Fated Love (Stone Pack book 3)

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Fated Love (Stone Pack book 3) Page 18

by Harper Phoenix

  ‘There’s a little of everything on here, that okay for you?’ he asks, and I realise that he wasn’t helping himself at all—he was serving me.

  ‘Oh, you didn’t have to do that,’ I tell him shyly. ‘I would have done it.’

  ‘What kind of male would I be if I didn’t feed my female first?’

  ‘A regular one, I guess.’ I laugh. He frowns.

  ‘I guess the pack you came from don’t uphold any traditions. I can see that, considering what was going on there.’

  I nod. ‘The females were treated badly. It’s really sad. On the one hand, I’m really glad I’m not there anymore, but on the other, now Max is gone, I would like to see changes there. I hate that all the females will still be under lock and key and not allowed to mate. I really hope whoever takes over will not abuse them like he did.’

  ‘Well, his son is gone too, so whoever takes the reins will have to be half decent, or they won’t follow him. But I’m guessing the rules will change easy enough. The males must surely want the change?’

  ‘I would like to think so. It was horrible. I’m not sure what my last memory was of being there, but my mother was always high and drunk, and Max was always around leering at me. Brody got beaten so badly, so many times because of it, and so did I.’

  His jaw clamps, and I see the muscles clench and flex in his jaw. ‘Don’t tell me because it makes me want to kill every one of them.’

  ‘Well, the main two are gone, so that’s good, huh?’

  He nods his head. I can feel the change in his mood, and I really want to change the subject, but I also want answers to questions.

  ‘Brody told me someone died today? That he’d been in the hospital since the time I was taken?’ Howard’s eyes meet mine, and he nods. His jaw flexes, and his fingers tap his glass.

  ‘Were you close?’

  He makes a sound like a scoff in the back of his throat. ‘No, he was a pain in my arse, but he didn’t deserve to die.’


  ‘Why was he a pain?’

  I nod, smiling because he is.

  ‘Let’s just say we had a difference of opinion over what was okay, and what wasn’t.’

  ‘Okay, so that’s code for, ‘I don’t want to tell you all the details’.’ I grin raising my brows in challenge.

  ‘You’re a smart arse.’ He smiles, but the heat in his eyes makes me blush.

  ‘Why thank you,’ I retort, giving him my best smile. ‘So, is that the end of the conversation or can I ask you something else?’


  ‘Why does Brody feel responsible?’

  He inhales, and I can tell he’s trying to think of the right words to say, and I see the point he realises that no matter what he says I’m not going to like it.

  ‘I think that’s probably something you and him should talk about. My opinion isn’t the best. I’d rather not say anything at this point.’

  ‘You mean your opinion of my brother?’

  He pulls a face, tilting his head and looking away guiltily. ‘You could say that. We just don’t get along.’

  ‘Do you see that ever changing?’

  ‘Listen, sweetheart. I trusted him with my pack and with my female, despite our differences. He fucked that up, and the only reason I haven’t…’ He stops and looks down at his hands before finding my eyes again. ‘Anyone else would have been severely punished for fucking up like he did.’

  He feels uncomfortable saying it, I can tell, but I need to push a little further.

  ‘What did he do?’ I almost whisper afraid to ask.

  ‘Do you really want to hear this from me?’

  I nod because I need to know.

  He sighs before he begins. ‘Okay, sweetheart. We were not long bonded, and he flipped when he found out. I could handle that, but he decided while we were all on lockdown that he wanted some alone time with you. Again, I could handle that—he’s your brother. We have rules: no one leaves the premises without adequate backup. I assigned two guards: Jordan and Jacob to go with you. He lied, telling Jacob he’d been called onto another job, leaving you inadequately protected.’

  ‘Oh my god. So Jordan died protecting me?’ I whisper.

  ‘No, Jordan died because he didn’t have any backup. If there had been someone at the front and rear entrance they wouldn’t have got the jump on you and probably wouldn’t have even taken the chance. That’s why Brody blames himself, and rightly so.’

  ‘Oh.’ I’m not sure what else to say to that. I feel sick inside.

