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Saving His Mate (A vampire-werewolf romance)

Page 6

by Savannah Stuart

Grant didn’t seem surprised at their affection as he nodded at both of them. “Let me know as soon as he gets back to you. For now, you two get some damn sleep. We’ve increased the security and no one is getting in here. I’m staying close to the compound today so let me know if you need me. And, before you ask, I’ve already told the pack to give you some space until you’re ready. I’m pretty sure they’ll only give you today alone,” he said wryly.

  That, she believed. But a day was enough to rest and decompress from what had happened. She wanted to ask him about her bakery but at this point didn’t really care if he closed it for a couple days or sent some packmates to work there. “Thank you.” After giving her another hug, Grant left and she was once again alone with Rex.

  After his offer of blood she was feeling more off-balance than ever.

  “I am going to shower,” Rex said abruptly before turning and leaving her standing by the front door.

  O-kay. What had that been about? Too mentally exhausted to think about it, she headed for her kitchen in search of food. Food and rest were the two cure-alls for everyone. Right now her wolf was restless though, wanting Rex’s presence more than anything.

  * * *

  Rex tried to will his cock to go down as he pulled on a pair of jeans Margery must have left for him when he was in the shower. They smelled like Grant so he guessed the alpha must have brought them over. Rex was just glad they didn’t smell like some random male. She’d left a T-shirt too but he decided to go shirtless. He wanted her as aware of him as possible.

  Something had shifted between them since they’d returned to her place. She hadn’t minded his touch, had even reached for him. He wasn’t sure if there was more to it than just her needing simple comfort. Either way, he liked it. He found her in the living room curled up on the couch with a book in hand. All the floor to ceiling length drapes were closed, so the room was incredibly dim. He wouldn’t know it was daylight if his internal clock didn’t tell him. She must have pulled the hurricane shutters in place, which he found incredibly thoughtful.

  Putting her book down, she smiled when she saw him. The open way she greeted him stroked against his senses in the most erotic way. Almost immediately her smile disappeared as her gaze raked hungrily over his bare chest. Her mouth parted slightly, her full lips so damn kissable he had to restrain himself from groaning out loud.

  If she kept looking at him like that he didn’t think he’d be able to show any restraint. Not if she gave him the green light. If that happened…his body tightened in anticipation. Just imagining her underneath him, completely surrendering to the electric heat between them, made it hard to think straight.

  “Your eyes are doing that glowing thing again,” she said, drawing his gaze away from her very kissable lips to her eyes.

  “Seems to be a permanent thing around you.” The words escaped before he could stop himself.

  “Can you control it?” There was only curiosity in her voice, nothing to indicate it bothered her.

  “For the most part.” He just didn’t want to. No, Rex wanted Margery to see all of him. He was a vampire and he wasn’t going to hide that part of himself. “Did you…” He wanted to ask her if she’d given any thought to his offer of blood, but couldn’t force the question out. She’d seemed so shocked by his offer before and he didn’t want to hear her rejection, but the thought of sharing his blood with her made him so hard it hurt. Clearing his throat, he continued. “Did you still want to watch a movie?”

  She nodded and reached for one of the remote controls on her wooden coffee table. “I wasn’t sure if you’d be too tired. Honestly, don’t feel like you need to babysit me.”

  He snorted as he joined her on the couch, sitting closer than she’d apparently expected if her soft exhale was any indication. “I only sleep a few hours during the day.” At his age it was all he needed unless he’d been seriously injured and had to heal.

  “If you’re sure…” She trailed off as she started pressing buttons on one of the remote controls. Moments later a list of movies came up on the screen. “These are all in my queue. Some I’ve seen, others I’ve been waiting to watch.”

  He laughed out loud as he scanned the selection. “They’re all vampire, werewolf or zombie movies.”

  She grinned, taking his breath away. “I know. I watch the vamp and werewolf movies mainly because I think they’re more comedy than horror but I love zombie movies. And there’s a new television show about zombies I’m not caught up with this season. Totally my not-so-guilty pleasure.”

