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Running Into Love - The Complete Box Set

Page 9

by Annalisa Nicole

  “Nope, she doesn’t have a criminal record so without hiring a private investigator, I can only find out what’s available on the internet and through a regular background check.”

  “Thanks for doing this, Aiden, I appreciate it.”

  Hanging up with Aiden, I look over the file. There isn’t much information to go on. At least I have an address and a phone number, if that’s what Willow is looking for. Glancing down, I see the two yellow roses still sitting on my desk. I get up, take a book from the shelf, then press the roses between the pages and place it back on the shelf.

  Lunch time rolls around and it’s such a nice break in my day to have Willow join me. We enjoy each other’s company and our usual deli lunch.

  “So how do you feel about Friday?”

  “I won’t lie, I’m a little nervous. Not for the actual treatment itself. I guess I’m more nervous for the testing after and the results. This may sound strange, but I almost want them to do more chemo. I just want to make sure it’s all gone and never coming back. Does that sound strange?” she asks.

  “Sweetheart, I don’t think it’s strange. I understand that you are scared, and I hope you know I’ll be with you every step of the way. I’m not going anywhere.”

  I get up from my chair, pull her to her feet and wrap her in a hug. I hope I can somehow ooze confidence into her. I’m scared for her as well. I want her to be one hundred percent healthy.

  Like the day before, after work we head back to her house and cook dinner together. We work so well together. After dinner and cleanup are done, we sit and watch TV for a little while. There’s no second thought about staying the night again; it just comes naturally. I still sleep in my boxers and a t-shirt, but holding her close feels as natural as ever.

  We fall asleep in the same position, me pressed up against her back, and our fingers entwined. We wake in the same morning position as the previous morning, her draped over my side, with her head on my chest.

  Today is the big day. This is her last treatment. She always put on such a strong front, but I can’t help and wonder how she’s doing on the inside. I feel helpless. All I can do is be there for her. I hope she knows I would give up everything to take this away from her. I just pray she’s beaten it and she can move on to the next chapter of her life.

  Of our life.

  Chapter 14


  Waking up with Asher on the last day of treatment is such a big comfort. He’s been such a constant in my life since we met. I hope he knows how much he’s done, and is doing, for me by being here. After getting dressed, we go back to Asher’s so he can get ready.

  We head to the office with the same ritual, stopping on my floor with a kiss and a promise to pick me up in a few hours to head next door. I greet Amelia and get to work. The short work day goes by fast, soon Asher is standing at my desk and it’s time to go.

  “Are you ready, sweetheart?” he asks.

  “As ready as I’ll ever be.”

  We walk hand in hand next door. It’s funny how the first half of my treatment I was running and hiding from Zoey because I had no one. Now I have a boyfriend who’s been here for me every step of the way since the day we met.

  “Willow, Zoey is ready for you. Come on back,” the receptionist says, holding the door open for us.

  Asher stands and takes my hand. With a deep sigh, we head back to the treatment area. I sit nervously in my chair and wait for Zoey to come in and hook me up. Still holding Asher’s hand, he gives it a squeeze, and then smiles at me.

  “Are you doing alright?” he asks.

  “I am, with you here.”

  Zoey comes in to connect my last treatment and says, “You know you get to ring the bell this visit right?”

  “The bell, what bell?” I ask confused.

  “The last day of chemo, patients get to ring the big bell. You made it through treatment, and it signifies the end of a chapter and the beginning of the rest of your life.”

  Being unhooked for the last time is very scary. Like I said, I almost want to do more treatments. What if it isn’t gone? I don’t know if I can do all of this again, but then again, I have Asher in my life now. I can’t believe I was so naive to think I could do it all on my own to begin with.

  We walk over to a big, brass bell hanging from the ceiling. Asher takes out his cell phone and snaps a photo of me ringing the bell with a goofy grin on my face. He takes another one of me hugging Zoey. He then hands me a long, narrow gift-wrapped box with pink paper and a white bow on it.

  “What’s this for?” I ask.

  “Open it, sweetheart.”

  Lifting the lid, I pull out a platinum necklace. A breast cancer charm dangles from the center. It’s encrusted with diamonds and says ‘I kicked cancer’s butt.’ I hurl myself into Asher’s arms, with tears streaming down my cheeks, and I kiss him all over his face.

  “Thank you, it’s beautiful. I love it. Will you help me put it on?” I ask holding the chain out for him.

  He takes the two ends, while I hold my hair out of the way in my hand. He clasps the ends together, then places a soft kiss on the nape of my neck. Delicious chills run down my arms.

