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A Bride by Morning (The Bride Series Book 1)

Page 9

by Vanessa Lee


  Nick rushed through the hallway from his study to leave for his meeting with Donald Grayson. He kept his eyes averted from the stairs, so as not to catch a glimpse of his wife. Ha, he thought to himself. As if “wife” was the term he would use. She was no wife. Erica was in love with another man. All of the times that they had made love to each other had been immensely gratifying for him. She had looked so pleased with him after each time, always curling against him, and holding him against her. The thought of it made him sick to his stomach, knowing that she was probably thinking of Collins the whole time.

  He still couldn't believe that with as deeply as he touched her, no matter how high he drove her, she would still seek pleasure in the arms of the other man. Although he was loath to admit it to himself, he had started to care for her. He had missed her while he was gone. He thought about her day in and day out. Even last night, as he sat in his office. His enormous rage warred with his intense desire to go up to her room and shake some sense into her. Demand to know why he wasn't enough for her.

  He was so close to following after her, that he locked the door. The action was not only meant to lock her out. It was meant as a reminder for him to stay inside. His faithless wife would have to take a seat in the back of his mind, for now. He had pressing business matters to see to.

  Reaching the end of the hallway, he entered the foyer. He was halfway across the room when the front door opened. His wife entered, breathless, with a healthy glow about her beautiful, angelic face. She was coming in from a walk. Now she was directly in his path, preventing him from leaving.

  “Aren't you currently confined to your rooms, madam?” he asked, glaring at her.

  “Oh, hello Nicholas,” she said in greeting.

  He didn't respond to her greeting. “When I give you an order, you are expected to follow it. You are confined to your rooms. Is that in anyway unclear?”

  Erica's heart sank, but she was determined to repair this situation and put it behind them. Hoping for the best, she asked, “Might I have a word with you, husband?” Erica saw every muscle in his entire body tense up.

  “Actually, I am on my way out the door, at the moment.” he answered through his clenched teeth.

  “It won't take but a moment.” Erica promised, her hands clasped in front of herself. Looking like he was going to deny her, she stopped his refusal by saying, “Please, Nick. I understand you are angry, but if we are going to be married to each other, we will still need to talk to each other on occasion.”

  Narrowing his eyes at her, he braced his feet apart and crossed his hands over his chest. “Please be brief.”

  Relief flooded through Erica, but she refused to let him see it. “I wanted to ask you if you have been displeased by any of my wifely duties that I have performed during our brief time in marriage.”

  Nick snorted at her. “You mean, other than letting another man put his hands on you?”

  Holding his gaze and her composure, Erica said, “No husband. I mean when you put your hands on me.”

  Seeing his eyes heat and that she had his interest, she continued, “Nick, when you touch me, I simply lose my mind. You make me feel such wondrous feelings inside and out of my body. I cannot be the only one who feels these things.”

  He looked at her, and his eyes told her that she was indeed not the only one who felt great things when they made love.

  Slowly approaching him, she softly put her hand on his arm, and implored him. “Nick, you are the only man I have ever wanted. I don't want anyone else. Seth Collins forced himself on me at the Madison's house. I didn't want him anywhere near me, but he trapped me. Please, you must believe me,” she pleaded with him.

  Nick looked down into her eyes. Was it possible? Could it be that he was the one she wanted? Nick remembered the way that Erica and Collins had interacted with each other at the ball. He had seen the way she had flushed in Collins' presence. She was lying.

  He looked pointedly down at her hand which was still placed on his arm. “Madam,” he began in a no-nonsense tone, “as I have pointed out earlier, I am late for an appointment. Please remove your hand, and as I stated twice before, do not leave your rooms.” Sidestepping her, he continued walking toward the door.

  She drew back her hand as if he had bit her. He still didn't believe her! What could she say that would make him believe her? She decided that there was only one thing she could do. “Nick, I love you.”

