Book Read Free

Alien Research

Page 41

by Gini Koch

  “I can provide an old KGB code that will absolutely gain her attention.”

  “Boo-yah, you rock. Mahin, what’s Russell’s power? Does he have any?”

  She shook her head. “I don’t know. I didn’t see any example of talent or power from him. But everyone acted as though he was very important.”

  “He is and was. He was the key to getting the world’s best hacker on their side.”

  “What are you planning to do with him?” Jeff asked.

  “Honestly? Something I’ll only discuss with Mom, Chuckie, Kevin, Malcolm, Olga, and Uncle Mort.”

  Jeff stared at me. “And why is that?”

  “Because you’ll be too busy with Tito, working to finalize the identification process of the Yates Gene.”


  “IT’S GOING TO TAKE MORE THAN A DAY, Kitty,” Tito said.

  “I know. But you guys need to get started. And we need to prep for our commando raid, and the rest of you need to prep for the funeral. So, off you go.”

  “I’m not letting you do whatever without me,” Jeff said firmly.

  Mom rolled her eyes. “Let me make this easier for you, Jeff. I know exactly what to do with the prisoner we have, and I don’t need anyone other than Olga and Mort.”

  “Works for me.” It did. I was sure that Mom wasn’t going to be against doing terrible things to Kozlow if it was needed, and after all that had happened, most of it due to Chernobog working with our enemies, I was more than happy to have her bring out the Zippo lighters and trained rats. However, Jeff was never pro this kind of thing. “You want to take some Poofs with you?” Hey, the Poofs were with me on the Tough Interrogation side of the house.

  Mom snorted. “Thank you, but no. I’m good.”

  “The best,” Kevin said loyally. Buchanan and Chuckie nodded. All the rest of the men in the room nodded and added in Mom-based atta girls as well.

  Uncle Mort laughed. “You have your boys trained well, Angela.”

  “I learned how to keep the troops in line from you, Mort.”

  “The love in the room is awesome. Mom, can we scatter?”

  “Everyone but you, kitten, yes. My team, I expect you back in ten.” Jeff opened his mouth, to protest, most likely, but Mom put up her hand. “I need my daughter for five minutes, Jeff. You can handle the separation.”

  Jeff closed his mouth and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. “I can’t feel anyone because Chuck brought those blockers. So promise me you’ll let me know before you run off again.”

  “I promise.”

  “If only I believed you.” Jeff kissed my cheek again, then he ushered out any stragglers and closed the door after Uncle Mort wheeled Olga out, accompanied by Adriana. The room went from packed to almost empty in a matter of moments.

  Mom turned off the video conference. “We’ll get what we can out of Kozlow and Chernobog, but that can take time. You’re rolling a huge con and an infiltration at the same time, and I can guarantee something’s going to go wrong. So, what’s the backup plan?”

  “I plan to not need a backup plan.”

  Mom shook her head. “You’re going into a part of Gaultier that your hacker team, Amy, and three A-Cs couldn’t find. How are you even planning to get in?”

  “I found the secret gate that’s in the Embassy.” Brought Mom up to speed on the gate and my plan. “So, I know Amy has the blueprints of the Gaultier building that we lifted because she had Stryker print them out. Based on how Gladys got us to Guantanamo, I think I can just have a room that’s on one of the secret levels in my mind and get us there.”

  “But you aren’t sure, and you weren’t able to test this gate in a real situation fully,” Mom said when I finished. “You got to Guantanamo using it, but you didn’t get out using it. And you were in far less danger in Cuba than you will be going into Gaultier. So, what’s the backup?”

  “Call for a floater gate.”

  “And what if that doesn’t work?”

  Considered this. “Blast our way out?”

  She sighed. “It’s a time honored way to fail, I’ll give you that.”

  “Thanks for the confidence boost, Mom. It worked for Han, Luke, and Chewie.”

  “They ended up in the garbage, I’d like you to recall. Which is fitting because I think you’re going to have company at Gaultier far sooner than you’re expecting you will.”

  “But we have that super speed and all that. It works really well for sneaking about.”

