The Sacred Omegas: Book One - December

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The Sacred Omegas: Book One - December Page 8

by Merel Pierce

  Trapping them both beneath the wide grip of his fingers, he used his free hand to yank down her stolen underwear, tossing them away carelessly. “Such a pretty little thing.” He murmured in appreciation as he pushed the t-shirt up and exposed pale round globes of what he considered to be one of the nicest asses he’d seen in a very long time.

  “Seriously?” She growled, half in outrage, half in fear. “I thought you were supposed to be treating me like a mate!”

  Nikolai smoothed his palm over her skin, pressing his fingers into the soft pillow of one cheek as he generously continued to purr for the distressed female. “We are not mates, as you so bluntly reminded me last night,” he teased, “But if we were, it is the duty of a man to protect his mate.” The male cooed soothingly, intentionally mocking her continued struggles with his casual tone. “Were you to speak to another alpha as you speak to me, you would be putting yourself in danger. Sometimes, an alpha must administer discipline to a willful mate, if he wishes to keep her safe.”

  “Oh please!” She croaked anxiously. “You’re just a perverted sadist! Don’t act like you’re doing this for my benefit!” The small female’s squirming continued, desperate to break his grip and put space between herself and the hard steel of an erection that was currently prodding her in the ribs.

  “Hush… Take your punishment with humility, and let it be done.” He adjusted her once more, his grip on her wrists tightening as he lifted his free hand in preparation of landing the first blow. He licked his lips hungrily as he gazed down at the perfect, unmarked canvas of her ass, eager to see it flushing pink under the weight of his hand. His cock leapt at the very idea, digging into the girl’s side as he pressed her down against his thighs. “Now remember, my sweet little vixen. This is meant to be a punishment. Try not to enjoy it too much.”

  Chapter 7

  December screeched when he landed the first strike. It was a bone-jarring hit that made her teeth rattle and jolted her forward on his lap. She was given no time to recover before a second, third, fourth, then fifth blow came in quick succession. Stars danced into her field of vision as pain exploded across her backside, a pulsing wicked heat that throbbed with a heartbeat of its own. She gritted her teeth and closed her eyes, the involuntary cries his blows elicited now muted to awkward grunts as she pursed her lips and refused to give full volume to her pain.

  He’d covered both sides of her ass thoroughly by the time he stopped at the count of ten a few seconds later. A silent count she hadn’t known she’d been keeping until he was no longer hitting her. He paused, the weight of his hand heavy and offensive where it came to rest on one burning cheek.

  “What the fuck!” She gasped, wheezing a ragged breath from compressed lungs. She blinked away the tears that had sprung up to blur her vision, a sense of outrage and humiliation renewing her struggles.

  She ignored instinct as it begged her to be still and submit. Instead she took a breath and let loose the foulest string of curses on him that her addled brain could summon. By the time she ran out of insults, she was panting and breathless, and the male hadn’t moved. To her dismay, the bastard was still purring.

  “Are you finished?”

  “Get off me!”

  “I see. Perhaps I underestimated your tolerance for punishment, as you seem rather keen on earning more,” he murmured huskily from somewhere above her. December growled hatefully, continuing to buck as the man’s hand slid gently over the swell of her backside, aggravating the sensitive skin with the roughness of his palm. When the realization dawned that his hand was migrating towards the crevice between her legs, she pinched her thighs together and crossed her ankles.

  “I get it ok! Jesus! Stop!”

  “Liar.” The lazy declaration only served to incense her further. She muttered another curse as he continued his course, infuriatingly unbothered by her protests. Moments later his index finger was dipping into the tight heat of her sex, making it obvious that her attempts to dissuade him were pointless.

  Her muscles clenched as she tried to force him out, her cheeks heating with embarrassment as his purr deepened when he found her wet. The alpha shifted over her, bending forward as he sank the digit further into her pussy. “When I told you not to enjoy it, I didn’t actually think you would.” He chuckled, the heat of his breath washing over the back of her neck as he spoke.

