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Pride & Pleasure (The KNIGHT Brothers Book 1)

Page 15

by Rhonda Lee Carver

  Seconds ticked by. So did the heavy beating of her heart. He clearly wanted her to say yes, and obviously, she wanted to be here.

  She saw the anticipation in his eyes and the tightness of his jaw.

  “Okay. I’ll stay for one week.”

  And it was done…

  Then she caught sight of something shiny leaning against the wall. “What is that, Victor?”

  “What, sweetheart?” He smiled.

  She stood and took several steps, her breath easing from her lungs. There, against the wall, was a new, polished until it shone, cello. It was one of the most beautiful she’d ever seen—and must have cost a small fortune. “What have you done.”

  He stood. “It’s a gift.”

  “I can’t accept it,” she mumbled.

  “Why not?”

  “Because…well, it’s too expensive.”

  He chuckled. “And you think I can’t afford it?”

  “That’s not it. I-I—” What could she say that was logical?

  “Well, play it like an angel. Accept it, sweetheart.” He kissed her cheek. “The case is next to it.”

  “But, how can I ever say thank you enough?”

  “You just did.”



  Victor had done a lot of crazy things in his lifetime, but Avary was by far the most dangerous.

  He left her bedroom feeling more emotional than he had in all of his lifetime. He couldn’t see past the image of her in the water and the sparkle in her eyes when she saw the cello. He loved making her happy.

  He’d never laid eyes upon another woman who could come close to her beauty. Sure, she wasn’t a classical beauty, and probably wouldn’t make love to a photographer’s camera, but she had more beauty and sensuality in one inch of her body than all of the other women he’d known combined.

  His hands were shaking as he headed downstairs and for his office. Damn! He was losing control when it came to Avary.

  Once he was in his office, he closed the door and sat behind his desk. He looked down at the paperwork, but he couldn’t see anything except Avary’s smile and gorgeous body. Work would be painful when he had her in his house.

  His phone buzzed, alerting him that his conference call was ready. Pulling up stats on his computer, he picked up the receiver, hoping he could get through the call without making a blubbering fool of himself. He laughed. He’d always been the one making women nervous, and now, he was in the hot seat.

  “Declan, please tell me we signed with the brewery company.”

  “No gestures of “how are you” or “how’s the weather”? Just jump into business? Is that how you’re greeting your brother these days?”

  “You’re right.” Victor rubbed the bridge of his nose. “How’s the weather?”

  Declan’s deep laugh vibrated the line. “Girl troubles?”

  “How’d you know?”

  “Just a guess, but I see I’m on target.”

  Victor was definitely not on his game. Although he and his brothers didn’t talk every day, they were still bonded. He should have known Declan would sense a problem. Victor wasn’t quite sure he wanted to discuss Avary with his brother, or anyone for that matter. He had no clue what emotions were rolling around inside of his head, or maybe he was just thinking with his balls instead of his brain. After this morning, his body was left craving more. Then seeing her in the bathtub, the water skimming her breasts, her nipples thick…it all made his mouth salivate.

  It was best he kept quiet and didn’t share anything until he knew exactly what he should share.

  By the time he hit end on the conference call, Victor had restless energy and called Max into his office.

  “Yes, sir?” Max asked from the doorway.

  “Has Miss Pine’s clothes arrived?”

  “Yes. Fifteen minutes ago.”

  “Has the driver delivered her sister’s car?”


  “Will you ask Miss Pine to dress warm but comfortable and then meet me out front in a half hour? Also, have the cook make two Nutella sandwiches and a variety of fruit. Place the food in a paper bag and bring it to me when he’s finished.”

  “Nutella, sir?”

  “You haven’t heard of it?”

  “No, sir, I haven’t, but I’ll have it prepared for you immediately. May I ask what your plans are for the afternoon?”

  “I haven’t been for a ride in a long time. Today seems like a good day.”

