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The Escape (Detective Jane Sparrow Book 2)

Page 18

by Claire Merrington

  “Yes we are staying here. Before you say anything I know it seems extravagant but this is as much for me as it is for you. I have always loved this manor house and I have never had an opportunity to stay here. And well with you I now do. I thought you, well both of us really, could do with a little treat through everything.”

  “It’s beautiful Perry I cant believe it.”

  “You think that from the outside you wait until you see it from the inside and the rest of the grounds.”

  “I have never heard of this place what is it normally used for.”

  “Well I didn’t book it for this reason to sway your mind in either direction but it is normally a wedding venue.”

  “Whether you booked it for that or not it’s swaying my mind to loving it. And not to give you the wrong idea or anything but do you think they could give us a tour seen as were here?”

  “Most definitely.”

  With that Jane spent the next three hours with a sense of eternal bliss. The venue staffs were ever so helpful and friendly and they gave Jane and Perry the tour of the whole property and as much of the lit grounds as possible. It was an absolutely breathtakingly stunning property with grounds to die for. This was definitely the place that Jane could imagine having her wedding. They headed on up to the room that Perry had booked them in for the night and once again Jane felt like her head was beginning to sway with awe at its magnificence. It was decorated with all ornate individual pieces of furniture that each complimented of the next. There was what no doubt expensive pieces of artwork and ornaments dotted around complimenting the homely but tastefully expensive room. A candlelit meal was delivered and served to Jane and Perry in their room where they ate in the comfort of the dressing gowns that had been so carefully provided. Jane and Perry spent the next hour talking and laughing and almost forgetting all the misery that lay in their own world outside. Jane and Perry discussed the prospect; over a glass of wine they shared, about holding their own wedding there one day. They discussed with much excitement from Jane of having a classic elegant affair with black ties and vintage classic romance of lace and assorted ivory blossoms. After they had finished dining on what was as exquisite meal they ran and took a nice warm bath together. They relaxed and snuggled in the bath amongst the warm water and the sweet aromatic bubbles and stayed there as carefree and in bliss as they could. As the bath water began to cool around them they stumbled free from the water and made their way back to their awaiting bed in a rush of passion and eagerness. Perry nuzzled against Jane’s skins at the nape of her neck the kisses he trailed made Jane curl at the toes. Making her insides quiver with a deep and yearning want. A desire so strong it could no longer be ignored. As Perry cupped and kneaded her ample breast and rolled her nipples delicately, but with a pinch of pure ecstasy, between his thumb and forefinger Jane could feel herself becoming more slick and wet between the legs. Perry’s expert touch was bringing her to the edge of excitement. Jane rested her head on Perry’s shoulder with rapid breathing and gasps taking in each sensation with pure pleasure and enjoyment in being spoilt by the talent of Perry. He expertly shifted her weight back on the bed so she could lie down as he draped one leg over his shoulder and lowered his head and mouth to the slick wet flesh between her thighs. Perry began to tease Jane’s already excited vagina with the tip of his tongue with feather light flicks. Building the pace and becoming enraptured with the groans and gasps of Jane’s pleasure. The climax was building and Jane was becoming overwhelmed with the need. Perry could obviously feel the tension building in her muscles ready to climax.

  “Sshh baby not yet.”