  His steps halted and he turned to look at her once more. His brows furrowed deeply over his, eyes, which glinted with their anger. He asked her wretchedly, “Why the devil would you say anything so foolish to me?”

  Her heart shattering into a million pieces, she decided it was all, or nothing. “Because it's true. I love you.”

  Nick glared at her as he said darkly, “Clearly, you do not know the meaning of the word.”

  Pain engulfed her entire being at his words. She watched him walk away from her, agony and despair overwhelming her. He still hadn't believed her. And he had rejected her love, as well. She had tried to make him listen to reason, but his mind had been made up. There was nothing she could do.

  But she would be dammed if she would be a prisoner in his house. Erica walked back up to the room that Nick had coldly isolated her to and sat down at her desk. Penning a brief letter, she put it in an envelope and brought it down for Bentley to send out right away.

  Chapter 11

  Nick had stayed away longer than he had intended to. His good friend, Donald Grayson, had seen how disturbed Nick was, and had offered him a room for the night. Nick thought it was best if he hunkered down for the evening outside of his home. He didn't want to give his wife another chance to plead her innocence. Or to profess her love.

  If the circumstances had been any different, Nick would have greatly enjoyed hearing Erica tell him that she loved him. But he knew that she was just lying to save her own hide. He wanted sons and daughters, so he couldn't keep avoiding her forever. She would play the role of adoring wife at social functions and she would serve the purpose of producing offspring. That would be her only function in his life.

  As he returned home the next day, Bentley was out on the drive. It looked like he was waiting for him.

  When the carriage came to a stop in front of the entryway, Bentley said, “Oh Sir, thank goodness you're home! It's the mistress!”

  Well that figures, Nick thought, disdainfully. “What's she done this time, Bentley?”

  “She's left, master!”

  Nick froze. “Where did she go?” If she went to meet Collins, he would kill her. And then he would kill Collins, the dammed ass.

  “She went with her father, Sir Linnus, just an hour ago! She had him load her bags into his carriage. I think she plans on staying with him!” Bentley said, his concern evident.

  “What was her father doing here?” Nick asked.

  Bentley looked sheepish. “Yesterday she had me send a letter out to him. I had no idea that she was going to tell him to come and get her!” The butler yelled, clearly feeling guilty over the situation.

  “No, I don't supposed you could have known,” Nick agreed. “Did she say when she was coming back?”

  Looking even more stricken, Bentley said, “She said that she is not coming back, Sir.”

  She had left him. Nick couldn't believe that she had left him. Erica was his wife! She was his property. She could not go anywhere without his say-so. Like it or not, her place was inside his home. Adding to his concern, his new business partner was now aware of his marital strife. He and Linnus had built a great solid foundation between them during their trip to London. Now Linnus had come to take Nick's own wife out of his house.

  Nick nodded at Bentley and walked into the house. He strode into his study and set his things down on the sofa. Sitting behind his desk, Nick knew that he had only one choice. Once again, all he had left was his business. With that in mind, Nick got to work.

  Linnus stared at his daughter, who was sea
ted across from him in his carriage. He must admit that he was surprised to receive word from Erica that she needed to see him, urgently. He had no idea what to expect when he got to her and Nick's home. Surely they couldn't be fighting already?

  When he had arrived at the Wellington estate, his daughter had greeted him tearfully. In between sobs, she had told him what had happened. He didn't know who he wanted go after first, Collins or Wellington. Linnus was also planning to take that silly Abigail to task as soon as he was able. How dare she question the honor of his sweet girl?

  Erica was now staring out the window, lost in thought. When she had said that Nick had isolated her to her rooms and didn't believe her version about what happened between Collins, Linnus knew that he needed to intervene. Yes, by law, Erica belonged to Nick now. However, Linnus thought the boy needed some time to cool his heels. He was wrong about his wife, and given time, he would see the error of his ways. Then, Linnus' could arrange an encounter between them where they would work things out.

