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Lady In Disguise (The Langley Sisters)

Page 24

by Vella, Wendy

  “We… this,” Livvy said, pointing to him and then back to her. “Cannot go on.”

  “Why can this not go on?”

  “There are things I can’t explain that will not allow this…” Livvy said, casting about for the words that needed to be said and coming up short.

  “This will happen, my love, never doubt that,” he added, brushing a curl off her cheek. “But now, Olivia, I want you listen very carefully to what I am about to say to you and I expect you to obey every word.”

  “I have no wish to obey your words.”

  “You don’t know what they are yet.” He touched her cheek. “Do not leave this house again at night because I shall know,” he added, clasping her chin.

  “I do not answer to you.” Livvy pulled free of his touch.

  “In this you do, my love.”

  Livvy watched him open the door and in seconds he was gone.


  Livvy woke early on the morning of the Derby, she was both nervous and anxious for the race to start so it would finish and she could collect her money and get back to Willow Hall to decide what to do with her family’s future. The Langley sisters had talked long and hard about what they would do tomorrow, as this was the chosen date for their final decision due to their cousin’s arrival the following day. They had left things till the last minute because of the Derby and the much needed prize money, and were hopeful that Lord Langley would not arrive early because Jenny had muttered something about poisoning him if he did.

  “You’re awake,” Phoebe said, poking her head around the door and seeing Livvy sitting up in bed.

  “Yes, and contemplating our futures.”

  “There are still only the two options open to us,” Phoebe said, lifting the blankets and slipping in beside her sister. “Well, three actually if you take into account Jenny’s idea of poisoning him, which sits comfortably with me, however I know you won’t choose that option.”


  “All right so we either flee or kidnap him.”

  “You make the choices sound simple, sister,” Livvy said, resting her head on Phoebe’s shoulder.

  “Whatever we chose to do, Livvy, we will do it together,” Phoebe said. “We have stored everything we want Jenny to hide in the barn and Jaccob will come and get it tomorrow if we chose to run.”

  “All three of us will make the final decision tonight, Phoebe, no matter if I win or lose the Derby. I have counted our coins and there is enough to see us to Scotland if that is our course and between us we shall come up with a plausible story of why we are there.”

  “I’ve been thinking about that, Livvy, perhaps we should call on Mr and Mrs Munford, I’m sure they will help us.”

  “Perhaps, but how do you discount my non-pregnant state and lack of husband?”

  “Yes, that could be a problem,” Phoebe mused. “I think if we said he had beaten you and you had lost the child and we were on the run that they would believe you.”

  Livvy snorted. “We shall think about it tonight, sister, but now I must rise and eat something or I shall not be fit to ride Harvey. We shall enjoy today with the people who have been a part of our lives for so long and worry about the future later.”

  “All right, Jenny has your clothes cleaned and boots polished, so hurry and dress and I shall see you downstairs,” Phoebe planted a smacking kiss on Livvy’s head before climbing out of bed.

  Livvy washed and dressed and then plaited her hair so it rested between her shoulder blades. Pinching her pale cheeks she then forced a smile onto her stiff lips and left the room.

  Jenny placed a heaped plate of food in front of her as she sat at the table and Livvy tried to not to think about this being her family’s second to last breakfast in the only house she had ever lived in. There was no time for sentiment now; they all knew what must be done.

  “Are they comfortable?”

  Bella was looking down at the breeches Jenny had altered for her. They had been Jaccob’s.

  “Yes, very much so, it’s amazing how much freedom they give you compared to skirts.”

  “Well,” the housekeeper snorted. “I think that is enough on that subject as it is not likely that women will ever walk freely in breeches as men do. You eat up now please, Miss Olivia,” she added. “You need a substantial breakfast.”

  Breakfast was porridge and then Jenny forced Livvy to eat a piece of bread and jam because she needed the extra strength. Livvy felt sad that this woman may not be in their lives for much longer, she had come to mean so much to the Langley sisters.

  “I shall see you at the Derby,” the housekeeper then said, shooing them from the room once their bowls were emptied to her satisfaction.

  The sound of a knock on the door had Bella hurrying to open it to find Mr Blake on the other side.

  “I would be honoured if you will allow me to take you all to the Derby.”

  “We had thought to walk beside Livvy and Harvey, Mr Blake,” Bella said.

  “I shall escort your sister.”

  Livvy felt the breath catch in her throat as Will appeared in the doorway.

  “Excellent! Bella, get your things we are leaving now,” Phoebe said, doing the same.

  “And Mrs Bell, would she like a lift also?” Mr Blake said, looking in the direction of the kitchen.

  “Yes she would,” Livvy said, turning on her heel to retrieve the housekeeper. Her heart still thudded from just seeing Will standing in her doorway and she needed the space to collect herself. She also liked to think that perhaps Mr Blake would be there for Jenny when they left, and that in time perhaps he could persuade Jenny to return his feelings.

  “Jenny, collect your things, Lord Ryder has a carriage which he wants to escort you, Bella and Phoebe to the Derby in,” Livvy said, deliberately not telling her that Mr Blake would also be in there.

