The Sacred Omegas: Book One - December

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The Sacred Omegas: Book One - December Page 10

by Merel Pierce

  “Such a good girl, presenting so willingly.” He purred intimately, intentionally letting his breath heat her skin. She lifted her hips higher, angling her head to bump her cheek against his like a cat seeking affection. “I will enjoy having you this way, many times no doubt. But, for now, I find myself wishing to see your face the first time I feed you my cock. Lie down, December,” he grumbled huskily.

  She scrambled to comply, rolling beneath him obediently until she was on her back with the soles of her feet pressed to the mattress between them. He swept her legs wide as he moved to situated himself between her thighs, shifting her so that her calves rested against his shoulders.

  His hands closed around her thighs, holding her steadily in place. When he bent forward to kiss her, his cock pressed heavy against her slit. To his utter delight, the girl’s hips jerked and angled in a desperate attempt to align him with her opening as he dominated her mouth hungrily. Her hands went to his hair, clinging and tugging urgently as she writhed beneath him.

  Nikolai broke their kiss and pulled back far enough to look down on the breathless girl, only to have her use the grip she’d maintained on his hair to pull herself up so she might sniff at his throat. She moaned, her little tongue darting out to taste him. Her grip on his hair tightened then, and his little omega’s mouth latched over the flesh at the sensitive junction between his neck and shoulder. Her tongue laved his skin, her lips migrating up the side of his throat as she continued to sniff and lick and suck at him greedily. When she threatened with the pinch of teeth, it was his undoing.

  He growled viciously, and the moment the female gasped and loosed her hold in a tremor, he pistoned his hips backwards and lined up the head of his cock with her entrance. They locked eyes, and for a moment time seemed to stand still. He waited, his muscles trembling with the strain. “Say it!” He hissed, pressing forward so the tip of his member threatened penetration, but didn’t yet give it.

  Her addled brain struggled to understand what he wanted, but after several seconds of impatient twisting and fruitless bucking it finally seemed to click. “You really are an asshole!” She accused, fury sharpening her sweet face as she let loose of his hair and struck at his chest in anger. “Just do it already!” Her frown was severe, a pitiful whimper soon breaking the anger into despair. “Please… Please fuck me!” Nikolai’s growl rolled into a triumphant purr as he obliged her, breaching the wet heat of her sex with a tightly reined jerk of his hips.

  Chapter 9

  December gasped as he pulsed sharply forward, the bulbous head of his cock burrowing itself several inches into her pussy before it was caught and held by the pulsing tension of her muscles. Even with as saturated as she was, the narrow channel could never have been prepared for his girth.

  No male before him had been nearly as thick or long. She’d given herself too much credit when she assumed because she could suck him, her pussy could take him as well. But she wanted him, and newly awakened instincts fervently demanded that she find a way to manage it.

  The male surrendered half his gained ground in herald of a second more aggressive thrust, and December yelped when he bottomed out. The jolt of him hitting her cervix bounced her backwards, and had he not been holding her still his cock might have been comically unseated. Nikolai’s gaze shifted, dipping between their bodies in a way that drew her own attention there as well.

  To her surprise over two thirds of his shaft was already buried inside her. Knowing how large he was, it seemed impossible that he’d managed it. No doubt he intended to try his luck with the rest.

  “Holy shit!” December squirmed, her anxiety over his size growing as her insides clamped down on the meat that was already filling her to the proverbial brim. “I don’t think there’s any more room,” she slurred nervously.

  Nikolai laughed, dipping his head to press a kiss beneath her ear. The action lifted her ass further away from the mattress, her knees now resting against her own belly. She whimpered when his hips rolled, the head of his cock grinding against her inner walls in a painful push for more space. “There will be,” he teased with a growl. “If you open yourself for me.” December shivered and whined as another wave of slick oozed out around his cock.

  “Please… I was wrong, I can’t do this!”

