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Seraphina: Initiation

Page 11

by Sheena Hutchinson


  My eyes blink open to those of Nate’s blue eyes peering back at me from the edge of the coffee table. I feel my body contorted into some weird position and I feel my hair plastered all over my face. I must look like a mess.

  “Are you going to stare at me every time I sleep now?” I mutter rubbing my hair off my face.

  “If you let me…”

  “Not a chance pal!” I joke as I roll over onto my side to face him. “I didn’t even dream that time, I must’ve been so exhausted!” I had no idea using powers would be so physically and mentally draining.

  “Good,” he whispers finally taking his eyes off of me while standing from his position on the coffee table. He paces back and forth a few times. I sit up slightly and he finally takes a seat on the end of the couch.

  “What’s on your mind Nate?” I ask leaning my head on my elbow over the edge of the couch as I study his distressed face.

  “Do you have any idea what happened to you last night? Do you have any more memories?”

  I look down, definitely not what I wanted to talk about, “No… sorry I don’t.”

  “I … I just feel so helpless…” he practically screams in frustration. It’s the one job he’s had his entire life, protection. It’s the one thing he can’t seem to offer me now. “You know, I went crazy searching for you, and that’s when I got your voice mail. Then I just went absolutely psycho!” he tells me unable to look into my eyes, “I searched the whole house top to bottom, I went to the coffeehouse, your parent’s house and..”

  “Wait!” I scream, “What voice mail?”

  He freezes his face grown a few shades paler, “You mean you don’t remember calling me last night?”

  “No,” I tell him hesitantly finally realizing the gravity of things, I could be doing anything in my sleep and not remember anything about it the next day. I could be hurting or worse, killing people in my sleep. I can be the Lucifer’s killing machine in my alternate universe and wake up the next day God’s Angel. My hear drops as I see him get to his feet. I think I hear him walking to his office, he comes back into the living room and hands me his phone. I look down at the phone in my hands before peering back up at him making sure it was okay, and maybe to reassure myself that I can handle what I’m about to hear. Nate nods me on, I press the key for voicemail and press it to my ear.

  “Nate,” my voice calls before sighing, “One of us is going to die, I can feel it. I will do anything in my power to make sure it is me,” there is some rustling in the background before I continue, “Nate I love you more than life itself, I will protect you even if it means my life.” I hear myself end the call and I stare at the phone in my hand. I sounded so normal? No one would ever imagine I was sleepwalking! Why did I say this? How does subconscious me know one of us is going to die? I take a breath before making eye contact with Nate. “I don’t remember any of this,” I whisper.

  “You could imagine how I felt then an hour later I get a call from Amanda saying you are all the way over there.”

  “An hour!?” I practically scream. I could have done anything in an hour!

  “Yes it was the worst hour of my life!” he runs his fingers through his hair trying to force out his memories.

  “At least you remember it!” I suddenly break into tears. I think the worst part is the unknown. Not knowing what I was doing, no memories, the mystery… I think I’d rather die.

  Chapter 19: The Infamous Office

  It’s been weeks and the dreams haven’t stopped. I’ve woken up with dirty hands, in various stages of dress, and I’ve hidden quite a few weapons in my nightstand. I’ve tried to handcuff myself to the bed, I’ve taken sleeping pills that could knock out a horse, bared and locked my door, put chairs and furniture in the way to wake me up, but nothing seems to help. I even tried to convince Nate to lock his door at night—he didn’t particularly like that one… but what other choice do we have. It only lasted all of about five minutes. We have tailored my training to trying to control my mind, but nothing stops the dreams.

  I have exhausted every possible option until now—I’ve just decided never to sleep again. It’s going on 48 hours and I already feel a crash coming. My eyes are drooping, my vision getting blurry, and my hands have begun to shake slightly. I’m getting more irritable and I think Nate notices too, but it’s the only thing I can do to protect myself…and him. My greatest fear is that one day I’ll wake up and find that I was successful. I choke on my thoughts.

