Boy Toy Auction

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Boy Toy Auction Page 14

by C. A. Harms

“Why are you so upset?”

  “I’m not upset, Emerson,” she declares as she grabs a towel and dries her hands. “I’m furious with you.” She pauses, shaking her head as if she’s trying to remain calm. Then she looks up and her eyes meet mine once more. “You have this amazing guy that is in love with you. He wants you, Emerson, not your father’s money. He wants you. He fucking lives for your damn smile alone and you keep pushing him away. It pisses me off so much.”

  She rounds the side of the counter and stalks toward me.

  “I’ve heard about nothing more than you from that man since the two of you stopped talking. Constantly asking me if I’d heard from you, needing to know you’re okay. He may have on the outside appeared as though losing what you two were beginning to build did not affect him, but I can assure you it did. As for someone better than you, you need to let that go. Your father is the ass here, Emerson, he’s the man that had one job in life when it came to his daughter and that was to love her unconditionally. He failed, you didn’t. He is a worthless piece of shit that no amount of riches could ever fix. Because at the end of the day, he’s still a prick. I don’t care how many hundreds of millions he has, he is worthless in my eyes. You need to see that and stop looking at yourself through his eyes.”

  “I don’t know how.” I don’t. I have never been anything more than Hector’s daughter. Now I am not sure who I am.


  “Where are we on the Quintes murder case?” Detective Norris sits down at the conference table across from me as Miller joins us. Norris is head of the case, but only Miller knows of my involvement with Emerson. Or my past relationship; hell, I had no clue what the fuck we are, had been, or whatever. The entire situation is grating on my nerves.

  “We’ve interviewed everyone but one security staff member,” Detective Miller answers before I have the chance.

  “Why have we not interviewed all?”

  “We’ve been unable to make contact with Peter Hogue,” I interject. “It seems as though he was let go a few days after the incident.”


  “So it seems.” I make eye contact with Norris and I know he’s already thinking the same things I am. “We’ve been to his house twice, talked to his neighbors, and reached out to his family. No one has seen him or heard from him since he left the hotel the morning he was dismissed.”

  “What was the reason given for his release from the payroll?”

  “We were told he was misusing his full access pass. Collecting footage of women and reusing it for not so innocent purposes.” Miller speaks as Norris and I hold eye contact. “But the evidence that we needed to show this is, in fact, a truth has yet to be provided.”

  “Looks like we owe Mr. Mansfield another visit.” I offer Norris a nod just before he and I both stand from our chairs. Adrenaline courses through my veins with the knowledge that I’ll be face to face with the man responsible for Emerson’s pain and gives me a sense of satisfaction. I want nothing more than to make his life hell; I want to prove he has something to do with the disappearance of evidence. I want to destroy him.

  “Do you think this is a good idea?” Miller asks as we walk down the hallway. He keeps his voice low since Norris is only a few feet ahead of us. “You going in there with the need for revenge may not be the best choice.”

  “Don’t worry about me, Miller.” I offer him a nod, trying to fight against the smug vengeance rushing through me.

  “It’s not you I’m worried about,” he mumbles just as we step into the elevator and are forced to let the topic die. If Norris knew of my involvement with Emerson, he’d have me pulled from the case. Which, I’ll admit, may save me from landing in a cell myself, but being left in the dark isn’t an option. I want to be on the inside when we bury this fucker. One way or another I want him to suffer for the way he darkened Emerson’s life. Not just for what he did to her recently, but for what he’s done to her for her entire life.

  It is time that Mr. Mansfield finds out what it feels like to be stripped of everything. To be at the mercy of someone else and to be shown that he isn’t invincible. He’d fall just like anyone else and I want to be the one to make him crumble.

  Twenty minutes later we arrive at Emerald Resort, the location that Mr. Mansfield called his headquarters. The same place where at one point Emerson worked daily. Her office has already been reassigned to someone else—a tall gentleman with wire-framed glasses and a narrow nose. He watches as the three of us pass his office en route to Hector’s.

  Upon entering, I feel my body tense when Emerson’s father comes into view.

  “What is it that I can do for you?” Hector sits on the opposite side of his desk, a large mahogany display of the power I know he feels he has. The desk takes up half the room; large paintings and old statues fill the space around him. There are no photographs of his wife or daughter on display. “I’ve given you all I can offer in regard to the night of the incident.”

  “Murder,” I correct him and gain his full attention. “It was a murder of a young innocent woman. Let’s call it what it was.”

  Our eyes remain entirely on each other, his lips pressed into a tight line as he tries his best to intimidate me with his pointed stare. His need for control only fuels my own need to prove he is a sorry fuck who has no pull over me.

  “We have a few more questions regarding the release of Peter Hogue, former head of your security,” Detective Norris speaks as I stand in the center of Hector’s office with my arms crossed over my chest. That pose is more to keep from lunging forward at the smug son of a bitch.

  “I’ve told you all I know."

  “You must admit the timing is slightly questionable,” Detective Miller interjects.

  “During the investigation, pulling the tapes and going through them thoroughly brought attention to Mr. Hogue’s actions.” Hector holds his cool, the arrogance in his movements making my hands twitch. “I won’t have an employee violating the privacy of any guest in any of my hotels.”

