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Lost Love and Shipwrecked: Madeline Pike Finds Hope in the New Land

Page 21

by Cathy Lynn Bryant

  “I cannot believe that I am finally rid of Jarret,” said Jane, with a sigh.

  “Yes and Mr. Foster informed me that he has run off rather than face the punishment for his actions. So we may never see him again,” said Anthony, with delight.

  “What a turnabout for us. It is Jarret who has felt the need to escape,” giggled Jane.

  Back at the Bleasdell’s, Christopher and Maddie talked for a while regarding all that had happened. Though Christopher longed to tell her how he felt, he was aware that this was not a good time, as she was utterly exhausted. Maddie hoped, as well, to have their feelings out in the open, but she also realized that it would have to keep for now.

  “Maddie, I must take my leave, as we are much in need of rest. However, I wish to have an audience with you tomorrow,” said Christopher, while taking her by the hand.

  Maddie’s heart began to pound so loudly she was fearful that Christopher might hear.

  As Christopher turned to leave, she was so overcome by emotion, the only thing she could do in the way of a response was to smile and nod. After he had gone, she hurried into the house hoping to rest fast that tomorrow would soon come.

  The following morning, Emma came to call on Elizabeth and Mary. As Madeline opened the door, she discreetly handed Madeline the quilt to present to Elizabeth.

  “Elizabeth, how are you today?”

  “Very well, Emma,” she replied. “God has truly blessed us, has He not?”

  “Indeed He has,” replied Emma. “Madeline, what have you to do today?”

  “I believe that I shall stick by Elizabeth and Mary, as they are certain to have need of me,” replied Madeline.

  “Do you not have something you wished to present to Elizabeth for Mary?” inquired Emma with a smile.

  “Indeed,” replied Madeline as she brought the quilt out from behind her back. “Elizabeth, this is a quilt that I, and many helpers, have made for you.”

  “Oh, Madeline, it is beautiful, but when did you have the time to make such a wonderful gift?” inquired Elizabeth, as she continued to admire Madeline’s handy work.

  “Most of my visits to the Foster’s home were spent working on the quilt. Jane and Bridget assisted; otherwise, I could not have accomplished it.”

  “Thank you so much, my dear. I shall treasure it always,” said Elizabeth, with a tear in her eye.

  “I see that Jane did not accompany you today,” said Madeline, still smiling at Elizabeth’s reaction to her gift.

  “No, indeed, for she and Anthony shall be meeting with Reverend Worcester to post their banns, as required,” replied Emma. “You know they must post them for three consecutive weeks. And as they wish to be soon married, they desired to do it as quickly as possible.”

  “We are so very happy for them,” replied Elizabeth.

  Just then, a knock came at the door. Madeline opened it and found Christopher standing there. Her heart felt as if it skipped a beat as she welcomed him inside. Elizabeth and Emma greeted Christopher warmly as Madeline offered him a seat.

  Christopher visited a while before announcing that he wished to speak with Maddie alone, suggesting they go for a walk, to which Maddie readily complied.

  Elizabeth and Emma happily speculated on the purpose for which Christopher required a private audience with Madeline. They were joyful at the prospect of another well-suited marriage.

  “In the scriptures, Isaiah speaks of God healing the brokenhearted and bringing beauty from ashes, referring to Israel’s deliverance and rebuilding. It is my belief that we are seeing God doing that very thing for Jane, Madeline, and Christopher, just as He did for me some years ago,” said Emma, with joy.

  “Indeed, after the loss of two of my little ones, to look upon Mary is to know that what you have said is true,” replied Elizabeth. “He truly does bring beauty from ashes.”

  Just as Emma was getting ready to go, someone knocked at the door. Emma opened it to Mr. Bailey and his sister, Rebecca. Elizabeth called to them to come in and be seated. She was delighted that they had come for a visit.

  “Mr. Bailey, you have come just in time to greet our little Mary. She has only been with us a day,” said Elizabeth smiling.