  ‘Sweetheart, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have told you. I don’t want to upset you.’ He reaches his hand across the table and brushes his fingers against mine. I feel a sudden dizziness as something flashes in my mind. Howard and me—being intimate. I close my eyes and try to pull more from the memory, but I’m disappointed. It was a flash that made me feel cherished but as quick as it came it was gone.

  ‘No, don’t do that. If we’re in a relationship then I want complete honesty,’ I tell him because, in that fleeting moment, I know. I was his, and he was mine.

  ‘Are we?’ he asks, his face looks emotionless like he’s waiting for my answer but doesn’t want to give away his feelings.

  ‘Well, I guess since we’re already bonded…’

  He smiles a broad smile, and it lights up his beautiful green eyes.

  ‘Glad to hear you say that.’ He smiles.

  ‘I still need to take things slowly though, is that okay?’

  He simply nods his head in agreement.

  By the time our main meals arrive, and yet another round of drinks, I am really enjoying his company. We laugh at the same things and I really, really, like him. At this point, I’m wondering why Brody hates him so much. I decide I should go to the ladies room, and I tell him as much. He stands from his side of the table and reaches out his hand.

  ‘Umm, you don’t need to walk me there.’ I laugh. ‘I’m a big girl.’

  ‘Yes, and you’re mine to protect remember. You’re not leaving my sight.’

  This could be awkward.

  ‘Umm as much as that’s really nice, you are not watching me pee! I’m sorry, but I draw the line.’

  He laughs. ‘Sweetheart, I’m just going to walk you there, check them out, and then I’ll wait outside.’

  ‘Oh, okay, then that’s fine,’ I tell him, reaching for his hand. I reckon at this point that even if it weren’t fine, I wouldn’t get a choice, but it’s nice being taken care of. As long as it doesn’t turn into being controlled, I can deal with it. He instantly threads his fingers through mine, and we walk towards the ladies. True to his word, he comes inside and checks the stalls. My head is woozy, and I teeter a little on my feet. His hand is so strong in mine though, and he tugs me hard into him so I don’t fall. My boobs are crushed against his chest, and I can feel his strong heartbeat—or is that mine? I’m flush up against him, and I want so much for him to kiss me. His tongue darts out to wet his bottom lip, and he lets out a small grumble from deep within his chest. Heat floods my panties, and I close my eyes, waiting for his lips to touch mine. I hear him inhale.

  ‘Willow.’ I open my eyes and see the torment in his eyes. ‘I…’

  ‘It’s okay,’ I tell him leaning in. The second his lips touch mine, I melt into him, my hands roam up and around his neck as my mouth opens giving his tongue access to mine. It feels amazing, and I instantly want more. Our tongues dance against each other’s, and it feels like nothing I’ve ever experienced. It’s like we are one person. He lifts me by my ass, and my back hits the wall, but our kiss doesn’t break as my legs instinctually go around his waist. I moan a little as his fingers grip my ass cheeks. It feels so good. So right. The door opens, and I hear a woman squeal at what she’s just walked in on. It takes me a second to regain my composure as Howard pulls away and places me down on my feet.

  Smiling, Howard looks at me. ‘I’ll be right outside.’

  I bite my lip and smile, walking into the nearest
stall. The woman just looks on in disbelief. I roll my eyes as I close the door and she snaps out of her stunned daze and goes into the one next door. I can’t keep the smile off my face and the feeling coursing through my veins right now is what I can only describe as elation. It’s a hunger I have never known. I freshen up and find Howard leaning up against the wall outside the bathroom.

  I WAIT FOR outside the bathroom, and I could fucking kick myself. Here I am, telling her we will take things slowly, not wanting to scare her off, and then I fucking attack her like that in the bathroom. She’ll probably want to go straight home now. Fucking idiot. When she comes out though, I’m pleasantly surprised that she still has a smile on her face. She reaches for my hand, and I sigh in relief. Jesus, I really thought I’d fucked up big time. We get back to the table, and she starts talking about films and music, and it’s not a big surprise to find out she has an eclectic taste like me, and we have a mutual love of a wide variety of films. I ask for the bill when we’re done, and ask if she still wants to go to the cinema or if she wants to get home.

