Mister Diamond

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Mister Diamond Page 139

by Chance Carter

“Oh, god, yes,” she purred, lacing her fingers in his hair, as though afraid he might stop. He wasn’t going anywhere!

  He brought his mouth down on her again and gently started sucking on her clit, strategically slipping his fingers in and out of her soaking wet pussy, focusing everything on her pleasure. She bucked and squirmed beneath him, pressing herself harder against his face. He had never wanted a woman more than he wanted Joss right then and there, but he refused to stop.

  “I’m fucking coming,” she screamed releasing a deep, guttural moan. He raised his head so he could watch her cum just as she clamped her legs together, as though wordlessly begging for his mercy. He chuckled and shook his head, refusing to let her off so easily. He quickly sat up and continued to finger fuck her, using his thumb to gently stimulate her clit, spurred on by her sexy moans and pleading. She came hard, her warm juices spraying into Willie’s hand, soaking him up to the elbow. He stared at her in awe, surprised and completely turned on. He had never made a woman squirt like that. It was like finding the fucking holy grail.

  “Christ, Joss. Fucking hell that was hot,” he laughed, laying down beside her.

  She turned toward him but couldn’t meet his eyes. She had never cum that hard in her life and certainly not like that. “I don’t know what to say,” she whispered, “that was intense.”

  He kissed her then, hard, the way men do when they’re ready to claim their woman. His eager kisses quickly chased away her embarrassment, and she returned them with enthusiasm. He rolled onto his back, gesturing her to climb on top of him. She was more than happy to comply, certain that this was the best position to handle his enormous manhood. She eased herself over him, sliding his shaft into her, cautiously at first. She closed her eyes as he filled her, taking slow, deep breaths as their energies merged. She loved the closeness of him, body and soul, and found her self rocking over him, mesmerized by the rhythms of their primal dance.

  She fucked him a long time, riding him hard. He held her hips while she writhed and slid him in and out, mesmerized and completely turned on by her. He could feel his pleasure mounting, heating his core every time his cock entered her. As much as he loved her sexy seduction, he needed more. He wanted to fuck her. He sat up, grabbing her ass as tightly as he dared and flipped her over without his cock slipping out of her. She looked up at him wide eyed and impressed, growling her approval.

  Willie took his time at first, kissing her, nibbling and sucking on her neck, fucking her, but soon his passion was beyond his control. She wrapped her legs and arms around him tightly, raising her hips for him. He plunged even deeper into her, his pleasure surging through him.

  “I’ll pull out...” he panted.

  “No, it’s okay,” she insisted, grabbing his ass tighter. It was enough to send him over the edge and within seconds he climaxed, his hot cum pouring into her. She held him until his body stopped shaking and his breathing returned to normal, softly stroking his hair and kissing his cheek. It was tender and sweet, and Willie found himself getting emotional. He felt safe with Joss. He never thought he would feel that way again, with any woman.

  He held her a long time, until his soft cock finally slipped out of her, trailed by a pool of their juices. Joss gave him one more kiss before loosening her embrace, shifting her body beneath him. He understood the cue and rolled off of her, pulling his pants up over his hips.

  “Want to come with me to the water, Willie? I’d like to bathe,” she asked, slipping her skirt over her hips. She undressed herself completely, then held her hand out for him. He happily accepted it, and stood up. They walked to the shore hand in hand, Joss completely naked, her skin glowing pink in the sunset. She was breathtaking. As soon as they arrived at the water, Willie took off his clothes and they took a quick dip before the sun could slip below the horizon.

  It wasn’t safe being out after dark and as soon as they dressed they agreed to gather their things and head back to camp, before the mosquitoes could eat them alive. They slowly made their way home, both of them quietly contemplative. Just before they reached camp, still out of sight, Willie stopped, setting down the pot of clams.

  “Here, let me take this,” he offered, freeing her hands. He set her things down too before turning back to embrace her. She melted into his arms, grateful for his body heat, but more importantly, his affection. They quietly hugged for a few minutes before Willie finally spoke.

