Sound of Regret

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Sound of Regret Page 11

by Chelsea Roy


  The trip through the market took longer than Ellie planned on. She had never gone grocery shopping with Jack before and he had her sides aching she was laughing so hard. He had the appetite of a five year old and threw things in the cart from Frosted Flakes to Twizzlers to oranges to milk and soda. Ellie added practical options like cheeses and meats, chocolate, hummus and crackers, wine, and locally brewed beer. Ellie couldn’t stop giggling when Jack pitched a tub of Ovaltine and some Tang into the cart.

  “I never knew you had such special tastes,” she teased him. He raised his eyebrows at her and Ellie had to resist drooling over the movement of the hoop in his eyebrow. He had put them back in that morning before going to the tattoo shop. They looked so unbelievably hot on him and she was sure he knew it.

  “I’m a man with many secrets,” was all he said, causing Ellie to giggle again. When they hit the register, the bill was astronomical. Ellie had no idea junk food could cost so much and was still recovering from sticker shock when Jack whipped out his debit card and paid the bill.

  “Christ, the checker was giving us the hairy eyeball,” he said as they left the store pushing two cards full of food. Ellie laughed because the cashier couldn’t seem to decide whether she wanted to pounce on Jack for a good romp or bounce him from her store because he looked like a criminal. But then again, Jack had that effect on people. With his piercings and his tattoos, he put people off. With his gorgeous thick hair and beautiful features, he drew them in. If he turned on the charm, the complete package was irresistible and most people were done for.

  As they loaded up the groceries into the Expedition, Jack gently pushed her out of the way with an exasperated sigh. Ellie was left standing there with nothing to do so she focused on the more serious aspects of their conversation earlier in the day.

  “Jack, if we’re going to make anything between us work, you need to stop thinking that I’m going to find you lacking and split.” Ellie tried to be gentle with her words, but they were words he needed to hear from her. Jack continued steadily loading the groceries into the car but she saw his shoulders stiffen.

  “I can’t promise that Ellie. You know what a crap life I had with my parents. I was never shown how to care for anyone. I can’t help but feel like I’m not going to be worth it for you. I think you’re going to get fed up with my bullshit and figure out you don’t really like me as much as you thought you did.” Jack’s words caused a rush of sadness to move through Ellie. She figured that the only thing that she could really do to help Jack and show him she was in for the long haul was continue to be there for him through the passage of time.

  “It’s funny,” she said, “I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop, too. I’m waiting for you to wake up and realize I’m not enough for you. And it’s not because I have bad self-esteem or anything. It’s because you’ve lived such a different life than me.” Jack finished loading the bags and looked at Ellie after he closed the rear door.

  “What do you mean by I’ve lived a different life than you? You’ve been in my life for years.” He sounded honestly puzzled and Ellie shook her head.

  “Jack, be real. You’ve traveled everywhere. You have thousands of fans who would rip your clothes off and fuck you blind if they were given half the chance. I haven’t experienced any of the craziness that comes with being a star. I’m just a normal person. That’s why I worry if I’m enough for you. It makes me question if you really want to settle down with just one woman.” Ellie’s heart beat frantically against her ribs as she laid her fears bare. She was forcing Jack to talk about his feelings so she knew it was only fair to reciprocate.

  “Ellie, if the last year has taught me anything, it’s that you’re the only woman I want in my life. Other women, they’ve just been a place filler. A warm body to pass the time until I got back with you. Yes, I’ve done and seen a lot of shit. But it helps me to know for certain exactly how much you mean to me, okay?” Ellie studied his intense face. His blue eyes were blazing into hers and his strong chin was tilted upward in challenge. His words made Ellie flinch inside because they hinted at the number of women he’d been with, but no matter how painful they were to hear they were honest and real. She tried to focus on the more positive aspects of what Jack just said.

  “I won’t bore you?” She asked him, her voice cracking. She placed her hands on his forearms just needing to feel his warm skin beneath hers, needing to connect with him in any small way. Jack immediately pulled Ellie into the shelter of his arms. Ellie’s nose found a slice of skin between his shoulder and his wife beater and pressed her nose close to inhale his scent.

