Mister Diamond

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Mister Diamond Page 138

by Chance Carter

  He smiled thoughtfully and nodded, “okay.”

  If he was hurt, he didn’t let on. She walked past him, pausing for just a moment to place a hand on his shoulder, wordlessly thanking him, then wandered off into the jungle on her own.

  * * *

  “Willie, what is all this?” Joss beamed, her arm wrapped through his. He led her to the little section of the beach he had prepared for their date. He’d built them a fire and had assembled a small lean to, covered in palm fronds for privacy. He’d even borrowed her yoga mat for them to sit comfortably on the sand together. Beside the fire was a little feast of crab, turtle eggs, and dates for dessert.

  “I thought you might enjoy a picnic, a little break from cooking?” he said, offering her a seat by the fire. She snuggled into the lean to, shifting over so he could join her on the mat. It was cozy, and so very thoughtful of him.

  “This is amazing,” Joss gushed, feeling rather giddy.

  She couldn’t explain her attraction to Willie. It was completely different than what she felt for Ryan and Charlie. For the first time in a long time she felt girly. Normally that would have been the last thing on her mind, but with Willie, she enjoyed those feminine feelings. Earlier that day, when she returned from the jungle, she’d enjoyed an ocean bath and had even taken extra time to comb out her hair and put on a little lipstick. He had been sweet enough to ask her out on a “date” and she wanted to look as nice as possible for him.

  “You look beautiful,” he offered, flashing her his signature smile, the one she had come to know and love.

  For their date, Joss had chosen a light grey summery skirt and a white tank top, and underneath, some pretty panties and bra she had tucked away in her suitcase.

  “Thanks,” she blushed. She was flattered but still sat uncomfortably with the compliment.

  “You clean up nice, girl. I almost didn’t recognize you,” he gently teased, using humor to break the ice. Joss rolled her eyes and giggled.

  “Ha ha,” she said back, knocking his knee with her own. “I suppose I could have just come all sweaty with jungle muck still on my face.”

  “No, no. This will do just fine. You smell good too. It’s nice.”

  “Does it beat the musky aroma of five funky men in a humid shelter?” she grinned, this time rolling her knees towards him flirtatiously.

  “Hands down,” he laughed, pleased with the returned affection. He stared at her warmly for a second or two, absorbing the utter “normalcy” of the moment. It had taken him a while to adjust to life on the island, and there were still days when he felt panicked, but Joss could always comfort him. She didn’t even have to speak. Sometimes it was just a reassuring look, or a smile. She was calm and self-assured and there were days when that was enough to make him feel like everything would turn out fine. He wondered if that was her nature at home too. It was an attractive quality.

  “This is quite the spread,” she sighed, breaking the silence, “I’m starving.”

  “I found three nice fat crabs today. I left two back at camp, but the guys insisted I take one for our dinner,” he explained, reaching for the tray of food.

  “So they all know we are on a date,” she smiled nervously. She couldn’t help but worry about dissension in the group, especially if it was caused by her, inadvertently or otherwise. Charlie would be fine. They had openly talked about everything and he had been nothing but supportive and loving. Ryan was not quite as communicative about it, but he was well aware of her situation. They’d even joked about it more than once, but he just seemed happy to focus on their own relationship, and that suited Joss just fine. But the other two? Daniel...and, oh god, Grant? She wasn’t sure she wanted to know what he thought.

  “Yeah, they were teasing me about it. I guess I must have seemed nervous.”

  Joss regarded him warmly, endeared by the admission. She couldn’t tell if the butterflies in her own stomach were nerves or excitement. Maybe both.

  He had borrowed Grant’s old metal tool box and filled it with sea water, boiling it over the fire. They had been using the tool box for cooking back at camp, and it worked beautifully as a make shift pot. He picked up the crab, tossing it into the water, before turning back to her.

  “I want you to know how much I appreciated our talk yesterday. I haven’t really opened up about those things with anyone. I’ve kept my cards pretty close to my chest. I didn’t realize how much pain I’ve been in. It was good for me to let go,” he admitted, his voice barely a whisper. “I just really wanted to thank you.”

