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Renner's Rules

Page 6

by K. Webster

  I just wish my dick would get on the same page as my head. My heart, though? An ache forms in my chest knowing she’s probably crying in bed this very moment.

  My heart is a wildcard.

  Several days later…

  “Stop trying to hack into Mrs. Compton’s computer,” I grumble at Zane.

  He lifts her keyboard and hunts for something. When he finds a password written on a sticky note, he laughs. “Bingo!”

  “You’re going to get expelled,” I warn.

  “You’re no fun,” he grumbles. “What’s crawled into your ass lately anyway?”

  I lift my gaze from my phone where I’ve been texting Rita. “Nothing.”

  He rolls his eyes. “Don’t lie, El. I can see through that shit.”

  A smile tugs at my lips. I’ve known Zane less than a week, but we’ve already grown close. It’s nice to have a friend in this lonely town. Especially since Adam avoids me every chance he gets. When we lost power a few days ago, we’d sort of connected. Then, after his nightmare, we had a sexually charged moment where we both got off. But then he blew me off and has acted cold ever since. I actually texted Dad begging for him to come get me, but he gave me a distracted bullshit reply that he’d see me soon and to just try harder.

  I’ve tried hard every day to get Adam to look or talk to me. All I get is a few grunts and mumbled words. He doesn’t even look at me anymore.

  “It’s a guy,” Zane says knowingly.

  My eyes dart to his. “No.”

  He smirks. Zane is really fucking hot and if I weren’t going crazy over a certain grumpy principal, I’d go out with Zane. But Zane is into someone right now anyway. He stares at her with longing and sadness. I know exactly how he feels—wanting what you can’t have.

  “Come on,” he urges. “Tell Uncle Zane all your woes.”

  “Uncle Zane?” I snort with laughter. “Ew.”

  “Like you’re not into older guys…” He waggles his eyebrows and then makes an obvious show of glancing over into Adam’s office.

  “What are you talking about?” I hiss.

  He leans forward in Mrs. Compton’s chair. She’s in a meeting with the guidance counselor and Adam. We’ve been left to our own devices and are clearly unfit to hold down the fort seeing that Zane is trying to hack into one of their computers. “Don’t play coy with me, Elma Louise.”

  I laugh and flip him the bird. “That’s not my middle name.”

  “And that’s not the point,” he says with a smug grin that could melt any girl’s panties right off. “The point is you’re crushing so fucking hard on our principal.”

  “Even if I was,” I huff, “it’s not like anything would come of it.”

  He shrugs as if it’s simply a hurdle. “You have to seduce him.”

  I frown at him. “Maybe I already tried.”

  His eyes widen. “What?”

  “I’m staying with him,” I confide. “He’s friends with my dad. You can’t tell anyone, though.”

  “No fucking way!”

  “Shhh,” I hiss.

  “So what did you do? Uncle Zane needs all the dirty details for his spank bank.”

  “Ugh, you’re gross,” I grumble. “We had a couple of…”

  “Fuckfests?” he offers with a wicked smile.

  “No!” I shriek. “Moments. We had a couple of moments.”

  “Lame.” He gives me a faux yawn. “Well, unless those moments were naked ones.”

  “We both came.”

  This gets his attention because he stands so fast, the chair rolls out behind him and nearly knocks a plant off the back credenza. “You what? Principal Renner and you came? As in you moaned his name and he shot his wad all over the place?”

  Heat floods up my neck. “Oh my God. You’re so dramatic. Too dramatic for a boy.”

  “I’m a man,” he says with a wink. “And I fucking knew there was something going on between you two. So what’s the big problem?”

  “He got all weird afterward and has been avoiding me.”

  He paces around for a moment. “We need a plan.”

  “A plan?”

  “To get him to pull his head out of his ass. I mean, look at you, Elma. You’re hot as hell. That old man would be lucky to fuck someone like you.”

  “Maybe I want to do more than just fuck,” I huff.

  Like be held. Be adored. Kissed and hugged. Talked to.

  “Like anal?”

