The Sacred Omegas: Book One - December

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The Sacred Omegas: Book One - December Page 9

by Merel Pierce

  “Don’t force me out, sweet one. Please, just a little more,” he supplicated on a growl. December continued to sob, and to her dismay she realized she’d begun touching herself again in the wake of his rumble. It had the desired effect, loosening her muscles and subduing her panic as he continued to use her mouth. “Look at me, let me see you.” His tone turned soothing, the sweet relief of a purr vibrating free of his chest as he bade her do as he said. Under his influence, it was impossible to resist.

  Her lashes were saturated with tears when she lifted wide, hazy eyes to meet his gaze. She blinked up at him uncertainly, confused as to why she suddenly felt so miserably self-conscious and desperate for his approval. He seemed to know it, too.

  “You are so beautiful,” he cooed his appreciation. “You took your punishment well, sweet one.” The alpha forced a strained smile as he withdrew his thumb from her mouth, now cupping her cheek instead. “You take me even better. I only wish I did not have to leave you in such a state. Alas, I still have much to do before I can return this evening.”

  It was only when the male shifted his hips backwards and allowed his now softening member to slide out of her abused mouth that she realized she was no longer coughing. Her free hand swiped across her chin, wiping off a good deal of the saliva and cum that had escaped while he spent his orgasm in her mouth. Her other hand slid free of her pussy as she stared up at him in a near drunken stupor, she frowned when he stepped back and tucked his still half-hard cock into his underwear and proceeded to refasten his pants. Now pouting, frustration and anger crept in to taint her arousal.

  “You’re leaving?”

  “I am afraid I must, for now,” he murmured sympathetically as he bent forward to press a light kiss to her still upturned mouth. “But thank you for the gift of your submission, December. I enjoyed it very much.” When her frown deepened, Nikolai smoothed her bangs back from her face and smiled crookedly.

  “Perhaps if you are a good girl, next time I might reward you instead of giving punishment,” the male rumbled. “Imagine how you might feel if I were focused on your pleasure, rather than teaching you a lesson.” He kissed her again, his tongue darting out to taste what of himself still glazed her lips before he sighed heavily and stood up.

  “For now, I have business to see to. I think you should rest. If today has been any indication, I believe we may have a long evening ahead of us.” He smiled down at her again, and despite her dazed state, she didn’t miss the smug sense of satisfaction lurking in his expression.

  December’s mouth fell open in disbelief as she watched him walk away, her hands balling into fists as he left without so much as a backwards glance. Her outrage returned with a vengeance as he left her unsatisfied yet again, and before she could stop herself, she was hurtling curses at the door as it closed behind him. When the lock clicked, she screamed her frustration and struggled to her feet, angrily tipping over the table and chair before whirling towards the bed in a fit, suddenly quite intent on destroying everything she could get her hands on.

  Chapter 8

  Six hours later, Nikolai had accomplished enough that he finally felt justified in stepping away from his work to check on his captive. Considering the call he’d gotten from one of the guards about the temper tantrum she’d thrown when he left, it was likely they were in for a very tiresome evening. He returned with the intentions of spanking her again, though with his belt instead of his hand. He doubted she’d enjoy that as much as her last punishment.

  Upon entering the room, he found far less destruction than he anticipated. Yes, the table and chair were knocked over, and the empty bowl was upside down on the floor. But really, the only other mess she’d made was to tear all the bedding off the mattress and string it about on the floor. Nothing appeared broken, nothing of value tipped over. Nikolai tilted his head curiously. Her scent was stronger now. But she hadn’t been in the main part of the chamber for a while, it seemed. He made a circle around the space, checking beneath the bed and in the closet where her smell lingered faintly as well, just to be sure.

  Having eliminated any other option, it seemed the only place that remained for the little female to hide was the bathroom. Nikolai was cautious in his approach, mindful as he opened the door that the girl might still be angry enough to attack him on sight. After all, when it came to social etiquette between alphas and omegas, males simply didn’t leave their females wanting. He was guilty of committing that offense against the small female. Twice.

