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Under Karin

Page 3

by Andrea Jordan

  An unknown time later when James had been running his fingertips over her butt and watching the small hairs stand on end, the situation changed. Without warning, Karin relaxed her thighs slightly, moved her hips back and tightened her grip again. It was a small movement but it resulted in James’s head being pulled further between her thighs. She did it again, thrusting his head tighter and tighter between her legs.

  Karin’s inner thighs now rested against the sides of his head and blocked out all sound from his ears. Of more concern, though, his mouth and nose were now deep between her legs squashed up against the bottom of her butt and now without access to air. He tried to pull back out, but her thighs, now tacky from perspiration, held him in place.

  James didn’t want to wake her. Even the demonstration of what she would do if he misbehaved had almost killed him. What would it be like to be squeezed between her thighs after waking her up? He strained his head left and right and finally found a position where his nose could suck in a small amount of air. It certainly wasn’t fresh air, it was coming from about as deep in her crotch as it was possible to get, but it would keep him alive.

  Before a little light had streamed in under the duvet, but now he had nothing. With his eyes pushed up into her crotch, it was pitch black, damp, almost airless and the atmosphere was getting more and more enveloped by her scent. Staying alive was now taking effort and yet Karin was still sleeping peacefully. She still twitched as she dreamt, with the twitches that coursed through the woman’s strong thigh muscles squeezing James head as they passed.

  It felt warm and safe deep in Karin’s crotch, but James missed not been able to see her cute little ass. He decided to reach up and run his hands over her backside instead, but by doing so he inadvertently caused her to moan in her sleep and thrust her hips forward. The resultant tightening of her butt cut James’s air supply completely. He took his hands away and waited for her to relax so he could breathe again.

  That was fun and so he ran his fingertips over her butt and waist again. Again she cried out in pleasure and again she thrust forward. Again James felt as though his head was set in a sealed block of concrete. She finally released him a little, although still held him more tightly than before. Karin’s body was like a one way ratchet, which only got tighter and tighter.

  James lay there exploring other ways to tease and stimulate this beautiful sleeping woman. She was certainly a heavy sleeper, nothing he’d tried yet had come close to waking her, but maybe he had changed the course of her dreams. Karin was moaning from time to time and her body twitched and fidgeted more than before. She was also increasingly pushing her hips back and forth as if trying to arouse herself against him.

  Being so intimately connected to a horny, sleeping girl felt great and had also created a build up of heat and pressure between her legs. James had to lie still for a while waiting for her to relax again, maybe then he could even get his head out of the deepest confines of her crotch and then maybe even get some sleep.

  It hadn’t worked. James had spent the rest of the night in exactly the same position and hadn’t even come close to sleeping. He was hot, inundated with her scent, aroused and completely exhausted when she finally woke.

  “Hi, morning,” Karin said with her sleepy voice.

  After getting no reply, she looked behind her and saw James’s face pushed up hard between her legs. She opened her tacky thighs a little and thrust her hips forward so that his head once more stuck out from between the back of her thighs.

  “Morning,” James’s dry mouth barely moved, but at least he was back in fresh air, once more facing her beautiful butt.

  “You sleep?” Karin’s face was still hidden behind a bundle of wild hair.

  “No, but I’m not complaining.”

  Karin felt the front of her panties and was embarrassed by how wet she was. She must have multiple wet dreams, but she was hardly surprised given who she’d had between her legs.

  “Open up?” James tapped Karin’s’ thigh as if conceding a wrestling match.



  Karin’s refusal to release him was now making James feel claustrophobic. After eight hours between her damp thighs he started to try to force his way out.

  “You forget?” Karin tensed up and squeezed him.

  James buried his face back into her crotch and cried out in frustration, how was he going to get away from this crazy girl. Within seconds, though, James’s cries had changed from pain to pleasure. Karin had slipped her hand inside his boxers and was running her fingers over him. It was his quickest and most intense time ever and he closed his eyes and enjoyed the natural drugs running through him.

  James’s eyes were now closed and he felt incredibly tired as he lay there still locked between her legs.

  “Do you want opening?”

  “No,” he was almost asleep.

  “Last chance or I will lock you two hours.”

  Karin started to count down from ten to one. When she reached one James felt a small squeezed around his neck to signify that the prison was now locked. Karin was explaining in a mix of broken English and German how she would absolutely not open up for at least two hours as James fell asleep.

  It was past ten o’clock when Karin finally released him. He lay on the bed watching Karin’s butt bounce as she made her way to the bathroom. When she returned she sat down on the bed right next to James’s head and he reached around her and pushed his face into the outside of her thigh.

  “Did you sleep well?” James asked interested to know what his attention had meant for her sleep.

  “Really good for all night.”

  “I thought you enjoyed yourself.”

  Karin crossed her legs to try and hide her wet underwear.

  “Maybe I should paid to you,” she said standing up and pulling on a pair of old grey track pants and white t-shirt.

