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Marry Me For Money: A Billionaire Fake Fiance Novel

Page 4

by Ali Parker

  He laughed. “I think it’s going to cost you. You’re going to have to offer some money to make sure the woman doesn’t run her mouth or change her mind and leave you hanging.”

  I nodded my head. “How much does one pay a woman to pretend to be a fiancée?”

  Zach looked thoughtful for a second. “I don’t know. Maybe five, ten percent of the money you are supposed to get?” he suggested.

  That seemed like a lot of money. “I guess that’s fair.”

  “I can’t ask a woman who already has money. She’ll have no motivation to keep up the ruse.”

  “Ask someone who doesn’t have money.”

  “And how do I find that person? Am I supposed to go around asking every woman how much money she has in her bank account?” I asked, frustrated.

  “Probably not a good idea. You meet a woman, talk to her, get an idea of her background and make assumptions from there.”

  I nodded my head, the idea sounding better and better. “She needs to be around my age and attractive. Bob will never believe the story if I show up with anything other than that.”

  Zach was grinning. “This is going to be fun. Now, where should we start looking? How about the waitress?”

  I shook my head. “I don’t know. I can’t go around asking just anybody if they want to participate in a scheme to get money. I need to be careful. I don’t want her laughing at me and telling people I’m looking for a fake fiancée. If word gets back to Bob, I’ll lose everything for sure.”

  Zach rolled his eyes. “Like Bob runs in the same circles we do.”

  “I’ll think about it. It’s risky. A good idea, but risky.”

  Our meals were delivered, and we quickly dug in. I couldn’t get his idea out of my head. It could work. I had to be convincing, and I needed a woman willing to go along with the ruse. Someone who didn’t know anyone in town would be preferable. I didn’t want my secret to become gossip. Gossip would get back to Bob, of that I was sure. I needed someone I could trust. Gee, how hard could that be when I was looking to deceive a man in a plot that would make an evil mastermind proud.

  The alarm on my phone went off, effectively ending my lunch. “I have to get back to the office. I’ve got a busy day.”

  Zach nodded his head, wiping the sauce from his mouth. “Think about it. I’ll put together a list of potential almost-wives. We’ll get this handled, man. Don’t worry another minute about it.”

  “Thanks. I hope so. I’ll talk to you later,” I said and headed out.

  I did feel better now that I had at least one option on the table. I sat down behind my desk, feeling ready to tackle the world before Lena buzzed to let me know my next appointment had arrived.

  I smoothed my hair back, straightened my tie and quickly ran my hand over my mouth, making sure there was no evidence of my lunch. I didn’t bother checking the calendar to see who it was.

  A soft knock preceded the door opening and the most beautiful creature on the planet stepping through my door. I stood, purposely closing my mouth and stared. I could hardly draw a breath as she closed the door behind her and strode toward me. I somehow managed to find my manners and walked toward her, extending my hand.

  “I’m Terran Maddox.”

  I was drawing a complete blank on her name and the reason for the meeting. My eyes were drinking in every detail from the thick blond hair falling around her shoulders in soft curls to the pretty blue eyes framed by gorgeous dark eyelashes. She was tall, slender, but not skinny and absolutely stunning. I was convinced I had to be staring at an angel. My height always left me towering over the women I dated. This woman was the perfect height. I was guessing around five-nine or so. The pretty smile on those full lips was drawing me in like a honeybee to the brightest flower.

  “I’m Hailey Hollis,” she said, and I nodded my head, still trying to find my voice.

  “Nice to meet you,” I said, trying to be cool, but knowing I was failing miserably.

  I had a feeling she was used to knocking men off their game. I was struggling not to grovel at her feet. I had seen plenty of beautiful women in my life, but the one standing before me was different. She had an ethereal glow about her that I couldn’t ignore. She was perfect in every way.

  “It’s nice to meet you,” she said, her soft hand in mine.

