A Bride by Morning (The Bride Series Book 1)

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A Bride by Morning (The Bride Series Book 1) Page 8

by Vanessa Lee

  Nick located the servant, who was more like an aunt to him, and said, “Good morning Moira. I need a word with you regarding your new mistress.”

  Wiping her hands with a cloth, the old woman put it down onto the counter top and put her hands on her hips. “Oh aye, my boy, we must speak, indeed.”

  “Now Moira,” he began. “I know that we have done things here a certain way for years. However, your new mistress may have a different way of running this house that you may or may not agree with...” he paused to let her offer her input.

  “Aye, her ladyship's way of doing things agrees with my own.” Moira said.

  “Ah, wonderful.” Nick was relieved to hear that. Tensions between the staff and a new wife was quite common in a new marriage.

  “The problem is, Sir, that she wants to do my chores with me, as well!” “What?” Nick asked. Erica was a well-bred lady, they did not do chores.

  “She certainly does!” she exclaimed. The old servant looked completely exasperated as she told him the tale of how this came to be. “The missus came back very early from her visit with her friends, the Madison's. She went to her room straightaway and stayed there. But she was pacing the room something fierce! She had all this energy. After a while, she came downstairs and asked me what she could do. 'Do'? I says? Aye, she wanted to help me with my work!” “You didn't put her to work Moira, did you?” Nick asked.

  “I did not! She was clearly upset though, and I didn't want to upset her further. So I gave her a rag and some polish and told her she could polish the small table in the foyer.” Rolling her eyes at the memory, she continued. “I went in the kitchen to prepare dinner. When I came back out again, she had moved into the drawing room! She polished every piece of furniture in the room. And she didn't stop there!” Shaking her head, the perplexed maid finished the story. “Every day, she just polishes and polishes. It's like she's got some demon chasing after her, and she needs to have something to do to keep her mind off of it. I tell you, after this week, she has polished every stick of wood in this house!” Shaking his head, Nick asked, “Do you know why she is so upset?”

  “No, I don't,” Moira answered, clearly not very happy about it. “I asked her what was wrong that first night, but she wouldn't tell me. She will not talk about it.”

  “I wonder if she had a fight with the Madisons?”

  “It would seem that way. I don't know why else she would come home on the first day of her visit, and be this upset.”

  Nick agreed. He was going to have to look into this some more. He didn't want his wife to be upset and he needed to know what had happened. He couldn't imagine the Madisons upsetting her, so. Clearing his throat, Bentley stood in the door way.

  “Yes Bentley?” Nick asked.

  “You have a visitor. It is Mister Andrew Chadwick, Sir.”

  “Thank you, Bentley Please show him to my study.”

  “Very well, Sir.” Bentley answered, turning to do as he was bid.

  “My thanks to you, as well, Moira.” Nick turned to follow Bentley to the study. Before he left, he said to her, “Do not worry, I will find out what is bothering your mistress.” Moira smiled at him. “Aye, I know that you will, boy.” He turned and left for his study.


  When he entered the room, Chadwick was still standing. He looked as though he would rather not be here, which confused Nick greatly. Chadwick was one of their new investors, and he and Nick had developed a good working relationship over the past week. They had bonded over drinks at a local tavern a couple nights after their meetings had let out.

  Nick held out his hand for Chadwick to shake, which the man did. “Chadwick,” Nick said. “Long time no see. To what do I owe the pleasure?”

  Unable to hold Nick's gaze for very long, Chadwick looked like he really didn't want to say what he had come here to say. Nick sincerely hoped that he wasn't backing out of their deal. “Hello, Nick. You see, the thing is...” he trailed off, not knowing how to continue.

  “Yes, what is it?” Nick asked.

  “Well, Nick...I, uh...” he trailed off again. He inhaled deeply and looked at Nick. Exhaling sharply, he continued.

  “Oh, hell, Nick. The thing is that the night before last, some of us met for drinks down at the tavern. Randall Madison was there...” Looking at Nick, he found is nerve and continued. “The man was overly intoxicated, and he kept rambling about pitying 'poor Seth.' I had assumed that his ramblings were the effect of a drunken man, until I heard him mention your wife.”

