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The Sacred Omegas: Book One - December

Page 28

by Merel Pierce

  He lifted his hips away from the bed, obliging her attempt to disrobe him. He watched in fascination as the little female pulled the garment off and tossed it carelessly aside, climbing back across his legs and settling herself astride his belly. That brief flicker of panic was gone, replaced with something far more enticing. With her core pressed against his abdomen, even the thin fabric of her underwear couldn’t hide the damp heat of her arousal.

  She was wearing one of the simple cotton nighties he’d bought her after all. As his eyes traced down the length of her body, he thought he’d never seen anything quite as lovely as the little female now perched across his middle. For several moments they merely stared at one another, each breathing heavily and studying the other with a mixture of arousal and apprehension. Then finally, she made her move.

  She dipped forward, sweeping her hair over one shoulder as she bowed into his body and covered his mouth with her own. He opened himself to her the instant her tongue touched against his lips, and his cock twitched its excitement when the female smothered him with a kiss so intense and full of need that pulses of color fizzled and popped behind his closed eyelids. What had sparked that sudden desire in her he didn’t know, and quite frankly, he didn’t care.

  He moaned again, hands lifting to reach for her of their own accord as their tongues continued to clash in their erotic dance. When the female’s hands unexpectedly closed around his wrists and stopped his progress, she was met with resistance, the male unaccustomed to being handled in such a way. But as she pulled back to look down on him again, it was obvious by her expression that she didn’t plan to stop what was happening between them. So, when she reared up and pushed with all her strength on his captured wrists, he allowed her to pin his arms to the mattress on either side of his head.

  The flash of confidence and sense of power that fluttered from his omega’s side of the link made his heart swell. When she kissed him again, he projected all the adoration and lust he felt onto his female, bathing her in the heady flood of his desire. As they took their first unsteady steps towards fulfilling the one aspect of their union that had gone untended since their bonding, he couldn’t help thinking it had been well worth the wait.

  Chapter 30

  She had no idea what came over her. Apparently, the male’s absence affected her more than she thought. It was the only explanation she could fathom for how she’d behaved when he appeared next to her in the bed professing to have missed her.

  His scent, his purr, the heat of his body, the gift of his seemingly endless patience. It proved a temptation too great to resist in the wake of her loneliness. Consequently, that was how she came to be straddling his waist, kissing him like her life depended on it. It seemed she had missed him too. The fact that he had allowed her to take control was unexpected and strangely exciting. It gave her the courage to continue, despite her lingering fears.

  When she finally released his wrists, the alpha’s hands instantly went to her hips, and she internally began chanting the mantra to herself the doctor had suggested. “He is my alpha. He cares for me. He will not hurt me. He is not them. He is not them.” It felt silly, but as the male’s hands began to drift up her sides, she found herself repeating it over and over nevertheless. As his hips rolled beneath her and the head of his cock prodded at her backside, she broke their kiss and pressed her forehead to his chest, hiding her face from view. She drew in an unsteady breath, her nerves tingling with a mixture of pleasure and anxiety as his hands continued to roam over her nightgown and tease heat along her skin.

  She wanted him. But she was losing her nerve. She knew there was an easy way to rectify that, though. December pressed herself closer, arms circling his neck as she nuzzled her way up his neck to his ear. “Will you… Would you growl for me?” She asked bashfully, nearly begging in her desperation to get past this last hurdle.

  The attention of his hands stopped, vanishing from her body briefly before reappearing to frame the sides of her face. He drew her back far enough that they could see one another, his fingertips rubbing small circles against her scalp as he held her there. His expression was sympathetic, the small smile turning up the corner of his mouth almost sad. “No, not yet.”

  December frowned, confused and frustrated by his response. “Why not? I just… I just need a little help.” She muttered unhappily.

  “I won’t have our first time together as mates tainted by the fact that I had to force your arousal.” His reply was almost apologetic. “If you aren’t ready, it just isn’t time yet.” Dumbfounded, she gave an unconscious pout.

