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The Price of Power (The Price of Secrets Series Book 2)

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by Ashley Drake

  “We can think about Megan later, I promise, but right now I can’t feel sorry for her because she is the reason Kayla and Jacob are upset. But I’m sure they will work it out and get through this.” He leaned over and kissed me sweetly on the cheek. “How are you holding up? You’ve had to absorb more than your fair share of emotions today.”

  “I have had better days, and worse, but I’m fine.”

  Wonderful was the first word I could think of to describe him. Well, yummy would be the first word, but wonderful would be a close second.

  He looked around to make sure no one was paying us any attention. Once he saw that the coast was clear, he took his necklace off and put it in his shirt pocket. It was not just any necklace, it was an amulet that protects him from supernatural interference. It was almost identical to the one he gave me on my birthday. Where his stone was turquoise, mine was an amethyst. He pulled my hair to one side so he could unclasp my necklace, pausing to kiss the tip of my nose, then placed it in my lap.

  “Ok, it’s off.” He laid his hands in mine. “I want you to feel what I am feeling. I think it might take some of the negative energy off of you.”

  I closed my eyes and let Daniel’s feelings, his energy, flow into my mind and body. The first thing I felt was love, followed by a feeling of contentment and joy. I quickly sent the emotions right back to him. I then felt, heck I could almost say I saw, what seemed to be a whitish blue light starting at the top of my head and working its way down my body leaving behind relaxed, limp muscles. It was like a psychic massage. I didn’t try to figure out how he did it, rather why he hasn’t done it before. He’s getting really good at this connecting thing. It has only been a few weeks ago that we attempted to join our abilities for the first time. We figured that since there was always a jolt of electricity between us when we touched that maybe it was our gifts, or powers, trying to connect. We found out that while holding hands we give each other a power boost. My gift of being able to see into someone’s thoughts was enhanced to not just seeing the conscious thoughts, but also thoughts that have been put on the back burner, so to speak. It also gave Daniel’s telekinesis three times more strength. Yes, my boyfriend can move things with his mind.

  “You know it’s not fair that you have a blocker from Hannah so she can’t read you. I want you to get me a necklace like that for my birthday.” It was Jaycee, along with her perfect timing.

  “Once you understand how to use your power you will be able to make one of your own.” Daniel told her as we both fastened our necklaces back around our necks.

  “About that, just when and how am I gonna learn it?” Jaycee made herself comfortable on the bench in front of us.

  “Well, that’s the second thing I wanted to talk to you two about. I think we should go this weekend to talk to your great aunt and see if she can help point us in the right direction.”

  “What was the first thing you wanted to talk about?” I asked.

  “I’ve been having these dreams, they started after our night at the cemetery. I wanted to know if it’s just me, or if y’all are having them too.”

  “I have.” I admitted. “I keep having the same dream almost every night. We are at the cemetery standing inside the circle of salt that Jaycee laid out. She was chanting, or casting a spell is a better way to describe it. Then I see the shadow demon and the form that it started to take, with the fangs and blazing eyes.” My body shivered from the memory. “The last thing I remember is Daniel telling me that he loves me. Then I wake up”.

  “So you are dreaming about something that actually happened.” He squeezed my hand. “How about you Jaycee?”

  “Mine is the same dream every time also. All I see is fire, everywhere, and I hear screaming. The only difference is that I wake up feeling more drained after each dream.”

  I looked over at Daniel. “What about you, what are your dreams about?”

  “It’s the same recurring dream for me too. In it, I have taken the role of my ninth great grandfather. I shape shifted into this beautiful solid black horse, well, the only markings is a white start above the eyes. I’m running through woods, I don’t recognize the location, with someone on my back. I have this feeling of urgency, afraid I won’t get there in time. Wherever ‘there’ is. Then I wake up.”

  Is it wrong, or just plain weird, that the thought of somebody riding on the back of my boyfriend’s dream-shape shifted-self made me kinda jealous? I really think I’m gonna need therapy one of these days.