  “Oh my God,” I groan. “You’re such a freak and hardly a romantic.”

  He snorts as he takes his seat at Mrs. Compton’s desk again. His brows furl together as he taps away on an email. Then, he manipulates some spreadsheets. He has the computer locked again before I can even ask what he’s up to. I probably don’t want to know, but judging by the dark look behind his normally playful demeanor, I know it wasn’t good.

  “What did you do?”

  “If I told you, I’d have to kill you,” he jokes. “Now. Where were we? Oh, yeah, get the principal to fuck you. Hmmm…” He scratches at his jaw as he thinks. “Well, you already dress like a skank, so you’ve already got step one covered.”

  “Fuck off,” I say with a laugh.

  My skirt is short today, but it looks cute with my knee-high socks and combat boots. The sweater I’m wearing falls off the shoulder and shows off my pretty hot pink bra strap. My hair has been pulled into a messy bun and I have dramatic eyeliner wings on today. The coat Adam ordered for me showed up yesterday and while the gesture was nice, it’s ugly as sin. It doesn’t go with my outfit at all.

  “Have you considered trying to make him jealous?” he asks, his brow lifted in question.

  My nose scrunches up. “No. How?”

  “Come sit in Uncle Zane’s lap and I’ll show you,” he teases.

  I laugh and shake my head. “Oh, no. You’re always up to no good. I’d end up naked if it were up to you.”

  His gaze darts out into the hallway before he regards me with a serious expression. “I’m not into you, Elma, so you can trust that I’m not trying to get you into bed. I’m into some chick who’s way out of my league. But for you, my friend, I could help make Principal Renner jealous. Are you up for it?”


  “It’s just a kiss.”

  I laugh because he actually looks innocent saying that. But I know better. Zane is anything but innocent.

  “Fine. A kiss but don’t try anything freaky. I don’t want to have to kick your ass.”

  He smirks. “Maybe I’m into that sort of thing.”

  “Whatever. Where are we doing this?”

  He pats his lap, his grin wolfish. “Right here.”

  I roll my eyes but make my way over to him. He grabs my hips and urges me to straddle him. Once I’m sitting on his lap, all too close for comfort, I frown. “Now what?”

  “Now we wait until we hear them coming.”

  “And then?”

  “And then I kiss the hell out of you. You better act like you’re enjoying it too.”

  “We’re going to get in so much trouble,” I whine.

  His palms grip my ass through my skirt. “Wouldn’t be the first time for either of us. We’re both here for a reason. A couple of fucked-up teens whose parents and teachers don’t know what to do with them.”

  “Adam tries,” I argue. And he does. Despite him not talking to me, he did connect me with this school’s volleyball coach. I’d been angry at first, but all it took was watching one practice before the desire to play was burning through me. Coach Mink said I could try out any time.

  “Adam? On a first name basis now?” He lifts a brow.

  “You’re so annoying.”

  “You love me,” he retorts.

  “You’re growing on me. Like a fungus.”

  We both laugh. More laughter echoes ours in the hallway. I recognize Mrs. Compton’s laugh from anywhere. She’s always trying to put on a show for Adam. It annoys me when she flirts with him.

� Zane says, his palm curling around the back of my neck. “Now.”

  His lips press against mine and I let out a surprised shriek. He gives my neck a small squeeze of support that has me opening my mouth to accept his kiss. I’ve kissed tons of guys back home. I’m not sure why I’m getting all bent out of shape for kissing Zane. He’s a great kisser and tastes good, but he’s not the one I want to kiss. His large hand grips my ass, causing me to gasp. I can feel him smile against my mouth.

  “Here we go,” he says before attacking my lips again with his.

  I’m hyperaware that any moment we’ll have an audience. The hairs on my arms are standing and I’m stiff in Zane’s arms.

  “What the hell is going on here?” Adam’s voice booms. He’s furious and it has me jolting away from Zane. Zane flashes me a conspiratorial smile as I scramble off his lap. When my eyes meet those of Mrs. Compton, Miss Bowden, and our angry principal, I freeze. Both women just seem shocked, but it’s Adam who looks positively livid. His nostrils flare and his neck is turning purple with rage.