  “But I want you.”

  She blushed the moment the words were out of her mouth, embarrassed by the confession. But the male only smiled, the darkness of his pupils growing as he sat up slowly. Arms still wound around his neck, she slid backwards onto his lap as he righted himself. The stiff heat of his erection pushed between their bodies, resting rigid against her panty-clad sex as he situated her astride his thighs. His purr deepened when her grip on him tightened.

  He angled his head, tucking his nose beneath her ear to inhale deeply of her scent. The groan of pleasure that rumbled loose of the man in result sent a shiver down her spine. She inhaled sharply, her heart racing. “We had so little time together before you were stolen away. I was selfish with you then, I confess,” he murmured softly. “But little wolf, I will not make that mistake again.”

  As his hands settled against the underside of her thighs, December stiffened warily. “Allow me to tend to your needs, sweet girl,” he coaxed. “You will find you do not need my growl to pave the way for your pleasure.” The muscles of her abdomen clenched at his promise, an empty ache taking up residence in her most private of places.

  After so many weeks of feeling damaged and secretly disgusted by her now scarred and imperfect body, the male’s adoration felt warm and soothing as it lapped at her wounded self-confidence. She wanted more. His petting and purring weren’t enough now. She needed him, in the most basic and primal way a woman could need a man.

  But she was also frightened of allowing herself to be so vulnerable. She had earned that right, of course. But how long was she expected to be a willing prisoner to the fear? In the end, December did what she always did when she was scared. She tried to make demands. “No knot, ok? I don’t think I’m ready for that.” She whispered into his hair as he brushed the stubble of his cheek along the smoothness of her own. Against her, the male crooned.

  “No knot, then.”

  She nodded her consent, shoulders slumping as a modicum of relief loosened her muscles. Her alpha slid off the bed with her still astride his lap, large hands supporting her weight when he stood and turned to face the place he’d just evacuated.

  He took to his knees on the mattress, lowering her gently into the bedding beneath him. With her back to the blankets and the male hovering low over her body, she blew out another shaky breath. As if to quell her concerns, the alpha carefully removed her hands from where they remained wrapped around his neck, folding them against her chest as he dipped his head to kiss her. The next nervous exhale was swallowed up by her mate.

  His purr rumbled against her tongue, their bond stroking at her unsteady nerves as he slid one hand beneath her skull and continued to kiss her. It was a slow, measured assault. He took his time, settling over her so that his weight rested on one elbow and his hips pressed against her pelvis just heavily enough to remind her of the unyielding arousal she’d inspired.

  The anxious flutter of her heart was soon overruled by the pulsing heat of a growing desire. She whimpered and sighed, squirming and angling her hips beneath him in search of friction. But the male didn’t oblige her, instead continuing to focus his attention solely on her mouth.

  When she grew too restless to be still, December snaked her arms up his chest and around his neck to burrow in the short, silky waves of his hair. She arched up against him, urging the male on. But it wasn’t until she tugged sharply on the locks gathered between her finger
s that he was finally goaded into action.

  He drew back, leaving her gasping and dizzy when he dipped his head to trail kisses along her jaw and down her throat. He neither lingered nor avoided the scarred tissue left by his enemy when his lips brushed over the marred skin, merely continuing across the hollow of her throat to her opposite shoulder where his own mark resided. Here, he lingered.

  Unlike the irksome sensation the male’s mouth elicited when it traced Riktor’s mark, the lapping of his tongue on the still tender skin of his own brand sent pleasure skittering through her body. December shivered, keenly aware of how her nipples tightened to painful nubs beneath the thin fabric still separating their bodies. Fabric that she desperately wished was gone but couldn’t find the confidence to take off.

  As his hands began to roam, it seemed the male intuitively knew the insecurities she suffered now that her body bore permanent evidence of her abuse. While his fingers skimmed over and beneath the garment, he didn’t attempt to remove it. Again, his understanding and gentleness surprised her.

