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Dirty Talk: A Bad Boy Romance (Bluefield Bad Boys Book 2)

Page 16

by Tess Oliver

  “Oh, that’s cold,” I squealed, and nearly pitched myself off the float.

  “How was your little float party?” he asked. There was something about the way he asked it that gave me pause.

  I smiled back at him. “Let me guess, you got the same invite as me?”

  “A little lakeside orgy?”

  “Something like that. Out of curiosity—”

  “I told them I don’t share Andi with anyone.” He leaned his face forward and pressed his mouth against my shoulder. “Now I’m feeling extra possessive and in desperate need to have you alone and all to myself. What do you say we end our lake excursion and hike out to find a nice, secluded place to roll out our sleeping bags for a nap and some pre-nap activities?”

  “I’d say you read my mind. Besides, you need to get out of this icy water. I feel like we’re acting out the final scene in Titanic with me sitting up on this float and you treading glacial water. I’ll just never get why she didn’t let the poor guy climb up on that piece of wood with her. I mean it was Leonardo DiCaprio for fucksake.”

  “Does that mean I can climb up on that raft with you?”

  “Heck no. You’ll sink us for sure, and I’m not submerging myself in that melted pool of ice again. But you can help me get this to shore.”

  Tommy grabbed the corner of the float and swam back toward the beach area where we’d left our backpacks.

  A loud holler followed Bear as he flew off the rope and into the water. My gaze drifted toward the place where Heather had met up with Iggy. They were making out in the middle of the freezing lake, and Bear was floating over to join them.

  “Guess that’s our cue to go, huh?”

  Tommy glanced back toward the trio. “Yep. Seems that way.”

  We reached the shoreline. I stepped off the float and dragged it up to rest near their beers and clothes. It was no easy task pulling a pair of jeans on over cold, wet legs. I pulled on my hiking boots, and Tommy did the same.

  I lifted my backpack onto my shoulders. “Hey, I’m getting real good at putting this unwieldy thing on. Like a true adventurer.” Erotic noises drifted across the lake. I looked back across the water. The trio had moved to the shoreline. Their bodies were coated in the silt and mud from the bank. “It’s like a bad movie you can’t look away from,” I said as I watched the three go at it. It was hard to tell where one person began and the other ended. One thing was for sure, they were having a damn good time of it.

  “Interesting,” I said. “I’ve always wondered about the dynamics of a threesome.”

  “Guess this is an education for you.” Tommy pulled his pack on.

  “Nope. Still confused about what exactly is going on over there.” We started walking toward the trail.

  “I could probably give you a quick cliff note version if you’re interested.”

  “No, I’m not, and I’m especially not interested in knowing why you happen to have the cliff notes memorized.”

  He stared down at the ground as we marched along. “Yeah, probably best not to ask that. I’d say if we head back the way we came and turn off toward that park like area we passed halfway to the lake, we’ll find the perfect place for that nap.”

  Chapter 34


  I emerged from our sleeping bag cocoon to survey our surroundings. We were a few miles from the lake, but I could still catch the scent of the mossy water coasting over the plain of granite and grass. We’d found a secluded stretch of terrain that had just enough soft patches of grass to find a decent spot to rest. This was definitely far from a luxury vacation, but Andi went along with it all with no complaints. I knew she would. Growing up, she’d never been the fussy, pampered type. I’d always admired her for it.

  She stretched her arms over her head. The sleeping bag slipped down, and her breasts rose above it, looking perfect and beautiful in the rays of sunlight streaming down on her skin.

  “Now that is natural beauty at its finest.” I knelt down on the sleeping bag next to her and absently caressed her breasts and nipples as I glanced around at the landscape. She mewled softly in appreciation of the attention, even pushing her breasts up higher to encourage more of it.

  “We might be on private property,” I noted. “I can see the remnants of barbed wire fencing just over that ridge. Doesn’t look much like a place to graze cattle, but I’m no expert.”

  “What you’re saying is, not only have you corrupted me by helping me steal a free ride on a train, but now I must add trespassing to my rap sheet?”

