“the next best thing”: Noonan, “General John O’Neill,” 283.
“I shall continue at it”: Frontier, July 24, 1924.
“devoted to the cause”: O’Neill, Northern Nebraska as a Home for Immigrants, 4.
“I had a double object”: Noonan, “General John O’Neill,” 317–18.
“The prairies are wide”: Frontier, July 24, 1924.
“the mere framework”: Roche, Life of John Boyle O’Reilly, 175.
With Bernard Doran Killian: New York Herald, Feb. 7, 1877; Irish-American, Feb. 17, 1877.
“He was not merely”: Roche, Life of John Boyle O’Reilly, 175.
Fenian hands lowered: Irish-American, March 24, 1877.
The workload took a toll: Omaha Daily Herald, Jan. 9, 1878.
Following Mary Ann’s departure: McCulloh, Piece of Emerald, 6.
He passed away: Omaha Daily Herald, Jan. 8, 1878.
“Leave him in Omaha”: Noonan, “Characterization of General John O’Neill,” iii.
“In our short-sighted human judgement”: Irish-American, Jan. 19, 1878.
On Palm Sunday: Ramón, Provisional Dictator, 246.
In fading daylight: Times (London), April 1, 1901.
“If we ever hope”: Nation, March 3, 1877.
“Ireland’s opportunity will come”: Schmuhl, Ireland’s Exiled Children, 19.
“Rossa dead. What shall we do?”: Golway, Irish Rebel, 207.
The Fenians bombed a pub: Burleigh, Blood and Rage, 17.
began to call “O’Dynamite Rossa”: St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Oct. 25, 1877.
When Queen Victoria injured herself: Idaho Semi-weekly World, May 4, 1883.
“on behalf of a new generation”: McIntire, Speeches in World History, 299–300.
“In the name of God”: Golway, Irish Rebel, 228.
Devoy estimated that Clan na Gael: Devoy, Recollections of an Irish Rebel, 392–93.
In addition, five of the seven signatories: Schmuhl, Ireland’s Exiled Children, 20.
The last man out: Ibid., 149.
The Easter Rising claimed: Ibid., 5–6.
“All changed, changed utterly”: Yeats, “Easter, 1916,” and Other Poems, 53.
When de Valera became: Kostick, Easter Rising, 69.
De Valera made a waxed impression: Santos, “Greatest Escape from Lincoln Prison.”
On the lam, de Valera became: Schmuhl, Ireland’s Exiled Children, 129.
Much as Stephens had done: Coogan, Eamon de Valera, 148–49.
When he arrived in Omaha: Omaha Daily Bee, Aug. 12, 1895.
“shrine of the Fenians”: Omaha World Herald, Jan. 14, 1900.
Adorned with swords: Omaha Daily Bee, Feb. 19, 1911.
The report turned out to be: Inter Ocean, May 13, 1900; Williams, Call in Pinkerton’s, 57.
De Valera stepped forward: Omaha Daily Bee, Oct. 29, 1919.
“The Fenian Brotherhood”: Omaha World Herald, Oct. 29, 1919.
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