  Mr. Bailey was not aware before coming that Elizabeth had only just received Mary into the world. “Mary, what a wonderful name,” he said, scooping her up in his arms.

  “She is lovely,” said Rebecca, with a smile.

  “Rebecca, I was overjoyed to hear of your coming,” said Elizabeth. “What a surprise you must have been to Mr. Bailey.”

  “Indeed she was,” laughed Mr. Bailey. “John Jr. and I were astonished when we opened the door and found Rebecca standing there.”

  “We met Mr. Bailey on our journey over from England,” explained Elizabeth to Rebecca.

  “Yes, he told me of the passengers that traveled with him that now reside in Salisbury,” replied Rebecca. “Moreover, he has informed me of your kindness to him, for which I am eternally grateful.”

  “Oh now, we have not done so very much,” replied Elizabeth, a little embarrassed by the compliment, for she had long felt they had not done nearly enough for the dear man.

  “You and Mr. Bleasdell stood by me in Ipswich when others did not,” replied Mr. Bailey. “Furthermore, had it not been for Mr. Bleasdell’s assistance, I should not have been able to remove to Salisbury.”

  “Mr. Bleasdell has been desirous to make your acquaintance, Rebecca,” said Elizabeth.

  “I too, have been anxious to meet all of you,” replied Rebecca.

  “You had occasion, I am told, to meet Christopher on your journey over from England,” remarked Elizabeth.

  “Yes, and we traveled on the shallop together from Ipswich, which is where I first learned of his connection to John,” replied Rebecca.

  “And how was your voyage from England?” inquired Elizabeth.

  “We had an easy journey compared to what you and John encountered on your voyage, what with the shipwreck and loss of lives,” replied Rebecca. “It is not a wonder that he could not, again, attempt a journey back to England.”

  “Mr. Bailey, no one could blame you,” encouraged Elizabeth. “I, too, am happy to remain on dry ground.”

  Mr. Bailey smiled at Elizabeth, grateful for her understanding.

  Mr. Bleasdell returned home to find Mr. Bailey and Rebecca visiting with Elizabeth. “Well, Mr. Bailey, good day to you and this must be Rebecca,” said Mr. Bleasdell with a broad smile.

  “Mr. Bleasdell, it is nice to make your acquaintance,” replied Rebecca.

  “We have come at a happy time for your family, Mr. Bleasdell,” said Mr. Bailey. “I have an idea that Mary is a most welcome addition to your home.”

  “Indeed, Mary has been an unexpected blessing for which we are most grateful,” replied Mr. Bleasdell. “With so many years between Henry’s birth and her arrival, we had thought we should never, again, hold another of our own children.”

  “Yes, I too have received an unexpected blessing,” said Mr. Bailey, with a smile directed at Rebecca.

  “Well, we must be off. Elizabeth and Mary are in need of rest,” said Rebecca.

  “It was delightful to have met you, Rebecca. Come again and very soon,” said Elizabeth.

  “We shall,” replied Mr. Bailey.

  Mr. Bleasdell accompanied Mr. Bailey and his sister part of the way down the road. Upon returning to the house, he remarked to Elizabeth, “Mr. Bailey and his sister appear to get on very well together.”

  To which Elizabeth replied, “Yes, and what a good and kind sort Rebecca seems to be. Do you not think that Mr. Bailey appears much improved now that Rebecca has come?”

  “I agree. His countenance was full of joy rather than the despair that was so evident before,” replied Mr. Bleasdell. “God has not answered our prayers and petitions, regarding Mr. Bailey, in the way we may have expected, but He has brought about what was needed in order to bring him comfort.”

  Chapter 33

Proposal/The Publishing of Banns/Expressions of Gratitude

  * * *

  Maddie anxiously strolled alongside of Christopher as they made their way down the road. She could scarcely believe this day had finally come. Before long, they found themselves down by the river; at which time, Christopher gently took hold of her arm guiding her over to a large rock to be seated. Settling down beside her, he placed her hand in his and began to reveal all that had been on his heart.

  “Maddie, I must explain why I sought a private audience with you.”