  “That was beautiful, Joss. The talking, the connection, all of it. It feels so natural between us. I guess I didn’t know how much I needed that.”

  “Me too, Willie. You’re a wonderful man. I had a great time with you,” she agreed. “It was nice to be taken care of.”

  “It was my pleasure. I liked taking care of you,” he whispered, kissing her softly on the mouth.

  She pulled him in tighter, wishing she didn’t have to let him go, that he would hold her all night, but that was impossible. She was well aware how imperative discretion was, that she was the primary caretaker of the men’s feelings, especially Charlie and Ryan. Of course, as far as she knew, neither of them expected monogamy but the last thing she wanted was to needlessly hurt them. She just couldn’t stop thinking about how easily things could spin out of control if any one of them got jealous.

  “I need to be honest with you about something,” she offered quietly, her eyes downcast. Willie raised her chin and smiled, forcing her to look at him.

  “Everything alright?”

  “Yes,” she nodded. “I just need to be clear with you about a few things.”

  He smiled, nodding passively, as though he might already know where she was headed. “Okay...shoot.”

  “I like...this...us...together, I do...but we’re in a pretty unique situation...um...I mean, there are six of us here, on the island, and I’m the only woman...” she stuttered, trying to share her thoughts as diplomatically as possible. She hated how uncomfortable it was, talking so openly about a situation she normally would never consider in real life. Polyamory never crossed her mind.

  Willie squeezed her a little tighter, for reassurance she assumed. “Ah, I know what you’re getting at Joss. I totally get it...”

  “You do?”

  “Of course I do. I thought about it a lot prior to asking you on our date. Not that I was making assumptions, honest. I just needed to make sure that I was totally okay with everything, as it was, you know?” he assured.

  “And the others?” she pressed, needing to know they were definitely on the same page.

  “Your business. As far as I’m concerned, what you and I share is between us and everything else is outside of that. I like you, Joss. I’d like to spend more time with you, but I do understand that your time is limited.”

  “That’s a tactful way of putting it,” she smirked. “I like you too.”

  “Good. So we’re okay?”

  “I guess we are,” she agreed, gratefully accepting his kiss.

  When they got back into the camp, the men were sitting by the fire. They were offered friendly greetings by all of them, but the captain was quiet. Joss looked at him, her guard up, half expecting him to cast her a judgmental glare. Instead he nodded, offered a weak smile, then dropped his head down. She didn’t know what to make of it, but it sure made her curious.

  Chapter 16

  “I don’t see the point in waiting any longer. We need to check out the north side,” Joss insisted. It had been three days since they’d last discussed it, with still no sign of a ship. It was important for them to cover all their bases. Daniel had finished the raft and had already tested it out in the surf. It was sturdy and could easily carry three of them.

  “I agree,” Daniel chimed in. He was growing restless, ready for a change of scenery. He wasn’t sure who else would be up for the challenge, but he didn’t want to stay behind.

  “What’s the game plan?” Charles asked apprehensively. Despite the fact that it needed to be done, he wasn’t thrilled with the idea of Joss participating. Part of his hesitation was
that he hated the thought of parting with her for who knew how long, but mostly because he was worried about putting her in harm’s way. And not just her, but whoever decided to go. He had become quite attached to all of them, even Grant. The captain had really come out of his shell over the past few days and was starting to warm up to them. Even to Joss, somewhat. He’d been happy to see that. It meant a lot less stress for all of them, but especially her.

  “I think we need to spend the next day or two gathering additional supplies, food and water so that we can bring along some provisions. Who knows what we’ll find once we get there. It would be dangerous if we didn’t find a water source once we land on the north coast,” Joss explained, offering Willie a bowl of the porridge she’d just made. The sweet, tropical scent of the coconut and banana made her stomach growl, but she always made sure the men ate before her. They needed the calories. He accepted it with a smile, discreetly brushing her fingers with his own. Recalling how those long, sexy fingers made her feel only a few nights earlier made her blush.

