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Female Serial Killers

Page 53

by Peter Vronsky

Hofmann, Albert

  Holland, Kathleen

  Holmes, Ronald and Stephen

  Homolka, Karla and Paul Bernardo (“the Ken and Barbie Killers”)

  appearance of

  autopsy of Tammy Homolka

  “bastard child from hell,” Paul as

  battered wife defense by Karla

  brain injury of Paul

  childhoods of

  cigarette smuggling by Paul

  confession made by Karla

  Deadly Innocence (Bernardo)

  deal (Karla’s), testifying against Paul

  education of Paul

  Exclusive Diamond Club (EDC)


  fighting by Paul

  girl as present for Paul



  handwriting of Karla

  Kristen French murder

  Leslie Mahaffy murder

  Maglite flashlight owned by Paul

  mandatory release of Karla

  “middle-class” typical

  morality of Karla, lack of

  motive of

  notes by Karla

  “outlaw,” Paul as

  parents of Paul

  physical abuse by Paul

  pornography and Paul

  post-traumatic stress disorder defense by Karla

  prison and Karla

  rapes committed by Paul

  Scarborough rapes and Paul


  sex between

  slasher horror movies and Paul

  suicide threat by Paul

  survival attempt, Kristen French

  Tammy Homolka (Karla’s sister) murder

  Terri Anderson murder

  testimony of


  veterinarian work of Karla

  victims of


  wedding of

  Honeymoon Killers, The (film)

  Hoyt, Waneta E.

  HPD (Histronic Personality Disorder)

  Hudson, Page

  human blood, bathing

  human-skin souvenirs

  Humbard, Rex

  Humphreys, Dick

  Hungry ’40s

  Hurlburt, Dennis

  I, Claudius (Graves)

  Iannetta, Kim

  Ilsa, She Wolf of the SS (film)


  “imprinting” by male partner

  inadequate personality

  indirect (“masked”) aggression

  Industrial Age

  infant bonding

  Insanity Defense Reform Act

  insanity without delirium (manie sans delire)

  instrumental violence

  “irresistible impulse” insanity plea


  Jackson, Marie Jane

  Jack the Ripper

  James, Tommy

  Jeanneret, Marie

  Jegado, Helene

  Jenkins, Richard

  Jenkins, Trish

  Johansson, Axel

  Johansson, Donna See also Montalvo, Dorothea Puente

  Johnson, Martha Ann

  Johnson, Muffin

  Johnson, Sonny

  Jones, Ann

  Jones, Dick

  Jones, Genene (“the Baby-Killing Nurse”)

  appearance of

  beautician school

  Brandy Benites and

  Chelsea McClellan murder

  childhood of

  children of

  Christopher Parker and

  Code Blue calls and

  Jones, Genene

  David Maywhort and

  death rate in Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU)

  doxepin overdose by

  education of

  “eligible for re-employment,”

  emergency seizure rate of patients

  emotional displays

  exaggerated stories

  exhilaration into murder itself

  Gabriel Garcia and

  intravenous (IV) lines, talent with

  Jacob Evans and

  Jimmy Pearson and

  Kathleen Holland and

  Licensed Vocational Nurse (LVN)

  Mary Morris and

  Military Assistance to Safety and

  Traffic (MAST)

  Misty Reichenau and

  Munchausen syndrome by proxy

  nursing record

  nursing school

  patient, Genene as a

  Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU)


  predictions of patients’ deaths

  promiscuous sexual behavior by

  Rolinda Ruff and

  shortage of nurses and hirings of

  shredding of evidence by hospitals

  succinylcholine (“succs”)

  suspicions of baby-killing


  victims of

  Jones, Gladys

  Jones, Lisa and Travis

  Jones, Wiley

  Joyce, Eliza

  Judd, Brenda

  Judgment at Nuremberg (film)

  Julia (Roman noblewoman)

  Kallinger, Joseph

  Karpis, Alvin (“Creepy”)

  Kasabian, Linda (“Yana the Witch”)

  Kaufman, Phil

  Keeney, B. T.

  Kelly, Machine Gun

  Kelly, Peter

  Kemper, Edmund

  Keppel, Robert

  Kibble, Claudette

  Kilbride, John

  Kilmek, Tillie

  Kinne, Sharon

  Kneese, Phillip

  Knelman, Judith

  Koch, Ilse (“Bitch of Buchenwald”)

  appearance of

  childhood of

  commandant’s wife

  Dr. Sitte and

  feminists defense

  hedonist-lust killer

  human-skin souvenirs

  Lucius D. Clay and

  missionary cult serial killer



  sentences of

  SS investigation of

  suicide of

  trials of

  victims of

  See also Nazi Germany

  Koch, Karl Otto

  Krenwinkel, Patricia (“Big Patty”)

  LaBianca, Leno and Rosemary

  Lake, Dianne (“Snake”)

  Lake, Leonard

  Lancet, The

  LaVey, Anton

  League of German Girls (Bund Deutscher Mädel)