  “Very well,” replied Maddie, with great anticipation.

  “Allow me to begin at the point when I first came to the realization that I had acquired intense feelings for you. It was on the day that you and the Bleasdells removed to Colechester. I remember rushing into town only to learn that you had already departed from Ipswich. Then and there, a deep sense of loss swept over me leaving me in utter despair. I knew that it was solely connected to the thought of not seeing you again. I could no longer deny the feelings I had for you, as they were now most evident. That day was one of the most wretched of my life.”

  Maddie listened intently, remembering that day and how she too had felt an overwhelming feeling of sadness.

  Christopher continued, “However, that evening I felt a tremendous sense of guilt as my mind hearkened back to Oliver and his sacrifice. His illness and death were a direct result of his having spent many hours with the children who were ill aboard the ship, one of whom was my son. At that moment, it seemed terribly wrong for me to seek happiness with his widow. Therefore, I determined not to allow such sentiment to enter my mind ever again. I knew that had I not brushed my feelings aside I should have made haste to follow after you.”

  Maddie’s eyes filled with tears as Christopher spoke. She never knew that he had felt this way. She was beginning to understand why he, at times, seemed so distant. As Christopher continued, she endeavored to keep her composure.

  “However, when the opportunity presented itself to come to Salisbury, my heart raced at the thought of seeing you again. I realized that though I had attempted to stifle my feelings, they had only grown in intensity. It was then that I began earnestly seeking God’s will as to whether or not to come. After a while, I started to believe that He did, indeed, desire for me to take leave of Ipswich and come to Salisbury. Once I had made the decision to come, I knew that I must be forthcoming with regard to my feelings for you.”

  At that point, Maddie was puzzled as to why he had not followed through with his plan of revealing his feelings.

  He continued, “But when our paths crossed again out on the island, I thought I had lost you to another. So, once again, I decided to remain silent regarding my true feelings. You can never understand the degree of relief that came when I learned that Jarret had not secured your affections.”

  At that point, Maddie began to speak; however, Christopher placed his hand gently on her lips to prevent her.

  “Maddie, if you will permit me, I should like to conclude before you respond,” to which she gave an assenting nod. Thus he continued, “Maddie, I so longed to see you before I left for England. However, that was not to be, as you were off to Ipswich before it could take place. You will never know the distress I felt when I learned that you had gone. To be away for nearly a year without having first told you the level to which I have come to admire and cherish you seemed an intolerable situation. I thought that, having missed the opportunity, I might lose you to another while I was so long away. And yet, had I seen you then, I most likely would not have revealed my feelings. I now know that it took the long separation from you to show me that I did not want to be without you no matter my feelings regarding Oliver and his sacrifice.”

  Maddie understood fully, as she harkened back to the day she returned from Ipswich only to learn that Christopher would be away for so long a time.

  “Maddie, before another day slips away, I must tell you that I love you. And if you will have me, I should like for you to do me the honor of becoming my wife.”

  As Christopher concluded, he fixed his eyes upon Maddie as if to interpret her thoughts as he anxiously awaited a response.

  With tears of joy, Maddie replied, “Yes, yes I shall marry you. Christopher, a great deal of what you have said resonates with what my own feelings have been, as I too have denied my feelings out of loyalty for Oliver. We shall always hold a special place in our hearts for Oliver and Hannah, there is no denying that; however, God in His mercy has allowed us to love once again.”

  “You have made me so very happy,” replied Christopher, with tears in his eyes.

  Maddie and Christopher remained for a long time gazing out over the sparkling river. At long last, they were free to express the deep love that each had for the other. They talked for hours about everything that had happened to them from the time they embarked on their voyage from England until the present. They spoke about the hopes and dreams they had for the future—Christopher, with his desire to teach children, and Maddie eager to be by his side.

  All at once, they realized the others would be concerned for them, as it was growing quite dark. Reluctantly they began making their way back home, neither wanting the evening to end.