  He had his reasons of course. Though underhanded and a bit calculating, there was a method to his madness of teasing and enticing her arousal, then depriving her. Once she reached her heat, the female would be so overwrought with frustration and desperation that she wouldn’t be able to keep from begging him to give her what he’d previously denied.

  Nikolai didn’t even make it over the threshold before his steps were abruptly halted by the wall of pheromones that hit him. He swayed, choking back the moan of desire that swept over him so suddenly that he was momentarily incapacitated. The sweet smell of the female hung heavy like a fog in the small space, the intoxicating blend of aromas hardening his cock instantly.

  It took a great deal of effort for him to fold his arms over his chest and take an unassuming position with a shoulder propped against the door jam, so strong was the urge to snatch the girl up from the tub where she lay and ravage her against the shower wall. But his self-control served him well.

  Though he couldn’t see her face from where he stood, he could see the swell of one shoulder and hip over the lip of the basin, indicating that the girl was resting on her side. He gave himself a moment, intent on keeping his distance until his heart rate returned to normal.

  “What is it you are doing in here, exactly?”


  “That seems a bit melodramatic, don’t you think?”

  “Tell that to my body.”

  Disliking the pinched and breathless tone of her voice, Nikolai drew reluctantly nearer, pausing to look down on her from above once he reached the edge of the porcelain basin. Her hair was mussed and half obscuring flushed cheeks and a forehead that was knit with discomfort. The girl’s arms were wrapped tightly around her middle, her knees pressed against the side of the tub. She still wore his shirt, but her thighs were bare.

  Beneath her, a glistening puddle spanned the length of the tub from where she lay all the way to the drain. He inhaled deeply, and the tingling of his senses echoed the conclusion his eyes had already come to. Slick. A low rumble of pleasure ebbed loose of his throat without his consent, and the girl shivered and twitched miserably in response.

  “Are you in pain?”

  She slid a hateful glance his direction, refusing to turn her head and look at him straight on. “Yes,” she huffed bitterly.

  “And is that why you are in the tub?” The male asked evenly, feigning ignorance. His suspicions were confirmed by the way the girl's flushed cheeks darkened several shades.

  “I’m in the tub because I can’t stop making a mess of myself, thanks to you.”

  He was so pleased by the female’s biological response to him that he began to purr. The worry lines in her forehead became less severe, the tension in her muscles loosening marginally under its influence. That too pleased him. “It is a natural thing, for an omega in heat,” he murmured kindly.

  “It’s disgusting.”

  “I disagree, sweet one. But we will address that in a moment. For now, tell me what ails you.” She pursed her lips, fists clenching more tightly at her sides as she refused to look up at him or speak. “December...” he grumbled in warning. “The rampage that disrupted my bedroom will cost you punishment enough. Seeing you like this, I thought to be kind and wait until your condition improved before I saw to that. But if you insist on being difficult, I will administer another spanking right now, with no consideration for your discomfort.”

  She shifted uneasily, pulling her knees up higher against the wall of the tub in effort t
o make herself smaller. “My head won’t stop pounding. I can’t catch my breath. I’m hot and I feel sick to my stomach.” She relented unhappily.

  Satisfied by her response the man knelt, looping a hand around the girl’s upper arm and pulling her upright. She frowned suspiciously when he pressed the back of his hand lightly against her forehead, obviously annoyed that he wouldn’t leave her alone. Of course, he imagined much of that had to do with the way her hormones fluctuated when he was near.

  “You have a fever.”

  “No shit.”

  Nikolai wagged a finger at her in warning, “Do. Not. Be. Difficult. You are the only one who will suffer for it.” He brushed his knuckles gently against her cheek, mindful of how her lips parted when he did so. “A cool bath may help your temperature.” The male murmured, more to himself than her.