  James showered and returned to drink a cup of black coffee that she had made for him. Standing together in her small kitchen, he was taller and bigger than her yet had spent the whole night convinced that she was some kind of giantess. It was bizarre how the female body could do that to a guy’s mind.

  While James wondered why Karin’s legs were so intimidating, Karin’s mind still hadn’t worked out why this sexy guy was paying her, he was turning her on as much as she was him. She’d felt wonderful sleeping with him. Her usual loneliness had been replaced with almost constant arousal. Her eyes flicked across his body and remembered the chain that she’s locked around his wrist the night before.


  “Yes, I’m your prisoner...”

  “Want souvenir again for other hand?”

  James held out his other hand and dutifully waited for Karin to padlock a second short length of chain around it. James tugged on the padlock and chain to confirm it was locked far too tightly to ever slide off his wrist.

  Again, standing there in old jeans and jumper, Karin looked very ordinary and James couldn’t quite believe how such an unassuming girl had exerted so much power over him. He followed her out to the front door where he gave her a kiss on the lips.

  “Anytime want more please be coming back.”

  James was just about to open the door when Karin grabbed one of his wrists and hooked yet another padlock through the chain. She then pulled his other wrist over and looped the same padlock through the chain that encircled his other wrist.

  “I can lock for you?” she purred.

  “Then my hands would be chained together.... difficult for the plane.”

  He looked at the padlock that she held between her fingers.

  “How would I get home?”

  “Maybe you have to come back, begging the keys.”

  James was swallowing hard, this was all getting complicated.

  “OK,” he replied hesitantly.

  Karin had closed the padlock almost before James had closed his mouth. He pulled and twisted to confirm that his wrists were chained together.
  “The keys?” he asked.

  “Coming back tonight.”


  Handcuffed in Public

  Karin chains his hands together and sends him out for the day

  Karin closed the front door in his face and locked it leaving James standing on the door step unsure of what to do next. Only then did he realise that he’d left his bag inside her flat. Being separated from a few dirty clothes wasn’t a problem, but she now had his passport and wallet which made returning home even harder. He knelt down and looked through the keyhole just as Karin inserted her key and locked the deadlock.

  “Karin, my bag?”

  “For me now.”

  She giggled as she withdrew the key and walked back through the small hallway. James looked down at his chained hands and experimented until he could clasp his hands together in a way that both hid the chain and looked least suspicious. He walked back down the five flights of stairs and saw a cafe across the busy street and started to walk there as naturally as he could.

  Karin didn’t live in the nicest neighbourhood and James felt out of place in his suit. Getting into a fight with his hands chained up would only end badly. He ducked into the cafe and was pleased to that it was reasonably OK, with booths at the back. He slid as far as he could into the very back booth and ordered coffee and toast from the blonde waitress.

  James had already decided he would cancel his meetings and stay in Germany for another day. That was easy enough, but spending the day in an unknown city while hiding the fact that his hands were chained was not going to be easy. What had Karin been thinking?

  He had no intention of escaping from her chains, but he liked to think through the options if only to prove to himself that he had none. Buying a hacksaw or bolt cutters wouldn’t work. With his wrists chained so closely together there was no way he could use the tools without help. A locksmith was also out of the question, there was no way he was going to share his predicament with anyone. Anyway, he didn’t know the German for ‘I let some crazy girl padlock my hands together’. Picking the locks was also impossible. The way she’d chained him, with his wrists almost touching, he couldn’t even reach the locks. Karin was his only option.

  ‘Cafe across road, let me buy you breakfast. James x.’ he sent the text and started to drink his coffee two handed.


  He had to wait half an hour before Karin finally appeared, dressed in leather jacket and jeans. With her hair up in a ponytail, wearing glasses and carrying books she looked every bit the typical student. She slid into the booth and sat opposite James.

  “What would you like?” he asked as he smiled to the waitress and let Karin order for herself.

  “What?” Karin asked as she leant forward and stared right into his eyes.

  “I really can’t spend the day like this.”

  “Key in my jeans pocket, come.”

  James knew she wasn’t going to make this easy for him, but he probably didn’t realise how difficult she would make it. He started to slide back out of the booth, but Karin stopped him and pointed under the table. James protested, but Karin just ignored him and drank her coffee.

  With no option, James checked that they weren’t being watched and then ducked underneath the table and edged over to Karin’s crossed legs. He reached up and tried to push his fingers into one of the front pockets of her jeans. The jeans had been well fitting when she’d been standing, but now she was sitting, the denim was pulled even more tightly around her hips. That in turn sealed the entrance to her pockets even more tightly. James soon gave that up and instead ran his hands along the outside of her jeans only to find that both front pockets were empty.

  With Karin pretending to ignore the guy touching her under the table, James reached around and soon discovered that the back pockets of her jeans were pinned beneath her butt and therefore completely inaccessible.

  “Karin, lift up, please,” he whispered.