  “I’m not enjoying it!” She hissed angrily. “It’s your pheromones, ok? I can’t do anything about it, so don’t make too much of it, you prick!” She kicked her feet again, and the male responded by pushing two more fingers inside of her, pressing and stretching as his purr deepened into a torturous growl.

  December’s eyes rolled back in her head, a full body shudder making her writhe and twitch in his lap. His fingers pumped a lazy rhythm in and out of her sex as a wave of arousal temporarily obliterated any concern she might have had about her still stinging ass, a gush of wetness dribbling shamefully out from between the alpha’s fingers as he continued to tease her.

  “Fourteen more, little wolf. One for each curse you hurled, so that you might learn when to hold your tongue.” He muttered gruffly, his voice heavy with the same need echoed by the uncomfortable stiffness still jabbing at her side. December mumbled unintelligibly, her eyes crossing when he abruptly removed his fingers and she nearly came for the suddenness of the sensation.

  The male resumed his heavy-handed punishment, and by the time he was done, December’s struggles had ceased entirely. She hung limply across his lap, gasping amid the occasional breathless sob, as her entire body sang in response to his spanking. Her ass was positively on fire, so much so that she would have sworn he’d beaten her with a hot poker and not his bare hand. Her discomfort was made infinitely worse by the fact that the bastard’s well-timed growl had altered her response, turning her punishment into a muddled mixture of pleasure and pain.

  The male’s purr faltered, his own breathing ragged and uneven as his hand mimicked the same movement as it had after the first set of strikes. Despite the gentleness of his touch drifting over her inflamed skin, she hissed and wriggled. The helpless frustration she felt was only compounded when her back arched without her permission, her insides aching as she unintentionally presented for him.

  The alpha’s hand stilled, fingers tightening over the globe of her ass as his entire body went rigid. She whimpered, feeling more vulnerable with each second that passed and the male remained motionless. Raw, near chaotic energy rolled off him in waves, the pheromone-laden scent of it drowning her in his lust.

  Suddenly, December realized just how dangerous a position she was in. If he went into a rut before she was ready to take him, it was likely he wouldn’t be able to stop himself. It wouldn’t take much for a man like him to hurt her if he couldn’t control himself.

  That brief flash of fear took the arch out of her hips. If she’d been a dog, she would have tucked tail. Instead, she lay still, trying to ignore the throbbing pain in her backside or how her pussy clenched against the desire for him to do the very thing she was terrified he would.

  After what felt like an eternity, the tension in his muscles lessened minutely, and he exhaled an uneven sigh.

  “December,” he murmured lowly, his tone reflecting the battle he still fought for self-control. “I’m going to let you go, but you must do exactly as I say. Do you understand?” Apparently, she wasn’t the only one who was concerned about his ability to refrain from taking things further, judging by his behavior.


  “Sit down on the floor in front of the chair. Do not move, do you hear me? We may both regret it if you do.” Humbled and a little excited by the prospect of a real and present danger, she found herself submitting without any difficulty at all as she nodded her understanding.

  When he released her, December slid cautiously off his lap, melting onto the floor where she would perch with her legs tucked beneath her. Though her knees were pressed together, she spread her heels wide, framing her burning a
ss to keep it off the floor without sitting directly on her own feet. She dared an upwards glance then and was forced to bite her tongue against the moan that threatened to break free at the sight of the man in the chair.

  His eyes were truly black now, the color of his irises almost completely engulfed by his arousal. Though there was no marked difference in his appearance, in that moment December thought he was the most gorgeous male she’d ever seen. Where before he had seemed so cool and collected, he was now somehow wild and untamed. The predator within was so near to bursting to the surface that the air vibrated with its intent.

  For several minutes, they stared at one another in silence, each of them sniffing the air and breathing in cautious little huffs. They were playing an erotic game of chicken, it seemed. He was daring her to move, practically begging her for a reason to give chase. Morbidly enough, part of her wanted to give it to him.

