Book Read Free

Break Free

Page 11

by Amber Garza

  With trembling fingers, I put the photo back. When I turned around, Edgar was staring at me as if he knew what I was doing. I felt guilty, squirming under his open gaze. Then I came to my senses. I was being crazy. He was a dog. He didn’t know anything.

  The sound of tires crunching over gravel caught my attention. Kyler was home. Edgar raced down the hallway, his paws clicking on the hardwood floors. I made sure the photo and ring were exactly where I found them. Then I hurried down the hallway and into the family room. Heart racing, I sat down on the couch and attempted to look as nonchalant as possible. The door swung open and Kyler entered holding a bag of groceries in his arm. My heart leapt at the sight of him, and I mentally scolded myself. After what I’d discovered, I was surprised he still had that effect on me. When he flashed me a smile, my lips curled up at the edges as if they had a mind of their own. Edgar barked and jumped up on Kyler, pawing at his legs. Dammit, neither one of us could control ourselves around this guy.

  I cleared my throat and stood. “Are there more bags in the car?”

  He nodded.

  “I’ll help.” With my head down, I hurried past him.

  Before I could make it outside, his hand darted out and gently touched my arm. “Hey, you alright?”

  “Yeah. Fine,” I forced the lie from my throat.

  “Okay.” His hand slipped from my arm, his expression pensive.

  I felt him watching me as I walked toward the truck, but I didn’t dare turn around. A breeze kicked up a swirl of dirt, and I batted it away with my hand. Goosebumps rose on my flesh from the cold air. When I got to the truck, I grabbed a bag out of the back. A carton of ice cream was visible inside. I wrapped my arms around the bag, staring down at the carton that Kyler had bought for me. My one request.

  “I hope you like that kind.” Kyler’s voice startled me. My head bobbed up as Kyler reached around me to grab another bag, his arm brushing mine.

  “I do,” I said, my gaze darting to the ground.

  As we walked toward the house, he nudged me with his hip. “We can break open that ice cream now if you’d like.”

  All I wanted to do was banter back with him, to slip back into our easy rhythm, but then the picture of him with that other woman surfaced in my mind. I moved faster, passing him up. My skin crawled where his hip had touched me. Once inside the house, I set the bag on the counter. When I turned around, I walked straight into Kyler’s chest. He’d already set his bag down on the ground by his feet. His arms circled my waist. I hated the way my body responded to his touch even when my mind was so angry with him.

  “Why are you in such a hurry?” He drew me close, trailing his lips over my forehead.

  “We should get the groceries put away.”

  “You sure you’re okay?” His brow furrowed as he studied my face.

  I nodded, afraid to speak. It was taking all my willpower to keep my arms pinned to my sides. My fingers longed to touch him.

  “The groceries can wait.” He lowered his head, his nose rubbing over the skin on my unscarred cheek. “What did you and Edgar do while I was gone?” I felt every word as hot air met my flesh.

  “Nothing much.”

  “Did you miss me?” He asked, a teasing lilt in his voice.

  Yes. So much it scared me. “Why? Did you miss me?” I joked back, raising a brow.

  “Maybe,” He murmured, his breath so hot against my skin it caused me to shiver.

  His lips found mine and locked over them. I wanted to push him away, to demand an answer about the ring and the woman in the photo. But as his tongue softly parted my lips and his hands skimmed my flesh, my mind went blank. The urgency I felt moments before disappeared. All thoughts of the photo and ring were abandoned in his room where they belonged. The past should stay in the past. I’d left mine behind, so shouldn’t I allow Kyler to do the same? Whoever Justine was, she wasn’t here now. I was. And Kyler was holding me in his arms and kissing me in a way that I never wanted to end. There was no way I would ruin that by admitting that I’d snooped in his room. I would forget what I saw, erase it from my mind. Bringing my arms up, I curled them around his neck, fingering the bottom of his hair. As my mouth moved in sync with his, Kyler’s grip on my waist tightened. His kiss became more intense, his heartbeat faster as it pounded beneath mine. Dizzy, I held on to him with fervency, and he did the same, his fingers digging into the flesh of my waist.