  “No need to thank me, Willie. I’m glad we had a chance to talk. I liked getting to know you more.”

  “Me too.”

  “And I’m happy to be here with you now. Honestly, this is amazing. The ocean view, the beach, the picnic. It’s romantic.”

  “One of the perks to being on a deserted island, I guess. Ready made romance,” he grinned, obviously pleased she liked it.

  “You found turtle eggs?” she asked, picking them up, carefully rolling them in her hands.

  “Just today. I only took a handful. I didn’t want to disturb the nest too much. Can we eat them?”

  “Yes, they are quite the delicacy. We can just boil them for a minute or two, once we pull out the crab.”

  “So, tell me more about Joss. I spent a lot of time monopolizing the conversation yesterday,” he said, leaning back on his elbows.

  “I’m not sure what to tell you. My life is not nearly as exciting as yours,” she shrugged, gently placing the eggs back down. She brushed the excess sand off her hands and laid back, propping herself on one elbow to face him.

  He easily shifted himself so they were facing one another, and smiled. “That’s probably not true.”

  “Well you already know that I’m single,” she began, not sure what to say. It felt awkward talking about herself, it always had. They’d all shared random facts about themselves around their nightly campfires, but it was usually light and playful. Joss was always mindful to only offer the basics. What exactly was he looking for?

  “Yes, you mentioned that. Never married? Engaged?”

  “No,” she offered flatly, “neither of those. You?”

  “Nah. I’ve had a few relationships over the last ten years, but nothing that ever developed into anything serious. I guess I’ve been too focused on my career.”

  “Me too,” she nodded pensively. It was partially true. She had been quite driven, although admittedly for very different reasons. Her job was all she had, at least it felt that way after she’d lost her dad and suddenly had to face life alone. She’d convinced herself that no man would ever want her. She was damaged goods.

  “So never any aspirations for a family?” he asked innocently, completely unaware of the sensitive nature of his question.

  She shook her head. “No.”

  Willie smiled warmly, his encouraging expression proving just how badly he wanted to know her. For Joss, it was both endearing and scary. She had closed herself off to loving anyone, protecting herself from the inevitable heartache that was sure to come once they learned she was barren. Marriage never seemed a viable option for her. What man would want to build a life with her? She wasn’t bitter about it, not anymore. It was just her hard reality and she did her best to accept it.

  Willie, sensing her trepidation, decided not to push her. It was clear to him it was a sensitive topic for her and he didn’t want to make her any more uncomfortable.

  “So what is the craziest thing you’ve ever done?” he asked, casually shifting gears.

  “Does this count? Surviving a plane crash? Living with five men?” she quipped, releasing the breath she’d been holding.

  “It is pretty crazy, but no. I want to know what life is like for Joss at home.”

  “Well I told y’all about walking the Pacific Coast Trail, solo. That was pretty crazy,” she admitted, a proud smile on her face. Willie sensed she was holding back.

  “Anything else?” he pressed, certain there
was more. She giggled softly and shook her head, as though embarrassed but said nothing. “Come on, tell me.”

  “Ok, but don’t judge me,” Joss said.

  “I won’t, I promise,” Willie said.

  “I applied to be on the show ‘Naked & Afraid’. Just before I left for Hannah’s wedding, a producer from the show contacted me and set up a meeting.”

  “No shit! That’s awesome. You would kick ass on that show!” he laughed, suddenly imagining her naked. She had an awesome body and admittedly he had checked out her bottom on more than one occasion. He liked a woman with a juicy booty.

  “Would have kicked ass. I missed the meeting. It was actually scheduled for today. Trust me, the irony isn’t lost on me. ‘I’m sorry I can’t make our appointment, I’m currently lost at sea, surviving on a desert island’...” she giggled playfully, her green eyes twinkling with amusement.