  December found that neither her throbbing backside nor the puddle of slick that was growing beneath her on the carpet concerned her nearly as much as before. Her humiliation and anger were momentarily forgotten. She cared even less about the indignation of her spanking when he reached for the closure on his pants. As she watched him work the button and undo his zipper she shifted restlessly, licking her lips when he pulled his underwear down far enough for his cock to spring free.

  He curled his fingers around the shaft, stroking its length in a far more controlled manner than she would have thought possible in that moment.

  “It would seem your chance of having a true heat this first cycle is greater than they thought.” The male rasped unevenly. “You surprise me again with your responsiveness, little wolf. It didn’t occur to me that your suppressed instincts would serve you so well that you might present to me. Especially this soon, and during a punishment no less,” he chided darkly. She frowned, concentrating so hard on the hand moving up and down his cock that his words were becoming little more than an annoyance to her.

  “You talk too much.”

  The alpha laughed, and December was startled from her brooding by the genuine nature of the sound. When she met his gaze, she found the man’s eyes were full of a wicked sort of delight. “If I weren’t afraid you’d stain my suit with your slick or present yourself to me a second time and risk your own ruin, I’d be tempted to spank you again for your impertinence.” He chuckled and shook his head. “For now, shut up, and I’ll attempt to follow your example. Out of consideration for your current state of impairment, of course,” he teased.

  December pursed her lips, unwilling to take the bait. The moment he seemed to settle, she allowed her gaze to return to his lap where his fist still pumped the length of his shaft. She watched with a keen sense of interest, fascinated by his masturbation in a way she’d never been by any man that had committed the act in front of her before.

  Nikolai seemed pleased by her attention, one corner of his mouth tipped up even when his lips parted and his breath came more quickly with his play. There was something so incredibly wrong and simultaneously sexy about the whole situation. In the back of her mind, she knew she should be disgusted and angry. Yet instead, she felt only the flutter of eager anticipation.

  As she watched precum bead against the tiny slit in the head of his cock, December’s eyes started to glass over. The pearlescent droplet grew larger, its shape elongating as gravity and the continued motion of his fist began to pull it away from its place of origin. An instinctive concern that it would be wasted had her creeping forward unconsciously, scooting closer until she was only a hair’s breadth away from his glans, nearly going cross-eyed as she stared longingly at what she somehow knew was meant to be hers.

  Obviously aware of how closely she observed him, the male lifted his free hand and drew a finger over the head of his cock, leaving her whimpering unhappily as she watched him collect the precious liquid she thought he meant to discard. When instead he offered her his hand with the now wet fingertip extended downward, she frowned uncertainly. Their eyes met, and instead of the leering triumph December expected, he only dipped his head in silent encouragement.

  That was all it took. Her mouth closed around the offered digit with no need of further incentive. Her tongue gathered the precum from his skin and sucked hungrily until every trace of it was gone. She groaned in disappointment when it was, releasing his finger as she sat back and closed her eyes. For a moment it was all she could do to stay upright as the taste of his alpha cum began to work on her system. She grew dizzy, as she swayed and swooned.

  “Open your eyes.” He demanded, issuing another growl that made December yelp and double over under the force of the cramps that followed. “Watch me, little wolf. Focus.” Though her head was spinning, she forced herself to sit up. December tried to ignore the fact that the carpet under her knees was growing annoyingly warm with the wetness of her slick, the ever-creeping puddle encompassing a wider and wider area the longer the exchange went on.

  She tried to ignore the steady throb of her well-beaten ass, which itched and burned each time she shifted her weight. Right now, the only thing that mattered was the alpha in the chair and the magnificent cock waving in front of her face when she lifted her eyes.

  She moaned again, snaking one hand between her thighs to rub her clit while she watched him continue to stroke himself. Each time another bead of precum escaped the male’s organ, he offered it to her the same as before. Three more times he presented her with a sticky finger, and three more times she eagerly sucked it clean. It wasn’t long before his strokes grew jerky and short, and the telling bulbous swell began to grow at the base of his cock. December grew fevered at the sight, growling and twitching as she worked her clit in furious desperation.