  I took a deep breath, pulled myself together and gestured for her to sit down in the available chair across from my desk. She sat, the skirt she had on rising a little to reveal a section of thigh. She looked tan and fit, like an athlete. Her legs were perfectly shaped, not too thin and not overly muscular. I couldn’t see a single thing about her that I would ever want to change. A brief image of those legs wrapped around me while I drove into her flashed into my head, nearly causing an instant erection.

  I took my seat across from her and stared at her. I knew who she was. She had launched one of the most successful ad campaigns the company had ever run. It was her face that had made my clients very happy. Her natural beauty and obvious athleticism had made their workout wear one of the most popular in the world. Whoever had chosen her for the ad deserved a big fat raise. I made a mental note to personally thank the ad manager.

  As I stared at her, a thought popped into my head. “Hailey, are you married?” I asked.

  Her mouth dropped open, and her eyes widened in surprise. I knew it was an inappropriate question, but I didn’t care. What I was thinking about proposing blew appropriate right out of the water. I’d wait. I didn’t want to have her running out of my office screaming just yet. I needed to feel her out, learn a bit more about her first.

  Chapter 6


  Few men have ever made me feel all warm and bubbly inside.

  Terran Maddox had just joined the ranks of those men. He was gorgeous. I knew of him and had seen his picture a few times, but his reputation and who he was had always kept me from being even remotely interested. I could see why the women flocked to him. The man’s looks rivaled those of the most handsome Hollywood star. In fact, I think the man with the too-long black hair and roguish looks was the gold standard of hotness. I was dangerously close to fangirling all over the man.

  Now, I’m sitting across from him and can’t stop staring. I had to do a quick mental check to make sure I wasn’t panting. I really felt like my tongue was hanging out of my mouth with drool dribbling down my chin. He was that good looking. Mouth-watering.

  How could I have such a visceral attraction to a man and think of sex when I had never had sex. I didn’t know what it felt like, but for some crazy reason, I wanted this man in ways I had never experienced. One thick chunk of black hair had fallen forward, framing one side of his face in the sexiest, most Elvis Presley look. He had that dangerous edge about him that I found extremely attractive. His green eyes looked unnatural and incredibly hot. I could stare at him all day. Few men towered over me. It was something else I was drawn to. He was the total package.

  “Married?” I said, his question finally sinking in through my befuddled brain.

  He smiled. It was a sexy, charming smile that made my face feel warm. “Yes. I asked if you’re married.”

  I shook my head. “No.”

  I wasn’t sure why he asked the question. It seemed a little odd and out of the blue. He smiled and nodded his head before sitting forward and sliding up to his desk.

  “I wanted to personally congratulate you on the campaign. My ad department is very happy with the success. As you can imagine, so is the company you are modeling for. We get calls every day, wanting to know if you’re available. I’m sure your agent is inundated with calls as well.”

  I raised my eyebrows. I had no idea. “I don’t work with an agency, and honestly, my agent isn’t exactly the best in the business. I rarely talk to her.”

  He smiled. “I guess that’s a good thing for me. I’m surprised you even had time to meet today. You are one of the most sought-after models in the industry. I know there are plenty of other ad agencies that want to
get their hands on you.”

  I smiled and nodded my head. “Thank you. I appreciate the kind words,” I said, feeling my cheeks flush with his compliments.

  “Look, I’d like to give you a raise to thank you for doing such amazing work. You have proven yourself time and again. The photographers and people who have worked on set with you love working with you.”

  “They do?” I said, surprised Carl had anything good to say.

  He smiled and nodded his head. “That surprises you?”

  I bit my lower lip before responding. “Carl and I don’t always see eye to eye.”

  Terran laughed. It was a deep, comforting sound. “I don’t think anyone ever sees eye to eye with him. The fact you haven’t stormed off set says something about you.”

  I smiled. “Carl does have a way about him, but I know he’s a talented photographer.”