  Leary, Timothy

  Leathers, Gloria

  Lee, John Henry and Record

  legal system and serial killers

  Lehman, Christa

  Leidolf, Irene

  Leopold, Nathan

  Lepida, Domita


  Lépine, Marc

  Lethal Marriage (Pron)

  Levin, Meyer

  liberation hypothesis

  LIES (Manson)

  Lipka, Juliane

  Lisa (film)

  local female serial killers

  Loeb, Richard

  loneliness in childhood

  Lonely Hearts (film)

  longevity of female serial killers

  loving us to death killers

  angels of death

  Black Widows

  Christine Laverne Slaughter Falling (“the Killer Babysitter”)

  Marybeth Tinning (“the Killer Mom”)

  See also Jones, Genene (“the Baby-Killing Nurse”)

  low-dominance women

  LSD (Lysergic acid diethylamide)

  Lucas, Henry Lee

  Lucero, Carla

  Lucifer Rising (film)

  Lumbrera, Diana

  Lyles, Anjette

  Macdonald triad (animal cruelty, arson, bed-wetting)

  “magic mushrooms,”

  Mahaffy, Deborah and Dan

  Mahaffy, Leslie

  Makin, Sarah

  making of serial killers

nbsp; male dominated teams

  male serial killers

  age of

  aggression in boys

  antisocial personality disorder (ASPD)

  childhood and

  family life of

  fantasies in childhood

  female serial killers deadlier than


  loneliness in childhood

  Macdonald triad (animal cruelty, arson, bed-wetting)

  majority of murders committed by

  masturbation (compulsive) in childhood

  maternal abuse of

  monikers of

  motives of

  murder site

  power-control, power-assertive sexual murderer

  sexual abuse in childhood

  site of murder

  social isolation in childhood

  surviving an attack

  talking about crimes, eagerness

  victims, average number of

  male serial killers

  victim selection

  violence associated with males

  See also classification systems, serial killers; serial killers (male and female)

  Malevre, Christine

  Mallory, Richard

  mania operativa passiva

  Manning, Maria and Frederick

  Manson, Charles

  Alvin Karpis (“Creepy”) and

  appearance of

  ATWA (air trees water animals) mantra

  “Cease to Exist” (“Never Learn Not to Love”)

  childhood of

  control of The Family

  counterculture movement and

  criminal record of

  Esalen Institute

  “Everest,” Charles Manson as


  Geraldo Rivera’s interview with

  guitar learned by


  LSD (Lysergic acid diethylamide)

  mail theft by

  McNeil Island Penitentiary

  murders not physically committed by

  Nancy Hart and LSD

  parole hearing record

  physical abuse of Manson cult women

  poet’s rap of



  sex for controlling The Family

  Terminal Island Reformatory

  truth, making into a lie

  See also Manson cult women

  Manson cult women

  Abigail Anne Folger murder

  appearances of

  Aryan Brotherhood (AB)

  Bobby Beausoleil

  Charles Watson (“Tex”)

  childhoods of

  children of

  “Death to Pigs,”

  Dianne Lake (“Snake”)

  Family, The

  Gary Hinman murder

  “Helter Skelter,”

  Jay Sebring murder

  LaBianca (Leno and Rosemary) murders

  Leslie Van Houten (“LuLu with No Nickname”)

  Linda Kasabian (“Yana the Witch”)

  Lynette Alice Fromme (“Squeaky”)

  Mary Theresa Brunner (“Maryoch,” “Mother Mary Manson”)

  meetings (first) with Charles Manson

  Michael Pooh Hoo (Mary Brunner’s son)

  Patricia Krenwinkel (“Big Patty”)

  “Pigs,” “Rise,” “War,”

  Satanism and Susan Atkins

  self-worth, inflated


  Sharon Tate murder

  Steven Parent murder

  Susan Atkins (“Sexy Sadie Mae Glutz”)

  trial of

  victims of

  Voytek Frykowski murder

  Zo Zo Ze Ze Zadfrack (Zezo Zece Zadfrack) (Susan Atkins’s son)

  See also Manson, Charles Mao (Madame)

  Marcus Aurelius (Emperor of Rome)

  Marek, Martha

  Marlow, James and Cynthia Coffman

  Marquis de Sade

  Martin, Del

  Martin, Rhonda Belle

  Martin, Vera Faye

  “masked” (indirect) aggression

  “masked criminality,”

  “mask of sanity,”

  Mask of Sanity, The (Cleckley)

  Maslow, Abraham

  masochistic personality

  mass media and history of female serial killers

  masturbation (compulsive)

  Mauldin, Sarah

  May, Mary

  Maywhort, David

  McClellan, Chelsea

  McClellan, Petti and Reid

  McCormick, Annie

  McCrary, Carolyn

  McDavid, Kenneth

  McFaul, Fred

  McGinnis, Virginia

  McGuire, Christine

  McKimble, Clint

  McLear, Mary

  McNally, Raymond T.