  As his knot continued to swell Nikolai sat forward and spread his knees further apart, leaning across his still pumping hand until he hovered over her. Reluctant to turn her eyes away from his cock, she spared only a brief upwards glance.

  “Do you want it?” The male asked lowly, his tone intimate and dark. She froze, wincing when her insides clenched and rolled in response to the look of unbridled desire for her that he now wore.

  Did she want it? She tried to think but rational thought had left her. There was no point in denying him, of that much she was aware. They both knew she wanted him, no matter what she said or what pathetic resistance she attempted to make. She gave in, nodding with a pained groan.

  She turned pleading eyes upward again, so desperate for relief from the rolling boil of arousal and need that was consuming her that December’s wounded pride did the unthinkable. It allowed her to beg. “Please?”

  His lashes fluttered, and the man’s expression was transformed in the most beautifully lustful way with her single, uttered word. “Tell me quick and I’ll let you have it, my sweet, silver-haired girl. Will you wear my scent, or swallow it?” She shifted to her knees, sensing the growing urgency in his voice.


  He bit his tongue against a growl he seemed to know would unhinge her, abandoning his shaft as he sat back to fist his still growing knot with both hands. December didn’t need him to tell her what to do next. Even if instinct hadn’t been screaming for her to take him in her mouth, experience would have graced her with all the knowledge she needed.

  Her own hands moved to take the place his had just vacated as she lapped briefly at the flared head of his glans before rearing back to spit on it crudely. She was trembling with excitement when she glanced up, watching his reaction through hooded eyes as her hand moved swiftly to spread her saliva over his cock, fingers nimbly working both sides of his shaft in unison with the aid of new moisture. What she lacked in grip she made up for in well-practiced technique, and between her hands and mouth, it didn’t take long for his eyes to be rolling back in his head as he grit his teeth against a rapidly approaching orgasm.

  When his muscles began to stiffen, she increased her pace, sucking and stroking in a dedicated bid for her prize. His cock pulsed and throbbed only a brief
warning before the first hot spurt of his release shot down her throat, and though the taste of him nearly short circuited her brain she desperately tried to keep working the male’s rigid length.

  Suddenly his hand was in her hair, stopping her retreat when he surged forward unexpectedly and the bulbous head of him bounced against the back of her throat. She whimpered as he penetrated the tight muscles of her esophagus, making her wretch violently in an involuntary attempt to unseat the invading object currently restricting her ability to breathe.

  To her dismay, the fingers tangled in her hair refused to let her. “Try to relax. Just take it,” he implored, his breath hot against her ear as he leaned over her once more and gave several small, jerky thrusts. Her hands went to his thighs, pushing at him uselessly as panic threatened to take hold.

  She gagged again, thick ropes of cum continuing to fill her throat and slide down into her belly as the male fucked her face with short, brisk movements. Tears blurred her vision, her brow knitting with worry as she tried to accommodate him, her protesting whimpers muffled behind the thick meat that was still prohibiting her ability to draw air.

  Her pulse raced, her heartbeat deafening as it pounded a warning against her temples. She groaned and closed her eyes, willing herself to hold on just a little longer. The threat of unconsciousness swiftly approached when Nikolai stood abruptly, his grip on her head forcing her body as upright as her current kneeling position would allow. Her lashes fluttered up when his free hand came to rest beneath her chin, tilting her face up as he looked down on her in such a pained a way that she wondered if she’d accidentally bitten him.

  His intent became obvious when he withdrew his member far enough for air to rush in around its girth, burning her lungs and sending her into a coughing fit. The hand beneath her chin shifted, allowing the alpha to hook a thumb in her cheek and set it between her back teeth. When she continued to choke and sputter around the now gently thrusting head of his cock, she understood why. She hadn’t bitten him yet, but he didn’t want her to either. Cum bubbled out the sides of her mouth and dribbled down her chin, dripping onto her shirt in an undignified displayed as she sobbed and clutched at his thighs.


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