  “He is. Hailey, I really would like to up your pay for your campaigns. In order to justify that, I need to know if you are willing to sign an exclusive contract with my company. I want you to stick around.”

  I felt the knot that had been in my stomach for days relax a little. “How long would this contract last for?” I asked.

  He shrugged a shoulder. “I don’t know. Do you have plans to do something else? Are you under contract with any other agencies?”

  “I’m looking to get into acting. I might do a little modeling on the side, but I am going to be taking classes soon. My goal is to be an actress. Modeling pays the bills,” I said with a smile.

  He smiled. “I believe that. I’m surprised you haven’t been splashed all over the cover of Vogue.”

  I shook my head. “I’m not interested in being a supermodel. I like to choose my jobs carefully. I don’t work a lot. I don’t need to or want to.”

  He seemed surprised by my words. Most people were when they heard me say I didn’t want to be the next Cindy Crawford or other famous model. I didn’t want the fame that came with the fortune. It was a fine line I walked, but I had to—for my own sanity.

  “That’s interesting, and I admire your conviction to stay humble. That isn’t easy to do when you’re being offered the world on a platter.”

  I giggled. “I don’t know that I’ve been offered that but thank you. I like my life and want to use my small bit of celebrity to tell stories. I know it sounds cliché, but I truly want to be an actress and feel I’m ready to take that next step.”

  He leaned back, his broad shoulders stretching across the back of the black leather chair. “I could put you in touch with a few agents that could get you auditions. It sounds like you need to change representation if you want to further your career.”

  I nodded my head. “Yes, I had realized that as well. I am picky about who I let represent me,” I cautioned.

  His warm smile felt like he was reaching out and caressing me. “Good.”

  “I know I sound like a diva, and I don’t mean to. I really appreciate the offer.”

  “The agent I have in mind is a good guy. I think you two would be a good fit. He listens, and you wouldn’t have to worry about him pressuring you to do anything you didn’t want to,” he said.

  I raised an eyebrow. “That doesn’t sound like any of the agents I’ve met.”

  He laughed. “He’s a rare one, but I give you my word he’s a good guy.”

  “Thank you. I would appreciate that.”

  He grabbed a piece of paper and jotted down a name, leaning forward to hand it to me. “That’s his name. You can tell him I referred you. I’ll give him a call as well.”

  I couldn’t believe he was being so nice. I kept expecting to wake up from the dream.

  “Thank you.”

  “I’m willing to do that if you agree to stay on with our company for a few months. We’re gearing up to do another campaign and would like you to be the face of that campaign. It could help launch your acting career by getting you more exposure.”

  I had to stop myself from jumping out of the chair and dancing around the room. Mandy had been right. I had worried myself sick for nothing. I was getting a raise, and the door into the acting world could be opened for me. This was turning out to be a fabulous day. I had been convinced I would be fired and when Lena called to change my appointment until later this afternoon, I was certain they were putting off the firing for some reason or another.

  Then he says wants to pay me more money? My head was spinning.

  “I’m interested. Very interested. I’m sorry, all this has kind of taken me by surprise. I wasn’t expecting good news” I confessed.

  “Hailey, you’re doing a fantastic job. Truly. I couldn’t be happier,” he assured me.

  “Thank you. I really appreciate the kind words and your offer to put in a good word with the agent.”

  He nodded his head. “I’m happy to do it. I just need you to sign on for another three months. The ad manager is putting together the campaign and will be pitching it to the sportswear company soon. We’ll get the shots we need. I’ll have the legal department draw up a contract. Is there somewhere you would like us to send it for review?” he asked.

  I shrugged a shoulder. “I’d like to review it, and I will, of course, have my existing agent take a look at it,” I said, not wanting to appear over-eager.

  “Sounds good. I’ll get that started today.”

  There was a bit of an awkward silence as we both stared at each other. I couldn’t help it. The man was smooth, but not in the way that usually turned me off. I found myself incredibly attracted to him, and alarm bells were going off. I wasn’t sure if our meeting was over. Did I get up and leave or wait to be dismissed? I was way out of my element.

