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7+Us Makes Nine: A Nanny Single Dad Romance (Baby Makes Three)

Page 53

by Nicole Elliot

  Gabriella was a real…piece of work. She was excited to get married, though it seemed like she didn’t even want to because she changed everything. And then Tristan. He was such a tease. His knee kept brushing over mine, the table was so close his thigh touched mine too, and he made use of the advantage. My whole body was on fire the whole time.

  I should have known he wouldn’t make it easy to resist him. I knew he wouldn’t force me, but his teasing was getting to be something I couldn’t handle. By the time we left, I was flushed, and I felt the familiar wetness between my legs.

  He walked us out, and Gabriella took off in her flashy car.

  “Told you she was a handful.” He smirked. I just shrugged.

  I had forgotten he drove me here, so we walked backed to his car together. His hand wasn’t on my waist like last time, but we brushed together with every step.

  “It’s okay. I suppose I should get used to it for weddings. At least she isn’t mean about it.” If she had been rude, I would have called her out on it. But she wasn’t. She is just very specific.

  “Maybe. We could get some dinner on the way back.”

  I arched a brow as I looked up at him, “Two meals in one day?” I asked.

  “It’s just as friends. Promise.” I didn’t believe him, but then again, I didn’t believe myself either. I was hungry anyway.

  “Well I am hungry, I hope you don’t think I eat too much.” I giggled. He opened the door for me, even taking it upon himself to strap me in.

  “Your hunger is refreshing. I can’t stand girls who don’t eat.” He chuckled.

  On the road, he asked what I wanted, but I had no particular craving. We ended up at a diner.

  “I love diners.” I said as we sat down. I ordered coffee too, even though it was late, I was so mentally exhausted I needed it.

  “Really?” he asked.

  “Yeah. My dad and I go when we see each other.” I thought of him. I should call him more. “And the wallpaper usually has my favorite flower. Maybe it’s a diner thing.”

  “What’s your favorite flower?” He looked to see the wallpaper, but this one didn’t have it.

  “Buttercups.” I answered, and he smirked. I sipped my coffee slowly. It was far too hot.

  “You remember mine?” He asked.

  “Yeah, lilacs. I had them at the front of my store…”

  “Before you thought I was a cheating bastard?” He interrupted. I blushed from embarrassment. I still regretted thinking so badly of him so fast, but I couldn’t help it.

  I was glad he wasn’t, anyway. Though it didn’t change that I still couldn’t be with him. I was too early in the game to mess things up for a man that isn’t guaranteed to be in my life.

  “Um, I guess. I’ll put them back up, they looked good up there.”

  He grinned and sipped his sweet tea, which was mostly sugar.

  “So, your dad, are you guys close?” Was he trying to get to know me? I wasn’t sure I could open up to him, but I think I already had.

  “Yeah, I don’t see him too often though. Just the holidays.” I couldn’t tell him how different he was since my mother died. I looked exactly like her, maybe it was just too hard for him.

  I ordered a chicken finger basket, and Tristan got a BLT.

  “What about your parents?” I asked. He arched a brow.

  “You really don’t know who I am, do you?”

  I racked my brain. He wasn’t an actor. And he wasn’t on any house wife shows and that’s all I watched, so I couldn’t place him.

  “No. School me.” I shrugged.

  “My parents, the Cox’s, own half the real estate in the state. They probably own the building you lease. And I used to own one of the largest tech startups of the century before I sold it for three-and half billion dollars.”

  My eyes widened on their own accord.

  That was a lot to take in at once. Basically, he was old money rich and new money rich. And people usually knew who he was.

  I was probably a complete mystery to him.

  “Oh…why did you sell it?”

  He shrugged. “It was always meant to be a startup. The revenue got to a certain point and then I just wasn’t in it anymore. But my parents and I are relatively close. I have a sister, Natalie. She’s a psychologist.”

  I smiled softly, he beamed when he talked about his family.

  “Does she try to make you her patient a lot?”