  Despite the declaration, they both knew she didn’t want him to stop. Her body was practically begging for him to continue, fluttering and clenching around his meat in an attempt to milk his partially submerged length of something it wasn’t ready to give. The male’s lips closed over her flesh, licking and sucking at the hollow of her throat as he began to alternate between the soothing purr and a maddening growl. He flowed smoothly from one to the other, teasing and taunting her nerves until she was writhing in frustration beneath him. When she thought she might die from the pressure building in her head, she moaned the piteous plea again, bitterly aware that she didn’t mean a single word.

  “I can’t. Please stop!”

  “You can, and you will,” came his guttural purr, “What’s more, I know you want it.”

  It was then that the lazy roll of his hips changed. He braced his hands against the mattress above her shoulders, another means of keeping her from migrating too far when he began fucking her in earnest. Trapped, December grit her teeth against the force of his thrusts, each jarring impact sending pulses of both pain and pleasure zigzagging through her confused nerves to the very core of her being. Her vision grew hazy as he forced breathless little moans and squeaks loose of her throat each time he buried himself inside her.

  Unlike most females, December had never been one for foreplay. The fact that the male wasted so little time getting down to business was something she was infinitely grateful for. As he continued to work her body, the noises he elicited began to change. The unintentional grunts and whines became willful groans of pleasure and little broken purrs of adoration as her hormone-clouded mind quickly became infatuated with the male that was so expertly owning her body. His prowess was notable, his technique so singularly earth shattering that she’d come twice before he ever broke a sweat.

  How long they continued in this way she couldn’t have said, but it felt as though she would never get enough. Her hands and mouth touched and licked every part of him she could reach, growling her annoyance when he tried to pull back or slow the rhythm of his thrusts. The third time she crested the swell of pleasure that set her insides on fire and had her screaming his name, Nikolai purred his satisfaction and merely continued to thrust.

  When she was dazed and sagging limply in the wake of her orgasm, he doubled his efforts. Within moments, she was panting another breathless plea when a fourth orgasm grabbed onto the coattails of the last and overwhelmed her with a quaking explosion that nearly made her black out.

  At some point, rational thought abandoned her all together. The more fevered she grew, the rougher he became. On and on it went until she was so exhausted, she began to wonder if it were possible to die from pleasure. If it were, she was sure he meant to kill her. When she begged him to come, he responded with an alpha growl that sent her right back into a trembling fit.

  “Soon. But first, look.”

  She forced her eyes to open, rolling them sluggishly upwards to meet his gaze. His own eyes flickered down between their bodies much as before, suggesting she follow suit. When she did, December groaned as her stomach clenched hungrily at what she saw. His cock was buried to the hilt inside her, his pelvis pressed against the backs of her thighs as he ground his hips in the same torturous rhythm she’d learned she enjoyed most. He leaned over her, pressing a light kiss to her sweat dampened brow before he whispered to her in his native tongue.

  “Little wolf. You are like a rose, opening beneath the attention of your alpha to reveal a beauty that was previously hidden from the eyes of those who were unworthy. You have come so far, even in so little time. I will give you what you need. I will show you what it means to be an alpha’s omega. Submit, sweet one. You will not miss the life yo
u leave behind once a new one begins here, with me.”

  In the back of her mind, she knew he couldn’t be trusted. The sweet words he was whispering in her ear were designed to appeal to the base needs of her newly revealed dynamic. He wanted a child from her, an heir for his dark throne. That was all. But at that moment, it didn’t matter. So long as he kept touching her, kept fucking her, kept purring and growling for her, she would have done anything he said.

  “Ohhhh, shut up and show me then!” December whimpered desperately as she wrapped her arms around his neck and strained to kiss him. With a rueful grin, he obliged her search for his mouth and lowered his chin, murmuring an almost adoring threat against her parted lips.