  It struck him as funny that she enjoyed zombies. “You pick then.”

  She didn’t argue, just chose the current season of the television show and settled back against the couch. The scent of her desire lingered in the air, subtle but strong enough that he had no doubt she wanted him. After what she’d been through though, he wanted to tread lightly.

  “You might have to fill me in a little,” he said, scooting a couple inches closer after about ten minutes had passed. To his surprise, she subtly shifted closer, leaning toward him. But he didn’t want subtle. Taking a chance, he wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

  In response she closed the last few inches between them and laid her head half on his shoulder, half on his chest as he pulled her close. She wrapped an arm around his waist and curled her body into his. The feel of her fingers gliding across his bare skin made him shudder.

  Something warm and peaceful settled in his chest, the rightness of it taking him off guard. For the first time in his life he felt almost calm inside. Being in Margery’s presence had made something primal inside him flare to life, but this was different.

  “His wife died,” she murmured, referring to the current male on the screen. Every few minutes she’d tell him things about the characters until eventually she stopped talking, her head and body completely going lax against him. He didn’t give a damn about the show, only that she was lying in his arms, relaxed and trusting. That surge of protectiveness rose up again, so strong he had to let out a deep breath to release the pressure building in his chest.

  Considering what she’d been through at the hands of vampires—twice now—it said a lot for how much she trusted him to fall asleep in his arms. He knew enough about shifters that her wolf wouldn’t let her guard down unless she felt safe. The knowledge pleased him more than he imagined possible. It also helped solidify his intent to pursue her hard. If her wolf trusted him, he’d already overcome the biggest hurdle because he had no doubt the most female part of her wanted him. He planned to use that to his full advantage.

  Pulling her tighter to him, he turned off the television and closed his eyes. Very soon he was going to have her underneath him, begging for more and shouting his name. He hadn’t thought he was tired, but sleep came fast, taking him under with dreams of a beautiful shifter with big eyes and full, kissable lips.

  Chapter 7

  Margery inhaled Rex’s masculine scent before she forced her eyes open. She wasn’t sure how long they’d been on the couch cuddled together but she guessed it must have been a few hours. She didn’t want to move, but she didn’t think she’d be able to go back to sleep draped across him. The only way she’d do that was if she put some distance between them. Otherwise she was far too tempted to start kissing and licking across his delectable chest. As she started to push up, his arm tightened around her, pulling her closer.

  His eyes opened halfway, heavy-lidded with undeniable hunger as he watched her. “Where are you going?” he murmured, his sexy voice thick with sleep.

  She started to tell him she was headed to bed but realized she didn’t want to go. At least not alone. It had been a long time since she’d been with anyone, but Rex had proved himself to be an honorable male, and he also made her hotter than any male ever had. Considering how at ease her wolf was with him, she decided to make herself completely vulnerable.

  Moving quickly, she clutched his shoulder before she slid a leg over his waist and straddled him. He was already rock hard
in his jeans, his erection pushing insistently at the juncture between her thighs.

  He woke up completely, the lingering sleep fleeing in an instant. The soft glow to his eyes was intense. He watched her carefully as he slid his hands up her thighs. The feel of his hands skating over her bare legs made her shiver. She wanted to feel those long, callused fingers stroking everywhere, wanted to get lost in the pleasure she knew they could find with each other.

  His hands stopped on her hips, flexing around her as if he thought she might try to leave. That definitely wasn’t happening. When he still didn’t say anything, just watched her, she figured she might have to make the first move. Something made her hesitate.

  She’d told him that she didn’t want anything to do with vampires and even though things were different between them now, she wanted to put him at ease. And she really wanted to feel his mouth on her. It didn’t matter that they hadn’t known each other that long, her heart and body knew all they needed to about this male. And their joining was an eventual thing. She felt it bone deep and didn’t see the point in putting off the pleasure when she could take it now. More than anything she wanted her scent all over him, wanted every female to know that this male belonged to her. The possessiveness she experienced rattled her.