  “Yes, but even if we ignore the fact that there will inevitably be security personnel and measures you’re not prepared for, fast or not, somewhere along the line someone’s going to figure out Francine is not you. The moment that’s discovered, there will be nothing Amy can do to keep anyone from Gaultier at Michael’s funeral. And it will be discovered.”

  “Everyone’s been practicing, and our body doubles are fooling our own husbands.”

  “That’s nice. Has anyone considered the fact that there will be people in attendance who know you well but who are not part of the real inner circle? People like Nathalie Brewer and Vance Beaumont? Both of whom are going to expect to be comforting you. Both of whom know you well enough to blow Francine’s cover without trying or meaning to. And neither of whom are trustworthy enough to allow in on this plan.”

  Hadn’t thought of this particular wrinkle. Damn. Knew why Mom was in the position she was—if I was the President I’d want her covering my butt, too. “Ah, boo-yah denied. No, you got me on this one, Mom. But they’re trustworthy. Nathalie probably more than Vance, but still.”

  “Kitten, no they’re not. Any more than your friends at the Bahraini and Israeli Embassies can be told. People talk. They tell a ‘secret’ to the wrong person. You have too many people who know about this raid already. Commando raids only work when only a handful know when and where a small team is going. You have a small commando team, but a huge distraction team, and someone somewhere is going to blow your cover.”

  “So, what do you suggest?”

  Mom gave me a long, appraising look. “Do you want the recommendation from your mother or from the head of the P.T.C.U.?”

  Interesting question. “I’d like to hear both.”

  “Fine. As your mother, go to bed, call off the raid, call off the subterfuge, handle Gaultier another way, go to Michael’s funeral and regroup.”

  “Okay, what’s the head of the P.T.C.U.’s suggestion?”

  “Slip everyone’s husband a mickey and go tonight.”

  Let that sit on the air for a few moments. “So, that’s why you had Chuckie bring the emotional blockers he found on the prisoners into the Embassy.”

  Mom smiled. “I have no idea why Eddy and the others think you’re an idiot.”

  “Protective coloration.”

  “Yes, Charles has explained that theory to me.”

  “Speaking of which and whom, I think I’d prefer if you demanded that the men all help you with prisoner interrogation. Chuckie, Jeff, and Christopher are already expecting to go to that with you anyway. You can have the flyboys along for added muscle, which would get Joe and Randy out of the way. Maybe tell Brian you want him with you to add the pathos and rage of the best friend spin to the fun, in case it’s needed.”

  “Drugging them is easier.”

  “But it’s so Bad Guy Move. I’d rather try it the Good Guy Way. At least for this.”

  “If you insist. However, if you’re going to do the raid, either tonight or during the funeral, then I strongly suggest you leave Naomi and Abigail Gower at the Embassy.”


  “Naomi was already given the new drug, meaning it’s working on her. She said herself that some of her power is back, even though it’s just a small amount. If you’re actually successful, you’re going to find that drug. Evander Horn is hoping you’ll find all of it, and if you do, that’s going to mean more drugs in one place than I honestly believe you can imagine. An entire candy store filled with free sweets is a hard thin
g for a sugar addict to avoid.”

  “Abigail didn’t get shot up.”

  “She’s got her sister’s example, though. They’re close. It wouldn’t be hard to believe Naomi could convince Abigail to try the drug, too.”

  “I don’t think she would, Mom. Naomi was given one dose and it was flushed out of her almost immediately. Could she really become addicted that quickly?”

  “Ask Christopher how fast he was addicted. To a less virulent form of this drug, I might add.”

  The door opened and, speak of the devil, Naomi came in. Awkward.

  “You’re right, Angela, my powers are back somewhat. And the emotional blocker doesn’t work on me. I know why you’re worried, and I understand that. But I want you to know that I would never do something to harm my sister, let alone anyone else I love.”

  “No addict believes they’re harming anyone,” Mom said calmly. “That doesn’t mean they aren’t, just that they don’t see it. Usually until it’s too late.”