  He cleared his throat and leaned back in his chair. “I appreciate you coming in today. Things got a little hectic yesterday, and I apologize for the inconvenience.”

  “It’s no problem. I understand,” I assured him.

  “I’d like to take you out to dinner,” he said, his green-eyed gaze holding mine.

  “Dinner?” I parroted, my mouth going dry. That had been about the last thing I expected to come from his mouth.

  “Yes. Would you like to have dinner with me on Friday? Unofficially,” he clarified, answering my question about whether it was a business dinner, or one meant solely for pleasure.

  I felt like a deer caught in the headlights of a speeding car. My heart was leaping at the opportunity. My brain was telling me to proceed with caution. How could I say no? I wanted to spend time with him. It was more than his looks. He had something about him that I wanted to get to know better. Maybe it was his good looks. I didn’t know. I was all jumbled up inside.

  “Yes, I’d like that,” I heard myself saying and immediately felt the nerves kicking in.

  “Great. Can I pick you up at six?” he asked.

  I wrinkled my nose, dreading denying him, but I wasn’t that lost in the moment to forget my basic rules. “I could meet you there,” I said, not ready to tell the man where I lived, even though I was sure he could access the information in my employee file.

  I preferred to meet men for dates rather than get stuck in a car with them or depending on them for a ride if things weren’t going well. I didn’t like everyone knowing where I lived either. I wasn’t exactly a famous model, but I had my fair share of fans and needed to protect myself. I was jaded, but life experience had taught me well.

  He smiled and nodded his head, not appearing the least bit insulted by my refusal to have him pick me up. “That sounds good.”

  He quickly gave me the name of the restaurant. I stood to leave and suddenly felt awkward.

  “I’ll see you Friday,” I mumbled.

  He nodded his head. “Yes, you will.”

  His voice had dropped, and I got the feeling I was in over my head. There was a slight hint of a promise mingled with a warning in the way he said it. Instead of scaring me or putting me off, it excited me. I was thrilled with the idea of seeing him.

  I walked out of his office with a
sense of relief and excitement. I couldn’t wait to tell Mandy what had happened. She would, of course, gloat over how right she was and lecture me for always thinking the worst.

  I would take it all because in this case, she had been very right.

  Chapter 7


  I played hooky for the day. Zach had been on me to go surfing for weeks. When I woke up this morning and saw the weather forecast, I did it. I called in sick. Some people assumed that was easy since I was the boss, when in fact, it was a lot harder for me to call in sick. I had poured my heart and soul into building the company. It had been my life’s mission.

  The very thought of losing it was overwhelming. I had been chained to the job for too long. There was a chance I wouldn’t have the luxury of calling in sick anymore if I didn’t find a wife. I wanted to take advantage of it while I could. I couldn’t even remember the last time I had found myself on a beach in the middle of a work week.

  I drove through the parking lot, parked my jeep and quickly pulled my surfboard out. I hadn’t driven my jeep in forever. It felt good to pretend I was twenty-two and carefree. I looked around the parking lot and down to the beach. It wasn’t nearly as packed as it was on the weekends. I could see why Zach was such a fan of weekday surfing. He had the waves to himself. Well, him and a few of the other diehards.

  I scanned the beach, looking for the neon green wetsuit Zach favored. He claimed it set him apart from the rest. He was right. He stood out like a sore thumb.

  “Hey!” Zach called out, waving an arm in the air.

  It was hard to miss him in the green wetsuit. I strode toward him, my board tucked under my arm. This was why he looked like a surfer. He was always on the water. His hair was technically a light brown, but the amount of time in the sun had bleached it out. His year-round tan was testament to the amount of time he spent outdoors. When he wasn’t chasing waves in LA, he was chasing them in Australia or Hawaii. He was the consummate beach bum.


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