  Nick's gaze sharpened. So, something had happened between his wife and the Madisons. “Please Chadwick, tell me everything.”

  Breathing in deeply, Chadwick told him the rest of it. “It would seem that Randall was upset with Erica for vying for the affections of Seth Collins, while being a married woman. The drunken Randall speculated that it's a pity that Seth and Erica clearly have feelings for each other, and now they won't be able to be together, because of you.”

  Nick felt like the floor opened up and the bottom dropped out from underneath him. He had speculated that there was something going on between his wife and Collins before they married. But... no, she wouldn't do that to him. She wouldn't dare cuckold him like that.

  Would she? He had all but forced her into this marriage, when apparently, she had feelings for someone else. But still, she didn't seem upset with him. She seemed...happy.

  Was she just putting on an act?

  “Chadwick,” Nick asked calmly, when the anxiety roiling inside him made him anything but, “Did something happen between Collins and my wife last week, while I was away?”

  His face turning the color of a deep red, Chadwick answered, “I did manage to pry it out of Randall that night. It wasn't hard, because he was so sloppy drunk, but he did say that he and his wife had walked in on Erica and Collins having an intimate moment.”

  Nick tensed so hard, that he thought he turned into stone. “Did he touch her?”

  Chadwick nodded. “Yes, Randall says Collins had his arm around her, and he was just about to kiss her when he walked in. I'm so sorry Wellington, I just thought that you should know.”

  His jaw tight, his whole body felt like one tight fist, Nick said, “I appreciate you doing so. I am glad that I know.”

  Nodding, Chadwick clapped a hand on his shoulder in support, and left him to deal with his thoughts on this situation.

  Nick paced his study, at a loss about what to do. His wife had betrayed him and it cut him like a knife. They had made vows to each other, before God. Apparently, those vows meant nothing to his wife, who even now, was harboring feelings for Collins.

  What kind of person was his wife, who had agreed to marry him, yet loved another man? Nick was well aware that even though he had compromised her reputation, she still had the power to say no. She didn't have to marry him.

  But she did choose to marry him. Then, within days, she had betrayed him. When he turned his back, she had stabbed him in it. With Collins, the snake! How could she have feelings for someone so vile? Perhaps, she wasn't the person who he thought she was. No, if she would run to Collins within says of their nuptials, then she was not the sweet, wonderful person who he had thought her to be. She was selfish and cruel.

  First, it was his father who had betrayed him by leaving their affairs a mess. Then, his brother Darren had left him to deal with this mess alone. And now, within days of their wedding, his wife betrayed him with someone who he despised.

  Nick walked rapidly back and forth in his study, rage boiling inside of him, ready to blow. He didn't ask for this. All he'd ever done was try to make the best of things, for his father and brother, than for the family legacy, and then for his new bride. Every single one of them had failed him.

  Inhaling deeply, Nick desperately tried to clear his mind, which was clouded with his anger. He felt deep hurt in light of his wife's betrayal. Sitting down to calm himself, he considered his options. The one thing he had, the one thing that he could count on, was this bu
siness venture that he was embarking on with Linnus. Despite having a despicable daughter, he knew that Linnus could be trusted. His associates had put their faith in him for years, and Linnus had yet to let him down.

  His wife had certainly served her purpose. He reminded himself that he had only married her for her dowry and for the merging of his business with her father's. That was the deal he made himself. Emotion would not be involved in their relationship. He didn't know when it had become an issue.

  Well, it would be an issue, no more. His wife would not make a fool out of him. He wouldn't give her the opportunity. He would no longer care for her, one way or another. If he didn't care, he could keep his head clear and do his work.

  Putting his thoughts in order, he came up with a plan that would take care of all the loose ends of this situation. His wife wouldn't like the arrangements at all. She had a steep price to pay.

  But that was the price of betrayal.