  “For sure,” Daniel agreed, “we can take a hike to the watering hole and fill up the condoms and every other container we have, make sure there’s enough water at this camp for a few days too.”

  “I’m sure we’re quite capable of going back ourselves if our water starts running low. I’m more concerned that whoever makes the trip has enough,” Charles insisted, still considering how he could convince Joss to stay behind. “Just worry about that first. No point in overexerting.”

  “True,” Grant nodded, “but the raft will only take so much weight. It’s important not to overload it.”

  “The captain is right,” Joss agreed, taking a seat beside Daniel. She took a mouthful of her breakfast before continuing. “I’ll also forage today and try to get enough food to last several days. We can also take the dried mullet. That won’t go bad and will give us a meal or two if we’re unsuccessful at fishing. Hopefully once we land we can find some plant food in the area too.”

  “And if you can’t?” Charles asked nervously.

  Joss looked at him thoughtfully. She was well aware of his apprehension. They had gone for a hike together the day before, and after they’d made love, he’d made his concerns clear to her. He wasn’t wrong about how dangerous it was, but she had to go. The men staying back at camp were relatively safe and well cared for, and she couldn’t leave the others to fend for themselves. If they had any chance whatsoever, they would need her survival skills.

  “We need to have faith. As long as the weather cooperates I feel confident that the island will offer up something for us,” she reassured him. “I’ll take some traps and we will take enough food for several days. I think if we take three gallons of water, that should last us until we find another source. If we have to, we can hand dig a well until we hit the water table.”

  Grant nodded his approval and asked, “So who’s going to go?”

  Joss caught his eye and smiled, pleased that he finally seemed to have faith in her abilities. He didn’t tear his eyes away, his typical response, instead he held her gaze. Admittedly it caught her off guard and unravelled her a little.

  “Um, well, I will,” she stuttered, looking away. Her eyes landed on Charles. He shrugged his shoulders, as though accepting defeat. She knew he was upset. He had expressed how badly he wanted to go, to make sure she was safe, but they both agreed that it was safer for him if he stayed behind.

  “Brave girl,” Grant approved, giving her a wink. She couldn’t help but be pleased with the compliment, in spite of the word ‘girl’. She’d take it.

  “Who else?” he asked, looking around the fire, which had become their makeshift living room.

  “I’m going,” Daniel challenged emphatically, leaving no doubt about his intention. “That is, if no one has any objections?”

  “I think that’s a good idea Daniel,” Charles nodded. Daniel had proven himself resourceful. He was also a good fisherman. If Charles couldn’t go, he wanted Daniel to go. “Who else?”

  The captain slapped Daniel on the back, good naturally, “Thanks for stepping up. I can’t go, I need to keep working on the aircraft, see if I can get the radio working.”

  Joss couldn’t help but feel relieved. He had suffered a pretty heavy concussion in the crash and couldn’t risk any more trauma, and as much as she appreciated the progress he was making letting his walls down, the thought of spending so much time with him made her nervous. They did so much better when there was an escape hatch. If they went on the excursion together, there would be no where to go.

  She looked up, surprised to see Grant watching her. She was certain he felt the same way she did, and yet the way he was looking at her; it made her wonder.

  “I think I should go,” Ryan offered, picking up the tail end of the conversation. He had just returned from the beach, wearing nothing but his wet boxer shorts, his hair dripping with sea water. He never failed to make Joss’ jaw drop but she did her best to mask her arousal. She’d been doing that a lot lately. It was like she was a walking pussy.

  “Well, it’s either you or Willie,” Charles agreed. He picked up one of the towels drying by the fire and tossed it at him.

  “Thanks,” Ryan grinned, wrapping it around his waist, more for warmth than modesty. He made Joss chuckle.

  Willie took the last bite of his porridge, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. He would have liked to have gone with Joss, and Daniel too, but it was important that he stay behind, provide for the others. He looked up at Charles and shrugged, as though the decision was easy. “No, I think I should hang out here, especially since Daniel is going.”