  “I don’t think I need dessert now,” Kyler said breathlessly when we stopped.

  I dropped my forehead to his, and exhaled.

  Edgar barked. Glancing down at the crazed dog, I smiled and drew back from Kyler. I let my hands slide from his neck and fall to my sides. “I need to get this guy outside. He’s been cooped up in the house all day.”

  Kyler brushed a strand of hair from my face. “I’ll put away the groceries while you take him out.”

  I nodded, maneuvering around Kyler. The minute I opened the front door, Edgar tore out of the house as if he’d never been outside before. I laughed, watching him race through the tall grass. He leapt and bounced, his tail wagging. Hugging myself, I stood under the awning of the house. Dark clouds hung in the sky, dark and menacing. My fingers were ice cold as I rubbed them on my arms. It was a good thing I brought Edgar out now, because it looked like it would rain any minute. Behind me I could hear the door opening. I peered over my shoulder as Kyler stepped outside.

  My jacket was in his hand, and he held it out to me. “You look like you could use this.”

  “Thanks.” I snatched the jacket from his fingers and put it on. However, the thin fabric did little to warm me up, and my teeth chattered.

  “C’mere.” Kyler opened his arms, and I gratefully stepped into them.

  “I thought you were putting away the groceries.” I rested my head on his chest, his cotton shirt rustling beneath my cheek.

  “Groceries can wait. This couldn’t.”

  I nestled into him as I watched Edgar playing in the yard. With Kyler’s arms around me, I forgot about the groceries melting on the counter, about the ring on his dresser and the photo hidden in his drawer. It was just me and Kyler suspended in this perfect moment. And everything was right in my world.

  It was raining again. Water slid down the window, streaking it like splatters of paint. Light shone through it as it beaded on the glass, shimmery and iridescent. I sat on the couch in my flannel pajamas, a warm plaid blanket draped over my legs. The scent of chamomile wafted from the mug of tea on the end table beside me. Kyler sat on the other side of me wearing nothing but his boxers and t-shirt. A book was open in his lap, and his legs were propped up on the coffee table. His hair was disheveled, and his glasses perched on the end of his nose as he stared down at his book.

  I opened The Yellow String to the page I left off on and started reading.

  Despite all of my protestations she was going out with him again. He showed up at her house, a large bouquet of blood red roses in his hands. When she took them I saw the evil glint in his eyes. I knew exactly what he had planned for tonight, and it caused my chest to tighten.

  Thunder clapped, and I flinched involuntarily.

  Kyler’s hand rested on my thigh, and I mentally chastised myself for being so fearful.

  He glanced over, his gaze flickering down to my lap. “You’re almost finished.”

  “It’s a good book.”

  He smiled, squeezing my leg before returning his attention back to what he was reading. As difficult as it was to focus on my book with his hand on my leg, I forced myself to keep going. Besides, I wanted to know what was going to happen to Clara.

  When he smiled at her, I knew what she saw – a row of gleaming white teeth. But I saw what was really there. Sharp fangs. And when he took off his hat she saw his perfectly styled brown hair, but what she failed to notice were the horns protruding from his head. He may have had her fooled, but not me. I could see through his façade. I could see the evil that resided in his heart, the cruel intentions written acro
ss his face, and the sickness in his eyes.

  She invited him inside her home. My heart clattered in my chest when she closed the door. Frantically I ran to the window, but the curtains closed in my face. I tried the doorknob, but it was locked. How would I protect her now?

  I sat on the front porch, wondering what was happening inside. Would she welcome him into her room, into her bed? It was all too much to take. With my head in my hands, I groaned. A scream pierced my ears, making my blood run cold. I raced toward the sound. It was coming from the back of the house.