  “Oh now, that’s nice.” Jenny hurried to take off her apron.

  Livvy watched her pull on her coat and hat and then the gloves she was never without and then followed her up the stairs to the front door.

  The only indication that Jenny was unsettled with the presence of Mr Blake was the flush of colour into her cheeks, as she sailed passed him out the door.

  “We shall see you there, Livvy,” Phoebe said, kissing her sister. Livvy accepted the gesture and returned her sisters’ hugs with perhaps a little more desperation than was required, and all the while she was aware that Will watched on.

  When the carriage had left, Livvy pulled on Jaccob’s jacket and gloves. Her hair now had a black satin ribbon, courtesy of Bella, tied at the base of the plait and with fingers that were not all together steady, she placed Jaccob’s hat on her head.

  “Nice touch,” he said pushing of the door as she slipped the sash Mrs Popplehinge had made over her head.

  “Thank you,” Livvy said politely as she followed him outside and closed the door behind her.

  Will saw the tension in every inch of Livvy’s body, her chin was up, neck straight, shoulders rigid as she walked before him around the house towards the stables. She looked small and slender in the men’s clothing. Somehow the fitted breeches and jacket made her appear even more feminine, and every muscle in his body clenched as he fought the urge to grab her and haul her back into the house so he could hold her close and make slow sweet love to her. Will was not happy about the fact that other men would be looking at her long shapely limbs or the sweet curve of her bottom as she rode her horse.

  “It’s going to be a long day,” he muttered.

  “Pardon.” She looked over her shoulder at him.

  He waved his hand about indicating his words had not been important.

  “Where is your horse?” she then questioned.

  “In the stables.”

  She bent before him and plucked a long stalk of grass from the ground and Will was presented with the lush curve of her bottom once more before she righted herself and jammed the stalk into her mouth. He felt an irrational need to wrap her in a blanke
t so no one else could lust after her as he was. Of course he knew she could not ride in the Derby in a dress, yet he did not want everyone to see the body that he knew intimately. In fact he had the feeling he would spend the day having words with any man who did so.

  “How do you feel?”

  “Nervous,” she whispered, which surprised him. He had thought she would brush his question off.

  “As am I.”

  “Why are you nervous?” she questioned as they walked into the stables now side-by-side.

  “Because I will have to watch you charge around a paddock surrounded by unscrupulous men whose only wish is to unseat you.”

  “Jaccob is not unscrupulous!”

  “Not in the normal course of events, no, but he, like the others, have their sights set on that prize money.”

  “As do I,” Livvy said, letting herself into Harvey’s stall.

  “I’ll give you one guinea if you don’t race,” Will added, joining her to help saddle the horse.

  She snorted but didn’t speak.

  “His name is Harvey, he is Phoebe’s horse.”

  “Hello, Harvey.” Will rubbed his hand down the long face. “I’ll give you an extra bucket of oats and one guinea, which can go into your old age care, if you look after your mistress today and make sure she reaches the finish in good health.”

  “You don’t need to be here with me.”

  “Yes, I do,” Will said, taking the saddle from her and throwing it onto Harvey’s back.

  They didn’t speak again as they finished preparing Harvey and Will tried not to think about what he and Livvy had done in the next stall just two days ago. When they were finished, he took her hands and pulled her into his arms. He kissed her forehead then her nose and lastly her lips.

  “Promise me you will take care.” Cupping her face he looked into her eyes.

  “I promise, Will, please don’t worry,” she whispered against his lips.

  He stood still as she touched him, running a finger down his nose and along his chin it felt as if she was memorizing every inch of his face. Emotions flickered behind her eyes and then he saw the moment she had come to some kind of decision.


  “I have no right to say this to you, Will, yet I must. When last you left and my anger had finally gone I realized that were you to die away from me then you would never have known how I felt about you.”


  Rising on her toes she kissed him into silence.

  “I love you, Lord Ryder. I love the man you were and the noble, honourable man you have become. Please forgive yourself for leaving your family and absolve yourself of any guilt you may still carry. You are home now, here with the people who love you the most and I assure you all is forgotten and forgiven, Will.”

  Will felt a swell of emotion as he looked at her, she was his life now and the love she had given him filled the last of the dark corners deep inside his soul.

  “You have asked that I promise to take care and in return I would ask that you promise to forgive yourself,’ she added.

  “For you, my love, I will try,” he whispered, humbled by her words and that she had finally told him what he had known was in her heart. Reluctantly he released her as she pulled away.

  “And now we must leave or I shall miss the Derby.”

  Will threw her into the saddle. “I’ll kill any man who dares to look at you in those,” he growled as he caught and eyeful of her delightful bottom once more.

  “I shall burn them after this race.”

  “I would never stop you from riding in the Derby, Livvy, yet I’m pleased to hear that this is to be your last race,” Will said as he retrieved his horse.

  “I know you would not,” was all she said and when he looked at her she had turned away.

  It was cool and clear and Will let his leg brush Livvy’s whenever the opportunity presented itself and had they not been making their way to the Earl of Dobberley’s lands where his future wife would attempt to not break her neck, he would have been a happy man. She loved him, lord that felt good. And maybe he could begin to forgive himself now that his heart was full and he felt finally at peace.