  Elizabeth and Mr. Bleasdell restlessly awaited Madeline’s return. They were a bit concerned that she had been gone for so long, but mostly they were anxious to hear why Christopher had sought an audience with her.

  “They have been gone for quite some time. Perhaps we shall soon learn that there is to be a wedding,” said Elizabeth, with a smile. “What other reason might there be for their delay, considering that it is even now growing dark. They must have had a great deal to share with each other.”

  “Perhaps you are right,” replied Mr. Bleasdell. “Their affection for one another has long been known to us; that they should finally express it brings me much happiness.”

  Just then, Madeline and Christopher entered the room eager to give a report of what had taken place between them.

  “My dear child, you look as if you have some wonderful secret to disclose,” giggled Elizabeth.

  “Indeed, for Christopher has asked me to marry him,” replied Madeline, with joy.

  “We have been expecting this happy event for some time,” said Mr. Bleasdell.

  “It was foolish for us to deny our affection for each other for so long. We each had a misguided belief that we were, in some way, disrespecting Oliver and Hannah by caring for another,” replied Christopher.

  “We could not have hoped for a better partner for either of you,” said Elizabeth excitedly.

  “Well, I must be off,” said Christopher, as he let go of Maddie’s hand. “I shall be back tomorrow, for there are plans to be made.”

  Maddie walked him to the door and watched after him until he was out of sight. The house was so full of exhilaration that it was difficult to think about retiring for the night. Madeline could not contain her joy, as she yearned for tomorrow to come to share her news with Bridget and Jane.


  The following day, Anthony unexpectedly met up with Christopher as he was on his way to see Madeline. “Good day,” said Anthony. “I had not expected to find you in town today. I had been informed by some of the men that you were to be out on the island.”

  “Yes, that was my intention; however, that has altogether changed. Have you not heard the news?” inquired Christopher joyfully. “Naturally, you could not have, as it was decided only yesterday.”

  “No, but judging by your expression I believe I can guess. You must have spoken with Madeline,” replied Anthony.

  “Indeed, and she has consented to my proposal,” announced Christopher.

  “Well, that is excellent news,” replied Anthony.

  “Goodbye, Anthony. No time to talk, for I am expected at the Bleasdell homestead,” said Christopher, smiling as he turned to leave.

  “Off with you. I should not want to keep you from Madeline,” chuckled Anthony.

nthony and Christopher each hurried off to their future brides to arrange wedding plans.

  Chapter 34

  Happy Endings

  * * *

  Madeline began her day much as usual, assisting Elizabeth with the daily chores. However, she worked with so much haste, it alerted Elizabeth to the fact that she preferred to be finished as quickly as possible.

  “Madeline, I believe that you have long desired to be off to see Jane and Bridget,” said Elizabeth grinning.

  “I am rather anxious to give them my happy news,” replied Madeline.

  “I daresay that you have done more than your fair share of the chores. Go on and see your friends. Furthermore, Emma shall be coming today. She will assist me in whatever else there is to be done.”

  “Yes, I am aware that she is coming,” replied Madeline, “but I had not planned to go before she arrived.”

  “I shall be quite all right, so off with you now,” insisted Elizabeth.

  “No, I must not leave you before Emma arrives,” insisted Madeline. “And I am expecting Christopher to come calling at some point in the day.”

  “Henry is just outside if I have need of him,” said Elizabeth. “If Christopher arrives before you return, I am sure that he would be more than happy to wait.”

  At Elizabeth’s continued insistence, Madeline finally relented and was off to call on Jane and Bridget.

  Not long after Madeline had left, Christopher arrived at the Bleasdell’s home. Seeing that Maddie was not there, he inquired after the whereabouts of Mr. Bleasdell.

  “Christopher, Mr. Bleasdell is outside somewhere. He has only just returned from town,” replied Elizabeth.

  “Thank you. I shall return in a while.”

  Finding Mr. Bleasdell out behind the house, Christopher seized the opportunity to speak with him regarding the situation in England. “Mr. Bleasdell, I had been hoping for a private moment to speak with you. Are you aware of the situation in England?”


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