  “Hell no. To me, you are perfect. You’re it for me. I find everything about you interesting and fascinating and I want to take the rest of my life to get to know you.” Ellie swayed unsteadily in Jack’s arms. His words were so close to a marriage proposal that she felt light on her feet. He was asking her to trust that he wouldn’t turn to another woman. She was asking him to believe his baggage wouldn’t overwhelm her. She hoped like hell they could both cross those bridges and rely on the other to make good on their promise.

  “I guess we’ll just have to trust each other,” she said finally, leaning into his broad chest.


  Having the band members and Regan over to Ellie’s house was a bizarre experience for Jack. When the band was on the road, they were forced to share a bus. Many times when they hit a large city they would split up and go their own ways. None of them had really put down roots once the band got big so partying at someone’s pad just hadn’t ever happened. The crash pad they maintained in San Diego was a heap and it was where they were all staying except for him. Jack was amused that all the guys seemed happy to have somewhere nice to hang and they all were yakking it up at Ellie’s. It made him realize all over again just how much had been missing from their lives when they were on the road.

  Even though Jack trusted his band mates, he stuck close to Ellie. He knew the three other guys had some serious shit going on in their lives but they all had a massive soft spot for Ellie. There was also no getting around the fact that Ellie was hot and completely fuckable. He damn well wanted to make sure everyone knew she was spoken for and off limits. Jack never put much thought into it before because he didn’t swing that way, but he knew the other guys in the band got plenty of women on looks alone and not just because they were part of a successful band. Possessiveness was a new feeling for him and it was one he wasn’t sure he was completely comfortable with.

  With those unsettling thoughts in the forefront of his mind, Jack kept his eyes on Jacob in particular. Jacob sat quietly in the corner of Ellie’s sectional, steadily making his way through the variety of IPA’s Ellie brought home. Jack was interested to see that even though Jacob was completely across the room from Regan, his eyes remained glued to her, watching her flirt shamelessly with Brent and Eric.

  “Regan better watch herself or she’s going to get into a load of trouble with those two guys.” Ellie told him, snuggling close to his chest where they sat across the sectional from Jacob. Ellie was holding a glass of white wine that Jack had tried and dismissed as way too sweet.

  “I have a feeling Regan can handle just about anything thrown at her.” Jack told Ellie dryly. Regan could be a real ball-busting bitch when she put her mind to it and Jack had seen her in action at other parties they’d all been to. Jack had never minded Regan’s in-your-face personality because he knew she kept an eye on Ellie when he wasn’t around. She was easily able to run off any unwanted attention.

  “We’ll see exactly what she can and can’t handle.” Jacob growled from his corner of the sectional. Jack didn’t even bother looking at Jacob or responding to his statement. He was the only one who knew Jacob had been in love with Regan for years. He had long since stopped pushing Jacob toward Regan. Why the poor bastard hadn’t made a move on her was beyond Jack’s comprehension. Jacob had grown up with a relatively normal family so any hang-ups he had were o
nes Jack didn’t know about.

  “Jacob, be nice. She’s just having fun. Her career is so damned serious she never gets to cut loose.” Ellie quietly stood up for Regan. Jack shuddered as he tried to imagine the life of an attorney. Rules, cases, and manipulative bullshit was the sum total of what he knew about the legal system and it sounded like a bunch of boring crap to him.

  “Jack’s right, Ellie. She needs to watch it with those two guys. You’ve never seen them in action but I have. And I’m just the guy to tell her what’s up.” Jacob lifted his muscled body from the sofa and made his way to the laughing trio. Jack watched as he easily entered the conversation and within minutes had smoothly extricated Regan out to the back patio. Jack had to laugh as Jacob grabbed a few beers and snacks to take with them. Clearly he intended to be out there with her for a while.

  “Is she okay with him?” Ellie asked him, a hint of worry in her voice. Jack gave a low laugh and hugged her tighter to his chest.