  On one hand, she was grateful. On the other, some part of her longed for the passion and intensity she’d experienced with him those first days of her heat. But when his fingers dipped under the edge of her panties to cup her mound, she forgot to care that he wasn’t moving fast enough.

  December hissed, jerking unconsciously when his index finger dipped between her folds and slid along the heat of her sex. With the hold she still maintained on his hair, she drew him up, needing the taste of him on her tongue. It was a demand he surrendered to willingly enough, the soft pressure of his lips crushing her own as he continued to languidly caress her sex.

  His touch spoke to the male’s expertise, and no movement he made was wasted. Before long she was panting into his mouth, bucking and groaning as he worked her clit with his thumb, and pumped his other fingers in and out of her body at a maddening pace.

  Soon enough her prior concerns were obliterated as not one, but two orgasms broke her apart at his hand. Left a quivering, sobbing mess beneath his continued assault, she could only beg piteously for him to stop. He didn’t. Instead, he lifted his weight from her and slid down the mattress until he was resting between her knees. December tried to press her legs together, only to have him curl an arm under each thigh and hold them apart. Hazily aware of what he meant to do, she felt her cheeks flush.

  She struggled up to her elbows, staring down her abdomen at him nervously. From the apex of her thighs he gazed back, eyes black and expression clouded with a hunger she recognized all too well. He dipped his head and parted his lips as they watched one another, purposely letting the warmth of his breath fan over the soaked fabric of her panties.

  It wasn’t as if she’d never had a man go down on her before. Hell, it wasn’t even the first time this particular male would do so. But she was impatient to have him, and a little shy about the cosmetic repairs they’d made to her sex after the assault. He didn’t seem to share her concerns. Judging by the expression on his face, argument against it was pointless. He’d set some goal for himself that he had yet to share with her, and until he’d reached it, she was at his mercy.

  With a huff she gave in, collapsing backwards on the bed. Her head had only just hit the pillow when he gave the undergarment a little jerk and the sound of fabric tearing signaled the destruction of her panties. She shivered when cool air drifted over sensitive flesh, now bare for the male’s attention.

  She fisted the sheets, staring up at the ceiling above and focusing on her breathing as she reminded herself of who it was between her knees. Her alpha. Her mate. Not someone who had done her harm. Not someone that would rape her. A man that she wanted, and had all along, if she were being honest. At the first lap of his tongue against her folds, she closed her eyes and surrendered.

  He worked her with his mouth and fingers alike in a determined bid to draw more orgasms from her now quaking and overstimulated body. In the end, he gained two more before she growled and snapped her teeth at him.

  “Enough!” She planted her feet on his shoulders, shoving as she tried to wrestle herself away from his grip. When his head came up from his work the alpha rumbled a threat, an instinctive reaction of dominance to her challenge that the man hadn’t been able to quell.

  December’s eyes rolled back in her head, her body dissolving into a full body shiver as she flooded the sheets beneath them with slick. “Please!” She panted desperately, clutching at his arms as she struggled to pull him closer, her tone changing now that she had his attention. “I need you.”

  His purr deepened as he crawled up over her body, kissing her parted mouth briefly before moving his lips to her ear. “Tell me what you need, December,” he crooned, coaxing with a maddening noise that walked the fine line between the sweetness of a purr and the filthiness of a full-fledged growl. “Tell me what you want.”

  There was hunger in his voice, and a need for affirmation that even the most naïve woman couldn’t have missed. His ego needed this, and she needed him. Again, the knowledge that she held sway over the powerful male emboldened her. “I need you. I want you inside me!” She whispered breathlessly. “Please, I need it.”

  The noise of absolute pleasure and relief that escaped the male’s chest made her insides clench, her heart warming at the sound even as her empty pussy pulsed and twitched in response. He lowered himself over her, groaning softly when she tipped her hips and squeezed her thighs tight around his waist. He braced himself on his elbows as he drew back just far enough to kiss her, the head of his cock slipping along the wetness of her entrance where it would catch on her opening as he paused. She twisted her head to one side, wrapping her arms tightly around his neck as she pressed her cheek to his own. “Growl for me now?”