  I stretched out next to her and pushed the sleeping bag down farther to expose the rest of her deliciously naked body. “Uh, don’t forget public nudity. And I’m pretty sure what we did out here in the middle of the world for all the birds and squirrels to see, might have broken the law too.”

  “Guess that makes sense. You always call me Sulli, and the definition of sully is to tarnish or defile.”

  “Is it really?” I laughed.

  “Yes, you big boob. You’ve sullied my once sparkling reputation for good.”

  “Well then, since it’s already sullied, Sulli—” My hand trailed down to the crisp black hair between her legs. Her thighs fell willingly open as my fingers trailed through the hair.

  “Shit, Thomas Sawyer, even with those wild teen years behind you—” She lifted her hips to meet my fingers as I slid them inside of her. “You are still incorrigible . . . thank goodness,” she said on a shuddering breath. She reached for me. “I need you inside of me, Tommy. Please.”

  I lowered myself over her. The sun warmed my back. A fresh green scent floated over the granite outcroppings as I cradled her warm body beneath me. She was still slick from the last two times we’d made love in the sleeping bag, and she was still just as willing. My cock reacted again as if it had been the first time.

  Andi’s arms curled up around my neck. I lowered my mouth to hers as I pushed inside of her. A soft, achy sound bubbled off her lips.

  “Too many times?” My question got lost in the vast space around us.

  “Never,” she said softly. “Might have a little trouble hiking out of here, but I don’t think I can ever get enough of this.” Her mouth returned to mine as she curled her legs up around me, gripping me against her as I pumped my cock deeper. I lifted up, leaned on one arm and reached between our bodies, keeping up my rhythm while stroking my thumb against her sweet spot.

  She responded by grinding her clit against my touch.

  “That’s it, baby. I want you to come. I need to feel your body tremble in ecstasy beneath me.”

  “Oh, Tommy,” she said again in that warm, fluttery whisper that felt like a hand around my heart.

  “Can’t ever give you up, baby. Without you, there’s nothing.”

  She writhed beneath me, working hard to keep my cock planted deep and my thumb right where she needed it. Her hands reached up, and her fingers grasped at my arms. Her long lashes cast shadows on her creamy pink cheeks. Her lush lips parted with another erotic mewl.

  “Fuck, Andi, those sounds you make are as hot as having your pussy wrapped around me.” I moved faster.

  “Oh yes, Tommy. Fuck yes!” Her cries echoed off the surrounding rocks. Her pussy tightened around my cock, milking me until my hot seed exploded inside of her.

  I collapsed down next to her. We lay there in each other’s arms, far from civilization and even farther from our hometown and friends and family, until the sun dropped lower in the sky and the cool air of nightfall coasted over the landscape.

  Chapter 35


  “Thank goodness for Maggie and her magical baking oven.” I pushed the last bite of muffin into my mouth. “If only we had some cold milk.”

  “There,” Tommy pointed ahead. “See that glow? Unless a spaceship landed, there has to be a town beneath that glow.” He took hold of my hand. “You’re a damn good sport about this hike, Sulli.”

  “A regular ole’ trooper. But I have to say, Maggie’s treats were a lif
esaver. Otherwise, you’d probably be giving me a piggy back ride. I do hope there’s a motel down there though. My Girl Scout style fortitude is starting to crack. And I really need a shower.”

  “And food. Burned up all my energy. I need to eat soon.” He pulled me along a little faster. “Let’s go. I can almost smell food in the wind.”


  I dropped down below the surface of the warm water and closed my eyes. Tommy walked into the bathroom and leaned against the sink.

  “Considering the name of the motel is Ride and Rest, this is a pretty nice bath tub.” I lifted a mound of suds and blew them at Tommy. They landed on his black jeans.

  “Where’d you get the bubble bath?”

  I reached up to the two little empty bottles. “Lavender scented body wash. Yet another surprise at the Ride and Rest Motel.” I sank back down. “By the way, I used it all, so there’s no body wash for you. But since I prefer you with a manly scent, as opposed to lavender, I figured no big deal.”

  The faint sound of a phone ringing caught his attention.