  McPherson, John

  Meadow, Roy

  medium-dominance women

  Mees’ lines

  Meier, Golda

  Melcher, Terry

  Melker, Daisy Louisa C. de

  Mengele, Josef (“Angel of Death”)


  Merchant, Natalie


  Messalina, Valeria (“The Teenage Killer”)

  migratory female serial killers

  Mill, John Stuart

  Miller, Craig

  Milner, Mary Ann

  Miracle on 34th Street (film)

  missionary cult killers

  See also Grese, Irma (“Beast of Belsen”); Koch, Ilse (“Bitch of Buchenwald”); Manson cult women; Nazi Germany

  Mitchell, Alice

  mixed serial killers

  M’Naghten Rule

  modern female serial killers, birth

  modus operandi (MO, how)

  Monster (film)

  Montalvo, Dorothea Puente

  alcohol addiction

  appearance of

  attachment disorder-triggered psychopathy

  Benjamin Fink murder

  Bert Montoya murder

  Betty Palmer murder

  boarding home run by

  brothel run by

  Charlie Willgues and Donna


  check forging by

  childhood of

  “chronic undifferentiated schizophrenic,”

  codeine poisoning by

  Montalvo, Dorothea Puente

  Cooking With a Serial Killer

  criminal record

  digoxin poisoning by

  Everson Gillmouth murder

  exaggerated stories

  Federal probation officers and

  fraud by

  garden, victims buried in

  Hispanic girls helped by

  home-care nurse

  Ismael Florez and

  James Gallop murder

  Leona Carpenter murder

  nursing business

  phenobarbital poisoning by

  political connections of

  prostitution and

  robbery by

  Ruth Munroe murder

  “schizophrenia” diagnosis of

  self-worth, inflated

  “socialite” life of

  Social Security theft

  social work

  survival tools from psychopathy

  theft by

  trial and sentencing of

  Vera Faye Martin murder

  victims of

  weight-reduction surgery

  Montalvo, Pedro “Angel,”

  Montoya, Bert

  Moore, Blanche Taylor

  Moore, Patricia

  Moore, Tracy

  Moore, Tyria (“Ty”)

  Morales, Raul

  Morris, Mary

  Morrissey, Belinda

  Mother Dinene’s Family Club for Lonely Hearts


  Motley, Roger

  Munchausen syndrome by proxy (MSB, MSBP)

  Münchhausen, Karl Friedrich Hieronymous von

  Munroe, Ruth

  murder, signature

  murder site

  Murder Trail (documentary)

  Murray, Jack

  Nadasdy, Ferenc

  National Police Gazette

  Nazi Germany

  annihilation camps (Treblinka, Sobibor, Belzec)

  “artificial psychopathy,” state induced

  “Authoritarian Personality Type” theory

  concentration camps (Sachsenhausen, Buchenwald)

  crematoria gas chambers

  cult, Nazism as a

  “decency” for killing

  films about

  gas chambers

  German Communist Party

  making of state serial killers

  “perpetration-induced traumatic stress,”

  “racial hygiene,”

  ramp physicians, selecting Jews to die or work as slave labor

  situational, brutality as

  “sleeper” personality theory

  Social Democratic Party

  SS guards

  state serial murder in the Third Reich

  therapia magna

  ZyklonBl (Cyclone B)

  See also missionary cult killers

  Neelley, Judith Ann and Alvin

  Nero (Emperor of Rome)

  Newton, Alton and Farrah

  Newton, Frances

  New York Times

  Ng, Charles

  Nichols, Sarah

  Nightingale, Florence

  nineteenth-century U.S. female serial killers

  Noe, Marie

  normal emotions, simulation of

  Norton, Carla

  Norton, Dennis

  Notes of an Expert Witness (Chesler)

  nurses as serial killers

  See also Jones, Genene (“the Baby-Killing Nurse”)

  “nymphomania” vs. “sexual addiction,”

  Octavia (Roman noblewoman)

  Olah, Susi

  omega female killers

  Oprah Winfrey Show, The (TV show)

  Order of Pilgrim Fathers

  Ordinary Men (Browning)

  organized serial killers

  Overkill: The Aileen Wuornos Story (TV movie)


  Palmer, Betty

  Pankow, Sandra

  Parent, Steven

  parental history

  Parker, Bonnie

  Parker, Christopher

  Parker, Mary Ann

  passive-aggressive manner

  “patriarchal” institutions, victimizing women

  PCL-R (Psychopathy Checklist-Revised)

  Pearson, Jimmy

  Pearson, Patricia

  Perfect Victim (McGuire and Norton)

  “perpetration-induced traumatic stress,”

  personality types

  peyote cactus buds

  Philips, Benson (Detective)

  Phinney, Amelia

  physical abnormalities

  Pinel, Philippe (“father of modern psychiatry”)

  Pittman, Leo

  Plantz, Jim and Marilyn Kay

  poisoning, weapon of choice

  Polanski, Roman

  Police Gazette

  politics of female aggression. See female aggression, politics of

  Ponikenusz, Janos (Reverend)

  Popova, Madame Alexe

  Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

  power, replicated through murder

  power-assertive killers

  power-control killers


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