  “You will pay for that later,” he punctuated the warning by kissing her so thoroughly that at first, she missed the subtle way his continued thrusts began to change. It was only when the male’s groan of pleasure vibrated against her tongue that she became aware of the short, almost erratic way the jerk of his hips was now rocking their joined bodies.

  Soon enough, the opening of her sex began to burn and sting with the stretch of a growing knot that was not yet seated deep enough. December hissed, breaking the kiss as she struggled to see the source of discomfort that was currently threatening her lustful stupor.

  The male refused to allow her the distance she required to accomplish it. “Nikolai!” she murmured warily, sobering minutely as she shot him a doubtful look. There was no need to finish the sentence. His expression told her that he understood. However, instead of seeking to abate her concern, he moved his hands to her waist and sunk his thumbs into the hollows beneath her hip bones. Her eyes widened when his grip tightened, a flicker of fear registering as she realized what he meant to do. “Please…”

  “You’ll regret it more if I don’t.”

  His words did little to reassure her, but she knew he was right. She couldn’t bear the idea of him pulling out, and he couldn’t leave things as they were without hurting her seriously. With how far her body had gone to accommodate him already, a few more centimeters didn’t seem like an unobtainable goal. December took a deep breath and closed her eyes, her fingers clutching so tightly at his shoulders that the skin yielded beneath her nails and drew a ragged little huff from the male.

  Without warning, he rammed himself deeper still into a pussy that had no space left to give. Starbursts of color exploded against the backs of her eyelids, white-hot pain searing through the delicate flesh his cock was forcing to yield. She sobbed mournfully, confused and distressed by the overwhelming sense of ecstasy that accompanied the throbbing heat in her battered sex as his knot continued to grow. The grip of his fingers did not relent until the bulbous base of his shaft had become so large that there was no chance of her escape, locking them together as the first spurts of his orgasm began to spray her inner walls.

  In the cramped confines of her stuffed channel, December felt every twitch and buck of his meat as her womb was bathed in copious amounts of cum. Another orgasm tore through her overburdened body, and much to her humiliation, she began to cry as it wrung out every last drop of her sanity along with it. She continued to sob even after it subsided, gasping for air and trembling beneath him as his knot pulsed in its own unrelenting orgasm.

  With a great sigh, the male shifted their position, lowering her legs from his shoulders gently before rolling so that he lay beneath her and she was given the dominant position. He arranged her astride his lap with a surprising amount of care, drawing the blanket up over them both. One hand pressed her head to his chest, its twin stroking her back in an attempt to soothe.

  The furious beating of his heart beneath her ear was soon accompanied by the rattle of a purr, the male’s hands petting and soothing her with surprising sweetness as she continued to cry. Sooner than she expected, the pain dulled to a more manageable feeling of discomfort, and her strange euphoria faded to a dull hum of satisfaction.

  As the steady throb of his pulse began to slow, so too did her tears. Nikolai pressed a kiss to the top of her head as she sniffled, attempting to hide her face when he brushed the hair back from her eyes and angled his head to see her.

  “Why are you crying? Is the pain still so great?”

  His tone was sedate, the purr of the resting beast ever-present. December shrugged, unwilling to meet his gaze. Instead, she curled her fingers around the sides of his ribcage and pressed her ear closer to his chest where the sound reverberated so invitingly. “I don’t know. I just…”

  “You’re overwhelmed.”

  She nodded mutely, grateful for the offered explanation. The male gave a soft noise of understanding.

  “Next time, it will be easier.”

  It occurred to her as she listened to him speak that it sounded as though he were trying to convince himself of that fact, as much as he was attempting to comfort her. Tears blurred her vision again, a sudden feeling of inadequacy making the continued joining of their bodies moderately uncomfortable. After all, it was difficult to hide her embarrassment when she was trapped until the knot deflated. “I’m sorry.”

  This time, he curled a finger beneath her chin and forced her head back so that he could see her when he spoke, “Look at me.” Reluctantly, December obeyed. In his eyes she saw only a lazy sense of contentment, no disappointment or anger as she might have expected. “This has been a new experience for us both, slightly uncomfortable I will admit. But even still.” he cooed, speaking as delicately as if to a child.

