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Vulture’s Kiss

Page 21

by E. M. Whittaker

  Then she turned on the hot water.

  She stepped into the shower once she regulated the temperature. The warm water cleansed her achy body. All her twinges and small pains quieted down. In a few minutes, her scalp would thank her for washing her oily hair.

  If only Louis saw her naked body.

  She’d have fun teasing his bashful side.

  Her body warmed at her lover’s embrace, but she had to stay focused. The shower was for safety reasons, not luxuriating in the lap of luxury. She could play around in Louis’s shower later. Once she washed the blood from her body, her vampire wouldn’t try drinking her blood again.

  This shower had to be quick.

  Her daydreams died once she returned to her grim reality and the hot water scalded her back. As much as she loved her five-minute break, she had to finish up before the maid returned.

  Evelyn did her business, then turned off the shower.

  She picked up her dress.

  One whiff of his scent calmed her racing thoughts. His cologne embraced her while she slipped the dress back on. When she thought of a vampire, she’d think of his creation. His noble character. The man had one hell of a charismatic charm. He risked everything to communicate with her.

  She slipped on her flats, headed back to the fireplace, and opened the trap door. Time to meet Louis and Darius before they drove Eisen and Hector crazy.

  Then she’d take them vampire hunting.


  “Now, I’ve seen everything … a Native American shamanistic vampire.”

  Louis straightened and scowled at the werewolf as he ended his connection with Evelyn. His blue energy dissipated the moment he opened his eyes from his guided meditation. Her cousin—sarcastic and pissy compared to her counterpart—had snark commentary every few seconds. It almost threw him out of his spell. If Joe didn’t distract her, they wouldn’t have found Evie.

  That woman pissed him off.

  She listened to no one. Her werewolf barely reigned her explosive temper. Hector and Eisen gave up reasoning with her after she snapped at them for letting Simon capture her family member. Not that he blamed her. They dropped the ball back at Vixens. Big time.

  Darius chortled. Oh, please. We screwed up, too.

  Yeah. They did.

  Mother Earth guided them toward a complicated crossroad.

  Evie would become a vampire no matter what road she chose. Even if his precious vulture escaped, she fought against exhaustion, sleep deprivation, and a near shattered emotional state. Not to mention her concussion. She still hadn’t healed from that fun-filled fight.

  Marianne played the bait card well.

  Even if Evie lived through those odds—which she probably would—her weakened state left her vulnerable. Another drink would incapacitate her. He didn’t lie there. If she didn’t escape before they returned, then he wouldn’t have a human lover any more.

  She’d become like him.

  You’d still love her. Darius’s tone turned sympathetic. You’d miss cuddling her, but you’d never equate her to a child, Louie. Not with your destined bond.

  Darius missed the point.

  He loved her humanity. Her smile. The way her dimples dipped when she laughed. The way she fought everything with gusto and yet found glimmers of humor at their lowest hour. Humans carried something vampires gave up once they turned to the darkness.

  Evie gave him hope.

  He rose from the damp earth and glared at the pissy werewolf standing next to a metal gate. The younger man chugged down amber liquid in a glass bottle.

  Louis held in his harsh criticism.

  Joe’s alcoholism would kill him someday.

  “Good, you’re done your voodoo bullshit.” He finished the bottle and shoved it into his pocket. “Did you find Evelyn or what?”

  “It’s shamanism.” Louis brushed off his pants. “And yes, I did.”

  “Is she okay?”

  He pinched the bridge of his nose. “No.”

  Jemina grabbed his hands. “What did she say?”

  She’s as fiery as Evie. Darius groaned, then stretched. She’ll know if you’re lying to her.

  Louis sighed.

  Too little information would make the Latina and her werewolf suspicious. If he shared his theory with them, Jemina wouldn’t accept his words without concrete proof. Maybe she shared her man’s views about his shamanistic powers. Most humans did.

  Whatever. He didn’t have time to teach a history lesson.

  They had to save Evie.

  “She didn’t say much.” The businessman cracked his neck. “She’s exhausted. My ex-wife used her as an appetizer.”

