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Just Friends

Page 16

by Billy Taylor

  I did meet the singer, Alex Farrell. His new album has broken nearly every record in music. He’s super sweet and not to mention gorgeous. Ethan was standing beside me, though, so I tried my best to keep my cool. The girl he had with him was lovely, too. She was called Wednesday. We clicked because both our names are based on the calendar. When I asked if she was his friend or girlfriend she smirked and glanced over at Alex.

  “We dated before fame interrupted, now we’re just friends… it’s complicated.” She whispered.

  “I’m in a complicated situation myself.” I hinted over to Ethan discreetly.

  Wednesday winked, nodded, and then zipped her lips shut.

  I enjoyed talking to Her and Alex. It was a shame they had to leave early. Max still hadn’t spoken to Eleanor properly since the day Ethan returned. He spent his night on the balcony sulking in his hilarious dragon costume. By the far the best costume of the evening, maybe ever. Everyone else had focused on showing cleavage or being a metaphorical emotion.

  “Why don’t you talk to her, Max?” I said, wearily standing beside him.

  “It’s pointless, August. She won’t be interested in my pathetic speech of how much I love her.”

  “Max, she’s a normal girl. Ethan told me she’s been away filming. That’s why you haven’t heard from her. She deserves someone to love her after the horrible previous relationships she’s had. The last one she kinda messed up by herself, with your help of course. She likes you more than you think.”

  My encouraging words raised his head. Ethan then joined us out on the balcony. “What’s wrong with you, grumpy?” He was wearing the tie I bought him for Halloween a few years back, it’s black, and covered in a pattern of bright orange pumpkins with various scary faces carved into them. Ethan was drunker than I assumed, he appeared high-spirited due to their recent circumstances.

  “Nothing, just enjoying the view.” Max replied.

  “Max, buddy, I will do a magic trick for you. As an apology for my unnecessary behaviour.” Ethan slurred.

  Max frowned, and so did I.

  “Hold your arms out in front of yourself, please, keep them strong.”

  Max followed as instructed and held out his green and red dragon arms.

  “Now, I will count to ten in a moment. When I start, I want you to reverse into the apartment, ok?”

  Max closed his eyes and laughed once in amusement.

  “Ten-nine-eight-keep those arms strong, Max-six-five.”

  Ethan grabbed my arm as Max walked back, “Look at the bottle at the door there.” he whispered in my ear.

  It confused me, still, I did as he instructed. An empty wine bottle laid alone on the floor inside the apartment stared back at me.

  “Three-two-one…” Max stopped. Then a loud cry came from the apartment. Eleanor suddenly came flying out of nowhere and landed straight into Max’s arms. Her eyes closed, with a look of shock on her face. Max was equally astounded for another reason. The bottle Ethan asked me to focus on was behind Eleanor’s foot while she stood chatting. She fell over the bottle and straight into Max’s arms.

  “Thanks, Max! Cool outfit.” Eleanor cried out desperately in his arms.

  “Dragons are cool, aren’t they?” It was a cringeful moment, but cute.

  I rolled my eyes at his blabbering comment and turned to Ethan while they got reacquainted.

  “It’s all about timing sometimes, dear. Let’s move before she sees us.”

  He grabbed my hand and walked around the balcony towards the other door. As we re-entered Max and Eleanor were busy sticking their tongues down each other’s throat to notice everyone was staring at them.

  “Ethan, if you hadn’t had died for me. I’d have to admit that was the best trick you have ever done.”

  He let go of my hand. I didn’t want him to, it was nice.

  “They needed a small push.” He replied. “I’m going to grab us a drink, I’ll be back in a second, ok?”

  “Ok, I’ll stay here.” Ethan swiveled and wandered towards the kitchen. Max and Eleanor were now stood talking on the balcony and kissing every three seconds. Things then plummeted downhill. A drunk guy walked over after Ethan left, he was one of Eleanor’s ex-boyfriends. But they were now friends. I don’t understand how people can do that. I spoke to him as he swayed beside me. The longer he stood with me the more I began to feel more and more uncomfortable. I was having flashbacks of my time with Mark and I needed to get some air. I excused myself and tried to exit, but he grabbed my wrist.