  Chapter 10

  Erica stretched as she woke. Yawning, she noticed that she felt better than she had all week. Probably because she had actually slept through the entire night. Nick had let her sleep in, too, she thought, smiling. She knew it had to be latter in the morning, by the way the sun shone into the room.

  Getting out of bed, she dressed in her robe. She walked over to her washing table and did her daily routine. A quick knock on the door sounded before Moira walked in, ready to assist her in getting dressed. “Good morning, Moira. How are you today?”

  “Oh, I'm well, missus, thank you for asking,” Moira beamed at her. “My, don't you look a site better this morning.”

  “I feel better,” she answered. “It was nice to finally get some sleep.”

  Moira chuckled, “Aye. I'm sure you missed the master too much to sleep, my dear.”

  Erica smiled. Her smile dimmed a bit when she thought about the conversation she was going to have with Nick today. Taking a deep breath, she tried to gather her strength. She hadn't really done anything, and she hated Seth. She knew she had nothing to apologize for.

  When she was dressed and her hair was done, Moira said, “The master is waiting for you in his study. He wants you to go to him, now that you are awake.

  Nodding, Erica walked downstairs and headed towards Nick's study. She loved his home and she especially loved that he was back home, with her.

  The door was closed, so she knocked on it.

  “Enter,” came Nick's reply.

  Walking into the study, Erica spotted Nick at his desk. He was bent over a stack of papers, looking very intent on reading them.

  He looked a fine sight, sitting there and taking care of his business matters. Erica thought that she could stand there looking at him all day. Smiling with pleasure, she asked, “You wanted to see me?”

  Putting down his fountain pen, Nick stood up. He looked at her with an almost bored look on his face and said, “Yes. I believe we must talk about a certain encounter that recently took place between you and Seth Collins at the Madison's home.”

  Erica looked at him, righteous indignation burning inside of her. She didn't know how he had found out, but now that he had... “I know. The man had the audacity to put his hands on me.”

  Crossing his arms over his chest, Nick's eyebrow quirked at her words. “Audacity?”

  She nodded, “Yes! I was just sitting there, and he came over and-”

  “Oh, you were just sitting there?” Nick interrupted her sharply. “And where was Abbie during all of this?”

  Clearly he was upset with her, but he had absolutely no reason to be. She had done nothing wrong. Erica had even stood up for him throughout the entire morning when her friends had questioned her about Nick. “Abbie had gone to the kitchen to see about dinner when Seth came into the drawing room. I did not encourage him, he sat beside me and-”

  He interrupted her once more, “Oh, so you were alone with him. Such a fitting position for a newly married woman to be in.” Nick's sarcasm scraped at her raw nerves. “Tell me, would you and Collins had gone any further if Abbie hadn't walked in on you?”

  Filled with deep hurt, Erica looked him in the eye. With every ounce of truth inside of her and her head held high, she said, “No, Nick. I don't like Collins, not even a little. He forced himself on me and he tried to ruin me. You must believe me!”

  A mocking look crossed Nick's face. “Believe you? You let that reptile put his hands on you after you took vows to be my wife. My wife!” he yelled.

  Erica jumped at his words. Their bitterness, his sheer disdain for her was shocking to her. Where was the gentle and affectionate man that she had gotten to know? Where was he, and who had taken his place?

  Frowning at her now, he continued. You may not like the circumstances that we are in, but by God woman, as my wife, you will not make a fool of me.”

  Going back to sit behind his desk, he picked up his fountain pen again, holding the length of it with both of his hands. Leveling her with a direct icy stare, he said, “Until further notice, you are confined to the walls of this house.”

  Erica gasped. He was holding her prisoner? Punishing her? She hadn't known what to expect when she told Nick about the encounter with Seth, but it wasn't this.

  Continuing, he said, “You will not receive any visitors whatsoever, and if I so much as hear of you and Collins making any reconciliation, so help me, I will kill you both.” Delivering his final blow, he said, “Your things will be moved out of my bedroom this afternoon. You will stay in your own room in the South Wing. All of your time will be occupied in those wings. You will not make your presence known during any of my meetings, and do not bother me when I am working. If you have anything at all to say to me, you will tell it to Moira, and I will send my response through her. Do you have any questions?”