  Charles inhaled slowly, processing their situation. He didn’t disagree. It was Willie, Joss, and Daniel that had been providing most of their food, and they were losing two of them already. As much as he didn’t want to imagine the worst, if anything happened on the excursion, it could prove fatal for the rest of them. No, they needed to split their resources, just in case. It was the smart thing to do.

  “I think that’s wise,” he nodded, looking to each of them. “So it will be Daniel, Ryan, and Joss then.” He could barely get the words out. He had a bad feeling about it all but tried to choke it down. He didn’t want to jinx anything by voicing his worries out loud.

  “Ok, then, it’s decided. We’ll leave in a day or two, weather permitting,” Joss said positively, hoping to ease Charlie’s mind. “We have a lot to do today. I want to find enough food for Ryan, Daniel and I to take with us, and to leave the pantry stocked at home. Charlie, do you want to come with me?”

  “I’d like to go, Joss,” Grant suggested quietly, surprising her.

  Joss turned to face him, gauging his sincerity. He’d never offered to forage with her before. He seemed to understand her reluctance and continued, “I think it’s a good idea to know your routine, just in case. No offense, Charles. I’m sure you’re more than capable of picking up the slack, but it might be wise for us both to have some knowledge. Is that fair, mate?”

  Charles looked at Joss, as discreetly as possible, hoping for some sort of indication about her feelings. It was probably a good idea for Grant to go, spend some quality time with Joss, get to know her better. If the two of them could move their friendship forward and ease some of the tension between them, it would be good for the group as a whole; plus it would be wise for Grant to share the foraging duties while Joss was away. It was a time consuming task and he wasn’t sure he was strong enough to bushwhack through the jungle everyday. Joss nodded, sighing, as though reading his mind.

  “Yeah, sure Captain, come with us,” she invited, hoping her apprehension was well hidden. She was grateful he stepped up, for Charlie’s sake, but at the same time she was a wee bit anxious. The only time they’d spent together was amongst the group, both still avoiding alone time together. Yes, they were making progress, but she still had a hard time reading him, and that pissed her off. Also, his dry, sarcastic nature sometimes rubbed her the wrong way. She could
never tell if he was being serious or not. When he let his guard down and hung out with the boys he was funny, charming even. Admittedly, at times she’d found herself quite drawn to him, but there was a dark side to him too. He was the quintessential damaged hot guy, and she had no interest in being his savior. Grant needed to save himself.

  “Right then, I’ll just get my shoes and we can skedaddle,” he smiled. He walked away, leaving them all just a little dumbfounded.

  “You’re coming too, Charlie?” Joss asked, kneeling down to gather her things. His silence made her look up, wondering why he was hesitating.

  “I think I might stay behind, Joss,” he offered quietly. She stood up, slipping her bag over her shoulder, looking rather perplexed at him. He needed to explain his reasoning, but not in front of the others. “Come on, let’s have a chat.”

  He led her away, just out of earshot of the men, before turning to face her.

  “What’s up? Are you feeling okay?” she asked cautiously, crossing her arms protectively in front of her.

  “I am a little tired today, but that’s not it. I think this would be a good opportunity for you and Grant to sort through things. I think he’s trying to make amends, Joss, I really do.”

  “Charlie, you’ve seen how awkward things are between the two of us. I’d rather you were there as a buffer,” she pleaded, “at least this time?”

  “I understand how you feel, Joss, I really do, but my gut tells me that he might be different if it is just the two of you, if he sees for himself how smart and resourceful you are. Maybe some one on one time will give you guys a chance to bond?” he persuaded, certain he was right. He worked with Grant’s type before. Sometimes they needed privacy to let their guard down completely. “Just be yourself, Joss. You got this!”

  She looked at him skeptically, wishing she felt as confident as he did. She knew she would eventually have to hash things out with the captain, make peace for both their sakes, but the opportunity had not presented itself. Plus, she wasn’t entirely convinced that he wanted the same thing.


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