  “Where are you going?” He asked. His breath stunk of liquor. I could feel a rush come over myself, like I was about to have a panic attack. My pulse throbbed in my ears as my heartrate rose.

  “Let go of me.” I quietly and politely said.

  “I’d do as she says.” Ethan appeared from behind me.

  “Sorry, I meant nothing by it!” He replied, holding up his hands.

  “Who are you here with? Maybe you should go find them and leave.” Ethan said, stepping in front of me.

  “Well I came with your Mother, she disappeared a while ago so I’m just waiting on her.” Of all the shit comebacks for this fool to say he had chosen by far, the worst possible one. And then that’s when Ethan knocked him out, and his two friends who came rushing over to his aid. Security seemed to have no issues dragging them out of the apartment and escorting them from the building.

  I announced to everyone that the party was over and that they should all leave peacefully. Max and Eleanor stayed. Eleanor wasn’t pleased with Ethan knocking out three of her guests including her ex-boyfriend, but she understood. Her and Max tidied up the apartment while I fixed Ethan with some ice for his bruised knuckles.

  “I’m sorry.” Ethan said, rocking back his head.

  I grabbed his cheeks with my hand and pushed them together. “You’re being silly. Don’t waste another second thinking about it, ok?”

  Ethan couldn’t say or do anything because I’d squeezed his cheeks together. He looked cute with them squished together. I don’t know why I don’t do it more often. Max wandered over and hugged Ethan from behind, wrapping his arms around his waist.

  “Thank you.” He said, resting his head against his back in his stupidly brilliant dragon costume.

  “Don’t mention it.” Ethan replied.

  “Max that is the best outfit I have ever seen, ever.”

  I couldn’t stop laughing at him. Max released his grasp from around Ethan and patted him on the back.

  “You’re not staying here tonight, though, don’t push it.” Ethan shouted as Max flew away.

  Ethan glanced down at me, and then I realised something. He pretended to be drunk earlier with Max on the balcony, what if he pretended to be drunk during the crash? It seemed stupid, but it played on my mind. I stopped what I was doing and ran upstairs.


  Leonard, Did I mention that Ethan was drunk during the crash? August.


  Impossible!! If he was I will happily write a newspaper column and announce he is the best magician the world has ever seen!


  August, Leonard.

  I thought we discussed we wouldn’t talk about this matter anymore? Leonard, I’ll tell you how I did it. Just so I can sit on my balcony enjoying my cereal while reading your article about how I am the greatest magician ever.

  August we need you downstairs, Ethan.


  August, if I were you I’d marry that boy. Leonard.

  I don’t know what was in that email from Ethan to Leonard and I never will. That’s the magician’s code. Ethan remained silent as I returned downstairs, obviously he didn’t want to cause a scene in front of Max and Eleanor, even if there was one to cause. Our eyes met, as if an understanding took place between us. Then he tried to recreate my poop stare, but failed horribly.

  November 3rd

  “Why d
o you have to go back to LA?” I groaned to Ethan, holding onto his leg as he dragged me along the floor towards the door.

  “August let go of my leg, you weirdo! I’ll see you soon don’t worry. I will only be gone a few days. Is it because I can’t to make it to your premiere?”

  I tightened my grip around his ankle. “I will be lonely and alone and by myself. I have no one to be my date for the premiere either. Max is going with Eleanor, obviously.”

  Ethan bent down and picked me up like a small child and stood me on my feet. “I’m sorry ok, this is the last time for a few months. Once I get back I’m all yours, ok?”