  Her heart breaking, Erica's eyes brimmed with unshed tears. She shook her head, 'No.' She didn't have any questions. The man had cut her out of his life altogether. Her shoulders quaked with sobs that she wouldn't let out. Nick hadn't believed her when she told him that she had been attacked. He was supposed to be her protector, and he had taken the side of her attacker.

  “No? Well, then, be on your way. I have much to do.” With that, he dismissed her and started working on the document in front of him once more.

  Feeling as though Nick had ripped her heart out of her chest, Erica turned and slowly walked out the door. She didn't close it behind her. Her mind would not allow her to think of such trivial things. She thought she heard Nick bellowing for her to close it, but she was far beyond awareness in her grief.

  Slowly, as if she was walking through tar in the worst nightmare of her life, Erica made her way up the stairs. Nick was right. The servants were moving her things from Nick's room in the North Wing, to the South Wing of the house. Watching them, she felt so numb. Erica followed their trail to the room which now contained all of her things.

  Sitting down gently on the bed, she looked around. There was dust everywhere. Moira had just changed the sheets and put down a new coverlet onto the bed. The room fit her emotions; it was dark and dreary. It smelled musty and stale.

  Erica felt cut off from the entire world. She was cut off from the entire world, Nick had seen to

  that. Losing her home, her family, her best friend, and now her husband in the space of a week was more than Erica could bear. Her fight leaving her entirely, Erica fell back onto the bed. It wasn't long before the deep sobs came. They stayed with her awhile.


  She woke the next morning with an aching head. Having cried herself to sleep and not having any dinner, she felt lightheaded and nauseous. A quick knock sounded on her door. “Come in.” She answered. Her heart in her throat, she wondered if it was Nick. Moira entered with a tray of a tea kettle, teacup, and breakfast. Erica's shoulders fell.

  “Good morning, missus,” the servant called, carefully scanning her face. Moira had heard the awful way the master had yelled at the sweet Miss the previous day. Erica had also missed out on he
r dinner last night, having been in great distress. “Are you feeling better today, ma'am?” she asked.

  “I don't believe I am,” Erica answered. Her husband hated her and wanted nothing to do with her. Last night, when Moira came to serve her dinner, Erica had demanded that she tell Nick that she needed to see him. Poor Moira looked so distraught as she told her mistress that the master had locked himself in his office and didn't want to talk to her. Erica couldn't imagine a more terrible beginning to a marriage.

  Gratefully accepting a cup of tea from Moira, she wrapped her hands around the glass, waiting for it to cool.

  Hating to see her new mistress in such despair, Moira said, “Is there anything I can do for you, ma'am?”

  Thinking about how she would be spending her day alone in her suite, Erica said, “Actually, there is one thing you can do.”

  “Oh, name it dear,” the kindly old maid said.

  Erica mapped out her plan. She needed to talk to Nick once more to try and make him understand what had happened. She genuinely hadn't done anything wrong, and she loved him. They shouldn't be apart like this. Erica decided to see if she could try to arrange a meeting with Nick so that he couldn't yell at her. “Moira, Nick has said that I am not to interrupt him at all.” Her heart broke when the kindly maid nodded her head in agreement. It pained Erica greatly that Nick was so upset with her that he was taking great lengths to avoid her.

  “Well, I wanted to walk the garden today because it is a most beautiful day outside. But I don't want to bother your master. Is there a time when I will avoid missing him?”

  “Why, yes ma'am. The master is leaving the house at one this afternoon to meet with Master

  Grayson over at his house.”

  “Oh, he's leaving at one o’clock today?” Erica asked innocently. Good, now she knew that Nick was planning to leave at one this afternoon. She would intercept him on her way back inside from her walk in the garden. He had to listen to her. She was telling the truth. As Moira continued to bustle about the room, Erica finalized the details of her plan. Now, to wait for one.


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