  “But you will have them tampering with evidence when an innocent woman is murdered in one of your hotels?” I notice the glare that is shot in my direction from Detective Norris.

  “Are you insinuating something, Detective Vaughn?” Hector leans forward and places his elbows on his desk, his fingers linked before him as he holds my stare.

  “I just find it odd how you show no dedication to finding the one responsible for erasing evidence.”

  “Doing your job is not my responsibility,” he states smugly. “Blaming me for the incompetence of the local police force will not solve a case, Nic.”

  I narrow my eyes when he calls me something only my friends call me.

  “Maybe if you spent less time chasing skirts and more time investigating, you wouldn’t find it necessary to blame others for your failures.”

  He wants me to bite; I can see the smirk he wears. But instead, I smile triumphantly as if to say, I won, fucker. I won’t let him believe he got to me, but the truth is I want to break his fucking nose for referring to his daughter as nothing more than a skirt.

  I stand silently as Miller and Norris continue to ask the questions. I only stare directly at him with my arms still crossed in front of me. Fifteen minutes later we exit Hector’s office, and immediately the questions begin.

  “What the hell was that all about?” Norris waits until we get to the elevator before he turns on me. “Before you attempt to tell me it was nothing or that it was you doing your job, let me remind you that I was there. Nothing about that was your fucking job. That shit was personal.”

  My jaw tenses and my head pounds as I fight the urge to storm back to Hector’s office and put him through a wall.

  “Vaughn,” Norris says my name with purpose, gaining my attention. “Tell me.”

  “I am…was…” I corrected myself, “…involved with Hector’s daughter.”

  “How involved?”

  “Intimately.” I know before he says it that I will be remov
ed from his case.

  “Still pouting I see.” Shannon flops on my couch next to me and turns her body to face me.

  Two days ago I was relieved of my involvement in the Quintes case. I was also given a reprimand and placed on administrative leave due to my failure to disclose that I was intimately involved and held a personal grudge that could very well interfere with the investigation.

  “How many more days are you grounded?”


  “Relieved, suspended, expelled, whatever you call it when you are not being paid to do what you love?” I ignore the way she waves her hand around with each description she offers. “You are such a grumpy pants when you don’t get your way. Such a baby, sourpuss face and all.”

  “Do you have a purpose for your visit?” I lift the beer bottle to my lips and take a swallow, still staring at the television instead of looking at her.

  “Have you talked to her?”

  I shake my head.

  “Why not?”

  “Because I made it clear how I feel and she doesn’t feel the same.”

  “Or she does, but she’s scared.”

  I cave but only for a second as I flash a questioning look my sister's way. Quickly I do my best to recover, but she’s already picked up on my confusion.

  “Guys are so dense when it comes to women.” You won’t find me arguing that point. Women confuse the fuck out of me, one woman in particular. “Think about this,” Shannon makes herself even more comfortable. “She’s lived a life with a man like Hector as a father. She’s watched the way he treats women, even her mother, for her entire life. The only type of guys she’s even been in the presence of are those that I am sure look at women as inanimate objects. She’s been a ploy in a long game of power and money and now that’s all blown up in her face. She never had a guy fight for her or prove to her that she is what matters, not the fame or the fortune.”

  “It was never about that with me, you know that.” I couldn’t care less if Emerson has a dime to her name.

  “I know this and deep down she does too.” Shannon lets go of the harassing playful tone she normally holds and takes on one of pure sincerity. “I think if I’d been forced to live her life the thing I would want the most is for a man that would stop at nothing to make me see my worth. A man that isn’t willing to walk away, but a man that leaves me no other choice but to face my inner demons and conquer them.”

  “How do you suppose I do that?”

  “Make her see that what you feel for her is something she deserves. Give her no other choice, Nic.” Shannon reaches out and takes the beer I hold from my hand and stands from the couch. “Get your ass up off this couch, take a shower and shave, because you're looking like a grizzly bear.” There’s the sarcastic smartass version of my kid sister I know and love. “And then go over to that apartment and make her see how much you love her. Don’t just tell her, show her.”


  “Are you sure you don’t want to come with us?”

  I force a smile as I look away from Spencer and Gianna, pretending the idea of being alone isn’t the last thing I want at this moment. “For the third time, I’m sure. I’m gonna enjoy this leftover Chinese,” I lift the box and wiggle it from side to side, “as well as my glass of wine before taking a long shower and calling it a night.”

  Gia knows me too well and I see a telling look flash in her eyes, only before she can say anything there is a knock on the door behind them. Each of us look in its direction, but none of us move.

  “You expecting company?” Spence asks Gia, and she shakes her head.

  Another knock sounds, and Spencer takes a step toward the door. The minute it opens I feel like the air has been knocked out of me. Nic stands on the other side, holding a bottle of wine in one hand and a bag of takeout in the other. He looks past Spencer and Gianna, his eyes focused only on me.

  He wears a V-neck sweater, charcoal in color and hugging his arms and chest. Jeans that fit him to perfection in all the right spots. I’d seen him in a variety of clothes, suits and even sleepwear, but I’ll admit, seeing him casual is my favorite. He isn’t a fancy man, but he is one who has a way of making his presence known.