  “Is that yours?” I asked.

  “Yeah. I figured I should charge it just in case.” He walked out to answer it. He returned with the phone. “Too late. It was Kellan.”

  “Maybe you should call him back.”

  “I guess.” He dialed. “Hey, what’s up?” Tommy lifted his face and looked at me. “Yeah, I know where she is,” he said with noticeable hesitation. No one back in Bluefield knew I was with Tommy. As far as my family knew, I was spending my time off with friends in the city.

  Not liking the expression on Tommy’s face as he listened to Kellan, I reached for a towel and stood up out of the tub.

  “Why does he need to talk to her?” Tommy asked. Another look that nearly melted my composure.

  “What’s wrong?” I mouthed, not wanting Kellan to hear my voice. The sudden need to hide that I was standing right there in front of Tommy, in a towel, no less, made me realize that I was going to have to deal with this once and for all when we got back to Bluefield. I refused to let any of them, and especially my parents and Dawson, get in the way of my happiness.

  “Right,” Tommy paused. “I’ll tell her.” Another pause. “Because she’s standing right here with me.” A longer pause, followed by a clenched jaw. “Fuck, Kellan, not you too. Now isn’t the time. How serious is it?”

  That question made me grab Tommy’s arm for support. “What is it? What’s wrong?” My voice wavered.

  Tommy put his arm around me and lifted the phone away. “Your mom was admitted to the hospital this morning with chest pains. Dawson’s been trying to reach you.”

  “Was it a heart attack?” I asked, and then decided to cut out the middleman. I reached for his phone. “Kellan, have they diagnosed it as a heart attack? How is she? Is she in intensive care?”

  “She’s still having tests, but from what Dawson said, they think it was a heart attack. She’s here in the local hospital.”

  I covered my mouth to stifle a sob. “Kellan, tell Dawson we’ll be home in—”

  Tommy shrugged. “Depending on the bus schedule, maybe by early morning.”

  “Early morning,” I said through tears. “I should be there right now. Dawson and Dad are alone and they don’t know what questions to ask.” More sobs rolled from my mouth. “Thanks for calling, Kellan. Tell them I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

  I hung up. Tommy took hold of the phone as I pressed my face against his chest. He held me until the tears slowed, and I got a grip on myself. I worked in an emergency room and knew, well enough, that tears and falling apart weren’t helpful. I needed to get home to find out exactly what was going on.

  I hurried and dried myself. “I need to make some calls. I know a few of the staff members at the hospital in Bluefield. I’ll see what I can find out.” I raced out of the bathroom and scurried around for my clothes.

  “What can I do?” Tommy asked.

  “If you could grab my phone and put it on the charger. It’s as dead as a brick. Oh my gosh, I kept thinking maybe I should keep it charged in case there’s an emergency.” I took a deep breath. “I waved that notion off as silly.” Another sob. “She eats way too much steak, and she never exercises. I’ve told her that again and again. Tommy, you can just walk me to the bus stop. I don’t want to ruin your trip. I’ll just wait for the bus alone. Shit, what’s the bus schedule? I can’t just get on any old bus. We don’t even know where the hell we are.”

  Tommy was looking at his phone as he crossed the room to me. “I’ve already found the bus schedule. There’s one tonight at midnight. We’ll have to hurry. And I’m going with you, Andi. I’m not leaving you alone at a time like this.” He kissed my forehead. “I’ll be right there with you, baby.”

  Chapter 36


  Andi’s head bobbed against my shoulder. The bus rumbled past the train yard where we’d first started our adventure and we’d first started this, our extremely big leap past friendship. I gazed down at her face, tear-stained from worry but much more peaceful. Her dad had called halfway into the bus trip to let her know that it had been a mild heart attack and that the doctors expected a full recovery. No longer anxious with worry, the lulling rhythm of the bus had pushed her into a deep sleep.

  Without opening her eyes or lifting her head, she made a sweet sound and wrapped her arm around mine. “Rock hard or not, you make a nice pillow,” she muttered softly.

  I kissed the top of her head, and she squeezed my arm tighter.