  He obliged her, sucking in a deep breath before expelling the most aggressive, lustful, dirty sort of noise she’d ever heard an alpha birth. She cried out when he pulsed forward, sinking halfway into the tight channel that both resisted and welcomed his invasion. Under the continued weight of his growl, she trembled and bucked, pleasure exploding all across her nervous system and leaving her incapable of doing anything but plead for more.

  Chapter 31

  She woke to the sound of the alarm on Nikolai’s phone, with the man himself still pressed up tight against her back. She groaned, burying her face in the pillow and covering her ears in protest. The male only chuckled as he rolled over to silence the offending device. Once he had, he returned to his former position warming her backside. December snuggled down further into the blankets, pulling the comforter up over her face as he wrapped his arms around her and drew her back against his chest.

  “Good morning, little wolf.”

  The hairs on the back of her neck stood up as his lips brushed against her ear, her stomach fluttering in response to the purr now rumbling up from his chest.

  “Morning.” The fingers of one massive hand drifted lightly down the side of her face before tucking beneath her chin and angling her head towards him. She allowed the motion, looking back over her shoulder at the sleep mussed male.

  “Did you sleep well?”

  It was a loaded question, she knew. She could tell by the slinking warmth of his bond in her chest that his ego needed stroking. Feeling uncharacteristically generous, she smirked and fluttered her lashes. “You mean once you orgasmed me into unconsciousness? Yeah, I slept like a fucking corpse.” He smiled wickedly, pressing a kiss to the tip of her nose.

  “Language, sweet one.”

  December nipped at his chin, snapping her teeth for effect. “You may as well give up hoping I’ll behave more like a lady. I’m not one,” she taunted. The male lowered his head to her throat, trailing several kisses down its column to her shoulder. He inhaled deeply, making a thoughtful noise as he did so.

  “If I didn’t know better, I’d think you missed being spanked.” Her pussy clenched at his rumbled words, the memory of his punishment recalled the instant the alpha mentioned it. She swallowed ha
rd as a small trickle of slick bubbled between her closed thighs. Oh, she remembered all right.


  The male tsked at her, obviously sensing the lie. He pushed one arm beneath the blanket, fingers skimming along her abdomen to her pelvis, where one thick digit would push into the warm wetness between her legs. He smirked down at her wolfishly. “I can smell your arousal, December,” he accused knowingly. “You’ll never be able to lie to me where that’s concerned.”

  “Mr. Smarty Pants with a superhuman nose,” she grumbled, feigning bitterness. “Dogs have a sense of smell like that too, you know.” She pouted suggestively, squirming as his lazily probing finger found her still sore from the night before. Sore but apparently eager for more, based on the additional wetness that greeted the dipping of his finger into her tight hole. The male cooed in approval when December shivered against him.

  “You should praise me for being so patient a man.” He teased huskily as his finger delved deeper, inspiring her to angle her hips upwards against the palm pressed to her mound. “I cannot count how many times I have wanted to put you over my knee this past month.”

  “Always with the talking…”

  The male rolled his hips against her backside, grinding the half-hard erection into the cheek of her ass.

  “Would you prefer I act? I wouldn’t think you’d be ready again so soon.” She bit her lip, blushing before she childishly wrinkled her nose and stuck out her tongue.

  He had been as gentle as an alpha could, the night before. Even still, she’d been glad she made him promise not to knot her. He’d had to coax her to open her eyes, forcing her to look at him while he slowly worked himself inside her. He’d wanted her to see that it was him, making certain she didn’t allow herself to slip back into some not-so-distant nightmare as he took her. He’d kissed, purred, stroked and growled his encouragement until he was finally fully seated, and even then, the rhythmic pulse of his thrusts had been tightly reigned.


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