  ‘What would you like to do?’ she counters. If she knew what I’d like to do, she might run screaming for the hills. I smile smugly at my own thoughts and realise quickly that she’s cottoned on to my dirty mind. I catch her smiling coyly, her eyebrows raised in question.

  ‘You going to share?’

  I shake my head and smile cockily. ‘Nope.’

  She laughs at my answer. Her confidence since being here has rocketed.

  ‘Well, what if I told you I really like that idea?’ she says biting her fucking lip.

  ‘Then we would be up, and out of this fucking place so fast your head might spin,’ I tell her cockily meeting her hungry gaze with my own. Waiting for her answer.

  ‘Well, I do like that idea, very much.’

  I close my eyes against the sexual tension I am feeling right now—especially in my jeans. I swallow hard and eye the waiter, holding my credit card in the air so he doesn’t delay my payment a second longer. I pray to all that is fucking holy that in that short space of time she doesn’t change her mind. Nothing more is said while he comes and messes around with the fucking machine. I pay, and I’m pulling her up and through the restaurant doors in a matter of seconds.

  I quickly assess where the nearest hotel is because honestly, I don’t want to go home with her until she is completely mine. I get to the car, strap her in, and barely waiting for the guys to get sorted behind me as I pull away from the kerb. They follow dutifully, and I am grateful for their diligence. Pulling into a Premier Inn, I walk around the car and open her door. I take her hand in mine, and she looks nervous.

  ‘You sure?’ I ask her kicking myself because it will fucking kill me at this point if she says no.

  ‘Yes,’ she says like her breath is caught. Thank fuck. I grin down at her and touch my lips to hers chastely before pulling her with me into the hotel lobby. My phone buzzes I check it.

  Jacob- ‘Seriously, Bro?’

  Me- ‘Stay alert’ is the only reply I give.

  I check us into a room for the night. It’s not fancy, but it’s the best they had for a walk in. We ride the lift up to our floor and on the journey up she says nothing—but she taps her foot and bites her lip nervously. My heart is fucking racing, and my cock is throbbing so much. It’s obviously screaming to be inside my female. It’s been far too long. But am I moving too fast? I get to the door, and it’s a card key. I swipe it and the red light signals no entry. I swipe again, and I realise I’m shaking. The pent up-energy inside me, and the adrenaline coursing through me, right now, has me wired. ‘Fuck,’ I mumble as I swipe it for the third time. No entry.

  ‘Can I try?’

  I hand her the key because I’m desperate to get her inside. She turns it and swipes, and we get the green light for go. Thank the fucking lord. I push the door open and wave her inside. I’m worrying about how we will approach the whole thing, but I needn’t have bothered. Before I even get the door closed, she kisses me, and on instinct, I lift her up and walk us over to the bed. I am so fucking desperate to be inside of her. Her fingers tug at my hair as I kneel between her legs and lift her with one arm around her back, shuffling us up the bed on my knees. God, she tastes so fucking good. I need to make this special. I need to slow the fuck down, but if I don’t get inside her really fucking fast, I am going to come in my pants before I’ve even got her knickers off.

  ‘Tell me what you want,’ I pant against her lips, needing her to clarify what she wants from me, so I don’t just take what I want.

  ‘I want you… all of you…’

  I exhale on a sigh—because that’s all I fucking needed to hear. I lean up away from her, looking into her lidded eyes.

  ‘Sweetheart, I want you to strip for me.’

  Her tongue flips out and wets her bottom lip before she nods her head. Getting up from the bed, with her back to me, she bends at the waist, giving me her arse. Fuck me! She slides her hands down her legs until she reaches the clasps on her boots, flicking them as she kicks them off, then straightening up, she lifts her top, throwing it over onto the chair in the corner. She twists to look at me with a nervous smile.

  ‘I’m not very good at this,’ she confesses.