  Once Max came back with two paper bags small enough to fit into the saddlebag of his Harley, he headed out of his office and into the garage where he kept his father’s motorcycle. Victor hadn’t been much of a rider before, but his father left him the bike in his will. Even though he didn’t get out much, he enjoyed the freedom of taking long cruises when time permitted.

  By the time he pulled the bike around front, Avary was waiting for him by the fountain. She looked amazing, as always. Her long hair was pulled back into a bun with soft tendrils pulled out around her face. The shirt she wore clung to her full breasts and the dark skinny jeans fit her curves like a second skin. His cock darted awake and he had a feeling this was going to be a long day as he tried to resist ripping those jeans off and taking her. He didn’t want to hurt her in case she was still sore from their lovemaking.

  “Hi,” he said once she brought her chin up, meeting his gaze.

  “Hi,” she smiled and it brightened his day. “Where are we going, by the way?”

  “For a ride.”

  “Yeah, I figured that out. I’ve never been on a motorcycle.”

  He caught the slight hint of apprehension in her voice. “First time for everything.” Realizing what he’d just said, his gaze naturally darted to the apex of her thighs. “Sorry, no pun intended.”

  “None taken. Now, can you be trusted?” One corner of her mouth tilted making it hard for him to understand if she was teasing or serious.

  He went with the latter.

  “You’re precious cargo and I’m sworn to take very good care of you. That’s a promise.” He held out a helmet for her. “Rule number one. All passengers must wear one of these.”

  She took the helmet, but didn’t place it on her head. “Where are we going?”

  “You really are nervous, aren’t you?”

  “Just a tad bit.”

  “I thought we’d let the road take us where it may.”

  “Wow, I didn’t know you were this spontaneous.” Her eyes dazzled.

  “Do you like this side of me?”

  “Very much, but the other ain’t so bad either.” She slipped the helmet on and struggled with the lock.

  “Here, let me help. It can be a little tricky.” He took over, locking the clasp into place, and without any thought he bent and kissed her quickly on the lips as if it was the most natural act ever.

  “How many women have you taken for a ride?” One thin brow popped up.

  That was a loaded question, but he’d keep it on the bike. “You’re the first.”

  “You’re lying.”

  “No, I’m not.”

  “Well, then I feel privileged.”

  “You should.” He winked and slid onto the bike. “Now come on and let’s hit the road. Excitement awaits us.”

  She slid one leg over the seat immediately wrapping her arms tight around his waist. He knew this was going to be a great idea. He only hoped parts of his body behaved.

  He unfolded the rear pegs. “Place your feet on these, but be careful. Don’t let your leg touch the exhaust pipe.”

  “Are my hands where they should be?”

  He didn’t see her teasing expression, but he certainly heard the sultriness in her tone. “Yeah, you got that covered.” He practically groaned the words. “Feel free to lower them if needed.”

  Her breath swooshed out along his cheek. “Victor Knight, you certainly are a flirtatious son-of-a-gun, aren’t you?”

  “I hope you don’t mind.”

I’d be disappointed if you didn’t flirt a little.” She laughed.

  He slid his helmet on and in one swift motion, he started the bike.


  Never being on a bike, Avary wasn’t sure what to expect, but it wasn’t as loud as she thought most motorcycles were. There was a gentle vibration in the seat that felt surprisingly nice. It also didn’t hurt that she had her arms around Victor’s waist and he smelled like soap and man—an intoxicating scent.

  Riding on the back of a bike wasn’t what she thought she’d be doing this afternoon, but she couldn’t think of one reason why this shouldn’t be included in this crazy week with him. She was experiencing a lot of firsts, and this brought her a heightened sense of excitement. After all, how could she complain if this meant she could cling to Victor for dear life?

  She slightly jerked when he eased the motorcycle out of the driveway and onto the street. As they gained speed, she reminded herself not to squeeze him too tight. She didn’t want to cut off circulation and cause an accident.