  Willie chuckled along with her. It was hard for him to hide his attraction for her. He normally wouldn’t have, but he was cognizant of the others. He appreciated the situation she was in and didn’t want to make her feel any more vulnerable than she might have been already. It had to be daunting being the only female among them, but Joss had proved herself a strong woman. She was no pushover, and certainly no damsel in distress. She could handle herself quite well around the five of them. It was really quite impressive and made her that much more alluring. Alpha females made him hot. They always had.

  “That’s pretty crazy,” he admitted, “brave, but fucking crazy.”

  “It’s what I do, the survival part I mean. Oddly enough, the bigger challenge for me would be disrobing in front of America,” she said, “I’m pretty modest.”

  “That’s true, but I imagine you would acclimate quickly. You seem pretty adaptable.”

  “Thanks,” she smiled, an easier compliment to accept. “What about you? What’s your craziest thing?”

  “Besides this?” he joked, “I’m not sure. I haven’t really done anything that crazy.”

  “Oh, come on now Willie, there has to be something?” she prodded, certain he was holding back on her.

  “Honestly, I don’t have one. I’ve always been pretty disciplined. Basketball has been my focus ever since I was young. I could have used a little crazy,” he admitted, a little pensively.

  Joss sat up and stirred the crab inside the boiling water before replying, “there’s still time.” She looked up at him and grinned, pleased to see a twinkle in his eye. “Crab is ready.”

  “Allow me,” he said, taking the stir stick from her. He reached out, caressing her shoulder, “sit back and relax.”

  Joss looked down at his hand, noting how tender he was. She nodded and sat back, crossing her legs out in front of her. She liked being pampered. It was a rare occurrence but a welcome one, especially from Willie.

  After they ate, they went for a walk down the beach, hand in hand, stopping to wade in the shallow water. Joss pulled her skirt between her legs and hooked it into the waistband, creating makeshift shorts for herself, to prevent the hem from soaking. Together they searched for urchins and clams, laughing, playing, and enjoying a warm conversation. Things were easy between her and Willie. It was the kind of comfort usually reserved for friends who have known each other for years, but with a healthy attraction mixed in. They had chemistry, no doubt. It wasn’t fiery and hot, but more of a slow smolder, a constant heat that burns beneath the surface, ready to be stoked into an inferno.

  Willie wasn’t an assertive man. There was a quiet dignity to him, a layer of respect mixed in with a bit of shyness. Joss was certain he would never make the first move with her. If she wanted to kiss him she would definitely have to take the lead. She hoped that once she opened that door for him, he would find his confidence. She knew it was in there somewhere and she was curious to see it.

  When they got back to their fire they dropped their clams into the pot of cooled water and sat back down, a little closer than before. After stoking the fire and adding on a small log, Willie laid back, pulling Joss on top of his chest. She curled up next to him, mindlessly running her fingers through his curly chest hair. It felt so right being in his arms, cradled by him, sweet and tender. Being so close to him, feeling his warm flesh against hers, his muscles rippling beneath her touch, was both comforting and subtly erotic. She was certain he felt it too.

  Joss slowly traced her fingers down his chest, pushing aside his shirt to expose his dark, moulded abs. He looked down and smiled at her, willing her hand to travel further south. It had been a long time since he’d been with a woman, not since New Year’s Eve.

  He’d not been in the right head space to be intimate with anyone after that, struggling for months from a lack of confidence, married with an unhealthy dose of bitterness. The combination literally killed his sex drive, but recently he’d been more himself again. It could have been the fresh air, exercise, and lack of booze and junk food, but it was more likely the fact that he was mercifully away from the relentless judgment and scrutiny back home. It was actually a welcome break for him and while there were many luxuries of home that he missed. Twitter, Instagram and Facebook were not among them. Admittedly he had chased the fame, just like most athletes he knew, pumped up by the likes and follows, and then dashed just as harshly by the trolling and the hate. It wasn’t real, any of it, and he felt foolish for believing it meant something. In fact, he decided that as soon as they were rescued he was going to close all his social media accounts, kick things old school again.

