A Bride by Morning (The Bride Series Book 1)

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A Bride by Morning (The Bride Series Book 1) Page 7

by Vanessa Lee

  Her heart wrenching even more, Erica's next realization threatened to break her. If her own best friend hadn't believed her, how could Nick?

  Chapter 8

  Nick could not have been more happy with the outcome of his week in London. He had relayed his ideas to Linnus' connections. All of the gentlemen they had met with, Nick had met prior to now. Not one of them had been willing to give him a chance in the past. The men had made it very clear that they wanted nothing to do with the son of the man who had squandered away his entire fortune, with the elder Duke having made wrong investment, after wrong investment.

  While he supposed he couldn't really blame them, Nick was not his father. He had never made the same mistakes his father had, not even before he knew what his father was doing with the family's money.

  Nick was no longer his father's son. He was the son of his father-in-law. Nick had always respected Linnus as a man and as a businessman. But now they were family. They had a joint interest of growing a successful future for themselves. Linnus was a man he could trust and they worked very well together.

  Throughout the entire week, they had presented their plans to men who decided to back them in their efforts. With every success, with every new agreement formed, Linnus came to trust Nick more and more. The man was letting go of whatever negative feelings that were lingering from how Nick had maneuvered his daughter into a quick marriage to avoid scandal.

  Linnus saw how hard Nick worked, and how his ideas genuinely had merit. He saw how Nick won over each and every one of Linnus' long-term friends. They all admired the man, and saw the wisdom in his plans. Happy to be involved with an exciting new capital venture, they readily signed on to Linnus and Nick's arrangement.

  Finally being given the opportunity that he had worked so hard for, Nick thought that their trip to London was a great success.

  There was one strange moment, when he had an odd interaction with Randall Madison, and that vermin, Seth Collins. When he encountered the men, Madison had been loath to maintain eye contact with him. Usually, Madison was very arrogant and even gloating, always happy to tell Nick about his latest conquests. That evening, it seemed like even being in the same room with Nick made him vastly uncomfortable.

  Something was going on, Nick could feel it. Perhaps Madison and Collins had heard all about Nick's latest conquests, and in a turn of events, they were envious at how well things were going for him. That thought gave Nick a great feeling inside.

  What really threw him off however, was the way Collins was acting. The man seemed even more inclined to gloat, than usual. Something was definitely off. While he considered both men his enemies, with their families having been competitive rivals for years, he actually liked Madison. Collins, on the other hand, he didn't like at all.

  Nick had decided not to concern himself with the odd behavior of the two men, for the time being.

  He had his hands full with entertaining their investors after the formal meetings had taken place. If Madison and Collins were up to something, he would find out soon, and take care of it. Nothing was going to stand in his way of pursuing this business venture.

  While he was happy with the way things had gone this week, he was looking forward to returning home to his wife. He had thought about her often while he was away. Especially at night while he lie alone in his bed. Nick was impatient to see her sweet, beautiful face once more. When he got home, he would give her the greeting he had been itching to give her. Then he would take her upstairs to his bedroom, and take care of an altogether different itch.

  He had received word from Bentley while he was in London that Erica had returned home early from her visit with the Madison's. He didn't mention a reason why, but it was of no great concern. His wife was at home, right where he wanted her to be.

  Nick relaxed against the cushions and wondered how she was fitting in with his staff. She had such a sweet and agreeable disposition, that he was certain she was getting along well enough with them. He knew his staff would bend over backward to help her with anything. Hopefully she was settling just fine into the house. It was massive, with many wings and unused rooms. He wondered if the property was overwhelming to her.

  Thoughts of his lovely wife kept him occupied the remainder of his trip home. Upon his arrival, Moira greeted him at the door, her hands wringing in obvious distress. She looked worried and he noticed that Erica is nowhere to be seen.

  “Good evening, Moira. Where is your new mistress?”

  “Oh Sir, the mistress is in the dining room, she-”

  Before the maid could finish, Nick darted towards the direction of the dining room. Swinging the door open, having no idea what he would find, he did not expect to see her standing on a stool, polishing his china cabinet.

  He paused, momentarily distracted by the mere sight of her. She was even more beautiful than he had remembered. Her face was flushed and her beautiful dark hair was piled on top of her head. Tendrils that had gotten loose floated around her lovely face. She was wearing a light blue dress, with a white apron over it.

  Erica had become startled when Nick came barreling into the dining room. She looked at him now with a small smile on her face. Clearly happy to see him, there was also something else...

  Looking at her mouth, he was reminded that he had been apart from her for far too long. Not even noticing the polishing rag, which dropped from her hand when he reached her and swung her into his arms, he lifted her, holding her tightly to him and kissed her. He kissed her deeply, his tongue sweeping inside her mouth to take complete possession.

  Suddenly, it wasn't enough. He needed to have her. Carrying her out of the dining room, he reentered the foyer where he had left Moira standing.

  As they passed her, she tried calling out to him, “But sir...!”