  He laughed.

  “Yeah, all the fucking tine.”

  I could tell he was annoyed, but not so much because it was his sister. It was sweet.

  When our food arrived, we both ate like our lives depended on it. He would still ask me stuff—when I opened my shop, why I did. But I wouldn’t talk about my mom yet. It was still too hard.

  We continued to chat, but my curiosity was eating me alive. I sipped the rest of my coffee, there was no alcohol, so it served as my liquid courage.

  “Who is Vivian?”

  He stared back at me, a coldness washing over his otherwise happy green eyes. I saw his throat bob as he swallowed with a sharp inhale. Maybe I overstepped, I averted my gaze to my crumbed plate. I didn’t think he would answer me.

  “She’s my ex-wife.”

  I suspected that. I didn’t know how it made me feel, honestly. He had a life before me.

  “You were married?” Dumb question, but I was blanking for good responses. He nodded.

  “Yeah, for ten years.”

  I exhaled.

  “That’s a long time…can I ask what happened? If you don’t mind, of course.”

  His tongue pressed against his cheek, his jaw gritting. I was immediately distracted by the strength of his jaw. As his fists clenched, the veins of his arm protruded against the fine hairs. This woman really hurt him. It made my blood boil, why? I had known him two days, collectively. But for a month I had pictured him, imagined him, built him up as a person. I attached myself to a maybe, and now here he was. I told myself it was natural. That I wasn’t crazy, overthinking things.

  “She cheated on me. With her optometrist.”

  I stifled a gasp.

  I was mad at the woman. Yes, mad. How could she hurt him like that! Tristan was seemingly kind and genuine, I couldn’t imagine anyone betraying him like that.

  “That’s low. I’m so sorry.” I didn’t resist the urge to reach out and touch his hands gently.

  He let out a breath and overturned his hands to take mine. They closed over mine, large and warm. It soothed my entire body. This was already too dangerous, too deep.

  “It is what it is. Anyway, we’re divorced now. She took a lot of my money, but I’m just glad to be rid of her.” He tried to brush it off. But I knew it hurt, I could hear it in his voice. Feel it; I saw it in the tenseness of his body.

  “I can’t imagine why she would do that. You seem like a really good man.”

  “Seem?” His playful smirk returned, and I relaxed.

  “For now.”

  Chapter Twenty-One


  There was never a woman that invaded my thoughts as much as Emilia had.

  It was just like after the party. She was on my mind every morning, and every afternoon, and evening. Of course, it sucked I couldn’t have sex with her unless I was imagining it.

  I wanted her. There is no doubt about it. I wished she wasn’t so head strong.

  I wanted to adhere to her wishes of keeping this professional, but I was a natural tease after all. It made it easier over text message, that way she didn’t yell at me. Quite frankly actually seeing her angry was a turn on.

  Morning, baby doll.

  I texted her every morning. At first, she would just remind me of what she said a few days ago. It had only been a week since that day in the flower shop. I was still going out of my mind, and I hadn’t even seen her. I tried making dinner arrangements, then stepped it down to lunch, and even just a drink. She kept denying it. I guess I should be flattered that she didn’t trust
herself around me.

  Hey Tristan.

  That’s all I get??


  I figured I would leave her alone for a second. I didn’t get out of bed until almost noon, I had to say I liked this new way of living, but I did feel extremely unproductive. I made some coffee and used my home gym that I was almost never in.

  It had pretty much everything except equipment hogging gym goers. I hit the weights until my muscles twitched everywhere and finished it off with cardio on the treadmill. As I downed my water, I thought of teasing Emilia even more. It might only be pissing her off, but it was still fun.

  I stepped to the wall mirror and snapped a picture, I was sans shirt and it felt like high school, maybe even junior high but I still did it. I wasn’t conceited, but I took care of myself; run, lift weights, eat well. I looked good. Didn’t mean I was cocky, but I was confident. She sent a message back in less than a minute. I smirked.

