that. Seth Collins could never hold a candle to Nick. There was no comparison.

  Moving away from the revolting man, Erica walked to the sofa next to Abbie's hostess' chair and sat down next to her.

  Abbie smiled brightly and said, “Oh how wonderful! I am so delighted that Nick has turned out to be a good husband.” Turning to look at the men, she said, “We were worried that he may not turn out to be the wonderful husband that we would all want for you.” She patted Erica's hand. “But we are all so delighted that Nick has turned out to be everything we had hoped for.”

  “Here, here!” Randall cheered, lifting up his glass of brandy to salute his long-time rival. Clinking his glass against Seth's he said, “I do believe that we have just witnessed a miracle, Chap.” Laughing, he said, “Who would have thought that a Wellington would make a good husband?”

  “Indeed,” Seth murmured as he drank from his glass and continued to stare at her.

  Feeling somewhat defensive on behalf of her husband, she said, “Oh yes, Nick is a good husband, indeed. I am entirely happy that I married him.”

  “Oh?” Abbie asked excitedly. “What is he like?” Erica paused, looking at the two men.

  Randall was a man who could take a hint. “Oh. Come now Collins. I know when we are being dismissed.” He rose, taking his glass with him. “We shall leave these ladies to talk about their wifely gossip, while you and I retire to the study, and talk about more manly subjects.”

  Turning to bow to the ladies, Seth said, “Very well, Madison.”

  The ladies nodded
their heads politely to him, but Erica refused to make eye contact with Seth.

  When the men had left the room, Abbie decided that she had waited patiently enough. “Alright already, out with it! You must tell me everything, what is Nick like? And how was he on your wedding night?”

  Laughing at her friend's excitement, Erica answered him. “Oh Abbie, he is so completely magnificent. He is a serious, but gentle and considerate man.” She looked off into the distance, remembering how incredible their lovemaking had been, but wanting to tone it down for her friend's ears. “Nick was wonderful on our wedding night. And every time after that.”

  Abbie laughed, thrilled all the way down to her satin-covered toes. “Oh!” she squealed with delight, “I just knew he would be splendid! A man who is that good-looking has to be wonderful in the bedchamber, otherwise it's just a waste.”

  Erica smiled and agreed. Knowing that it could be a lot worse, she was thankful that her husband was pleasing to look at, and that he pleasured her in their marriage bed.

  Wanting full disclosure, Abbie pressed on. “On your wedding night, was he-”

  “Oh yes,” Erica said. “He was careful with me, and he was.... sweet.”

  Sighing blissfully, Abbie could clearly imagine how sweet Nick would be in the bedchamber. While she was thoroughly satisfied with her own sweet husband, Nick was just a delight that was too good to ignore in her own private fantasies.

  “You must tell me, how is Nick's home? Is it as grand a property as they say?”

  Erica thought to the impressive stone structure that was now her home. “It is quite beautiful,” she answered. “Massive, as well. You can see the great attention to detail and grand decor that the earlier Dukes added to the home.” She smiled at her friend. “I would dearly love for you to visit sometime soon, so that I can show you the property!”

  Already planning her visit, Abbie agreed. “I am greatly looking forward to seeing your new home!

  Oh Erica, how do you like being mistress of your own household?”

  Erica smiled widely. “I absolutely adore it. Nick's servants have been with the property for decades. They are wonderful people and I've greatly enjoyed them, so far.”

  Happy for her friend's domestic bliss, she patted her hand. “Well, I am looking forward to meeting them all during my visit. But for the meantime, I must see about our dinner tonight. Please excuse me a moment.”

  Erica nodded at Abbie as she left the room. Leaning forward, she flipped over a teacup that was sitting on its saucer on the coffee table. Picking up the tea pot, she poured herself some hot tea.

  Hearing voices outside of the doorway, she looked up to see Randall and Seth conversing in the foyer.

  Randall said he was going to locate his wife, and that he would return in a moment.

  As soon as he had gone, Seth looked over at her and smiled. Erica didn't return his smile and purposely looked away. The rude man did not have Randall's good sense to take a hint. He came over to the drawing room and stood in the doorway. She folded her hands in her lap and watched him now.

  Erica was not going to make conversation with this man. He was going to have to take a hint.

  Smiling at her obvious rebuff, Seth entered the room. It thrilled him when she frowned at him, clearly not liking his presence. Well, he thought, he would fix that.

  Seth walked over to the couch she was sitting on and sat down next to her. Before she could take flight, he stopped her by saying, “My dear sweet lady, I must express to you once more how thrilled I am that your marriage to Nick Wellington is everything you had hoped it would be.”

  Thinking to dissuade him from his vile behavior, she said, “Yes thank you, Nick is everything I could want in a man.”

  At her statement, Seth's eyes landed directly on her breasts. She gasped, shocked at this indecency. No matter how inappropriate he had been with her previously, he had never taken things to this level before.

  “I am sure, that you have found out in the past couple of days, exactly the way to please a man.”

  Enraged by his statement, she said, “That, Sir, is absolutely none of your business.”

  Sliding up close to her on the sofa, Seth had the audacity to touch her. He drew one finger up her arm and dragged it over to the direction of her chest.

  Before Erica could bolt up from the sofa, Seth placed an arm around her like a vice, and tilted her head up to his. Shock stunned her briefly and he took the opportunity to lower his head to hers.