  “Sera... you need a nap, why don’t you just take a quick one—”

  “No,” I defy him once again.

  “You can’t be using your powers and not sleeping, your going to eventually pass out! It’s really important that you learn to control it…”

  Nate begins yet another lecture and I start to zone him out. Staring at his gorgeous blue eyes as he tries his hardest to get through to me. Doesn’t he understand? Doesn’t he know I’m doing this for him! I don’t want to hurt him! I could care less about myself and what kind of pawn I’m playing, but it’s the waking up with daggers at his throat that make me want to rip my eyes out of my head. I feel the frustration build up, my eyes clench shut and my fists curl until I feel my nails in my palm against my temples. I just want him to shut up, I just want silence—I need to think. I need my space! Gradually I drift off into a quiet happy place. Nate has become all but a murmuring whisper and my mind can finally process by myself.

  What does all this mean? I’m a danger to everyone… even Nate. How can you protect someone your subconscious wants to kill? How can I learn from a man I’m becoming more powerful than?

  I feel hands on my shoulders, “Sera…” I hear murmured somewhere outside my head. Slowly opening my eyes, I feel my hands on my ears and Nate staring at me with a strange look on his face. It’s a mixture of curiosity and awe, that’s when my eyes begin to notice the reflection of my own face in the clear bluish field around my head. I drop my hands to my sides and watch as the bubble around my head pops into thin air.

  “Sera…” Nate repeats keeping his hands on my shoulder for his own reassurance.

  “Yea,” I mutter blinking a few times to make sure I was seeing correctly, did I just daydream that?

  “What was that? Did you just create a force field around your head?” Nate breathlessly states as he begins pacing back and forth in front of me while chewing his finger. Was that what I did? “Sera! You’re a genius!” he comes to some mental conclusion and breaks into a jog to his office. I follow close behind him trying to sneak a peek at this infamous office space. To my surprise, he leaves the door open behind him. I wander in to this mysterious space that seems to take up the other half of the house underneath my bedroom. My eyes adjust to the different lighting, the windows are covered and the room is lit only with lamps. His L shaped desk situated in the corner is where a three-screened computer desktop is situated. Filing cabinets line his walls and on the opposite wall is a huge map of Angelica with a dry erase board scattered about are various notes scribbled on it. As I’m drawn deeper towards the side with the map I notice a television playing the news with faces upon faces of missing persons flooding the screen as if on repeat. I silently study the faces before continuing to the map of Angelica, and it’s surrounding towns.

  “What’s this?” I ask poking a red pin sticking out from the map.

  “Intel,” he responds over his shoulder.

  “Of what?” I ask somewhat aware of the answer.

  “Red pins indicate disappearances, green pins are break-ins, and the blue ones are where you, personally, encountered demonic activity,”

  “Jack’s shop… you gave it a blue pin?”

  “I told you I don’t get a good vibe around him, that place is swirling with evil—if you weren’t so blinded by feelings you could sense it too.”

  I gasp and spin to look at Nate as he continues entering things into his computer. The screen pops up with some symbols and he spins in his chair towards me. In one swift
motion he’s on his feet coming towards me.

  “Sera, do you think you can form a shield big enough to protect the house?” I blink a few times, can I do that? Why didn’t I think of this before? Am I strong enough to keep it up?

  “I can try,” I tell him, I will try anything to be able to sleep again.

  “Sera, we can’t try until you get some rest…”

  “Ugh,” I let the defeat out in one sigh because I know he’s right. I can’t even focus to form a simple thought let alone gather my emotions to shield again. “Alright, how are we going to do this?”

  “Well, usually you close your eyes …” he mocks linking our hands and guiding me out of his office.

  “Not sleep! I mean are we just going to let me fall asleep and wing it or are you going to watch me? Do you have a game plan?” I start to get frantic, maybe paranoia is starting to set in. I hear that’s the first step in insomnia.