  He wasn't worried about Nick. From what he could see, he was a good lad. Linnus believed in him, but he also knew that Nick just needed some time. His daughter would stay on with him until she and her husband worked things out.

  Upon their arrival, his other daughters, Genevieve and Anastasia, where there to greet them. Each of the girls hugged their sisters enthusiastically, burning with curiosity to know what had happened.


  Entering the drawing room, ironically, where she had gotten married, Erica let Genevieve and Anastasia guide her over to the sofa.

  “Oh, Erica, what has happened?” Genevieve asked.

  “Yes, you must tell us!” Anastasia demanded, “Why are you here?”

  Erica's eyes started watering again. Dabbing them with a handkerchief, she said, “Nick and I had the most dreadful fight.” She sniffled, feeling completely distressed. “You see, he thinks that I am in love with Seth Collins.”

  “What?” Genevieve asked. “You hate that man!”

  “Yes, I have always hated that man, but I hate him now, even more so,” she said, her eyes burning with rage. “He forced himself on me in Abbie's sitting room, when she was in the kitchen seeing about dinner. Abbie didn't believe me. You know how she and Seth have been friends since they were children.”

  “Oh, but you and Abbie have been friends since you were children, as well!” Anastasia said, highly upset on her sister's behalf.

  “Yes, I know. But it doesn't matter. She wouldn't believe me. I cut off all ties with her.” Her eyes wet with her tears, Erica looked down and continued.

  “And now Nick doesn't believe me as well. I left his home today, I don't know what else to do.”

  Genevieve and Anastasia both patted her shoulders and hugged her. “Do not worry so,” Anastasia said. “You are home with papa and us now. Papa will not let you go back there until things are better. You will see.”

  Giving them the barest hint of a smile, Erica gave herself over to her sister's care.


  The next day, the three women were sitting down to breakfast in the dining room, when there was a knock at the door. Moments later, Abigail Madison came flying into the room.

  “Oh Erica, I am so happy that you are here! My dearest friend, I must apologize to you. I am so greatly sorry!” Abbie said in a rush. Taking off her bonnet, she set it down and went to her oldest friend. Sitting down in the open chair next to Erica she said, “You must believe me, I feel so awful for disbelieving you. Why, Randall told me how Seth has a way of being...” she trailed off, looking over at Genevieve and Anastasia, who were watching them and listening intently. “Of being...” she trailed off once more. Leaning in to whisper into Erica's ear she said, “Forceful when whoring!”

  “Whoring!” Genevieve exclaimed, overhearing her.

  “Yes, whoring!” Abbie cried. “Randall says that Seth has been known to be somewhat...rough...with them, but Erica, I swear that I have never seen that side of him!” Abbie implored her.

  Erica took mercy on her friend. “I know Abbie. He has always let society see what he wants them to see.” Looking away, she said, “But he can be very different in private.”

  Abbie's eyes filled with tears. She knelt down in front of Erica and took her hands into her own. She said, “Oh Erica, I know what he did to you. And in my own home!” Her lips quivered. Sniffling she straightened and sat back down into her chair. Wiping her eyes with the back of her hand she said.

  “No matter. Randall is correcting this atrocity as we speak.” Puzzled, Erica asked, “What's is Randall doing?”

  Smiling with great triumph, she said, “Ending the bastard.”

  Not sure she had heard right, Erica repeated, “Ending him?”

  “Why, yes. Randall is making it known to all of Seth's associates that he tried to ruin you.”

  Erica jumped up from her chair, “Oh, no!” she cried. Her hands flew to her face. “I could not bear the shame of being the subject of endless gossip. He mustn't breathe a word!” Genevieve and Anastasia both nodded their heads in agreement.

  Abbie got up out of her chair to put her arm around Erica in a comforting embrace. “No, my dear. Randall is making it clear that in no uncertain terms is this to turn into a scandal. Don't you worry. My husband can be quite lethal in his business dealings. No one will want to cross him. And he will completely ruin Seth Collins. Just as he deserves.”