  Oh shit.

  “I, uh, I…” I trail off, my eyes prickling with tears. While it was a good idea at the time, now I regret kissing Zane.

  “My office, both of you,” Adam snaps before storming into his office. The door slams closed and all the pictures on the wall rattle.

  I shoot Miss Bowden a helpless stare. She returns a cold glare my way. Her nose turns slightly pink as she regards Zane with a look of disappointment.

  “You two are in serious trouble,” Mrs. Compton snips as she shoos Zane out of her chair.

  I blink back tears as I make my way toward Adam’s office. Zane runs to catch up to me.

  He ruffles my hair and whispers, “It’ll be okay. Trust me.”

  I swallow and give him a quick nod before following him into Adam’s office. He’s not sitting at his desk but is instead pacing the floor beside it. When we walk in, he glares at Zane.

  “Are you trying to ruin your life by doing stupid things every chance you get?” He seethes, his fury pointed at my friend.

  Zane stiffens and clenches his jaw. “Just kissing a pretty girl who deserves to be kissed.”

  Adam’s hands curl into fists. I stare at him, worry niggling at me, and wonder what he’ll do. He wouldn’t hit Zane, would he? The vein in his neck pulsates, but he doesn’t move. I let out a tiny breath of relief.

  “This isn’t your last school, Elma. You don’t get to do…” His intense glare rakes over my outfit, lingering at my tits. “This.”

  “What?” I chew on my bottom lip and nervously tug at a stray string on my sweater.

  “Zane, out. I want you to go to Miss Bowden and tell her I said to find you a fitting punishment. Do as she says. I don’t want to see any more of your stunts.” He pins Zane with a hard stare. “Understood?”

  Zane’s brows rise as though he’s surprised he isn’t getting punished further. He gives me a quick wink that makes Adam growl before exiting the office. As soon as he’s gone, Adam walks over to the door and turns the lock.

  “You,” he murmurs.

  “What about me?” I sass with false bravado.

  “Kissing him is unacceptable.” He challenges me with a heated glare.


  “Because I fucking said so,” he snaps.

  I arch a brow at him. “Because this is school policy?”

  He stalks over to me and crowds my personal space. Today he smells spicy and manly. It does crazy things to my hormones. It reminds me of the night he held me and we both got off from dry humping.

  “Because I don’t like it.” He lifts a hand and brushes a strand of dark hair from my face. His features have softened slightly.

  “That’s a lame reason.”

  “Nevertheless, it better not happen again.”

  I scoff at him. “And if it does?”

  “It won’t.”

  “How can you be so sure?”

  Hard jade-green eyes pierce mine. “Because I’ll make sure you remember your punishment every time you even think about kissing him.”


  He grabs my shoulders and twists me so that my back is to him. His palm slides down my back and settles on my ass cheek. “I’m going to whip you like your daddy should have a long time ago.”

  I choke and let out a startled sound. “You’ll what?”

  He squeezes my ass and my panties quickly become damp. “Exactly what I said.”

  “Will it hurt?”

  His lips find my neck and he presses a kiss to my flesh. “I hope so.”

  A shiver rattles through me. “What if I don’t want it?”

  He lets out a heavy sigh. “Then you need to tell me right now, Elma. Right fucking now. I am teetering here and you’ve already given me one push. I’m a grown-ass man. I’m too old to be playing little girl games. If you’re just going to tease and not follow through, then you can go accept your punishment from Miss Bowden as well.” His lips kiss my throat once more. “But if you’re ready to take a dive with me, then you’ll accept your punishment from me.”

  “I…” I’m so stunned by his sudden mood swing that I can’t utter out any words.

  “I’ll take care of you. You can trust that, baby.”


  I melt against him, desperate for his touch. “I’ve been bad, Principal Renner.”

  A growl rumbles from him. “So bad.”