  “Later Moira, later,” he called behind him as he made his way up the stairs, with his bride in his arms. She was looking up at him, dazed from their kiss. Her arms had wound around his neck, and she clung to him, panting with her desire. He wasn't sure he was going to make it up the stairs.

  Finally inside their bedchamber, he set her down and locked the door. Turning to her once more, he lifted her up against him and wrapped her legs around his waist. She held onto him, her arms going around his neck, her lips receiving his kiss once more. He spun them around and propped her against the door, holding her prisoner against it, with his body and mouth.

  He devoured her, feasting on her like a starving man. Tearing his mouth from hers, he kissed her neck, keeping his face pressed against her, tickling her smooth, creamy skin.

  Erica panted as he tormented her, his mouth and his hands teasing her higher and higher, until she was burning with her desire for him.

  She put her hands on the side of his face, and looked into his eyes. The arousal she saw there

  scorched her. He wanted her, most fervently.

  Her breath slowed as she remembered that soon she would have to tell him about what happened with Seth at the Madison's. Erica hated even thinking about that vile man. She didn't want anything to taint this special moment that she was having with her husband. But she knew that's what was going to happen. It was best that he found out from her, and now, before he found out from someone else.

  Just then, Nick's mouth found hers again, and he kissed her. He kissed her and kissed her until they were both in such a frenzy, that they were mindless to anything other than each other.

  Nick carried her over the bed and all but tore her dress and undergarments off. Undressing himself before getting onto the bed with her, Erica thought to herself that she must tell him now. She had to tell him before things went any further. Then Nick's mouth covered hers and she didn't think of anything but him and what he was doing to her.

  He loved her with an intensity and a passion that had greatly surpassed anything that she had ever experienced with Nick before. His lovemaking was uncontrolled and wild.

  Kissing her deeply, he slid his hand down between her thighs. She panted,
clinging to his shoulders. Erica parted her legs for him, craving his touch. He slowly slid is index finger inside of her, gauging her wetness. His thumb settled on her throbbing nub, fondling it in teasing little circles, eliciting waves of pleasure throughout her body.

  He kept going until she was very wet and aching for the sweet release that only he could give her. Placing himself between her thighs, he entered her slowly. He made sure to be careful with her, but he never stopped his forward motion to reach her sweet depth.

  When he was completely inside of her, she looked up at him in pleasant surprise. “There was no pain!” she told him, with great delight.

  He grunted. “No love, there is only this,” he said, as he pulled out of her, and then sank back in.

  Her eyes crossed in the immense pleasure that his movement brought. And so he did it again. And again, and again, gaining speed with each thrust. Before long, Nick had her soaring, reaching toward a searing release.

  Suddenly, he stopped. Opening her eyes, she looked at him. Holding her securely to him, he rolled over, so that he was on his back and she was impaled on top of him. At a loss for what to do, she felt Nick grip her hips, and guide her up and down his length. It didn't take her very long to get the hang of it. She moved up and down his hot shaft, glorying in the pleasure that this caused them both. Nick released her hips to toy with her nipples, which added to her growing pleasure.

  She looked down at Nick, at his beloved face, and her heart spasmed painfully. She had fallen completely in love with Nick. And when their lovemaking was over, she would have to tell him about Seth. With her aching heart, she continued to love her husband, driving them both to the brink of their release.

  When he felt them both about to reach their peak, he flipped her onto her back. On top of her now, he plunged into her hard two more times. They came together, holding each other and convulsing in pleasure.

  After she was spent, Erica's eyes grew heavy. She hadn't slept well all week, very fearful of what was going to happen when Nick found out about Seth.

  Looking into Nick's eyes, her worry evident on her face, she lost the battle and fell asleep.

  Concerned for the distress that he had seen on her face, Nick wanted to wake her up to ask her what was wrong. Did he hurt her? He knew that it had been a week since their last lovemaking, so she should have been healed by now. Shouldn't she?

  Pulling his sleeping wife to him, he remembered how Moira had also appeared concerned when he had returned this evening. He considered that maybe Moira is concerned because she isn't getting along well with her new mistress, yet. Well, Nick was certain that the women would work things out in time, given that they were both sweet and gentle. Moira may not like the new way her mistress wanted to run things, he speculated.

  Yawning, he decided that it was a dilemma that was going to have to wait for his attention until tomorrow. Drifting off to sleep, he felt the warmth from his wife seep into him. He loved holding her like this. He loved making love to her... he loved...

  The last thought that floated through his mind before sleep claimed him, is that he must be careful. Erica was quickly working her way into his heart.


  At the Madison house, Randall returned home from his trip to London, as well. He found his wife in her sitting room, seated in her hostess' chair. She was looking aimlessly out of the window into the night. He can tell that Abbie is very distraught. He was familiar with the feeling. The entire circumstances with Seth and Erica had been eating at him, all week.

  Hearing him enter the room, Abbie rose from her chair and crossed the room to greet him. Standing on her tip-toes, she pressed a kiss to his cheek, and said, “Welcome home husband, I have missed you.”