  “So what does this mean? We are not having the same dreams, but it’s all tied together somehow.” I stood up to pace.

  “I agree it has to be connected, but we keep coming up with more questions instead of answers.” Jaycee focused on Daniel. “Do you think this is because we found out that I’m a witch?”

  “It might be. Or maybe something is just messing with us. Until we find out for sure, we need to find a way to stay safe. Han and I will help you do some research. I’m betting that there is a spell that you can cast to keep any evil out of our dreams. I think that…”

  Daniel tried to catch me as I fell to the ground screaming and holding my chest. The pain was making it hard for me to breath. I just knew I was going to pass out any minute but I had to fight it to hold on.

  Daniel was down on his knees beside me. “Hannah! What’s wrong, what’s hurting you?”

  “My chest, my heart.” I was able to get the words out in between sobs.

  Jaycee was behind me with her hand stroking my hair, a habit she has always done when she was trying to comfort or connect with me. “Who or what is hurting you, Han?”

  “Not me...It’s Dad. Please help my dad!”

  Chapter 2

  “Hello, Mom?” Daniel had calmed me down long enough so I could call home. “Where’s Dad? What happened, is he ok?”

  “Hannah, slow down. Your dad is fine, he is still at work but he should be coming home soon. What’s going on?”

  “Mom, listen to me. Something has happened or is gonna happen to Dad, I can feel it.” Having my every thought on my dad had to be the cause of what popped in my head next. I had a vision of my dad being taken into the emergency room on a stretcher.

  “Hannah, you’re scaring me. I’m going to call your dad and check on him.”

  “Ok, then meet me at the E.R. entrance, because that’s where he is headed.” I took a deep breath. “And Mom, I love you.”

  “Love you too.”

  I hung up the phone and was heading to my car, when Daniel stopped me. “You’re not in any condition to drive. I will take you.” I would have protested had it not been for the ‘I’m not taking no for an answer’ look in his eyes. He opened the passenger door of his car. Saying nothing, I got in.

  “I’m going too.” Jaycee jumped into the backseat.

  I sat quietly looking out the window but not really seeing anything. So many thoughts rushed through my head, like my dad teaching me how to ride a bike and how to swing a bat. I was so bad at both, but Dad was always patient with me. When it was his turn to tell me a bedtime story he would make one up instead of reading from a book, which most of the time made it more interesting. That time Mom was working late and Dad decided that we were going to make supper. Mom ended up walking into a food fight and a mess. He helped me clean up while telling me how much of a bad influence I was on him. Of course, he was joking. Or when he knew, and didn’t tell Mom, that Jaycee and I tried smoking a cigarette and that we hid the pack in my special hiding place, after almost choking to death. Once, he stayed up with me all night reconstructing my solar project after I had fallen while carrying it down the stairs. I can’t lose him. I just can’t.

  Daniel reached over and held my hand. “He’s gonna be okay, Hannah.”

  My phone rang, it was Mom. “The ambulance has taken your dad to the hospital!”

  Daniel barely had time to put the car into park before I was out the door. I knew we had beat Mom here, and now I wished I hadn’t told her I would wait outsi
de. I made it to the sidewalk and automatically started to pace. “Where is she?”

  “She’s gonna be here any minute.” Daniel walked up behind me, put his hands on my shoulders, and started to attack the knots that had formed in my neck.

  Jaycee, who had been uncharacteristically quiet, finally spoke. “Do you think I could do something to help?”

  “Aww, Jaycee, just you being here helps me more than you know.”

  “I mean could I do something with... you know... my gift.”

  “Everything that you do with your power has a chance of having consequences. You really need to have a better idea of what you can do, and the rules that go along with it, before you do anything that huge.” Daniel said, giving Jaycee an apologetic look.

  “But thanks for offering.” I gave her a tight squeeze.