  When I reached her bedroom window, I peeked through the slit in the curtain. It was hard to see anything at first, but then I saw them. Pounding on the window, I tried to get their attention, to make him stop. But it was too late. Her eyes bulged, her mouth dropped open, and then her body went slack against him. I sank to my knees in the wet grass. It stained my slacks bright green. Angry, I clawed at the mud and dirt until my fingers bled. Black dirt caked under my nails, mixing with the blood. If only she’d listened to me. If only.

  But now she was gone.

  “What?” Stunned, I turned to Kyler. “He killed her?”

  He blinked at me behind the lenses of his glasses. Flashing me an apologetic smile, he shrugged. “Sorry. I don’t usually write happily ever afters.”

  “Yeah, I sorta got that impression.” I nodded toward the horror novel in his hands. “So, Robert was right all along, huh? The other man was bad news.”

  Kyler nodded, taking off his glasses.

  “Why did Clara like him so much then? Couldn’t she tell he was evil?”

  “I think sometimes people believe what they want to.” He rolled the glasses between his fingers. “The man was a good actor, and Clara liked him. He was charming and good looking. Deep down she may have had her doubts, but she wanted to believe the best about him.”

  “So she ignored her gut and hoped for the best, huh?” I bit my lip. “Didn’t work out so well for her.”

  “No, I suppose it didn’t.” Kyler smirked.

  “There’s one thing that doesn’t make sense to me.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Why didn’t Robert save her? I mean, he was there and he knew what would happen. Throughout the entire book he professed his love to her, and he kept saying over and over again that he wouldn’t let this man hurt her. But then he did.”

  “Ultimately Clara made her choice.”

  “So that’s it, then? She chose wrong and so she had to suffer the consequences?”

  “Isn’t that how life is, Jade? It’s our choices that have power. Other people can do things to us, good and bad, but at the end of the day it’s our own choices that make or break us.”


  The sun made an appearance today, the cloudless sky awash in blue. I took advantage of it, spending most of the afternoon outside roaming the property with Edgar. Kyler had hardly said two words to me all day, since he was so intent on the scenes he was writing. It heightened my curiosity. Edgar ran near my heels as we headed back to the house. I opened the front door and ushered Edgar inside. Kyler sat at his desk typing swiftly, letters appearing on the screen faster than I would be able to read them. Not that I could see anything from this far away. I wish. He still hadn’t even given me a hint at what he was working on.

  I closed the door securely behind us and stepped inside. The windows were open, the scent of flowers filling the room. A light breeze blew over me. Picking up the plaid blanket that was tossed over the couch cushions, I folded it. “So, are you busy killing off a character in this book too?”

  Kyler’s fingers slid from the keyboard and he whirled around in his chair to face me. “You’re still mad about Clara’s death, I take it.”

  I dropped the blanket on the couch and crossed my arms over my chest. “She didn’t die. You killed her.”

  “Well, technically it wasn’t me who killed her.”

  I narrowed my eyes. “Uh… technically it was. You wrote it.”

  He chuckled, opening his arms. “C’mere.”

  Slowly, I walked toward him. Before I could reach him, he clicked out of his document and the home screen came up. My stomach knotted. Once I stood in front of him, he patted his thigh. I lowered myself into his lap, and his arms came around my waist, his chin resting on my shoulder. “How can I make it up to you, Jade?”

  A crazy idea popped into my mind. “You could write me a story.”

  His eyes widened. “What do you mean?”

  I smiled, the idea exciting me. “Like an alternate ending.”

  He grinned, his face softening. “Oh, I see. One where Clara lives.” His fingers brushed over mine as I fidgeted with them in my lap. “Would that make you happy?”

  Pressing my lips together, I nodded.

  “Okay. It’s a deal.”


  “Really.” Kyler kissed my shoulder. “But first you have to finish the original ending.”

  “I’m afraid to.” I frowned.


  “What if you kill off more people?” A hand flew to my mouth. “Oh, my god. What if you kill off Robert?”