  “Jacob’s been in love with her for years. She’s fine with him I’m sure.” Jack whispered in her ear.

  “What?” She gasped. Eric and Brent looked their way.

  “Shhhh.” Jack cautioned, purposely blowing his breath gently against her ear so Ellie shivered. “I’m the only one who knows. The other guys have no idea.” He had no problem giving up Jacob’s secrets to Ellie. If he couldn’t trust her to keep his secrets there was a serious problem with their relationship. Although it felt completely foreign to him, realistically he knew he needed to start letting her in to the private parts of his life so she felt trusted and valued.

  “Why hasn’t he ever done anything?” Ellie demanded in a whisper.

  “Fuck if I know. Maybe he likes his balls in one piece.” Ellie elbowed him in the ribs for the sleight against her friend and he laughed.

  “Regan is perfect. How dare you imply otherwise?” Ellie sounded like an outraged best friend who was completely oblivious to her friend’s faults. Which, in Jack’s mind, that’s exactly what she was and he adored her for it.

  “What the hell are you two whispering about? I swear, you guys are sickening. Watching Jack act all lovey-dovey with you is totally grossing me out.” Eric plopped himself into the spot on the couch that Jacob had vacated. Brent sat down a couple feet away. Both had open beers in their hands and were staring at Jack and Ellie like they were spectators watching a live animal show. It made Jack uncomfortable to be under a microscope but he refused to take shit about his relationship with Ellie. He had waited too long to be exactly where he was right now to worry about jokes thrown his way.

  “Shut up asshole. You’re just jealous.” Jack threw at him. He watched as Eric laughed deeply, his lean face showing no humor.

  “You got that right motherfucker. You’re one lucky son of a bitch. Don’t fuck it up.” Eric’s words were serious and Jack’s heart lurched painfully as he considered the secret he was keeping from Ellie. He hoped to God Ellie would understand why he’d done it because he refused to lose her.


  The sky was overcast when Ellie woke up the morning after their impromptu party with the band. She stretched and took stock of how she felt. Her body felt almost back to normal, which thrilled her. Hopefully she could convince Jack she wasn’t an invalid. She rolled her head to the side and smiled. Jack’s head was lying next to hers nestled into his pillow and his eyes were still closed.

  Enjoying the luxury of examining Jack while he was unaware, Ellie traced over his face with her eyes. His eyebrows were two strong, dark slashes against his skin. The loop through the left brow added a sexy element to his look that existed even while Jack slept. There was a shadow along Jack’s jawline indicating he needed to shave and Ellie thought the stubble was incredibly sexy. Ellie’s mind sifted through the years she had known Jack. At no point had he ever worn a goatee, a soul patch, or any other type of facial hair. In her opinion it was a little weird considering the line of work he was in. Most musicians went through a period where they grew some type of facial hair. Not Jack though.

  “What’re you looking at?” Jack asked, without opening his eyes. Ellie startled, her heart jumping into her throat at his unexpected voice. She could’ve sworn he was asleep. She took a deep breath, exhaled slowly, and forced her heart rate to go back down.

  “I think you’re beautiful.” Ellie finally told him sincerely. She watched as his eyes cracked open, the intense blue gaze landing on her face.

  “Ellie, you’re so damn beautiful I have no idea how I got so lucky.” Jack told her. Ellie’s cheeks warmed. In the past, when she and Jack were together, he would say things like “you’re fucking hot” or “that dress makes me want to fuck you”. He had never called her beautiful and definitely never said anything to her in the reverent voice he’d just used.

  “Why have you never grown facial hair?” She blurted out, not acknowledging his words because she had no idea how to. She watched in amazement as his cheeks turn red. She was stunned by his reaction because she didn’t think there was anything that could cause this kind of reaction in him. She strained to hear him as he mumbled something under his breath.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t catch that.” She told him.

  “I love going down on you. I’ve always been worried that if I grew hair on my face it would be irritating to the skin between your thighs.” Ellie gaped at him. Of all the reasons she could have come up with, this was not one of them.