  Kissing her on the mouth and pulling her close to him, Randall replied, “I have missed you, as well.” Looking down into her deeply troubled eyes, he asked her, “How did it go with Erica after Seth and I left?”

  Looking away from him, she answered, “Not well, at all.” Resting her forehead against his chest, she continued. “Erica denied all wrong-doing. She said that Seth was the one who was inappropriate with her. But husband,” she said, pulling back from him, thoroughly confused, “When we walked in on them, it seemed to be the other way around. She didn't fight him, or shove him, or even yell.”

  Frowning, Randall said, “No, she didn't. She must have been welcoming his affections.”

  “That was my conclusion as well!” she told him. “However, Erica vehemently denied that she encouraged him, and said, of all things! That Seth forced her.” Abbie buried her face against Randall's chest in frustration, as she tried to fathom how this could possibly be happening. “I am so troubled by this entire ordeal, husband. Seth has always been so noble and honorable, especially with females.”

  Her last comment gave Randall pause, and made him consider Seth's behavior with the prostitutes that he was with on their last trip. Seth had been drunk at the time, just as he always was when he was about to be with a whore. But he did hear one of the whores saying that Seth was too rough with her.

  Seth had soothed the woman and they had still retired together for the evening. He knew that Seth had a history of indulging with whores. Just as he did, before he met his beloved Abbie.

  But, while never publicly cruel, Seth's appetites towards women of the evening was always... intense. Randall never paid too much attention to the debauchery his friend committed. So as not to fall to temptation, he always made a point to leave for the night, whenever Seth started getting overly frisky with his lady companions.

  Randall considered what he knew about Erica. They had first met when he started courting Abbie. Erica was a regular presence in her life. So was Seth. Erica had always seemed to be a sensible and reasonable person. She liked to avoid trouble and she went to great lengths to avoid it. He also knew her to be honest. She freely spoke of her true feelings and thoughts about everything. And she has never liked Seth.

  Hm. That was certainly something to consider. Given Seth's lusty nature, and Erica's tenancy towards honesty, perhaps Abbie's friend was right. It could be that Seth had tried to ruin Erica.

  If that was the case, if his friend had tried to ruin that poor girl under his own roof, then...

  “Oh, my goodness...” Randall murmured, realization dawning on him. Concerned by the look on her husband's face, Abbie asked, “What is it, dear?” He turned to look at her, his anger shining brightly in his eyes.

  “I think that Erica was telling the truth.”

  “What?” Abbie cried, not sure that she had just heard right.

  Randall grabbed her shoulders and looked into her eyes. “Think about it, love. Have you ever known Erica to lie?”

  Abbie stammered, “W-well, no, but Seth...”

  He shook her, “Yes, Seth. In many ways, you are still an innocent, my dear. But Seth has a way of being...”

  Completely confused, Abbie asked, “What?”

  “Of being...” Randall tried again, trying not to scandalize his sweet wife.

  “What, husband? Of what?” she yelled, not knowing what he was thinking.

  “Of being rough with women, Abbie, of not being gentle.”

  Abbie stared up at him, unsure of where this was coming from, never having seen this side of Seth, before. “I have never seen him...” she began.

  “With whores, Abigail! He is rough with whores!”

  Abbie gasped, and the information began to emerge a different understanding in her head. She had always seen Seth in civilized situations. She had never seen him when he was fulfilling his...more baser needs.

  With that understanding, the thought struck her. She had accused her best friend of lying. Not only that, but she had not believed her when Erica had said that she had been attacked. In Abbie's own house.

  Backing away from her husband, Abbie fell back into the chair behind her. Deep, consuming shame washed through her. Poor Erica! No wonder she had left Abbie's house so broken, so devastated.

Abbie recalled how Erica had said that she didn't need friends like her. Abbie now understood why she would say such a thing. Abbie wouldn't want a friend like herself, either. What kind of friend was she to throw away a lifetime of friendship, of endless conversation with the one person who she had shared all of her hopes and dreams.

  Standing up, she walked to stand in front of her husband. Clasping her hands in front of her, she said, “Randall, my love. We must make amends.”

  His face stark with determination, he agreed, “Immediately.”

  Chapter 9

  Nick woke the next morning to find Erica still snuggled up against him. In the bright morning light, he had a chance to study her face. In truth, her beautiful face looked exhausted. There were dark circles under her eyes. His wife had probably missed him too much to sleep, he mused to himself.

  He carefully removed her arms from around his waist and slid out of bed. After washing and dressing, he paused by the bed to look down at her. His heart beat faster just looking at her peaceful face. Being near her was a pleasure that he was going to have to start to deny himself. He needed to stay focus on his work. He and Linnus had a long road ahead of them. He really did not have time for emotional entanglements.

  Still, unable to resist, Nick gently kissed her forehead before he left the room. Closing the door softly behind him, he went downstairs to meet with his staff. He was particularly looking forward to having a word with Moira. Something was going on between her and his wife, and he was determined to find out what it was.


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