  Before she could change her mind she tugged on the hem of her tank top and pulled it over her head. This was the clearest message she could send him.

  The rush of air combined with the heated look he ran over her bare breasts, as if he’d physically caressed them, made her nipples tighten into hard points.

  “I should ask if you’re sure about this, but…I’m a selfish bastard,” he muttered before crushing his mouth to hers.

  The kiss took her off guard as he slanted his head and invaded her mouth with his tongue, moving on her with pure dominance. She clutched at his broad shoulders, her fingers digging into his hard flesh as he flicked his tongue against hers. She teased him right back, loving the give and take to their kiss.

  There was nothing sweet about his kisses, they were demanding and a little unsteady. As if Rex wasn’t quite in control of himself. That was fine with her. She felt out of control too, the need building inside her a wonderful, unexpected and slightly scary thing.

  She rubbed her bare breasts against his chest, shuddering at the feel of her nipples brushing against rock hard muscle. He was pure, ripped perfection. Seeing his naked torso was one thing, but feeling it against hers was heaven.

  As she slid her hands down his muscular chest, tracing her fingers along the hard lines and striations of his powerful body, heat flooded between her thighs. Just feeling his strength made her inner walls tighten and her body light up with a need he had to scent.

  When he groaned into her mouth she dug her fingers into his waist, holding tight to him. He rolled his hips against hers and before she realized what he intended, he’d flipped her onto her back, stretching out on top of her as he continued to stroke his tongue against hers. Anticipation hummed through her, an unsteady erratic lashing against her nerves.

  Gently nipping her bottom lip between his teeth, he pulled back a fraction. “This doesn’t have to go beyond kissing.”

  “I’ll kill you if it doesn’t,” she murmured, wanting everything he had to offer.

  He laughed, the rich sound reverberating through her entire body, making all her nerve endings sing in the most wonderful awareness. “I’m so glad you said that.” He kissed along her jaw, cupping one of her breasts in his hand as he raked his fangs along the column of her neck.

  She shuddered at the feel of his teeth, not out of fear, but a building need. She’d never thought to be turned on by a vampire like this but… “You can drink from me if you want.” She could feel that the poison was gone from her system or she wouldn’t have offered.

  His big body jerked above hers and he drew his head back, looking down at her with bright, glowing eyes. Hers widened at the sight.

  “You’re certain?” His voice was a hoarse whisper.

  She nodded, her nipples tightening even harder. The thought of him drinking from her was impossibly erotic. While she had no experience in that area something told her that Rex would make it very enjoyable. She squeezed her legs around his waist, rolling her hips against him. It was a little embarrassing how wet she was. She wanted her shorts and his jeans off so she could feel him hard and hot right where she needed him most.

  “That turns you on.” It wasn’t exactly a question, that hoarseness still there, as if the truth stunned him.

  It stunned her too, but she knew what she wanted. “What do you think?”

  He was silent for a moment, his jaw tight as he appeared to try to find his voice. “Lift your hips,” he finally demanded.

  She complied immediately as he leaned back, positioned perfectly between her legs. In seconds he’d removed her shorts and panties. The look on his face once she was bared to him made her feel worshipped. As if she was the only woman that mattered. The gleam of his fangs peeking out from his lips made him even hotter.

  She wanted to reach out and touch him, to run her hands over every inch of his delectable body—and she really wanted to strip his pants off—but he looked as if he was walking a knife’s edge of control as he watched her.

  His breathing was raspy and when he lifted one of her legs, he shuddered as he feathered kisses along her inner calf. Taking his time, he kissed and licked a path up one leg, stopping right at her upper thigh. High up, but not high enough to give her what she needed. What she craved. His warm breath teased her sensitive skin, ratcheting her need up higher.