  Perry once again shaped his lips against and around her moist tissues sucking in her over sensitive clitoris and going into a tyrant of spearing his tongue into her quivering wanting vagina. Jane took no shame in grinding herself against the onset of Perry’s face helping to direct his tongue with each thrust to the spot that so needed to be touched. As Jane could no longer control the spasms of pleasure that were raking there way through her body she climaxed with such ferocity. Perry let out a groan of appreciation of his own, as he lifted his mouth away letting Jane ride the waves of her orgasm. Letting each clench of the tissues in Jane’s depths subside he thrust his throbbing heated erection into the exceptionally moist opening of Jane’s body. Jane was greedy for the fills of Perry as her body opened and sucked him in to accommodate his large member. The greed and wanting within Jane over taking any thoughts and inhibitions she may have had. Perry began with thrusts that were slow and appreciative. Both being able to feel each of the tissue and texture changes of each other’s bodies. But the need and excitement was over taking as Jane began to beg for Perry to go harder and faster. Before they knew it between the hard rasping breaths and soft and sensual kisses they were both exploding in orgasm at the pure delight of being able to feel each other. They both collapsed back onto the bed with breathlessness and contentment as they drifted off to sleep. They both only awoke the following morning, after what had been one of the most restful nights since Thaddeus escape, to the sound of the bedside phone ringing with the wakeup call from reception that Perry had organised the night before. Perry thanked the lady on the phone and placed an order for some coffee and toast to be brought to their room as Jane busied herself getting ready for work.

  “What is the agenda for today?”

  “Well the coroners report should be ready to collect. And hopefully we may be lucky with those fingerprints of the pipe bomb fragments. As well Ian and Amy did go talk to the new victims family last night so we should have some clearer details as to where she went missing from so we can look into that. We have some more photos, not many, to go through I am hoping that it will reveal more about the location of Thaddeus, its just a feeling, but were see. Because of the burn off from the factory that is appearing on our victims we are going to look into some of the buildings and ownership of the properties surrounding Proctor and Gamble.”

  “Sounds like another busy day ahead as well. Is there anything I can do?”

  “Yeah it is going to be busy no doubt the station will have received a bit of a panic scare as well because of the explosion. Not sure yet what you can help with but one question Amy said you got quite annoyed by the LSD transaction sale and that was why you went off to talk to Frank. What’s going on with that?”

  “Yeah I know the bloke that sold it to Thaddeus. Since I retired there are a few low life scum that don’t listen to the advice I put out there. So the rule of no dealing with him was ignored. He is one of the blokes that I had already named out to Frank any way. He is one low life I want out of my people and off the streets.”

  “Oh right well can Frank help?”

  “Yeah they are going to go pick him up today.”

  “Don’t you want to be there for that although I don’t think it will be particularly safe for you if you were. But I would understand it.”

  “I would like to be there but Frank is under the same impression as you that it wouldn’t be safe. And quite frankly it wouldn’t be safe for that guy now I know he has been dealing to Thaddeus.”

  “Perry what else is going on? I can sense your holding something back to do with all of this. What is it?”

  “It’s nothing to worry about babe. Don’t worry I’ll tell you all about it once we have caught Thaddeus and we both have less to deal with.”

  “Perry your tell me now or I’ll worry more with what I can imagine.”

  “Ok, ok like I said it’s nothing to worry about. Since I retired and handed over my business dealings to my right hand man some people have worked out how high up the chain I was and how much influence I have. When the order came down from all the bosses that nobody was aloud to help Thaddeus and if they could apprehend him, they were aloud to do so with any force necessary. Well when that order went through they all managed to work out that the request had come from me because of my tie to you. Some of the low life guys the rougher scum in the game are the names that I gave to Frank are
the ones that have worked it out. Now that they have seen me working alongside the police they know full well they are the names that I am going to give up first. So as you can imagine they have started forming their own ranks and I’m their target. But I am dealing with it. I’m in no danger so don’t worry. I promise.”

  “It certainly doesn’t sound like you’re not in danger. Is there anything I can do to help? You have put yourself at too much risk trying to help me.”

  “It is not too much risk you are worth it. You are my girl. I live and I’d die for you. Now trust me when I say I have got a handle on this. Let’s just concentrate on getting Thaddeus. One problem at a time.”

  “Ok one problem at a time. We should make a move to the station.”

  Jane and Perry headed off to the station and even though they had to take a longer route than necessary back with Jane’s escorting police officers they still arrived within half an hour. Jane was surprised to see when she walked in that Ian, Amy and Eric were already there and had already started the work for the day.