  But I decided to make her wait until I was out of the shower and dressed. When I saw the reply, I wanted to take another shower. A cold one. Baby doll was good at playing the game. She sent back a picture of herself. I could tell she was in her flower shop because behind her was the familiar wall of peonies, but she was in a thin tank top with skinny straps. I hoped it wasn’t what she was wearing with the shop open because I could see everything clearly. She might as well have been naked. The rosy pink of her nipples poked through. Fuck me.

  I hope that isn’t what you’re wearing at work…

  No. She replied with another picture of herself in a tunic with a zipper down the front, hence why she needed the tank I guess.

  Good. Wouldn’t want anyone seeing that.

  Why? You aren’t the boss of me.

  No, I’m not. But you seem to be the boss of my cock ‘cause it doesn’t listen to me anymore.

  She sent me back at least ten smiley faces. Though it wasn’t funny to either of us.

  What are you doing? I asked her.

  Organizing the shop and I just finished a design for Gabriella.

  I had an idea then. That wedding was the only reason for me to even see her.

  So, we should meet and discuss it then. Tomorrow morning?

  I almost held my breath. I wanted to see her so badly that I had to physically leave my phone in my den as I went to the kitchen to grab a beer. When I got back I checked her response.

  I’ll speak with Gabriella about it.

  What the fuck?

  She was so much better at this than I was. My cock ached for her.

  Well I guess it made sense, it was her wedding. But I wasn’t too beat up because I knew Gabriella didn’t have a schedule that would allow her to go to noon meetings with her florist, even if it was for her wedding. Levi was pulling all the weight of his case now. So, I waited patiently. When my phone rang, I jumped slightly, thinking it was Emilia.

  “Hi, Natalie.” I gruffed. Just my sister, calling at the worst time as usual.

  “Hey, what are you doing?”

  “Checking NASDAQ and day trading.” It was around three so the numbers were good, I could up my profits today. I had to be careful with day trading, I didn’t want to make more than a few grand with penny stocks.

  “Of course. Do you want to meet me for dinner?” I wanted to say no. But there was a longing in her voice. Kit must be gone again.

  “Kit’s gone again?” I asked her. I felt her scowl.

  “Kevin…and yes he is. He left yesterday.” Her voice echoed, she must have been in her office.

  “Sorry. Yeah, we can have dinner. What time?”

  “I’ll be there in a few hours. I have some clients left.”

  “Okay, see you.”

  I felt bad for her, honestly. I know she loved the guy, but he was never around. Hell, Emilia was just down the street and it killed me not being able to see her. Speaking of, I still hadn’t heard back from her. She had to be done with work by now, so I dialed her.

  “Hello?” Damn, she had the sexiest voice.

  “Emilia, you’ve been ignoring me.” I smirked.

  “Ignoring you?” I heard the smile in her voice.

  “Yes. What did Gabriella say?” She sighed.

  “Um, she said she was going to ask you to go for her.” She murmured, and I smiled like it was Christmas.

  “Uh huh, and what do you want to ask me?” I pressed. She huffed, like she didn’t want to see me.

  “When are you free tomorrow?”

  “Anytime. How does one work for you?”

  “That’s…fine.” She was still so unsure.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Watching television.”

  I got up from my chair, walking into my living room.

  “You aren’t going to ask me what I’m doing?” I pressed.

  “Tristan, I told you…”

  “I know. But you confuse me—you send me racy pics but you won’t have a simple phone conversation with me? That isn’t fair.”

  I was mostly playing, but a little serious. It felt like she hadn’t made up her mind about it fully, and I didn’t want to be played with. I had enough of that…

  “I know. I’m sorry. I know I have feelings for you, but I don’t think I can do anything with them yet.”

  “Yet?” I sat on the couch, my hand running through my hair in frustration. “Look, Emilia. I like you too, much as I didn’t want to because…I’ve been played with enough. I know I tease you, but that’s because I like you.”