  A look of bemusement cloaked Kyler’s face. “I thought you didn’t like Robert.”

  “That was before I found out he’d been right all along.”

  “I see.” His fingers closed around mine. “Well, you may change your mind about that alternate ending once you finish the book. So, read the rest and then let me know if you still want me to write it for you.”

  “Fine, but I doubt I’ll change my mind.” Another breeze filtered in through the window, causing the papers on Kyler’s desk to flutter.

  “We’ll see.” There was a knowing gleam in Kyler’s eyes, and it made me want to go read the damn book right now.

  Kyler pointed over my shoulder. “It looks like you wore Edar out.”

  Edgar was curled up on the ground near the couch taking a nap.

  “Ah, the life of a dog.” I sighed.

  “Why don’t you take a break? I’m going to be busy here for awhile, and the house is pretty clean.”

  “Are you saying what I think you’re saying?” I cocked an eyebrow.

  “You can go finish the book, Jade.”

  Grinning, I hopped off his lap and headed to my room. Before I even reached my doorway I heard the hum of the computer and the sound of Kyler’s fingers tapping on the keyboard. I envied his ability to escape like that, to live in his mind, to create people and places out of thin air. My book was lying face down on the nightstand, open to the last place I’d read. Not wanting to bother Kyler, I grabbed the book and climbed up on my bed. It creaked and moaned as I got situated. After stretching my legs out over the comforter, I set the book in my lap and rested my back against the headboard.

  I trudged home, mourning the death of the woman I loved. The bitter cold bit at my fingers, stung my cheeks. My nose felt like ice, and my body numbed. But none of it mattered. Not without Clara in the world. The vision of her bulging eyes, open and vacant, taunted me. It played over and over in my mind like a broken record. I tore at my clothes, ripping my sleeves, as anger poisoned me. How could he kill her? How could he take her away from me?

  When I reached my house, I cried out in agony and beat my chest. My anger and sadness had turned me primal. I was no longer man, but a beast. A beast with claws and scissor-like teeth, with a heart of stone. The inside of my house looked exactly like I’d left it, which didn’t seem right. How could it appear so serene in here when my life had been torn apart? Growling, I knocked over my favorite chair. The whole house quaked as it tumbled over my decorative rug with the gold edges. I batted at the lamp on the end table and it crashed to the floor, the lightbulb breaking on impact. Pieces of it shattered across the floor. Taking off my shoes, I walked across it, allowing the shards to cut the bottom of my feet, to imbed into my flesh. Pain is what I deserved.

  It was because of me that she died.

  He always destroyed the thin
gs that mattered to me.

  He’d been doing it for years.

  With my bloodied feet, I walked to my room. My reflection appeared in the mirror above my dresser. Blood stained my face from where her fingers clawed at me. I was missing the top button where she had yanked on my shirt. Reaching into my pocket, I pulled out the yellow string, remembering how it had choked the life out of her. I tossed it onto the dresser and glanced back up.

  He stared back at me with a triumphant grin.

  “You!” I screamed, slamming my fist into his face. “You killed her!” The mirror cracked under my knuckles. When I drew my hand back he was still there in the fragmented pieces.

  I could never get rid of him.

  He was always there.

  I closed the book, my heart pounding. Sliding down from the bed, my bare feet hit the hardwood floor. Leaving the book, I scurried out to the family room. Kyler was exactly where I left him.

  When he saw me approach he glanced up. “By the look on your face, I’m assuming you finished?”

  “It was him. Robert. He killed her.”

  “Technically, yes.” Kyler minimized his document and turned to face me.

  “That’s why neither of them ever said what the stranger’s name was. It all makes sense now.” I leaned against the wall, still in awe. “This may be the first story I’ve ever read that completely caught me off guard. I seriously had no idea it would end like that.”

  “Is that a compliment?” Kyler raised his brows.


  He stood, snatching up my hand.

  “Although I am curious about one thing.” I peered up at him.

  “Oh yeah? And what’s that?”


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