  She opened her mouth to argue, only to have him silence her with a single threatening look. “If you persist in acting like a child, I won’t continue to waste my energy purring for you. I can see that it eases your pain, but I do not intend to reward bad behavior. Shall I stop, or will you behave?” The girl’s eyes widened marginally, her lashes fluttering as a defeated pout formed.

  “Don’t stop. Please.”

  He smiled tightly, “Good girl.”

  Without another word he drew her up and deposited her on the closed toilet lid nearby. He ignored the way she slid a little to one side from the wetness on the back of her thighs, knowing her embarrassment was already fouling her mood. “You will bathe, and then we will set right the bedroom.”

  He left her to sulk as he proceeded to plug the tub, testing the temperature until the water was just slightly cooler than room temperature. He abandoned the bathroom, going to the door to request that an abundance of pillows and blankets be brought up, in addition to the sedatives that had been approved for his little omega in the event that her heat became problematic.

  Having never been near an omega in estrous, he wasn’t entirely certain what to expect. It was clear she was in the beginning stages, but her current discomfort concerned him. The doctors hadn’t been able to tell him how the residual medication in her system would alter the cycle, and he truly hoped this phase wouldn’t last. She was obviously aroused, given the state of her pupils and the steady stream of slick. Most obvious perhaps was the change to her scent.

  Now, he thought he could understand how men might accidentally tear one of the delicate creatures apart fighting for claiming rights where other alphas might be involved. It had grown very difficult to think clearly since he returned to find that the smell of his captive had altered so much in the span of only a few hours.

  He returned to the bathroom to find her still on the toilet, shoulders hunched and head down.

  “Stand up, December.” Nikolai purred raggedly as he turned off the water and came to stand before her. Reluctant, the girl did as he bade. The alpha bent far enough to slip his fingers under the hem of her shirt, nuzzling against her throat as his hands slid up her sides and drew the garment slowly with them. She sighed and twitched, leaning towards him unconsciously as his fingers drifted over her fevered skin. “You are very, very close to being ready,” he whispered against her ear, marveling at how she shivered violently in response and tried to press herself closer to him. “Perhaps you are ready now. Bathe, and let’s find out, shall we?”

  “I don’t want to,” she whimpered sullenly. Nikolai’s jaw clenched when the little female knotted a hand in his shirt and set her free hand to working on the closure of his pants. He jerked the shirt up over her head, pulling it down the length of her arms and effectively breaking her grip on him as he threw it to the floor. She reached for him again, only to have him snatch hold of her wrists.

  “You will bathe first, sweet one. Bring down your temperature. Then I will help you with your nest, and we will do this proper. As mates would, just as I promised.”

  She stomped her foot. “Why won’t you just fuck me now?” The demand was so fervent that he couldn’t help but smile.

  “Because you’ll do what I say, or I won’t fuck you at all. That is why.”

  For a moment, the way the little creature stiffened and drew up in height, he thought she would throw another fit. But then she turned and stepped into the tub, muttering obscenities under her breath as she lowered herself into the water. She folded her arms over her chest as she sat down, water sloshing over the sides of the basin with the abruptness of the action. “Fine.”

  “I will be back in ten minutes. See that you’re done by then,” he barked, ignoring how she huffed when he turned to go. Nikolai retrieved the blankets and bedding from the hall, growling when one of his beta’s sniffed at the air a bit too curiously for his liking.

  The man quickly lowered his gaze, keenly aware of the alpha hovering over him in silent threat. When the man seemed sufficiently intimidated, Nikolai retreated into the bedroom and slammed the door.

  Locking it behind him, he deposited the pile of fluff he carried next to the bed. He then righted the table and chair and gathered all the dirty linens, knowing he wouldn’t have the patience to wait for her to finish cleaning up her own mess. To expedite the process further and waste more of the ten minutes he’d promised her, he put the fitted sheet on the bed and sheathed the pillows, though he tossed them on the floor with the others. Satisfied that it shouldn’t take her long to finish, he made his way back to the bathroom.