  To James surprise, Karin leant over and lifted one side of her butt up from the black vinyl bench. James saw a small bulge in her back pocket which he guessed was the keys. He reacted quickly, but still couldn’t get his chained hands to her pocket before she sat back down.

  James tried to push her to one side so he could access her pocket, or at least slip a hand inside, but she was easily able to stop him.

  “Karin, please!”

  This time he heard giggling from above the table. Karin couldn’t help herself, James’s predicament and the touch of his strong hands on her body were making her feel hot and sexy. She was eager that he stay down there longer.

  She uncrossed her legs, lifted one and placed it back down between his chained hands. She then wrapped her ankles together to form a continuous loop. The loop of her legs was now linked with the continuous loop of James’s chained hands. She waited excitedly for him to try to escape from that one.

  James realised what she’d done just as Karin called the waitress. Fuck, he didn’t want to be under the table when the waitress arrived. Karin’s ankles were still crossed, but she’d opened her knees. James decided to lean forward and use his shoulders as leverage to force open her ankles. He moved forward, but Karin was way ahead of him. As soon as his head passed between her knees, she snapped them back together around his neck. He knew things must be getting worst as he heard Karin trying to suppress more giggles.

  The waitress was now standing by the table talking to Karin, although fortunately he was still out of sight beneath the far end of the booth table. He just had to keep quiet, but even that wasn’t easy as Karin was squeezing his head hard between her knees and he was struggled to avoid choking. Karin was getting off on the situation and the harder she squeezed, the better she felt. By the time she released him and he’d struggled back to his seat, she was very aroused.

  “Karin, I need the keys!”

  “Key in my jeans under table, I tell you.”

  “Your legs are also under the table.”

  “You like my legs?”

  “Mmm, but they’re dangerous,” James observed as he sipped his new coffee and watched her intently, the fact that she was close to orgasm was easy to see. No doubt she could see the same in his eyes. Karin had to get some air before her feelings got out of control. She stood up, leaned across the table and kissed James on the cheek. She gave him one more cute smile, blew him a kiss and walked out.

  Shit, he would have to pay the bill before following her or risk another set of handcuffs, this time from the police. He struggled to pull his wallet out of his hip pocket and clumsily pulled out some notes. As he stood up he realised the waitress had been watching him and had seen the chains around his wrists. She walked towards him, seemingly intrigued by his situation and sat down on the end of the bench blocking James way out.

  “Hi,” she said.

  James was so focused on Karin and the keys that he didn’t even notice the woman as she pulled up his suit sleeves to inspect the chains.

  “I wish I had the keys,” she said in good English as she gently lay his conjoined wrists back down.

  “That’s makes two of us!”

  James smiled, amazed by the obvious come on. It seemed that being chained in public was common place in this part of the world. Unfortunately he was in no position to flirt and so pulled another large note from his wallet and put it on the table in front of her. The waitress may not have had the keys, but it wouldn’t be easy getting out of the booth unnoticed with her sitting there. Maybe a tip would help.

  Knowing that she wasn’t going to get anymore of his attention and pleased with the extra tip, the waitress stood up and watched with a smile as James left the cafe as discretely as possible. James wasn’t bothered about the extra Euros he’d paid, but was annoyed that he’d now lost Karin and his only hope of getting out of the chains.

  ‘Karin, maybe I can buy you lunch too?’ he texted from a bench in the park.

  He waited, unable to much else, and pissed that he had let her go at the ca
fe. Finally his phone beeped with the name of a clothes shop. He’d noticed the shop in the main street, the provocative dresses on the manikins in the window had been hard to miss, and so quickly walked there while trying not to draw attention to himself.

  When he arrived, he found Karin standing outside the changing rooms wearing a tight red halter neck top and very tight black leather shorts. The shorts were probably a size too small for her, but they certainly showcased her hips. James took a seat and watched as Karin walked towards him with her sexiest hip swaying walk. She then turned, rolled her hips and walked back into the changing rooms.


  She could hear his English accent as he tried to open the changing room door from the outside and she had to suppress a giggle as she heard a shop assistance asking him in German to leave the woman’s dressing rooms.

  Karin changed into the long red dress that she had been wanting for ages. It was another halter neck, but then it split at the front to make for a very revealing cleavage that was held together by crisscrossing straps. It then tightened up around the waist and hips and reached down to below the knee. It fitted very tightly around her waist, hips and legs and with no split, it was difficult for Karin to walk.

  It left little to the imagination around the breasts, but left everything to the imagination down below. Once zipped into the dress, everything around the woman’s butt was well and truly sealed. ‘That will frustrate him’ Karin thought as she dropped the keys into her panties and then eased herself into the well fitting dress.

  The effect upon James was evident as soon as she opened the dressing room door and proceeded to walk towards him, carefully with small steps.

  “Wow!” he breathed as he ran his chained hands over her body even though that meant risking being seen.


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