  She rolled her hips, trying to make her impatience known, but he just chuckled wickedly, knowing exactly what he was doing as he started on her other leg. Each time his fangs skimmed her skin, her inner walls clenched. And each time they did, Rex groaned as he scented her need.

  “You’re driving me crazy,” he whispered as he reached the top of her other thigh.

  She wanted to respond but couldn’t get her voice to work. All she could do was tense with anticipation as she waited for him to kiss between her thighs. Thankfully he decided not to tease her any longer.

  When he bent his head between her legs she slid her fingers through his short hair, clutching his head as his tongue flicked out against her clit.

  The stroke was light, barely there and definitely not enough. She groaned in frustration and he let out another one of those wicked-sounding laughs. Her toes curled.

  Spreading her thighs wider to give him more access, the coil of tension inside her snapped when he covered her wet pussy with his mouth. Teasing and stroking, his tongue lashed against her clit as he quickly found the rhythm she needed.

  Without her having to tell him, he seemed to read her body expertly. When he slid two fingers inside her at once she jerked at the unexpected but welcome sensation. He pushed deep then withdrew them, excruciatingly slow, while his tongue continued the intense rhythm against her clit.

  It was maddening and perfect at the same time. Unable to bite back her groan, she let go of any semblance of control. Her place was well insulated but it didn’t matter if anyone heard her. Hell, the entire condo could for all she cared. She wanted everyone to know this male was hers. “Rex.” She repeated his name as he continued pleasuring her. The more she said his name, the more worked up he seemed to get, his teasing strokes growing unsteady. “I’m close.”

  With a growl, he buried his fingers deep inside her and tweaked her clit with his other hand, lightly rubbing the sensitive bundle of nerves between his thumb and forefinger. She arched off the couch at the abrupt action as her climax slammed into her. The surge of pleasure battering all her nerve endings was too much. Her abdomen tightened and all her muscles pulled taut with need as she fell straight into the most perfect orgasm she’d ever experienced.

  The little waves of pleasure kept flowing through her until she fell lax against the couch, her breathing harsh and her heartbeat uneven. “That was amazing.” She’d barely
gotten the words out of her mouth before he’d moved with supernatural speed, covering her lips with his.

  She loved the taste of her own pleasure on Rex’s lips, loved that he was now covered in her scent. Every female would know this male was hers, soothing her inner wolf immensely. Reaching between them she yanked at his jeans, nearly ripping the button out as she tugged it free. He helped her shove them down and off, kicking them free of the couch.

  When he sat up, revealing every inch of himself, her mouth watered. She’d guessed he was big from the erection she’d felt but the sight of him made her lips curve up as she reached for his thick length.

  He might not be a shifter but the male was pure alpha so she knew he’d want to be on top, something that was more than fine with her for now. She wanted to experience everything he had to offer and to give him as much pleasure as he’d given her.

  She wrapped her fingers around his cock. “Soon this is going to be in my mouth,” she promised.

  He let out a savage groan at her words before she guided him to her entrance. Now more than ever she was glad supernatural beings couldn’t carry diseases because she could feel him inside her with no barrier. His gaze was electric, giving her no doubt how much he wanted her as he slid deep inside her. The sensation of being filled by him stole her breath.

  She held his face, pulling him down to her as he began thrusting hard. Their mouths clashed at the same pace as their bodies, harsh and primal. Each time he slammed into her, she moaned at the sensation.

  It had been too long since she’d found release with someone and her body was beyond primed for another orgasm. But not just anyone would make her react this way.

  As Rex tore his mouth from hers and raked his fangs against the pulse point in her throat, everything inside her turned molten.

  “Drink,” she demanded, fingers clenching his hair.

  He didn’t pause or ask if she was sure, just struck her vein sharp and fast. A shot of pure pleasure slammed through her at the sensation of his fangs sinking into her. When he started sucking, she lost complete control, her body going into a freefall as another, harder climax rippled through her.


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