  “Tristan…I have to go, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  That turned bad pretty fast. I know, I’d been teasing her even though she told me she didn’t want to be with me. But I expected her to resist. She did at first, but then I thought she was giving in. Now she was blowing hot and cold. I couldn’t take that. It confused everyone.

  Bottom line, I still wanted her. My body churned for her. But I realized I wasn’t ready for this. It was why I’d been staying away from women in the first place, from anything other than getting my dick wet. But Emilia…she did more than that.

  My doorbell ringing stopped me from entertaining that thought.

  It was Natalie. With Thai food. Just what I needed.

  “Hey.” I smiled and accepted the hug she offered. She looked like a fucking banana in her yellow pant suit, but a good banana I guess.

  “I brought your favorites.”

  She led herself to the kitchen, got the plates, and even served me my food. That was why I let her come over.

  “We have to talk about this Kit guy always leaving.” I said halfway through our meal.

  “He isn’t always leaving, he goes on business trips. It’s his job.” Her face tightened, there weren’t many conversations she would want to avoid, but this was one of them.

  “I know but look what it does to you.” I said.

  “It makes you concerned, but I’m fine. I knew what I was getting into.”

  “Yeah I’m concerned that you are all lonely and shit. And bothering me.” That made her laugh, but only a little bit.

  “I’m not lonely. We video chat.” Her shoulders shrugged.

  “That is no way to have a sex life.” We both doubled over in laughter. That kind of stuff wasn’t awkward between us.

  It may not seem like it all the time, but we were really close. I don’t know what I’d do without my sister, I’m just not the company type sometimes.

  “He is usually here a lot more. It’s just that right after we met, his company started this merger, so he has been doing the front work. He only has a few more trips, and they won’t be as long. He’ll be here for Gabriella and Levi’s wedding.” The hope in her voice told me she was trying to convince herself of it.

  “What do you like about Kit anyway?” She rolled her eyes.

  “Kevin…and I don’t just like him.”

  “Whoa, I didn’t know you were in love.” A smile hinted at my face. She blushed and smiled wide.

  “It’s only been a few months, but I just know

  “That’s great. You’ve told him?” She started giggling.

  “Last night over skype.”

  My brows raised. “Sis, that’s so high school.”

  “I know, but I had never told anyone before. I needed the security of the computer screen.”

  I couldn’t stop laughing. My sister literally picked people apart in an hour and she couldn’t tell a guy she was in love with them.

  “I understand. What did he say? He better love you too or I swear I’ll…” she placed her hand on my arm to stop me.

  “No. He does. And he sent me flowers this morning. A big ass bouquet, filled up my whole desk.”

  I kind of liked him now. I wondered if I sent flowers to Emilia…no, I had to try and respect her wishes. Much as I wanted to be with her, I couldn’t right now.

  “You’re thinking of someone.” She said.

  “Oh no,” I groaned. She could read me so easily. But she wasn’t budging. Her brows drew together as she peered at me. She might as well pull out a pen and pad.

  “Oh yes, what is it? Is it planning the wedding? Is it too hard for you?”

  I shook my head.

  “No, not really. Gabrielle hired someone…it’s the florist.”

  “The florist?”

  I sighed. I guess I would have to start from the beginning.

  “At the charity ball, I met this woman. At the time, I didn’t even know who she was but we had sex. Thought I’d never see her again but when Levi asked me to plan his wedding, it turned out she was the florist he hired. And she did the arrangement at the ball too.”

  “Really? That was the most beautiful arrangement I’ve ever seen. Everyone was talking about it. What else?”

  I couldn’t stop my eyes from rolling.

  “What? Oh um…I saw her last week. We had sex. But she told me she didn’t want to do that, she wants to be professional. Which I respect and understand. But still…I can’t stop thinking about her. Not since that first night.”

  “You like her. A lot.”

  “Yeah, maybe even…I don’t want to do this again. I can’t.”


  “No, I can’t. and I won’t.”

  “Okay, what can you do?”

  I shrugged. And I avoided the conversation because I had no fucking clue.


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