  “Relax Sera, everything is going to be okay…” he tells me pushing me up the stairs towards my bedroom. “I will be here every dream of the way…”

  I finally relax some before climbing into my bed. My head hits the pillow and I blink once taking in Nate’s worried yet still gorgeous face before oblivion hits me.


  My eyes flutter open to my pale hands against romantically red satin sheets. I feel the warm embrace around me and spin around in the strong arms of Jack. His blue green eyes smile at the sight of me. Nuzzling his face into the nape of my neck. My red hair making his curly blonde ringlets pale on comparison against our pillows.

  “Jack we have to get up and go to work…” I try and reason.

  “I’m calling in sick!” he announces pulling the red sheets up over us.

  “Jack!” I pretend to sound like I mean business, but it falls short once his lips meet mine. The soft lips trace their way across my jaw line to my neck and I can’t help the moan that escapes my lips. “Jaack,” I whisper yet again losing all firmness as my fingers lose themselves in his curls. The passion between us heats up as the red sheets around us blur into a swirl of skin and red. Swirling and foaming into a deep dark ocean, until silence fills my ears.

  I open my eyes to the darkness. Jack is nowhere to be found. “Jack!” I scream out for him.

  “Seraphina!” I hear called behind me, only it’s not Jack’s voice. It’s much deeper, darker. I slowly turn around to face a dark hooded figure behind me. Flames flicker in a line behind where he stands. The color blinds me against the darkness as the heat makes me turn my head way.

  “Lucifer,” I acknowledge his presence, “What do you want?”

  “It’s funny to see the desires of your subconscious played out in front of you isn’t it?” he asks bringing up a projection of me and Jack rolling around playfully in bed. The smile and happiness behind my eyes is undeniable.

  “Dreams are not necessarily your desires,” I combat and he makes a noise similar to a laugh, but I ignore it and continue, “To what do I owe this honor?” I mock him with all the sarcasm I can conjure.

  “I decided to give you another chance before all Hell breaks loose… literally,” I can’t see his face because it’s hidden under his hood, but I feel him wink at his own cleverness. “Join me Seraphina. You have no idea how much more you can be with me! You will have no limitations.”

  “I don’t seem to have any limitations now...” I quip back to him so fast he has to change his tactics.

  “I know you, I know your deepest desires. You find your powers enchanting. Imagine drawing power from something bigger than yourself. I know you want to, I know you will do anything for the ones you love. I can give you the power to do all that and more.”

  “Why, what do you get out of all of this?” I’m not stupid, I know every Demon has a game plan. Everything is a calculated chess move to them.

  “You will fulfill my prophecy, you will change my world Seraphina,” he tells me taking a step towards me, I hear slithering with each step he takes coming toward me and with it carries the poignant stench of evil.

  “What prophecy is that?” I’m trying to hide the desperation in my tone, I need to find out all that I can before I awaken.

  “Ah, little one—first you must join me. Join me,” he whispers close to my face, I feel the heat of his breath, but never see his face. His arm extends out of his cloak and it’s black, grotesque at first, but then transforms into a normal human hand.

  “Why can’t I know what I’m signing up for?” I try once again.

  “It’s in your DNA Seraphina, you were made for me. I will have you– one way or another.”

  “I highly doubt that,” I practically laugh in his face.

  “You mock me?” I feel the tone in his voice deepen further, yet I don’t falter.

  “No, not you—I mock your faith in my abilities!”

  It’s his turn to back away from me. “Your abilities?” he looks startled at first before he collects himself, “Seraphina do not take me for granted, I have been going easy on you hoping that you will change your mind!” his scream echoes in my mind a few times before he continues, “I will not make that mistake again! Next time I come for you it will mean death!” I suck in a breath, I knew this was coming but to have it screamed in my face with such hate and disgust makes my eyes tear. Maybe this isn’t me at all, maybe he effects me so because deep down… I am good.

  Chapter 20: Protection

  I’m still sucking in a breath as I sit up in bed. I blink twice before the darkness disappears and I see Nate is out of his chair in seconds. He climbs over the edge of the bed and crawls towards me coming to a sitting position next to me.