  “Wow, this is a lot of wind,” she said in a raised tone so he could hear.

  He chuckled and she could feel the vibrations under her hands. “We are in the open air.”

  “This might not be the best time to ask, but have you ever crashed?”

  He craned his neck. “Once. I came out of it with only a broken foot.”

  “Only?” She gulped. “Uhh…okay.”

  “Should I have lied?”

  “No, I did ask.” She tightened her hold. “Is this okay?”

  “Sure, I don’t need to breathe anyway.”

  She slipped her hands lower, around his hips. “Better?”

  “I can’t complain.”

  The motorcycle sped away from the estate and soon they were away from civilization surrounded by only countryside. Avary slowly eased into Victor, relaxing, enjoying the ride more than she thought she would. There was something very liberating about the wind in her face. She’d never been here before and didn’t recognize any of the scenery, but it was beautiful.

  The more relaxed she became, the more she paid attention to the muscles on Victor’s back. Every once in a while he’d tense, and she’d feel them coil. It was hard to believe that just that morning, she had her nails dug into that very part of him. The memory flooded her, making her core temperature rise. She’d just accepted the fact how infatuated she was with him—much like a teenager with her first crush, yet there was nothing adolescent about their relationship. Together they were hot and the connection couldn’t be denied.

  She didn’t pay any attention to the small towns they passed through, only the tall trees, rolling hills, and undeniable gorgeous scenery.

  He slowed the bike and pulled onto a narrow, gravel road that was lined with tall oaks until they reached a clearing and a large Victorian house that badly needed some TLC.

  He turned off the engine and she slid off first. Then he secured the kickstand and followed suit. He removed his helmet and, before she could unlatch her own, he was already doing it and tugging it off her head. She quickly ran her hands over her hair and was glad that most of it still remained in the bun.

  “Where are we?” she asked.

  “Come on, we’re going to break in.” He started walking toward the house and she stayed still. He stopped and looked at her. “What?

  “That won’t happen.”

  “Don’t you think it’d be fun?”

  “No, and getting arrested would even be ten times worse.” She nibbled her bottom lip.

  “Then I guess we’ll use this.” He dug into his pants pocket and produced a key, dangling it from his finger.

  “Do you enjoy teasing me?” She narrowed her gaze.

  “Will you slap me if I say yes?”

  “No, but you should be ashamed of yourself.”

  “I am.” He strode back toward her, took her hand into his and entwined their fingers together. Waves of heat traveled from her roots to her toes. They walked hand in hand to the porch and she stepped over the cracked concrete.

  “Is this your house?” she asked while he unlocked the door.

  “No, this is where my mom grew up. Angelina was left the place in dad’s will, but she never stayed here. She said it was haunted. Her plan was to remodel, but she never got the chance.” He shrugged.

  The inside was almost worse than the outside, although all of the original wood trim was in place and in good condition. “How did it get in such awful shape?”

  “Honestly, I don’t know the finer details except that when mom married dad, her family disowned her. Her parents had sold the place and dad saw an opportunity to buy it. Mom was already gone and I never understood why unless it was a spiteful act considering how her parents had been so cold and heartless. It sat vacated for a long time.”

  “Let me get this straight, so it was your mom who grew up rich?”

  He nodded. “One of the richest families in Virginia. Yet, when she walked away at nineteen to marry dad, she only had a suitcase of clothing and a few pieces of jewelry. Dad didn’t have two dimes to rub together until he sold his car, sat down at a poker table, and bet all of his money from the sale, along with her jewelry, on a game of cards. I hear the game turned ugly and dad’s opponent laid down a deed to his farm and business on the table in stupid confidence. I bet he lived to regret that losing hand.”

  “Your dad built everything up from scratch?”

  “Pretty much. He took the business, turned it into a profit, and so it seemed everything he touched from that point on turned to gold.”

  “Amazing.” She slid her finger along the dusty fireplace mantel. “This place has a lot of potential.”