  “Hannah!” Mom yelled my name as she ran up the sidewalk.

  “What’s taking them so long?” It was the first words Mom had spoken since we were led into the waiting room.

  I didn’t know what to say to her. Not because I felt helpless, but because when I looked at her I didn’t see my take charge, solve every problem, mother. I saw, and felt, a woman full of pain and fear. It wasn’t hard to see, heck I wasn’t even trying, the memories of her life together with Dad filling her head. Unlike my memories of the good times with my dad, her’s were of regret. She regretted all the over time she had put in at work when the real estate market was doing well. The many times she brought home takeout instead of cooking. The petty arguments they’ve had. I didn’t see anything that she should feel guilty about, but moms are forever kicking themselves for being human. So I didn’t say anything, I didn’t need to. I just wrapped her in my arms and gave her all my love and support.

  The hug was short lived when Mom pulled back. “Hannah, what are you doing?”

  I know that I’m not the most affectionate person in the world, but I hug my parents all the time. “What are you talking about?”

  “You were giving me your feelings, or trying to make me feel better. It’s hard to explain. It was like I could feel it vibrating off of you, then I felt it.” She could tell by my expression that I hadn’t realized what I had done. “Your empathic gift is evolving.”

  Taking in what she had said, I tried to take stock of my mind and body to see if I could feel a change. That’s when it hit me. “Dad’s okay! He is feeling much better.”

  Within seconds a nurse made an announcement. “Price family to the front desk.”

  “Go, we will wait here.” Daniel said after I had turned to him and Jaycee.

  “Tell him I said he owes me a lobster dinner for giving me worry lines.” Jaycee tried to be typical Jaycee, but I saw the tears that were still swelled up in her eyes.

  I caught up with Mom just in time to walk with her through the double doors leading to the E.R. examining rooms. There were rooms lined all the way down a hallway on both sides, with curtains as the only veil of privacy. There was a large round nurse’s station right in the middle of everything. Men and women dressed in scrubs were going in and out.

  The nurse stopped at the sixth room and pulled back the curtain half way for us to enter. “Mr. Price, you have visitors. I will be back shortly with your discharge papers.”

  “Discharge papers?” Mom went to Dad’s bedside and gave him a long kiss. “Avery, what happened? We were afraid you had a heart attack.”

  “I did have an attack, but it was stress related.” He pushed himself up in the bed. “Hello, Hannah Banana. How’s my girl?”

  “ Kinda bored actually. Just felt my dad having chest pains and thought I was gonna lose him. Ya know, the usual.”

  “You felt me having chest pains?”

  “Yes, by the timing of it all, she felt it right before it happened to you. There was also something that she just did in the waiting room, but we can go over all that later.” Mom added.

  “Premonition? Sounds like your gift is shifting and growing stronger. You got a handle on this, Han?”

  I bent over and hugged my daddy. Something that, for a short period of time, I worried I wouldn’t ever get to do again.

  “I’m good, really. It’s not important right now. What did the doctor say?”

  “That I was working too much, stressing too much, and exercising too little. He was close. The truth is that I have been working with a few patients that are emotional vampires. They unconsciously suck all of your positive energy right out of you. It’s strange really, I have ran into patients like that from time to time before, but never three at once. I knew I was being drained and that I needed to take time to recharge, but I guess I thought I was twenty again and could handle it. I was wrong.

  “So, I have decided to shorten my work week down to four days, just until I am back to one hundred percent. Plus, the doctor wants me to make an appointment with my family doctor to keep an eye on my blood pressure. Other than that, I’m good to go.”

  Mom brushed his hair back, and kissed his forehead. “After I’m sure you are back to normal, I am going to think of ways to punish you for scaring me.”

  Dad took her hand, kissed it and wiggled his eyebrows. “Can I give you some suggestions?”

  Eww, that’s just gross.

  “So, Mom freaked out when I hugged her. She said I was giving her my feelings, my emotions. That’s when she said my gift was evolving.”