  “Wow you guys are early. You all seem to be trying to get me out of my job. What’s going on?”

  “Well after the awful day we had yesterday we wanted to help take the load off a bit more. So go get yourself a cup of coffee and sit down and we will fill you in Boss. And no none of us are trying to get you out of a job.”

  Days like today were one that gave Jane hope. Days that reminded Jane that she had a good team of dedicated officers around her. Jane grabbed herself and Perry a cup of coffee and did as she was told and pulled up a chair.

  “Ok the Superintendent’s boss came down to inform us that he and his wife both made it into protective custody ok. He also wanted to let us know that they had interrogated Andrew more and he still provided no useful information on the location of Thaddeus. The new victim Lucy Wilson’s family provided us with the details of how she went missing. She went shopping at Sainsbury’s and never came home. I have spoken to the store manager and he is working on the CCTV tapes from the car park for that whole day. So that will be ready for collection shortly. I have also spoken to the finger print analysis department that the bomb disposal unit sent the bigger fragments to. They got a match on the print, one Micky Hampston, like you thought. The coroners report is also ready for us whenever we are available and Eric is nearly done sorting through the rest of the photos. So what do you want to deal with first?”

  “Ok first things first Eric if the rest of the team were to leave the station will you be ok here? Or I’ll work it a different way I don’t mind.”

  “There are plenty of other officers and staff in the station today boss. I’ll be fine you work it how you need to.”

  “Ok that’s great Eric if you stay here and finish working up all them photos. Me and Amy are going to go collect the report from the Coroner. Ian and Perry I have got quite a big job for you. If you can swing by Sainsbury’s first and pick up the CCTV footage then I want you to take a team including some people from the bomb disposal unit and go pick up Micky Hampston. Bomb disposal needs to be there in case he has any devices in his house. I want to take him out of reach from Thaddeus so we have no more bombs. Is that ok?”

  “More than ok with me. I’ll be more than happy to take the little rat away from Thaddeus.”

  “Glad to see you can find excitement in it Perry. What about you Ian it does mean your going to be heading a team in this investigation?”

  “Yeah I worked that. It’s good don’t worry we got this. Were put an end to Thaddeus ability to get his hands on bombs today.”

  “Good everybody be safe especially you two keep your eyes on the prize. Let’s get to work.”

  The team split all setting to their tasks at hand. Jane was glad to see that after the mishaps of yesterday with losing another colleague and the disappointment of their superintendent helping Thaddeus that the team was still capable of keeping their minds in the game. They all seemed to be keeping their spirits up. They all had a sense of working with more rigour and hope and determination. The team were all adamant that Thaddeus wasn’t going to break them. They wanted to catch him more now than ever. Jane just wished she had the same amount of confidence in that fact that the rest of the team did. Jane’s stomach ached in the pit with apprehension and nerves. She was beginning to feel sick with doubt. She wanted to catch him but whether she could, whether she was up to the task, whether she was smart enough like Thaddeus said. Jane could not help but doubt.

  Chapter 18

  Jane and Amy arrived at the coroner’s office both of them having lost their eagerness at starting the day. The smell of burnt flesh and charred bone still hung in their nostrils from seeing the remains at the crime scene, and that was in an open field, so the thought of being in an enclosed room with that aroma was a very unpleasant thought. Needless to say like always the coroner Dave Berry was hunched up over his ill lit desk filling in paper work. The office still had the same distinct smell of cleaning fluid and decaying flesh. Jane had hoped that after so many visits that she would get used to the smell and that it wouldn’t seem so pungent. But as of yet it was still like taking a direct kick to the gag reflex making her want to puke. Jane felt even more sorry for Amy who happened to be suffering from an even more sensitive gag reflex than normal since falling pregnant.

  “Amy if you would rather wait outside I’d understand? I can hear the Doctors report by myself it’s not an issue.”