  Erica believed her. Randall did have the reputation of being a ruthless businessman. She slowly relaxed. Looking at her sisters, she said, “Well, I do believe that is quite gratifying.”

  They certainly agreed. “Yes, it is wonderful when the truly guilty pay the piper,” Genevieve said.

  Abbie squeezed the arm that she had wrapped around Erica's waist. “I am deeply sorry, Erica. Do you truly forgive me for my error in judgment?”

  Erica smiled at her. For the first time in a while, she felt better about the situation. “I do forgive you, Abbie. I am so happy that you believe me.”

  Abbie's eyes filled up again. “Oh, I am entirely grateful. You are the most wonderful and generous friend. Unlike the friend that I have been to you.”

  Erica patted her hand. “I only wish my husband would come to his senses, well. Nick has been most unreasonable about the entire ordeal with Seth.”

  Abbie pulled away from Erica's embrace and smiled.

  “What?” Erica asked, having no idea why her friend would find humor in this situation.

  “Nick loves you.”

  Her sisters looked at each other, not quite sure how Abbie had come to that conclusion.

  Loves her? Erica thought, no that couldn't be right. Nick hated her. He had banned her from his life. He hadn't believed her when she said he had been attacked.

  “I believe you are mistaken.” Erica said in reply.

  Abbie continued to smile at her. “Your husband is well known for being a fair and reasonable man. Believing that you wanted Seth to touch you is quite unreasonable. Why would he be anything other than reasonable, unless something was clouding his judgment?”

  Erica sat mute. A hundred different thoughts whirred around inside her of head. All of them telling her that Nick couldn't possibly love her. He would have believed her if he had loved her.

  “His judgment is the very reason I am sitting here today, Abbie. He chooses to believe the very worst of me. How is that love?” she asked.

  Abbie said tentatively, “As someone who has also jumped to the wrong conclusion, I can advise that perhaps it might benefit you to look at the situation from his perspective. His father lost their family fortune. His brother left him to deal with the mess. Can you really blame him for having concerns with the matter of trust?”

  Erica looked hard at her friend. She knew about Nick's situation. She even understood why he would feel that way. But she was his wife. His partner. If he couldn't trust her, then who could he trust?

  “And you can't love someone who you don't trust,” Erica said quiet

  Abbie grabbed her hands in hers, and squeezed. “But, love does make one do the strangest things,” she said.

  “Yes Erica, maybe Nick does love you, after all!” Genevieve said excitedly.

  Still not willing to put her faith in the thought of Nick loving her, Erica said, “Nick knows where I am. If he wishes to see me again, then he must come find me.”

  Chapter 12

  It had been one month since his wife had moved out of their home. Nick sat behind his desk and looked at the unending piles of paperwork that were sitting on top of it. He had plenty to keep him busy. Mostly, he stayed glued to his desk, going through the countless agreements that needed his attention. There had also been a steady stream of visitors from investors, who had been wanting to go over particular details in person.

  Nick was happy with the way that things were progressing. Everything with his new business venture was falling into place nicely. Well, almost everything, he thought wearily. Linnus Campbell was the one piece of the puzzle that had yet to fall into place.

  It wasn't so much as anything Linnus had said. In fact, his father-in-law had said that he was going to give Nick and Erica some time to work things out. Linnus did tell him that Nick could trust his daughter. He had said that he knew his daughter better than anyone, and that Erica didn't have a dishonest bone in her body. Linnus guaranteed him that if she said Collins had acted indecently, then he had.

  Nick had chalked it up to Linnus being biased because he was her father. But it did make him wonder. Linnus was not a fool. In fact, being such an excellent judge of character had made him into the exceptional businessman that he was. No one got anything past him. Was he right about Erica's character? Was she honest like Linnus had said?


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