  He releases me and walks over to his desk chair and sits. Today, he’s sexy as ever in a pair of black slacks and crisp white button-up shirt. His tie is knotted neatly at his throat. I want to tug at it and free him from his confines. I want to rip at the buttons on his shirt and seek the hard planes of his chest I’ve felt before. This time, I’d love to run my tongue across him there.

  “Come,” he orders and gives his lap a pat.

  My eyes are glued to the way his cock bulges in his slacks. A cock I’ve rubbed up against before and was brought to climax by. One day, I hope to have that very cock inside of me, stretching and owning me.

  Slowly, I walk over to him. Our eyes meet and his blaze with need. It encourages me to keep moving forward. When my knees come to rest against his chair between his parted thighs, I let out a heavy, nervous breath.

  “Does being a bad girl make you wet?” His voice is deep and husky, authority dripping from his every word.

  His palm slides up between my thighs and he caresses my leg just below my panties with his thumb. It makes me squirm. I want him to go higher.

  “Answer me,” he rumbles.


  His brown eyebrow arches and he slides his hand higher under my skirt as though to check to see if I’m lying. When his thumb brushes against my wet panties, his green eyes darken with lust.

  “Such a bad girl,” he murmurs. “Lift your skirt.”

  I blink at him in shock at his bold words. I can’t believe we’re doing this—whatever this is. Quickly, I grab the hem of my skirt and begin inching it up. He asked me if I was all in. I’m so in, I’ll never have any hope of getting back out.

  His breath hitches once my panties come into view. The black lacy boy shorts are see-through. Judging by the ravenous look on his face, he can see everything he’s looking for.

  “I want you across my lap.”

  A quiver of fear ripples through me and I shoot him a frightened look. His hard glare softens and he smiles at me.

  “I won’t hurt you too bad, baby. Trust me.”


  I let out a sigh and then fold myself over his lap. I feel like a child draped over him, ready for my spanking. His giant palm rubs my ass over my panties in a reverent way that has me suppressing a moan.

  “Here’s the thing, Elma,” he mutters. “You have to be so fucking quiet. There’s a lot at stake here.”

  I nod emphatically. “I know.”

  “Can you be quiet?”

  “I can.”

  “How can I be sure?”

I twist and try to look up at him. “I don’t know.”

  He tugs at the knot of his tie and starts undoing it. “Should we gag you, beautiful girl?”

  My skin heats with desire. “Y-Yes.”

  “Bad girl.”

  He’s gentle when he wraps the tie around the front of my face. He brings the silk band between my lips and then ties it tightly at the back of my head. Drool runs out of my mouth and drips onto the floor.

  “I’m going to spank you,” he murmurs in a low voice as he opens his desk drawer. Something cool and metal drags along my back thighs. “With this.”

  I let out a worried whimper and he strokes my hair with his free hand.

  “Don’t worry, baby. It’ll only hurt for a minute. Okay?”

  Nodding, I clench my ass in preparation. His dark chuckle has my panties all but soaked. I’ve never been so turned on in all my life.

  “You’re mine to kiss,” he bites out, his voice hard. “Understood?”


  I choke on a shriek as fire licks across my ass. Tears spring to my eyes and more drool runs from my mouth. My heart rate is racing inside my chest. I think I might start to cry but then he’s massaging away the pain with his palm.

  “Bad girls deserve punishment, right?” he asks.

  A tear drips from my lids, but I nod. I’m thrilled that he’s given up on fighting this thing between us. Seeing him lose control is sexy as hell.


  Again, he quickly soothes away the sting with his palm. I’m becoming agitated and needy for more of his touch.


  That hit is the hardest and I can’t help the sob that escapes me. He unties the tie around my head and pulls me up to straddle him. Tears streak down my cheeks. I’m equal parts embarrassed and turned on. He tosses the ruler on the table and then cups my face with his hands. I’m tilted down so I can stare into his serious green eyes. I get lost in them. His thumbs swipe away my tears and he presses a soft kiss to my mouth.

  “My lips to kiss,” he mutters against them. “Right?”

  “Y-Yes,” I breathe.

  He grins. “Good girl.”


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