  We had brought Dad home and tucked him into bed. While Mom was in the kitchen making him something to eat, I sat with him and was updating him on the new things I have been experiencing with my gift.

  “She’s right. One of your gifts is the ability to see into someone’s thoughts and feelings. I would think that it would be a natural progression to be able to send yours back to them. This is new to all of us, kid. Here,” he held out his arm, “try to send something to me.”

  I tried to think of something happy so I could send him good thoughts and feelings, hoping that maybe I could mask my true feelings that still lingered from today. I finally decided on being truthful. I laid my hand on his arm and just let everything I felt from today filter through to my dad.

  Dad just sat there, staring at the blanket that was tucked around him, until I was finished.

  “I put you and your mom through hell today. I’m sorry, Hannah Banana, I will take better care of myself. It’s kind of cool to know, and be able to feel, how much you love and care about me. At sixteen, I figured you would be well on your way to hating your mom and me.”

  “I couldn’t hate you guys. Who would put gas in my car?”

  “That’s my girl.” He laughed and held out his arms. “Love you.”

  “To the moon.” I said as I hugged him.

  “So, school was pretty bad today too, huh?”

  “I didn’t know I gave that to you too.”

  “What’s up with Megan?”

  “Oh, Dad, that’s a long story. I’m not even sure I know what’s going on.”

  “Hannah, are you making sure he is resting?” Mom asked as she walked into the room carrying a tray of food for Dad.

  “I’m trying, but you know what they say about doctors sucking at being patients. Even if he’s not a real doctor.”

  “Hey! That hurt. No gas money for you.”

  ‘I didn’t mean it. Shrinks can be doctors.” I laughed and kissed them both. “Good night, love you guys.”

  I had planned on taking a shower but once I got into my room I changed my mind and laid across my bed. I couldn’t shake the feeling that Dad having those ‘vampire’ patients draining him had something to do with the dreams that were haunting Daniel’s, Jaycee’s and my dreams. Wasn’t that a form of draining? I mean Jaycee even said that she woke up drained.

  I rolled over and grabbed my diary off my nightstand, I wanted to get everything written down. There’s a connection somehow, and I’m gonna find out just what it is.

  I was determined to make today a great day. I was off to a good start by waking up before my alarm cloc
k went off. I took great satisfaction in smugly turning it off when it started beeping after I had already taken a shower. I wanted to make sure everything goes smoothly today for Jaycee. We talked last night and decided that we needed to get ahead of whatever this thing is that’s messing with us and start being proactive. So, instead of this weekend, we are going after school today to see Jaycee’s Aunt Lucy. She is the sister of Jaycee’s mom’s mom. Confusing I know.

  I put on a pair of black jeggings with a red sweater, finished my makeup, left my hair loose and was ready to walk out the door twenty minutes earlier than usual. After giving myself a once over in the mirror, I got my books and my purse and headed for the door. Taking a detour, I tiptoed into Mom and Dad’s room just to watch my dad’s chest rise and fall. He really gave me a scare yesterday. I will not let my parents get drug into this supernatural chess match. Hey! That was a metaphor, see I listen in school.

  I lucked up and found a parking spot right beside Daniel’s. He was leaning against the trunk of his car. Waiting on me I hope. Just look at him. Six feet something tall, black hair that he keeps just long enough to look a little dangerous, but not too long to look hippish, and those dimples that could melt icebergs. Plus the extra bonus of the natural tan, thanks to being half Cherokee Indian, all added up to be the hottest guy I have ever seen. I must admit that his looks caught my attention, but it was his heart that I fell in love with. Really, I’m serious, no lie.

  “Hello gorgeous.” Daniel opened my car door and gave me a PG-13 greeting. I’m no expert on kissing, but I think he is great at it.

  “If you said hello like that every morning I wouldn’t be so sad to tell you good night.” I hooked my arm into Daniel’s and let him lead us through the double doors.


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