  “You are a beautiful creature, and so willing. I am very pleased with your performance thus far. Tantrum aside, that is.” he assured her. One thick eyebrow arched subtly as he continued to gaze down on her, the corner of his lip twitching up almost mischievously. “Do you have any complaints to make against my own?”

  December huffed, her expression souring in a half-hearted pout when she realized he was teasing her. She’d lost count of how many orgasms she’d had, but she would bet he hadn’t. “I think your ego is big enough without me feeding it,” she muttered begrudgingly.

  “A man’s ego always benefits from the attention of a beautiful woman.”

  “You’re talking too much again.”

  For the second time since she’d met him, the male gave a genuine, hearty laugh. December tucked her chin to hide her smirk when the pleasantness of the sound penetrated her broodiness and lightened the mood between them.

  “And your attitude suggests that you enjoy being spanked more than you should.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Yeah ok, punish me for it later. Can you just shut up and hold me right now?” Her bluster was all for show, meant to cover up the sense of vulnerability she felt that had her genuinely longing for the male’s comfort. But again, he obliged her. Nikolai folded his arms around her smaller frame as they waited for the persistence of his knot to subside, continuing to purr lazily as he held her.

  “How is your headache, little wolf?”

  December frowned, her fingers playing over the side of his ribcage thoughtfully. “Better, I guess…I hadn’t thought about it.”

  “And your stomach?”

  “Better. Aside from the, well, you know.”

  “Your fever?”

  “I think it’s gone.”


  She suddenly remembered how exhausted she was, the reminder of the discomfort she’d suffered before his return triggering a weariness that made her eyelids droop. She continued to trace her fingers absently over the bumps and ridges of his muscle structure, but was unable to soothe herself enough to rest. Self-consciously, she murmured up at the male whose knot still held them fast together. “Would you hum that song for me again? The one from last night?”

  “If you like.”

  The male indeed began to hum, the rich vibrations of the already familiar tune working almost as effectively on her nerves as the tranquilizers she didn’t know he possessed. Soon enough, it became harder to open her eyes each time she blinked. She sighed sweetly, that strange feeling
of contentment stealing over her once more as she lay subdued in the arms of her captor.

  December refused to acknowledge the nagging tug of her conscience, unwilling to allow the reality of her situation to pollute what she was feeling in that moment. With the male both inside her and wrapped around her, purring and humming so sweetly, she felt safe for the first time in as long as she could remember.

  She knew it couldn’t last. But for tonight, she would allow herself to pretend that they were mates after all, and that life could truly be like this for her. A loving male to care for her, no need to worry about where her next meal might come from or if she’d be attacked on her way home by greedy strangers. Just peace, warmth, and pleasure, all thanks to a mate that would never really be hers. She closed her eyes one final time and sleep finally overtook her.

  Chapter 10

  Nikolai watched through the smoky glass of his office window as prisoners were herded into cages on the floor of the transfer station below. There were only three today. Nikolai’s men had sent over the report before the detainees had even arrived. A beta male, a beta female, and an alpha male. A gambler, a thief, and a batterer. Business was slow.

  The gambler was most likely to be a waste of time. It didn’t matter what threat was made or what bones were broken, he still wouldn’t be able to come up with the money he owed. So far as Nikolai could tell, the man didn’t have any marketable skills either. He was a pretty boy, though. The pleasure house was a viable option if the young man could stand the idea of taking alpha dick in the ass for a couple of months. If he refused, he’d be lucky if he ever walked again by the time they were done with him.

  The female thief was attractive enough. A year as a whore was more than a fair trade for the amount of high-end merchandise she’d stolen, provided she was smart enough to take that option when he offered it. Right now, her only alternative was broken hands. Nikolai had enough charity cases on his plate and didn’t feel inclined to take on another.


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