  She was already out, patting herself dry with a towel when he opened the door. When she caught sight of him, she dropped it and stalked forward, pushing past him and out into the room beyond. Nikolai smirked as he turned to follow, his eyes glued to the pert, still slightly pink ass that was bobbing so tantalizingly in front of him. His little female paused beside the bed, glancing around the room briefly before shooting a questioning look his way. She was obviously confused to find the room already straightened, when he’d said she would be doing it.

  “I decided I wanted you to concentrate on this, instead.”

  He motioned towards the pile on the floor, watching with great interest as the omega began chewing her lip uncertainly. In theory, she might know what he expected. But given she hadn’t any need to nest previously, he realized she may not understand the concept.

  Nikolai moved cautiously to her side, bending to retrieve one of the several fluffy burgundy comforters. Her eyes followed his movements curiously as he spread the blanket across the bed with a flourish, making certain it landed unevenly before returning to the pile to retrieve several pillows. He placed them at the head of the bed, purposely offsetting them in the hope that it would spur her to fix them.

  When he looked her way, he found the girl wearing an adorably disapproving pout. He bent for more pillows, only to have her snatch them out of his hands. “You’re making everything crooked.” she muttered in annoyance as she climbed onto the bed, seemingly oblivious to her nudity. It took all his considerable control not to grin in triumph as he watched her begin to arrange the cushions. Wordlessly, he began handing her other blankets and accent pillows, fascinated with how quickly she became absorbed in the task.

  Soon enough she was spinning circles on her knees, smoothing and plumping while she made little soothing noises at herself. When she finished, she was facing away from him, sitting on her calves as she surveyed her handiwork. She’d piled pillows around the edges of the bed, draping a blanket over them to make a recessed area at the center that would cradle their bodies. Another blanket waited at the end of the bed, obviously meant to cover them once they were situated. Seemingly satisfied the girl turned her head, looking at him from the corner of her eye almost bashfully.

  “Is this right?” She asked softly.

  “Does it feel right?”

  She nodded, sucking her lower lip into her mouth again as she considered what that meant.

  “Then it’s right. Are you feeling better?” Nikolai grumbled, his tone border-lining on a growl that promised to unleash all sorts of depravity if
he indulged it. She nodded again.

  “A little.”

  “Do you know what comes next, little wolf?” She took a deep breath as if to bolster her courage. It was several moments before the girl let the air out slowly and shifted to face the head of the bed, bracing her palms against the comforter as she took a nervous position on hand and knee. She looked his way once more, arching her back so that her hips tilted higher.

  “Would you, um. Will you share it with me?”

  His omega’s bossy attitude was gone. In its place was a needy female who was well out of her depth and finally seemed to realize it. The pretty honey color of her eyes was gone, swallowed up by a darkness that made the small creature look half possessed. Nikolai grinned darkly and began shedding his clothes, already naked by the time he reached the foot of the bed.

  He came to his knees behind her on the mattress, slowing his approach long enough to admire the view. Her knees were spread, the glistening pink of her folds on display. Though her back was arched in presentation, her shoulders were hunched and her head down. The tremble of her small frame spoke of anxiety, but the sweet perfume of her pheromones told him it was just as much from excitement as fear.

  Nikolai had known many women over the years, but never before had a female’s submission struck him the way hers did. She was a gorgeous, feisty, wanton thing of perfection, and she was his. In that moment, none of his doubts or concerns about her suitability mattered. He’d have fought anyone who said she was anything other than the ideal woman.

  As he curled his hands around her hips, Nikolai leaned over the small thing and growled. The girl quaked and whined, already near panting when he slid the head of his cock between her freshly saturated folds. His teeth clenched as he refrained from forcing himself inside her, instead brushing a kiss against her ear.


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