  Jemina squeezed his hands harder. “I see.”

  “Judging by her exhaustion, I’d say she drank a few pints of blood. Another drink will finish Evie. I told her to escape, but she—”

  “Say no more.” Jemina pushed him into the gate. “Follow me. We’ll take my car and rescue her.”

  “Jem, wait.” Joe crossed his arms. “I’m not cool with inviting a vampire onto my property—no matter who vouches for him.”

  She stormed over to the werewolf. “Why?”

  “Because you can’t uninvite someone into your home.” He bopped her on the head. “Louis might get hungry and attack the kids.”

  Louis straightened his tie. “I appreciate your concern, but I already ate. Besides, eating children isn’t my style. My elders taught me the dangers about eating shifters on the reservation. Especially your kind.”

  “That’s nice.” Joe shoved his face close to Louis’s. “But you’re not on your goddamn reservation. You’re on my property and I’ve got five bloody werewolves under my watch. Most of them haven’t fought a badass vampire before.”

  “Then find some leprechauns for target practice. I hear they make a great substitute.”

  “Don’t be a smartass.”

  “Then don’t assume I’ll eat your children.”

  “Humph.” Joe backed away. “According to certain folks, you’re a cradle robber. Myra didn’t satisfy you, so you went after a twenty-eight year old woman. How old are you anyway? In your fifties? Sixties? Pushing one hundred and ten?”

  Oh, boy. Not another entitled Alpha with a chip on his shoulder.

  Louis grabbed Joe’s shirt and lifted him off the ground.

  “First of all, Myra and I are business professional, thanks. You shouldn’t believe everything her mousy daughter tells you. As for Aviere’s feelings about her mother’s unwanted suitors, that’s her business. Not mine.”

  The werewolf squirmed under Louis’s grip.

  “Now, my issue lies with the current set of vampires holding Evie captive. Focus on her, not your bestie’s hot mother—even if she’s a MILF.”

  Oh Lordy. Darius chuckled. You know my rule about shifters, Louie.

  He growled. You’re not helping, you lecherous pervert.

  No shifters. They’re moodier than a premenstrual woman.

  Louis’s eye twitched. And yet, you love Evie.

  She doesn’t shed or molt every month. I like my fleshy humans, thanks.

  “Yeah, about Evelyn…” Joe’s claws raked against the businessman’s neck. “You let her get captured by two bloodthirsty vampires. I’m not letting you inside my mansion.”

  He motioned to Jemina. “Then Mistress Rodriguez can bring the car outside the gates.”

  She hurried into the estate.

  “You didn’t deny what I said.” One of Joe’s claws pushed against Louis’s jugular vein. “You admit that this situation is your fault.”

  “I admit, I should have protected her better.” He set Joe on the ground. “Hector wasn’t the best bodyguard for her.”

  “Why is Evelyn hanging out with mafia crime lords?”

  “Because Hector decided that I needed a professional escort for a high-end function last week and then we connected on a personal level.” Louis’s tone turned tense. “Sometimes, I think I should’ve went for another woman. But then, I
wouldn’t have so much excitement in my life, either.”

  “I would have steered her away from you.”

  His lips widened in a sadistic grin. “I know. But Evie’s enchanting. She’s a bit headstrong, but it’s a bearable flaw. Better than Marianne’s demanding, yet bland personality.”

  “Bite her and you’ll regret it.”

  “Don’t worry. I have no intention on biting Evie. Something about her warm flesh—”

  “I don’t need to hear your sick fantasies.”

  “—comforts me.”

  Joe tapped his foot. “Not what I expected.”

  Louis’s cell phone rang in mid-sentence. He grabbed it before Joe voiced more of his concerns about their relationship. Then he glanced at the caller ID.


  Hopefully, he had good news.

  He answered it. “Louis.”

  “Yo. I took Eisen back to her mansion. She couldn’t handle another rescue attempt this evening. Anyway, I’m picking you up and we’re grabbing Alexia. Maybe she’ll help us break into Marianne’s glorious mansion. Better yet, we could use her for collateral toward rescuing your woman. What do you say?”