  “Thanks Boss but I’m fine I will sit down over in the corner though if that’s ok. I’ve got to keep doing my job the best I can.”

  “Yeah go on take the weight of your feet anything strikes your interest just ask like normal but otherwise as you wish.”

  Jane and Amy followed Dave through into his autopsy examination room. Still displayed lying on the autopsy examination table was the remains of their second victim, Lucy Wilson. The remains were even more badly damaged from the fire than what Jane remembered. Being able to see them even more up close than at the scene was more disturbing than what Jane was prepared for.

  “Ok what have you learned Dave?”

  “Ok well her identity has been confirmed as Lucy Wilson as I have already let you know. An accelerant was used; trace will be in contact with more information on that. It was used to make the fire burn hotter, which is why the remains were burned down to the bone in places. On closer inspection I have learned that the accelerant was only poured on certain places as it has left a distinct pattern on the bones themselves. Plus those are the areas that have been more badly damaged by the fire. The feet and legs, the arms and the upper chest, neck and face area were the worst affected. Most of the vital organs survived rather well considering. There was some damage to the inside of the cheek area but otherwise the inside of the mouth was intact to a degree.”

  “Yeah intact to a degree is one way of putting it. We confirmed at the scene that Thaddeus had given us previous photographic evidence regarding the removal of the tongue and eyelids. Is there anything particular about their removal that you can tell us?”

  “Well there was scoring marks left on the bone around the orbital cavity. It’s caused when a blade is cut close to the bones. I believe it was small bladed weapon perhaps even a surgical scalpel. I have swabbed the wound track along the bones to see if trace can analyse any particulates left. It may help identify what kind of weapon and perhaps trace a purchase back to Thaddeus. The mouth also gave us some juicy answers. This young woman fought back in what ever capacity she could. Whatever Thaddeus had put in her mouth to hold her tongue with for removal she struggled against it. It caused chipping and damage to her teeth. There were particles of oxidised metal and other particulate scrapings left. I have sent them off for analysis so who knows what that will tell you.”

  “Other scrapings. So you don’t think they were metal fillings that she could of bitten off?”

  “I didn’t think so to me it looked like paint of some kind but you will have to wait for trace analysis for definitive a
nswers on that one Amy.”

  “Ok well least that will give us another angle to work from. We need all the information we can get to find him. I take it you haven’t got any toxicology results or stomach content analysis back yet?”

  “Not yet but I will let you know as soon as they come in.”

  “Ok thanks Dave speak to you soon.”

  Jane and Amy stepped out of the coroner’s office both heading for the outside. They were both grateful for the much needed fresh air. After taking in a few deep breaths and clearing their heads of the awful stench of burnt flesh they headed back to the station. Hoping that Perry and Ian would have returned from collecting the newest tape of CCTV footage. Jane knew that they were no longer going to be at the station as she had given them the other task of going and bringing in Micky Hampston. Eric though should have finished sorting through the rest of the surveillance photographs from the house. That just left them with the mammoth task of interpreting the final image wall into a message that would hopefully help in the apprehension of Thaddeus. They would also be able to use the new trace analysis results from the evidence that the coroner found to help find a location. Jane also knew that one of their best bets would be to look into the property ownerships of the buildings surrounding Proctor and Gamble. They knew that Thaddeus was coming from somewhere near the factory because of the burn off residue that was being transferred from scene to scene and victim-to-victim. Jane just wanted to find him now the station and the police force was becoming a laughing stock. Their ability to do their job was being brought in to question as they were failing to apprehend a wanted criminal, and a wanted criminal that wasn’t doing his best to stay out of the limelight either. The press had already attributed the deaths of the two women, Jack and the explosion at the station to Thaddeus. Correct as they were it wasn’t helping the station look in the best light. Jane just hoped that they didn’t get wind of the Superintendent’s involvement with Thaddeus.


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