  Naomi shook her head. “I’m not addicted. And I’ve seen the ground we have to cover—Kitty needs our help. They murdered my brother and gave my aunt the feeling she needed to die to protect us. I want this stopped before more lives are lost and families irreparably damaged.”

  “Then stay here and run interference with the husbands,” Mom suggested.

  “No. Kitty needs us, so we’re going. Period. And you’re not my mother, so don’t think that you can tell me what to do. Like Kitty, I was raised to think for myself and to do what I know is right. And I know this is right.”

  Mom didn’t look convinced. But all she did was shrug. “Believe me, Naomi, I’d love to be proven wrong about this. So, you remember that I’m expecting you to come back and show me that I was wrong. Because I don’t want to have to say ‘I told you so.’ I’ll say it if I have to, but I’m not looking forward to it.”

  Naomi grinned. “I look forward to proving you wrong, Angela.”

  “Great, we’re all good to go, then. Mom, any suggestions for how I get the word to my team, three of whom are, like me, mothers of small children, that they’re going out tonight without their family’s knowledge without triggering suspicion in either Jeff or Chuckie? And don’t say ‘send them a text’ because that will just mean it’s the one night everyone’s husband reads their texts for whatever reason.”

  “So, you’re set on doing the raid?”

  “Did you seriously think I wouldn’t be?”

  She smiled. “No. I know you. I’ll take the men with me in an hour or so. That will give you time to grab your team. Have the children brought over to your apartment. Your father will enjoy watching the boys and Jamie enjoys bossing them around.”

  “Really? I’ve never seen her do that.”

  “She does,” Naomi confirmed. “She’s definitely her mother’s daughter.”

  Mom laughed. “True enough.”

  “I feel the love.”

  “Speaking of which, if any of them don’t sound enthusiastic about going, leave them and have them cover for you here. They need to be at least as determined to go as Naomi is or you don’t want them along.”

  “What about the Princesses?” We were going into battle. There was no way Rahmi and Rhee wouldn’t be enthusiastic beyond belief.

  “They’re doing a ritual to honor Gladys,” Naomi said. “And Rhee told me the higher ranking the warrior the longer it takes, so for Gladys it’s going to take hours.”

  Unless of course they were doing a religious ritual for a fallen female warrior, and then, maybe not. “Ah. Then I don’t know if we want to interrupt them.”

  “No, we don’t,” Mom said. “And it would be wise to have them watching Mahin, just in case. I’ll use my ‘warrior status’ and leave them instructions for when they’re done, but I agree with Naomi—this is not the time to interrupt them, chances for glorious victory or the honor of noble defeat or not.” Mom’s sarcasm knob went well past eleven.

  “Works for me. How are you going to explain why Malcolm isn’t with you and the other men?”

  “Simple. I’m going to tell your still jealous but hiding it so much better husband that I was furious that Malcolm had let you go to Cuba without him, and he’s assigned to literally sleep outside your door.”

  “Mom, that’s mean. Jeff’s upset enough.”

  “True. But I already told Malcolm he was to stay in the Embassy for at least the next week, so I’ll share that with Jeff. If you’re here, so is Malcolm. I know he’s clear about that.”

  “I don’t have my Glock any more.”

  Mom sighed. “I’ll make sure I leave one for you in your room.”

  “You rock, Mom, thanks.”

  Mom stood up, so presumably this meeting was over. Naomi was already standing so I joined the club. Mom gave me one of her breath-stopping bear hugs. “Be careful, kitten,” she said quietly. “For every successful capture of Osama Bin Laden there’s an Iran Hostage Crisis. And many times, which place in history you end up in is determined by the blink of an eye, a split second decision, or whether or not a small piece of equipment does or doesn’t work.”

  Hugged her back. “I’ll do my best, Mom, I promise.”

  She kissed my head. “I know you will, Kitty. That’s why I’m letting you go. And I’m your backup plan. If you can’t get out, you find a way to let me know. And I’ll get you out.”

  “You got it, Mom.”

  “Great. Now, you two go lie to your husbands. Naomi, it’ll be a little more challenging for you, but, trust me, men are easy to fool. Just focus them on food, sports, or sex, and you’ll be fine.”