  When Randall and Abbie Madison walked into the room together, arm-in-arm, that's the way they found Erica and Seth.

  “Good Heavens, what on earth?” Abbie said in sheer disbelief. Where had this come from?

  Seth released her and jumped up from the sofa saying, “Oh, pardon me.”

  Not knowing what to do, the Madison's didn't say anything about the awkward situation that they had just walked in on. Their dear friends were just compromising the wonderful marriage that Erica had just gone on about. It didn't make any sense. Seth was the only one who didn't look upset by the situation. Erica looked completely devastated. When Seth released her, she had jumped up and flew to the side of the room, wrapping her arms around herself. Something very strange was going on here. Randall finally broke the silence by saying to Seth, “Old mate, let us make our departure for London, now.”

  Looking once at Erica, he nodded to Abbie on his way out.

  After they had gone, Abbie looked with horrified eyes at Erica. “Erica, what was that about?”

  Erica looked at her friend and started to sob, “Oh Abbie, that wretched man touched me and...and...” she gasped, “...he tried to kiss me!” Her body was shaking with each deep panting breath that was coming in and out of her lungs.

  Abbie paused to reflect on her statement. When she had entered the room, Erica had not been fighting what was going on between them. She had called Seth a 'wrenched man,' but if he was so wrenched, than why was she letting him put his hands on her?

  Recalling all the negative things that Erica had ever said about Seth, Abbie wondered what had happened to change her mind. Perhaps Nick really was a rake after all, and Erica has finally come to understand what they all know; that Seth is a wonderful man.

  How unlike Erica to use such disgraceful tactics to gain her way in a situation, Abbie thought. Since she has known her, Erica has always done the appropriate thing in every situation. Well, perhaps she is so desperate to leave the mess that has been created, that she is using these antics to save herself. Abbie couldn't really blame her. The situation she was in was not Erica's fault. Nick had ruined her on purpose. Was he also a terrible husband? He probably was, based on what she had seen in her drawing room, today.

  Abbie placed a reassuring hand on Erica's sobbing back. Accepting her friend's comfort, Erica turned into her for an embrace. Abbie patted her back and consoled her by saying, “There, there my dear, we will fix this situation in no time.”

  Nodding against her neck, Erica started to feel better. Her dearest friend was going to help her. Whenever Abbie put her mind to something, she managed to accomplish it. There was nothing she couldn't do.

  “Now, I need you to explain to me why you really coerced Seth into holding you.”

  Shocked and dismayed, Erica lifted herself away from Abbie. “What?” she asked, not believing she had heard right.

  Placing her hands comfortingly against Erica's arms, Abbie said, “Dearest, you cannot believe that I would think that our own sweet Seth would just up and place his arms around a newly married woman,” she said with a smile.

  Jerking away from her embrace, Erica cried, “Abbie, he is not your 'own sweet Seth'! He did put his arms around me and he did try to kiss me!”

  Shaking her head at Erica, Abbie tried to console her upset friend, and reason with her, as well. If she was desperately trying to seek a way out of her marriage, she could help her find a way. But Erica also needed to understand that she couldn't just go around implicating innocent people
. Especially a person who she felt just as dearly about as Erica.

  “Erica, I know that you were forced into this situation with Nick, and he has obviously turned out to be a terrible husband. However, if you are desperately seeking a way out of the marriage-”

  “I am not seeking a way out of the marriage and Nick is a good husband to me!” she yelled out.

  Erica was astonished that her friend would come to such a conclusion.

  “My dear,” Abbie tried once more. “Clearly, you realize now that Seth is a much better match for you-”

  Erica's shock turned into deep anger. “That vile, disgusting pig is not a good match for me, and he is not a good person!” she roared.

  Her sympathy turning to disappointment, Abbie told her, “Yes, he is.”

  “Abigail Elizabeth Madison, I am telling you right now, that... that man, that dreadful, terrible man...entered this drawing room when Randall went to find you. He knew he wasn't welcome, I did not encourage him, at all! He put his slimy hands on me, and he tried to kiss me. He tried to ruin me!” Her chest heaving in vast indignation, her heart breaking. Erica gave her friend one final chance. “If you are telling me, that you do not believe me, and that you cannot support me in this, then I will leave this house immediately and never return!”

  Stunned by her declaration, Abbie stammered, “ cannot be serious!”

  “Oh yes, Abbie. I am very serious.” Erica watched as the emotions played out over Abbie's face. Her friend was having a hard time sorting through all the facts about this situation, trying to determine who she actually believed.

  Erica decided to make it easy for her. Looking at her friend of 14 years, she said, “Abbie, you are not the friend that I thought you were. In fact,” she said, her eyes watering with her words, “I do not need a friend like you.”

  Leaving her friend in complete bewilderment, Erica turned on her heal and left the room. She received her coat from a servant girl and went outside to call for Nick's carriage. Just as the carriage made its way to her, Erica felt Abbie's hand on her arm. “Erica,” she said, pleading with her oldest friend. “Please don't leave like this. Come back inside, we can talk this out. Please don't go.” Wrenching her arm from Abbie's grasp, not looking at her, she answered, “I am already gone,” and got into the carriage. Erica didn't even look back as the carriage drove away. Pain engulfed her very soul and her shoulders shook with emotion. Abbie hadn't believed her. They had known each other since they were children. How could she think that Erica would ever do something so evil?


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