  She lifted her head and peered up at me. “Thank you for riding home with me.”

  “Anytime, Sulli.”

  Her phone beeped. She sat up quickly, her nerves still on edge about everything. “It’s a text from Dawson. He’s off for the rest of the day. He’s coming to pick us up at the bus stop.” She stared down at the phone a long time. I knew exactly what she was thinking.

  “Look, Andi, this is going to be between Dawson and me.”

  She shook her head. “No, you’re wrong. He’s my brother, and Dad will, no doubt, have his say about this too. I’m going to have to stand up for myself this time. I’m tired of them both trying to run my life.”

  I reached over, pressed my hand against her face and kissed her. “Andi, no matter what they say, I want you. I’ve made that clear enough. I’ve wanted you since I decided girls were worth having.”

  “So twelve?” she asked with a smile. “I seem to remember a sixth grade field trip where the rumor was you kissed Nina Eastwood in the back of the bus.”

  “Yes, but I really wanted to be kissing you.”

  “Right. I’ve stopped you with your speech that started with ‘I want you’. Please continue because I really like where it was going.”

  “I just want you to—” The bus rolled off the highway and made its way along the streets to the bus stop. “I just want you to be sure. You’ve got a good career and a social life away from Bluefield. Just be sure.”

  “If this is a way to cop out, Thomas Sawyer, I will push you down those bus steps the second those doors slide open.”

  “No cop out. Are you fucking kidding me? I’m still worried that I’m going to wake up from this. Shit like this doesn’t happen to me, you know? Getting what I want. But I don’t want you to give up what you have.”

  “And why should I? Bluefield isn’t another planet.”

  “Yeah, you’re right. Sorry, Sulli, just wanted to bring it up.”

  She hopped up and kissed my cheek. “Well, don’t do it again. I’m sure once I sit down with my dad and Dawson, everything will be cool.”

  “Right.” I glanced out the window. Dawson’s car was parked on the street next to the bus stop. “Guess you’ll be having that chat soon.”

  Dawson was leaning against his car with crossed arms. He looked less than happy. Kellan had sent me a text after our initial conversation to let me know that our buddy was not too thrilled when he found out that Andi was with me. Hopefully, it wouldn’t
take too much to make him accept that Andi and I were together.

  The bus brakes squeaked as we pulled up to the stop. Andi and I stood up. We hauled our backpacks out of the empty seat next to us. I knew Andi was far more concerned about her mom’s health than how her twin brother would react to us being together. Still, she looked plenty tense as we walked down the aisle to the exit.

  The doors popped open, and Andi walked down the steps. I followed. Dawson pushed off from the car.

  “How is Mom doing?” Andi practically skipped toward him, completely missing the angry stomp. I didn’t miss it though.

  Dawson’s hard gaze was focused on me like I was the middle of a bullseye. He lumbered right past Andi. Her mouth dropped open in surprise as she watched her brother march straight at me.

  I let the backpack slip off my shoulders to the sidewalk and held out my arms, letting him know that I wasn’t going to fight back. It didn’t stop him from throwing his fist into my face. I could hear Andi screaming at Dawson as the jolt of pain spread through my entire head. I stumbled back a few steps but managed to stay upright. I glanced down at the blood dripping onto my shirt.

  It took me a second to focus on Dawson’s face. It was rage I was looking at. He looked as if he was in as much pain as me, only his wasn’t physical. “You fucking betrayed me, Tommy. We were best friends, and you fucking betrayed me.”

  He drew his hand back in a fist. I stood staring at him. I didn’t make a fist. I didn’t move to defend myself. The ringing in my ears didn’t help drown out the voice in my head telling me I deserved whatever he gave me because I’d have done the same fucking thing in his shoes.

  “Come on, you fucker, at least fight back.” Dawson’s voice shook as he spoke.

  I held my hands out. “Do what you have to do, Dawson. I have no regrets. I’ve loved Andi forever, and you fucking know it. I know I’m not good enough for her, but I don’t care. I’m not going to apologize for loving her.”

  Dawson drew back his hand.


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