  I sulked and crossed my arms, “Fine.” I grabbed ahold of his Rubik’s cube tie I bought him for our ninth Christmas together as he kissed my forehead. He swiveled and picked up his bags. My head suddenly screamed Kiss him you fool, kiss him! But by the time I lifted my head, the door had already closed behind him. I stared at the door for a minute or two in hope he would return and sweep me off my feet. Instead, I found myself in his room, wrapping myself in his clothes and duvet.


  Are you free to discuss work stuff with me?


  How long has it been since Ethan left?


  I think it’s been fifteen minutes now.


  LOL, I’m on my way.

  “I was gonna send you an email with all this information in. But, I might as well tell you in person now I’m here. I’ll email it all over to you anyway, in case you forget. Recently, I’ve had hundreds of emails, asking for interviews and photo shoots. I’ll send you the list of them for you to take a look at,” Max said as we sat down to discuss taking my career forward.

  “I’ve had three movie auditions sent in my direction for you. The first; is a film directed by your last director, Stanley Tennant. It’s another action film. This one however has mythical creatures or zombies. Something that isn’t real anyway. They want to start filming in January or February. The second; a romantic film. You play a small town girl who falls in love with a pop star, cheesy I know. Apparently it will be huge. They’re willing to push the start date back for it until June if you get the part for the film directed by Stanley. The third; you play an astronaut who’s on the moon with your team. You wander off, stumbling into another dimension or something, discovering this whole new planet and aliens and blah blah blah. They’re also willing to push the start on that one, too, to November. These guys love you. Everyone does. You’re a massive star behind the scenes already with no one really knowing who you are yet! Newspapers have worked in your favour so far! Stanley hasn’t stopped talking to everyone about you also. The good thing about all these productions is there no further than two hours away from New York. So when you and Ethan finally admit that you’re madly in love with each other, and can’t live without one another then it’s perfect for you. You best get your audition game ready!”

  I nodded. “You think he’s in love with me?”

  Max flapped his arms. “I’ve just presented three auditions to you, and that’s what you ask me?”

  I grinned, “I’m kidding! I’ll audition for them all, please. I’ll read the scripts later, they all sound good, especially the astronaut one, thanks Max. Shall we have lunch?”

  Max jotted in his notepad, “Right ok, I’ll get back to all of them for you. Yes, lunch sounds great, I’m starving.”

  And just like that I casually landed three more major movie auditions.

  November 15th


  I’m so sorry we can’t be there, sweetie. Dad has to work, as always, and so do I. Madeline is dying to visit, but we know you’re busy so we don’t want to just drop her on you. She still has school for another couple of weeks before she finishes for Christmas and New Year. Please come visit soon, August. I hope the premiere goes splendidly. Take plenty of photos for me! I love you lots.

  November 16th

  Today is the final day of promotion. Tonight I’ll be walking down the red carpet signing autographs as we end with the premiere. The past few days have been spent doing private interviews, radio shows, and press conferences. At first I found them overwhelming, and they scared me. I soon got use to them though. I have to. This is what the rest of my life will be like. I enjoyed doing the radio shows most. They’re a lot more fun and relaxed. You just have a laugh and then have a slight discussion about the film. Simple really.

  Stanley and Jasmine have organised a dress for me to wear for the premiere. As a thank you for everything I’ve done for them. I don’t know why they keep thanking me. I didn’t really do much. I just gave Stanley the encouraging push.

  I’m hoping my size hasn’t changed at all since filming. I’ve been working out at the apartment, and I’ve started to develop the cutest little six-pack, so I’m praying it’ll fit me. Otherwise I’ll forever be known as the wonder girl who’s dress didn’t fit her. Great start to my career. Way to go August. I’m a little nervous. Maybe it’s because the time had arrived for the world to meet me, and for me to meet the world.

  It’s been great spending time with Stanley and Jasmine again, and Eleanor. We have rekindled our sister like relationship now she’s sleeping with the friend I’m not in love with. I wish Ethan could make it tonight. My first big event and he’s missing it. I know what he’s doing is equally important, but I wanted him to be by my side.