  “Are you okay Sera?”

  “Yea…” I mumble shaking my head. I’m mentally debating whether to tell Nate my dream or not.

  “You didn’t toss or turn once… you looked actually peaceful, happy for once.” He tells me kissing my shoulder.

  I blush, but not from his kiss, from the fact that it was probably my dream about Jack. Guilt plagues me, he thinks I’m getting better, but I know it’s only about to get worse. Maybe it’s better if I don’t tell him about my dreams.

  “Did I sleepwalk?”

  “No, you mumbled and giggled a little, but you never left the bed.”

  My blush deepens, I wonder what I was saying in my sleep. Did Nate hear me? So many questions plague me but all I respond is, “Oh.”

  “Are you ready to do this?” he asks me climbing out of bed. I nod.

  “Never been more ready in my life!” truer words have never been spoken, all I want to do is never dream again. Evil has turned something that used to be a happy escape into something even more dark and twisted. I climb out of bed and head for the closet as Nate seems to be checking something on his phone.

  I draw a bath as I slowly begin to take my clothes from yesterday off. Staring out the window out onto the cliff, I sigh before slipping into the steaming water. I allow myself to slip under the surface and emerge once again. Maybe Grandpa was right, I can choose my own destiny. Lucifer seems almost like he is afraid of me. The way he looked surprised when I said he underestimates my abilities, apparently it was something he had never thought about. I don’t think anyone knows exactly what I can do and maybe that’s my edge. Maybe I can turn things to work in my favor.

  I walk out of the closet fully dressed once again in cargo pants, sneakers and a tank top. Mentally making a note to clean up that closet later. Nate is no longer on the bed, he must be downstairs getting things in order. I hop down the stairs two at a time finally ready to be rid of these pesky dreams. Nate is in his office, as I suspected, tapping away on his computer when I come into the dining room. I fake cough once before he hits a button on the computer and the screen turns black. Coming around the chair he closes the door behind him and walks up to me.

  “You sure you’re ready?” he asks, I don’t even have to respond my sarcastic face is enough for him to continue, “Okay,” he walks me to the newly repaired glass wall overl
ooking the setting sun over the cliff. I sigh at the beauty of it all before glancing over at Nate and knowing it’s time for me to try. I nod in acknowledgement before placing my hands on the cool hard glass and closing my eyes. “Protect me,” I whisper out loud. I feel my emotions surge within me at the words. Maybe it’s Nate’s blood inside me being called into Guardian-mode, but I don’t seem to need to strain myself before I feel the power surging through my hands. I must be going too slow or maybe he senses it isn’t going to be enough, because I start to hear Nate in my ear.

  “Protect us, protect your dreams, you deserve to sleep again, you deserve to be safe,” his words enter my insides and give me the push I need to extend my power up and around the house in a huge surge I wasn’t expecting. I collapse to my knees, “Hold it!” he commands. I hold it as my nails scrape across the glass because my mind can no longer control my body. I vaguely feel Nate beside me muttering some chant before I feel released. My hands fall at my sides and my eyes open to the back of the house once more only now I notice a shimmering liquid-like semi circle extending up and over the house. My mind somehow knows things are different. Almost as though it’s relieved and quieted from voices I never knew I had. I look up to Nate leaning his forehead against the glass as if thankful before his head twists to lock eyes with me.

  “We did it?” I ask as our eyes meet.

  “We did it,” he confirms flashing me a reassuring smile.

  “What was that chant?” I inquire curiously.

  “I was researching how to make the shield self sufficient so it didn’t need to draw from your powers.”

  “How do you know where to research such a thing? Is there some Angel manual I didn’t get?”

  He smiles at either my ignorance or sarcasm, “Different Bibles, old texts and scrolls, witchcraft books… stuff like that.”

  “Witchcraft? But I …”

  “Every religion or super natural practices carry with it some kind of validity.”


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