  ‘Let me be the judge of that,’ I tell her in a pleading tone as I gesture with my hand for her to carry on. Her hands sit on her waist, then travel to the button on her jeans. I hear the zip and the button pop, then her hands slide against her bare hips, taking the jeans down over her arse, revealing a thong and two amazing looking arse cheeks. I could sink my teeth into them. I growl as she bends at the waist again, giving me the perfect view of her pussy, covered with the slightest piece of lace. I almost dive for her. I can smell her arousal so clear in the air. Her eyes snap to mine as she looks over her shoulder and her hair hangs down, touching the floor. She straightens again as she kicks off her jeans and turns to face me. Her hands disappear behind her back, and before she unclasps her bra, I move in. My hands close over hers, as I look deep into her huge brown eyes.

  ‘Let me?’ I ask permission. She is completely unaware of how she just made me feel, putting that little show on for me. Confidence really suits her. She releases her hands, pushing them up, under the hem of my t-shirt, as her fingers travel the dips and rips of my abs and pecs. I release her bra—it falls around her elbows, and she pushes up my t-shirt as I lift my arms, allowing her to take it up and over my head. I hear a small gasp as she takes me in. Our clothes fall to the floor at our feet, and she moves in closer still. I run my hands up from her hips and up her ribs until my thumbs reach the underside of her tits. Her little gasp spurs me on, and I move both hands, taking her globes in each palm as I manipulate each one in my hands. I elicit a moan from her lips, and I go to my knees. Taking one nipple, I suck it between my teeth and roll it, while teasing the other between my thumb and forefinger. Her head tilts backwards, and she moans.

  ‘Yessss,’ she whispers. Still sucking on her nipple, I move my hands to the thin piece of material covering her pussy. I slide my thumbs in at each side and slowly slide them down her legs. I move to the other nipple and give that the same attention as she steps unconsciously out of her knickers. I stop a moment, leaning back on my haunches, so I can just take in the view.

  ‘You are so fucking beautiful,’ I tell her, almost breathless. Her smile tells me she is happy at the speed this is going, and I am not going to stop now unless she asks me too. I stand and lift her off her feet, sitting her at the edge of the bed, before I kneel again.

  ‘Lie back. I want to taste you.’

  She does as I ask without question. And I dive in. The taste on my tongue sends me into a fucking frenzy. I cannot lap her juices quick enough. My dick is throbbing so badly that I’m sure I’m going to come. But I don’t care if I do because we have all night and this is only the beginning. I feel her legs start to tremble with the beginnings of an orgasm. I push my tongue inside and push on her clit with my thumb. Her moan and
little whimpers at each lick and press of my thumb have me so hungry for more. Pushing a finger inside, I move slowly, flicking her clit with my tongue.

  ‘Ahhhh.’ She moans and tries to close her legs at the same time as pushing on the back of my head to keep me in place. I thrust again, pushing a second finger inside, and I quicken my pace. Her knees are clamped at either side of my head, and my face is pushed so far into her pussy I couldn’t pull away even if I wanted to. I twist and bend my fingers inside until I hit her sweet spot. Making her cry out. ‘Ohhhhhhh.’

  I flick my tongue furiously until I feel that gush over my fingers. I push her through it, still flicking on her clit and curling my fingers against her quivering walls. I have her panting and trembling before I bring her down. Her hair is fanned across the white cotton bedding as I pull up, and she looks fucking stunning. That sated look as she smiles lazily for me is like nothing else.

  ‘You okay?’ I ask,

  ‘That was fucking amazing,’ she says looking at me through half-lidded eyes.

  ‘I’m not done with you yet, sweetheart. That was just a taste.’

  ‘Oh my god.’ She giggles as I lay beside her. Turning onto her side, deliciously naked, she props her head on her hand and smiles down at me before tentatively moving in for a kiss. I pull her on top of me, slide my hand into her hair and kiss the fuck out of her mouth. Pushing my tongue inside so she can see how fucking amazing she tastes. Her fingers grasp my hair, and she tugs for me to turn us. I am on top of her and between her legs in seconds, and she is rubbing up against my cock through my jeans. It’s almost fucking painful. I am going to blow any second, and I haven’t even got inside her yet.

  ‘I want more,’ she whispers against my ear. And who am I to deny my female? I get up and unzip my jeans, pushing them down at the same time as my boxers. I turn and see her eyes widen at my dick. Realising that this will feel like her first time again.

  ‘Ummm, will you fit?’ she asks embarrassed.


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