  “Hey brother,” Spencer speaks, breaking the trance I find myself in as I quickly avert my eyes. “How’s your little vacation going?”

  It is the first time I’ve seen Nic since he left here a few days ago. We haven’t talked and I’ve done an excellent job of avoiding the topic of him and me since Gianna had found it was easier for me to ignore it than face it.

  “I thought he was on suspended leave?” Gia asks, appearing confused. The word “suspended” gains my full attention as I look up again to find him still watching me.

  “You were suspended?” The question leaves my lips before I can stop it. “Why?”

  Silence fills the room as our friends stand between us, looking back and forth but saying nothing. Nic shifts the weight of his body from one foot to the next as he looks away from me.

  “We were just heading out for dinner and a movie.” Gia finally breaks the silence. “We’d invite ya along, but from the looks of it, you both are set in the food and drink category.” With a shrug, she grabs Spencer by the arm and leads him out the door. “By the way, I’m staying at Spence’s tonight.”

  As the door is pulled closed behind them, I faintly hear Spence tell her he thought they were staying here. I know what she is doing and though I appreciate her looking out for what she feels I need, I also wish she would just let it go.

  The sound of a bag rustling makes me jump in reaction and I silently lecture myself for getting wound so tight from Nic being this close.

  “I see you have leftovers.” I look up and am met with his sweet smile, the same smile that made my heart race the first night I saw him standing on the stage and again every moment after that. “But I stopped by that deli you like so much and picked up the soup and subs you like. Plus I brought your favorite wine.”

  He looks so relaxed, nothing like I feel inside. I guess somehow in my mind I still think that him being here would only further complicate my life. My father's threats ring heavy in my mind, on repeat.

  “Thought we could have dinner together, and talk.” He steps closer and the smell of his cologne fills the air around me, a fragrance that reminds me of the times I’d had with him before my father tainted them.

  “I miss you, Emerson.” I close my eyes tightly as I grip the edge of the countertop so forcefully my fingers ache. “I've missed you every minute since you chose to push me away. I don’t give a shit about where you come from or what you have, I only care about you.”

  A single tear runs over my cheek as I quickly wipe it away to hide the evidence.

  “My God, woman, you have no idea how beautiful and amazing you are. I wish you could see what I see. See the person you are, the woman standing before me.” Instinctively I shake my head no.

  “Yes.” I feel his hand as he places it over mine and he moves around the end of the counter.

  As he steps up behind me, I’ll admit it feels nice to be this close to him. I can count on one hand the times I’d felt safe over the last six months, and each of those times I was in Nic’s arms.

  “I want the chance to remind you of what we could have. The chance to make you remember what we felt like.”

  “I don’t need you to remind me Nic, I’ve never forgotten. Something that safe you just don’t let go of.”

  “But you did,” he whispers near my ear as he steps close behind me. “You pushed me away and now you won’t let me back in.”

  “I don’t know how,” I confess, feeling my chest grow tight. “I knew from the start that pulling you into my mess would only somehow make your life just as messy and unsettled. You’ve been placed on some probation. The thing you love most is being toyed with for what? Because of some power trip by my father.”

  The entire time I ramble, he says nothing which makes me turn around in his arms to face him.

  “How is that fair, Nic?” I ask as I look up at him. “How is it fair that I let him ruin what you’ve worked so hard to accomplish just because I chose to be selfish and not let you go?” He smiles as he looks at me like nothing I said matters, which only furthers my irritation. “How can you pretend this isn’t crazy, that I’m even worth all this mess? I’m not, Nic. I’m just a woman that you shared a few—”

  His lips cover mine, stopping me from finishing the sentence. I moan against them, both in frustration and in satisfaction. I know I should’ve pushed him away, but I can’t seem to force myself to do it. Just for a brief second, I want to allow myself to remember what kissing him feels like.

  Suddenly his hands are sneaking around my waist as he pulls me forward before cupping my ass and lifting me up. He places me on the countertop behind me and moves into the space between my now parted legs. “I love you,” he whispers into our kiss, not giving me the chance to argue before he covers my mouth once more.

  He tastes so good. I’ve always had a hard time resisting his kisses. They are consuming, the way he conquers my mouth and owns me.

  “I was placed on leave because I didn’t disclose my involvement with you. It had nothing to do with your father, but more my silence.” I lean away from him when he tries to kiss me again. My hands press to his chest and I force him to remain at a distance.

  “What does you being involved with me have anything to do with your job?”

  “The case,” he corrects, “the young woman we found in the hotel. I never should’ve been assigned to the case because it's a conflict of interest. My involvement with you when your father is under investigation—they see that as an interference.”


  “I don’t know the exact details, because they’ve kept me in the dark over the last week. But what I do know is that your father's whereabouts are in question as well as those of the head of security.” My heart rate feels like it triples as I listen to Nic. “Any time we have direct involvement with anyone that has ties to a case, it is an automatic conflict of interest. But I didn’t say anything because my need to take care of the man that wronged you clouded my judgment.”


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