  We have one final press conference before we need to get ready for tonight. Everyone is only interested in asking me questions during these conferences. Ninety percent me, ten percent Eleanor, Stanley and the others. It’s becoming tiring telling everyone how long I’ve wanted to be an actress.

  Eleanor and I shared a dressing room to prepare ourselves for tonight. We had our own make up teams at our disposal. I would die for Eleanor’s eyelashes. We used the same mascara, but somehow it made her lashes appear miles better than mine. We both hate fake eyelashes, too. Eleanor’s hair looks amazing, too. The hair stylists told me she is having a straight, centre-parted style, which will come over her shoulders. And I’m having a messy chignon with tousled strands to frame my face. It baffled me, but I still pretended like I understood what they meant and that it was exactly what I wanted.

  Jasmine knocked on the door as she entered. “August, I have your dress! It’s so beautiful!” She had such a bright, bubbly grin on her face. She trotted over with the dress bag in her arms. Eleanor, Jasmine and I gathered around it as if we had discovered a treasure chest. Jasmine opened the bag and removed the cover to reveal what can only be described as perfection. The make up staff gathered around. I swear I saw a tear come out of the corner of one girl’s eye. We all admired it as if it were a painting at a gallery. The lights shun upon it and it sparkled beautifully. Not too bright so I looked like a disco ball, but not too dull so I’m dressed for a funeral. It’s a mysterious black, and so elegant. I’m concerned at the length around the chest area however. I’m worried my breasts would be the slightest bit… exposed.

  “Oh August, if you’ve got them, flaunt them.” Jasmine said as I slid into the masterpiece behind a curtain.

  I took a deep breath before turning and checking myself in the mirror and I have to say, I looked hot. I mean I was smoking in this dress. I performed a twirl and for a second… I felt like a Princess. The gown only dragged behind me a couple of inches, so I wouldn’t clumsily trip over it. I’m sure I’ll somehow find a way. I stepped out, holding my chest and allowed Jasmine to zip up the back.

  “I think I’ve chosen the wrong gender friend altogether.” Eleanor said, scanning my figure. I blushed because she didn’t look as though she was joking. The make up staff once again gathered around and admired. This time there were definite tears shed. The dress felt so smooth and soft. Whoever designed and created this piece of perfection was a genius. My concerns were correct, a lot of my upper torso is on show.
I doubt people will complain about that though. I just hope nothing that shouldn’t pop out, pops out. All I could think about since then was how much this dress must have cost Stanley and Jasmine.

  “Stanley has a friend. I wish I got a wedding dress made by this guy. I might have to get married again just to wear one!” Jasmine replied when Eleanor asked which planet the dress came from.

  I’m anxiously sitting in my limo on the way to the red carpet. My heartbeat is throbbing in my ears. I poured myself some champagne and gulped it, carefully avoiding smudging my lipstick. The fizzing flowed into my churning stomach and didn’t produce a good combination with my nervousness.

  “Nervous?” My driver asked as he rolled down the privacy glass.

  The throbbing in my ears made the voice sound a lot quieter than it should have been. “Petrified,” I replied.

  He stuck his head around the privacy glass and smiled, it was Wayne.

  “Hey! What are you doing here?” I asked.

  “They asked me to drive you! Since we’re bestfriends.” He chuckled.

  “It’s good to see a familiar face. I’ve been worrying my ass off, I mean look at me, look at my dress!”

  He flicked his eyes in the rear-view mirror. “The dress looks wonderful, and so do you! What are you worrying about? Is it because you don’t have a date tonight?”

  “Affirmative, I wanted someone to be here to support me, you know.”

  Wayne nodded, “I understand.”

  I poured myself more champagne, taking a sip this time.

  “I will not throw up.” I told myself.

  We came to a halt at some traffic lights.

  “We’re coming around the final corner now, Miss Bishop, so you better prepare yourself. Stanley told me to tell you there is a final gift for you in the compartment behind me here.” Wayne said, rolling the privacy glass back up.


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