  As her hand gently floated over his warm flesh he could feel his arousal building, an awakening in his groin that toyed with his resistant libido. He moaned softly, as her fingers pulled playfully at the waistband of his pants.

  “Woman, you have no idea how dangerous that is...” Willie growled, lifting her face with his fingertips to look her in the eyes. She chuckled softly, and shifted herself over him, forcing him back on the mat. He adjusted himself underneath her, completely aroused by her assertiveness. She was a fierce woman, and he dug it.

  “I think I have some idea...” she challenged, pressing her mouth down on his, hungrily kissing him, as though she knew exactly which of his buttons needed pressing. He groaned under her lips, his hands eagerly searching the angles of her body, resting them heavily on the mounds of her ass. He pressed her into his cock, reveling in the heat between her legs. His erection grew quickly, shocked by the sudden attention after a long dry spell. He could have easily flipped her on her back and plunged himself into her, cumming in just a matter of minutes, but he wanted to savor her sweetness, play with her, and enjoy every second of her seduction. There was nothing hotter than a woman having her way with you.

  Willie’s lips were the softest lips she’d ever kissed. She could have kissed him forever, lost in the sweetness of him, but his cock, pressing up against her clit, begged for attention. She grinned impishly at him, surprised by her assertiveness, before nibbling down his chest, inhaling the pleasant musk of him as she inched lower and lower down his body. She made quick work of undoing his slacks, releasing his erection from its confinement. His cock was magnificent, both in length and girth. She gasped out loud, staring in awe for a moment, wondering if he would even fit inside her.

  “I know it looks alarming, but I know how to use it, I promise” he laughed mischievously. She looked up at him, playfully rolling her eyes in mock surprise.

  “I’m counting on it,” she smirked, burying his cock into her mouth.

  She sucked the tip, wrapping her lips around him, swallowing him down as far as she dared before slowly pulling up, again and again. He moaned his approval, laying his head back. She liked giving him pleasure and she adored being in charge with him. He was a powerful, strong, alpha male, but he seemed happy to let her lead the way, and boy, did that fire her up. She continued her sexy assault on his cock, testing her own resolve, pushing her limits as far as she dared. She could barely swallow half of him, the bulbous tip coming dangerously close to choking
her each time she deep throated him. Nevertheless, she tried bringing him as much pleasure as she could. He seemed to appreciate her efforts, gently knitting his fingers through her hair while whispering naughty, sexy encouragements. He may have come across as a modest man, but his words were far from reserved, and while Joss found herself blushing, they admittedly made her wet.

  “God, woman, you need to stop. I don’t want our first time to end in a blow-job,” he pleaded, using his strong hands to raise her. “Come here.” Willie easily shifted her, and with a swift, graceful motion, quickly laid her on her back. With one strong hand he raised her head up to receive his kiss. She parted her lips, inviting him to explore her warm tongue, perfumed by the sweetness of dates. He was anxious to see how sweet the rest of her tasted. He kissed his way down her body, probably hastier than necessary, but he was ready to taste her. He pulled off her panties and gently parted her legs, shifting himself between them. He took in the beauty of her pussy, groaning enthusiastically, a happy grin on his face. Joss giggled under her breath and closed her eyes, as though waiting for him to enjoy her.

  He lapped and sucked on her as though she were a fleshy, ripe mango, unconcerned by the sticky juices soaking his chin. She squirmed and moaned beneath him, encouraging him even more. He slid two long fingers into her, hooking them at the perfect angle to milk her g-spot, all the while teasing her clit with his firm tongue. She seemed almost overwhelmed by the pleasure but Willie refused to slow down. He wanted to hear her cum and he wouldn’t stop until she rewarded him with a wild climax.

  “Holy fuck you taste amazing,” he growled, his words vibrating against her pussy.

  “Don’t talk with your mouth full, Willie,” Joss teased, drawing a good natured chuckle from him.

  “Yes, ma’am,” he agreed politely, fucking her harder with his fingers.


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