  Louis stopped himself from crushing his cellphone.

  Real vampires never surrendered.

  “Your friend’s more optimistic than I am.” Joe spit on the ground. “He’s never fought an army of vampires before.”

  Can we eat the werewolf? Darius bordered on a whine. He’s annoying.

  “Darius, stop. You ate already.” Louis exhaled hot air through his nostrils, then focused on Hector. “Sorry. The old man is worried about Evie. As for Alexia … no. Leave her with Marco. Come pick me up before we skin ourselves a werewolf for a tasty pre-midnight snack.”

  Hector tsked. “Do you need Morgan to drop off a baggie of blood for you?”

  “No.” Louis answered with clenched teeth. “I’ll be fine. The old man needs to behave.”

  “Is Mr. Werewolf coming with us?”

  “I should.” Joe leaned against the fence. “But I won’t. Jem’s going with you.”

  Hector gulped. “Bring the werewolf instead.”

  “No.” Louis rubbed his temple. “Darius might sink his teeth into her lover. They have a bitter aftertaste.”

  “Goddammit, I don’t deserve this.” His friend slammed something in the background. “I’ll be there in ten minutes.”

  “Meet me at Marianne’s mansion. I have a ride there.”

  The call disconnected.

  “On second thought, I’ll tag along.” Joe stretched, then rested his hands behind his head. “I doubt you’ll bite me. Besides, this will be a good date. Think of the heroic story I’ll tell my children at bedtime.”

  Louis clenched his jaw. What sane person started fights for a date? This werewolf had a few screws loose.

  Then again, his best friend was a mutated feline.

  Nothing about this man made sense.

  A black Camaro pulled up to the metal gates and Jemina’s head emerged from the opened window. “Get in.”

  Joe walked up to her door. “Thank goodness you took Baby Camaro, cutie. You’re not screwing up my paint job with vampire blood.”

  Jesus, they’re horrible. Make them stop before I puke.

  “Let’s go, Randolph.” Louis got in the passenger’s seat. “We’re on a tight schedule here.”

  The werewolf grumbled and plopped in the back seat. Then he bucked his seat belt. “Drive.”

  Jemina sped down the street.

  They’d save Evelyn yet.

  * * *

  Vampires lurked around the perimeter of Marianne’s grand estate when Louis and company arrived at the front gates.

  He anticipated being surrounded. However, he couldn’t understand why those pesky sentries remained at their posts when they approached them. Thralls followed orders until they got hungry. Then they became enraged and mindless.

  Louis frowned. He brought them a good present.

  Human flesh made the perfect bait.

  He rolled down the window, then scrunched up his nose. The undead stench burned his nostrils. He couldn’t count how many undead creatures littered her property by smell. No matter how many guarded her place—two, ten, whatever—their stench stayed the same. Sweetened meat made his mouth salivate.

  He spit out the window, but his mouth filled up with saliva again.

  Jealous women tasted better than this shit.

  “Your ex-wife loves her thralls.” Joe growled from behind him. “They’re everywhere.”

  Jemina slammed her foot against the brake. “Thralls? Where?”

  “Woman, you need a nose.” The werewolf leaned forward and rested his hands against Louis’s seat. “Count how many creepy crawlers are guarding her place, Louis. You should smell each one.”

  “No.” He smacked at Joe’s hands. “That’s impossible with this putrid stench. We must bust through the gates. We’ll use the Camaro as a battering ram.”

  Joe laughed. “Good luck. Baby Camaro is Jem’s favorite car.”

  “Sí.” Jemina’s manicured fingernails brushed along his arm. “Think again. We fight like normal people.”

  Both men snorted.

  Nothing about Jemina Rodriguez was normal.

  “Besides, I thought each vampire had unique sense of smell.” She played with a strand of curly hair. “You know … like how shifters identify humans or other species. Joe can count every vampire at the gate.”