  “A lot of work.”

  “Sometimes it pays off in the end.” She looked at him.

  “There’s something I want to show you.” He took her hand again and she enjoyed the feeling as they went through the kitchen and out through the creaky back door. “This place is worth a million just because of the scenery. It’s so peaceful and relaxing on the water’s edge. I could sit here forever just watching the boats pass by.”

  “It’s beautiful.”

  “The land next door is owned by a rancher who has his fields fenced in, but the horses are always roaming, running with their hooves beating the ground like thunder in the distance.”

  “I think you must spend a lot of time here.”

  He nodded. “I do.” He led her to a gazebo which was in good condition considering the shape of the house. She had a feeling Victor had it built recently. “Have a seat, my darling. I shall return. I need to grab something.”

  She was mesmerized by the serenity and didn’t hear him come back until he sat down beside her, placing a brown paper bag into her lap. “What’s this?”

  “Do you always need to know all of the answers before you take a leap of faith?”

  “At times,” She said.


  “I came here, didn’t I? How random is it to receive a letter in the mail under your vineyard letterhead asking for me to come and play?”

  “I bet you changed your mind over a dozen times before you rolled up into my driveway.” He laughed.

  “Try a hundred times. I mean, how was I to know whether or not you’re a pervert?”

  He laughed. “What’s your conclusion?”

  “Weeeell…” She tapped her nail lightly against her chin in dramatic thought.

  “You’re funny.” He shook his own bag. “Ready to take a peek?”

  “Have you packed us lunch? Is it a ribeye steak and all of the fixings?” She rolled her tongue along her bottom lip, realizing just how hungry she was.

  “Okay, maybe we should forget the sack lunch and head to a restaurant down the road that I know serves the best surf and turf anywhere else along the east coast.”

  He started to reach for her bag and she jerked it back away from him. “Don’t even try it, mister. I’m curious.” She opened the top and peeked in, seeing
a wax paper wrapped sandwich, a baggie of assorted fruit, and a can of soda. Taking out the first item, she unwrapped the paper and smiled. “Is this what I think it is?”

  “I do listen.” He bit into his own sandwich.

  She chomped down on the soft bread and moaned in delight. “There’s nothing like chocolatey goodness and fresh, chewy bread.” Neither of them said anything for a few minutes, but they sat in silence, eating and watching boats pass. She popped the lid to her can and drank thirstily. It wasn’t until she drank half that she turned and looked at him. “You’re always surprising me, you know?”

  “How do I surprise you?” He was finished and he crumbled his paper then tossed it into the bag.

  “You’re very considerate.”

  “Not a pervert after all?”

  “Not even close. Have you thought of remodeling this place yourself?”

  He shook his head. “Maybe a couple of times, but when it comes down to it, I don’t want it. Maybe someday I’ll buy a small house up the way, and a boat of course. Gotta have a boat to use on this water.”

  “That makes you sound so…”


  “Ready to settle down, I guess.”

  He blew out a long breath. “Doesn’t everyone need a place to go where they can relax and feel like they are the only person in the world?”

  “It sounds a little lonely.”

  “Ahh, loneliness is underrated.”

  She nodded. “Sure, but do you imagine that small house in your dreams ever having a wife? Children?”

  His jaw tightened. “Haven’t looked that far ahead. How about you? Any plans for those domesticated things?”

  She took one last bite and dropped her sandwich remains into the bag. “Those things definitely don’t seem as far off as they once did.” Glancing out over the bright blue water, she didn’t want to look at him, fearing that he would see straight through her. Truth was, Victor was a huge reason why she suddenly wondered what it’d be like to sit with him every day watching the world pass by.

  “Maybe if the neighbor decides to put his place up for sale, I’ll buy it. I’ve heard rumors that he’s planning to retire soon and move to Florida. The place isn’t too small, or too big, and has a treehouse. Kids like treehouses, don’t they?”


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