  They rode together over the bridge and down into town. Carriages, horses and people filled the streets as everyone made their way to the Derby, eager to get a good place to view the race.

  “Good luck, Miss Olivia!”

  “Thank you, Miss Ogilvy.”

  Livvy smiled and touched her hat as some of the people of Twoaks acknowledged her. She rode beside him like a sentry, tall and proud, her purple sash fluttering in the breeze.

  “I love you.”


  “What? I mean, pardon?” Livvy said, turning to face him.

  “I’m not going to repeat it, Olivia.”

  Her body was suddenly warm; her heart seemed to fill her chest entirely. Will loved her. She looked through Harvey’s ears but saw nothing her thoughts were in turmoil.

  They walked through the tall stone gates of Silverton Manor a short while later. Climbing up the slope to where the spectators and other riders had gathered, Livvy felt her stomach roll as she looked at the scene. Jenny’s porridge was suddenly not sitting well. The start, finish line was festooned with flags that she was sure would put every horse present into a state of hysteria and the Earl was standing on a raised platform behind which a musical quartet were performing loudly.

  Many had tried to get the Earl to change the race to a warmer month of the year yet he would not budge. It was a tradition his family had upheld for years and therefore it would be run, as it always had, on the 21st of December. Oddly enough there had only ever been one cancellation of the Derby and that was due to a blizzard that had swept England in 1703, but for the most the weather always seemed to clear for the Twoaks Derby. It was not a ride for the faint hearted with the course starting with an incline and then a long stretch of flat, yet there was a portion through the woods which often determined who would win or lose. This part was unseen by any guests and most riders applied their whips and feet to which ever rider was near in the hopes of unseating a rival before they broke clear of the trees. Livvy had been kicked in the thigh last year and bore the bruise for days after.

  “He certainly goes all out to make sure this day is a success.”

  Livvy looked at Will’s handsome profile as he studied the scene before him. He loved her and she loved him and suddenly she knew with a certainty that she couldn’t leave Twoaks now, not when they would both suffer for it. She would have to speak with her sisters, but Livvy would do whatever needed to be done to stay here and have a life with him and no one was going to take that away from her. Could she trust him with her secrets? Would he turn from her? No, not Will, he would be angry but he would never walk away from her again. Yet she could not make any decision without talking to Phoebe and Bella first, it was their future as well.

  “You are a disgrace to dress as you have, Olivia Langley!” Major Bruntly roared, storming towards her. “Your sash would be better coloured scarlet seeing as you dress like a harlot”

  Before she could react Will had thrust his reins at her and dismounted. In a few strides he had rounded her horse and rammed his fist into the major’s nose. The man fell backwards heavily onto the ground.

  “Will, stop!” Livvy cried. getting off Harvey.


  She felt the breath refill her lungs as the Duke suddenly appeared beside his brother.

  “He called Olivia a harlot.” Will reached for the major to haul him to his feet so he could pummel him again.

  “Did he now?” the Duke said, wrestling the man out of his brother’s grasp and planting his fist in his stomach.

  “I have been hearing some very distasteful things about you of late, Major,” he then said. “Today I have spoken with many locals who have mentioned shoddy business dealings and the purchase of shares you made them buy in ventures, which have yielded no returns. You have black
mailed some and stolen from others, Major, and I am only saddened that I was not aware of any of this until now. In short, sir, you are not the upstanding gentleman you portray to the world.”

  The major wheezed but managed to straighten, although blood now trickled from his swollen nose.

  “I have called for the magistrate who I believe is at present awaiting you at your house. In fact if I know Josiah Francis, he will be inside your house searching your records.”

  Major Bruntly didn’t speak, he merely stumbled backwards several steps and then turned and ran.

  “Idiot,” the Duke muttered, following Bruntly with his eyes. “He actually believed me when I have not even had a chance to talk with Josiah. Are you all right, Will?” he added, now looking at his brother.

  Livvy took the hand Will had used to thump the major and inspected the knuckles.

  “I’m all right, love, I promise,” he said, squeezing her fingers.

  “Then I must join the riders as the race is due to start.” Livvy kissed his knuckles uncaring that half the villagers were watching.

  “Be careful, Livvy, please,” Will said, as he lifted her onto the saddle.

  “I promise.” Gathering the reins with a last smile for him she then went to join the others.

  Livvy nodded to the other riders as she made her way past the Earl who stood on his dais, acknowledging each rider as they reached him.

  “I want to hand you the prize money this year, Miss Langley, so do not let me down.”

  Livvy took the hand he offered her. Like the rest of him it was big boned and dwarfed her fingers.

  “I will do my best, Lord Dobberly.”

  “I like the sash,” he added as she moved on.

  Moving to the start line Livvy took a deep, steadying breath. Harvey was already prancing, eager to be on his way.

  She watched as people started making their way up the hill to get a better view of the race.

  “Tis four furlongs, remember,” Jaccob said, moving to her side. “Try and make for the front or the rear when you reach the woods for the first time, then you will not have riders on either side of you. It’s narrow, use your whip or boots if need be.”


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