  “So I was the reason you didn’t grow any facial hair?” She asked incredulously.

  “Yes.” His chagrin was apparent. Ellie stroked his arm. She couldn’t believe he’d kept himself clean-shaven for her.

  “I do love it when you go down on me.” Ellie admitted shyly. “So no complaints there. But it’s not like I’m going to tell you no if you had it in your mind to grow some facial hair.”

  “Why mess with what works?” Jack asked her and ran his large hand down the line of her body. Ellie arched into his touch, loving being petted by him. His hand came to rest in the hollow between her thighs. Ellie’s legs fell open from years of habit and she felt his hand slowly push up her thin sleep shirt. His warm palm rested on top of her mound and his fingers gently stroked the top of her lace covered clit.

  “Jack!” She gasped. It had been so long since he touched her and she missed that type of closeness with him. It wouldn’t take any effort at all on his part to make this a good morning for her.

  “I know we can’t have sex right now. But as long as you’re feeling okay I’d like to make you feel good,” he told her as he continued to stroke her over her panties. His voice was deep and raspy and Ellie knew he was turned on. Ellie groaned and pushed up against his hand.

  “I feel really, really good right now Jack.” She assured him breathlessly as she lifted her hips to meet his brushing touches. Jack maneuvered himself so that she was curled into him, her back to his front. She could feel his thick erection against her back and rubbed against him before she could stop herself. She didn’t want to be a tease but the feeling of his hard length moving against her was impossible to resist.

  “I love this position,” Jack whispered against her ear. Ellie shivered at the warm breath. “I can feel every tiny kick of your hips, the shudders in your body, the change in your breath. I love knowing that I’m going to make you come apart.” Jack’s words were darkly erotic to Ellie and were made even more so by the fact that she was pressed against his hard chest. She knew he felt it all. Jack continued circling the nub, applying the right amount of pressure at just the right times until Ellie exploded in his arms. As the orgasm overtook her she turned her head and sank her teeth into the bicep of the arm that was holding her anchored to him to muffle her cries. She felt Jack’s erection kick against her back and her body clenched tightly all over again. She groaned long and low lying there in Jack’s arms as the waves passed through her. Jack kept a gentle pressure on her clit, circling slowly until her tremors subsided. Finally she settled limply in his arms, a small sm
ile playing on her lips.

  “Now that’s a proper wake-up.” She said breathlessly. “Thank you!” She felt Jack’s arms squeeze her briefly before releasing her. He hopped out of the bed and quickly headed to the master bathroom. Ellie had a brief impression of his erection making an impressive tent in his boxer briefs before he disappeared from view. She lay there sprawled on her bed feeling well satisfied. Although Jack had always been an excellent lover to her, their relationship had always been one of quid pro quo. He’d never been one to do something just for her alone.

  When Jack didn’t immediately emerge from the bathroom Ellie had a good idea what was going on in there. She was unashamedly turned on by the idea of Jack pleasuring himself and wished he had stayed in the bed so she could have watched him get off. When he finally emerged several minutes later his face had a sated look that Ellie recognized well.

  “Feel good?” She asked him, teasing him just the littlest bit. She watched as his step faltered ever so slightly.

  “Fuck yes. But not as good as you would feel.” He told her. Ellie’s eyes met his.

  “Next time I want to watch.” She declared boldly. Jack’s pierced brow lifted and his gaze heated.

  “You’re the fucking hottest woman I’ve ever met.” He told her. Ellie blushed and then laughed and rolled out of the bed. She and Jack dressed in companionable silence. They both wore very similar uniforms of distressed jeans and tees. Jack slung his arm around her shoulders and drew her close as he opened the door. He seemed about to say something but the words died on his lips as they came face to face with Jacob exiting the room Regan had slept in the night before.

  “Jacob?” Ellie asked. Her tone suggested he should supply an explanation to her immediately. Ellie was nothing if not fiercely protective of the people she loved.


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