  “Vampires aren’t like shifters.” Louis’s agitation grew with each word. “They’re like zombies except their immorality prevents them from aging or decomposing. They get nifty powers and hold grudges for eternity. Zombies are mindless. They don’t come with the stamp of immortality. Once you use them, they fall apart like a dollar store toy.”

  Her fingernail pressed into his forearm. “So, what’s your excuse?”

  “I’m half-vampire.” Louis leaned toward her. “I won’t become a full-fledged vamp until I accept my other half, but he’s a pervert. I’m surprised he hasn’t tried sleeping with Evie yet.”

  She patted his shoulder. “God dealt you a bad hand.”

  He leaned back in his seat. “He gave me Evie.”

  “No, I did.” Jemina brushed her hand against the steering wheel, then parked the car. “But you not using Baby Camaro. He stays put while we pulverize vampires.”

  Joe laughed. “Does Evelyn get aroused when she fights?”

  “Nah.” Jemina gave her boyfriend a cheeky grin. “Just me. Come on. We’ll beat Mr. Vampire at his own game.”

  She exited the vehicle.

  Louis followed her.

  What was with these Rodriguez women? They punched things first and then asked questions later. In Jemina’s case, she flirted with trouble, then came out smelling like a rose after she finished duping her latest victim and teased them with promises of sex. How long did she wield sex as a weapon against Randolph? Three years? Five? Longer?

  No matter. She was his problem.

  Evie was another story.

  Neither her nor Jemina stopped and thought about the consequences of their actions. They acted on emotion whenever their fiery tempers took over. The only difference was that he could control his girlfriend before she screwed up. Or Hector could. God knows he’d knock her across the room again.

  He’d give anything to see her sucker-punch Simon.

  If he played his cards right, he’d get his wish.

  He scrunched his eyebrows together and disregarded the rotten meat hanging in the air. If his nose wouldn’t work, he’d have to read their auras. Not that he minded. Blood auras never lied to him. Better than relying on a werewolf’s nose.

  If Joe found all the vampires, Darius would never forgive him.

  Louis focused on the gates.

  Those blasted vampires lingered in swarms. Six of them stood by each side of the gate. Another group of seven stayed at the mansion’s gaudy entrance. He snorted at the pathetic group with their feet
sticking out from beneath the shrubbery. All of them had automatic weapons except for the hidden vampires. They had katanas and tanto blades.

  Darius snickered, mimicking his sentiment.

  Vampires would never become ninjas.


  Joe faced the vampire. “What is it?”

  “It’s pathetic.” Louis chuckled. “One group’s hiding inside shrubbery. At least the groups around the gates have guns. Semi-automatics. Nothing special.”

  Joe grunted. “Real vampires don’t use guns.”

  “Pardon my French, but no shit.” Darius’s voice bled into Louis’s. “I’ll show you how a real vampire handles peons like troublesome thralls.”

  Jemina punched the gates until they rattled. “Better hurry. I’m itching for a real fight.”

  Darius groaned, then covered his face with a hand.

  Surprise was not this Latina’s element.

  The metal gates squeaked open with her next punch. She flexed her leather gloved hand and punched her opened palm. Her lips curled up in a wicked grin while she winked at her boyfriend. Then she dashed into the estate.

  Her boyfriend followed her.

  Scarlet energy flowed into Darius’s hand. How pitiful. A werewolf and a superhuman woman couldn’t decimate an entire horde of vampires. He’d vaporize them before they made the first punch. But how? Most of his methods involved magic or hypnosis. While it worked on thralls, his companions would fight him.

  He couldn’t hypnotize them. They provided him with entertainment.

  Black mist would do.

  Darius snapped his fingers. The energy in his hand turned into a darkened mist. He’d have to protect his unwanted companions, but he never believed in using his full power to eliminate thralls.

  Let them dirty their hands. They enjoyed it.

  They shouted kill counts across the courtyard.

  He directed his mist toward the vampires by the mansion’s front door, then added more power to his spell. His body faded. The world became a tinge of red.

  He let the warm wind guide him and started his assault.

  The group of vampires gasped for air.

  Most of them dropped their weapons. Some newborns dropped to their knees and coughed up blood. Typical for newborns.


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