  Naomi and I exchanged a glance. “I know which one I’m voting for,” she said.

  “And with my mom’s permission and everything. Boo-yah reinstated.”


  WE DECIDED THAT NAOMI would tell her sister what was going on, and then Abigail would play Post Office and tell the other girls what was going on. We included Amy in this, since we needed the blueprints and, if we were going tonight, she could go along if she was properly thrilled and enthusiastic up to Mom’s standards.

  Mom would advise Buchanan, who would be assigned to alert Adriana. In this way, the two of us with the husbands most likely to catch on would be essentially clear and free and out of it, and Naomi wouldn’t have to try to lie to Chuckie about what was going on, because she could truthfully say she just wanted to talk to her sister to ensure they had couple time.

  Finding Jeff wasn’t difficult—he was lurking down the hall from the conference room. “What did your mother need to say to you?” Showing that he wasn’t an idiot, either, he sounded worried and suspicious.

  “Girl stuff.” Nudged up against him. “Along the lines of us maybe doing something to take our minds off of all the bad stuff that’s been happening.”

  Jeff brightened up. “I have the best mother-in-law in the world.”

  “True enough. I think Mom’s planning on doing prisoner interrogation soon, and that means taking you with her.”

  Jeff’s eyes drooped a little and he got the “jungle cat about to eat me” look on his face. “Then we’d better take care of our much more important business right away.”

  Excellent. The finding and the convincing were handled and I could at least look forward to some happy times in the very near future. However, where to go to do the deed was a problem. Dad and Jamie were upstairs, meaning that if we went upstairs, sex was going to be the last thing we were having.

  Sure, I was the Chief of Mission, but us “taking a guest room” in either the Embassy or the Zoo was going to raise some questions, and I just didn’t feel like essentially broadcasting that we were going to go have sex to the entire complex. Same with sneaking into any rooms in the complex—if we did, the odds went up to 100% that someone would walk in on us.

  The basement and tunnels were out. Not only were there cameras in the tunnels, doing it in the basement wasn’t sexy so much as nerve-wracking, because a part of me didn’t
trust that something horrible wasn’t going to come up from the tunnels and attack.

  Leaving the Embassy complex was out for a variety of reasons. And on and on.

  As I saw it, this left us only two options. “So, do we go for the location that keeps on giving and lock down one of the elevators, or do we sneak down to the garage and do it in the back of one of the limos?”

  Jeff considered. “I don’t want to have to use hyperspeed.” He grinned. “I’m not against it, but I don’t want to be limited.”

  “Oooh, I like where your head’s at. Garage it is.”

  Jeff took my hand and we zipped to the stairs leading down to the underground garage. For a race of people who couldn’t handle human machinery like cars and planes because their reflexes were actually too good, the A-Cs sure had a lot of nice cars and planes. It was one of the many perks of being a part of American Centaurion, and none of the humans ever complained.

  My Lexus IS 300 was here now. I rarely if ever got to drive it, but I wanted it at hand in case I had the time. I loved that car. However, its backseat was not made for sexy times, at least not with a guy as big as Jeff.

  We picked a limo without a baby seat in it, Jeff got in the back, and I plugged in my iPod. Put on Jewel’s 0304 album. It was actually her more rocking album, at least for Jewel, meaning not rocking to anyone but Jewel fans. But I liked it, and it was great background music for doing the deed since at least half the songs on it were about being in and making love.

  “Mmmm, I’m glad you put on the skirt when you changed,” Jeff purred, as I joined him in the backseat and “Run 2 U” came on. He was already lying back and had his jacket and tie off. He pulled me over so I was straddling him then shoved the skirt up slowly, running his fingers over my thighs as he did so.

  This caused me to grind against him, just to get comfortable and all. It was very comfortable, especially since I could tell he was definitely ready to go.

  His hands slid up my body, then he slowly and sexily unbuttoned my shirt while I moved in time with the music and resisted the strong urge to beg him to go faster. Once my shirt was finally open, he ran his fingertips over my exposed skin. By now I was ready to go, and his touch sent tingles through my body.


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