  “I’m so proud of you, sweetheart,” he whispers in my ear.

  Turning, I look around the room one last time. I look at the others’ faces, from first timers to recurring patients. I feel sad knowing exactly the journey they have in front of them and happy that mine is almost to an end. I still have tests to do, probably for the rest of my life and a port that needs to be removed. But right now, I just want to enjoy what I have. We walk together, hand in hand back to the parking garage, and Asher helps me into his car.

  “So where would you like to go to celebrate?” he asks.

  “Gosh, I don’t know.”

  “Well, I was hoping you would say that. I made reservations for us.”

  Pulling up to a nice restaurant, he valets the car. We walk into the restaurant with my arm looped through his. We are immediately escorted to a private table in the back. I see an arrangement of pink roses laying in the middle of the table. On a plate is a small box wrapped in pastel pink paper with a pink bow. When did he have time to pull all of this off?

  “Asher, this is too much. You didn’t have to do all this. You already got me the necklace. I love it so much. Really, you didn’t need to go to all this trouble.”

  “Nonsense, and stop taking the fun out of spoiling you. I want to, so I am. So get used to it,” he says, pulling out my chair.

  I take a seat and pick up the box.

  “Go ahead, open it,” he says.

  “Asher, you really didn’t have to do this.”

  Ever so carefully, I open the box trying not to rip the paper. Opening the lid, I gasp. Inside is a thick, platinum, rounded, rope type bracelet, with one pink heart charm with pave diamonds. It’s stunning. I look up at Asher with tears threatening to spill down my face.

  “It’s a charm bracelet. I got you started with the one charm and every year on the anniversary of being cancer free, I’ll add another charm.”

  Jumping up from the table, I knock over glasses and my chair in the process. I launch myself at him, sit in his lap, squeeze his neck, and shower him with kisses. My tears run freely down my cheeks now and I don’t care.

  “Asher, thank you so much. It’s perfect.”

  Suddenly I notice you can hear a pin drop. I remove my face from Asher’s neck and look around the restaurant. Everyone’s eyes are on me sitting in Asher’s lap.

  Standing, I apologize, “Sorry.” Oh, my gosh, I’m so embarrassed.

  A waiter rushes over, picks up my chair and fixes the glasses on the table. I take my seat, as red as a lobster. Asher reaches across the table and takes my hand.

  “I just want to tell you how proud I am of you. I know you went into this by yourself, but I’ve had the privilege of seeing you through the last half of your journey. You have brought such joy into my life. I think you’re an amazing woman and I look fo
rward to wherever this new journey leads us.”


  Seeing Willow ring that bell with that smile on her face, I about lost it and cried. I love how excited she got when she opened her gifts. Giving to Willow and seeing her reaction is priceless. I wish I could have had a picture of her sitting on my lap showering me with kisses at the restaurant, though.

  Glancing across the table, she has the biggest grin on her face, and she covers her mouth with her hand.

  “What’s so funny?” I ask.

  “Your face,” she replies.

  She can barely contain her giggles.

  “My face, what’s so funny about my face?” I ask.

  “You have lipstick kisses all over your face.” She reaches for her napkin, and then says, “Here, let me wipe them off for you.”

  “Are you kidding, you’re not wiping them off. I love them,” I tell her, loving the smile on her face.

  “You look like a goof.”

  “Yes, well, I’m your goof so get used to it.”

  I like the sound of her laughter. If sitting in a crowded restaurant with lipstick-shaped kisses all over my face makes her laugh, then I have no problem with it. Dinner is wonderful and she seems to be really happy. I know she has a few more tests, and the appointment to have her port removed, but all in all, she seems to have a glow about her. Being done with chemo must be a huge relief for her.

  “I have an idea, why don’t we drop by your house, pick up Lucy, and you both spend the weekend with me at my house. We have a busy weekend and it only makes sense to stay at my place.”

  “Alright, sounds like a good plan to me. Lucy will love exploring a new place.”

  “Let’s get you packed up then.”

  We head to her place and she packs her things, as well as things for Lucy. On the way back to my place, the dang dog sits in her lap with her nose smooshed into my window. Walking in my front door, Lucy takes off in the house with her nose to the ground exploring. Putting Willow’s things in my bedroom, I come out to find her with her nose in the refrigerator.

  “Are you hungry again?” I ask.

  “No, I was just being nosy. I want to see what you have stocked in your refrigerator.”

  “Half the time I don’t even know what’s in there. My housekeeper comes twice a week and stocks my fridge.”

  “You have a housekeeper? Well, I would think so with this big house and only you living here.”

  Facing her, I try telling her with my eyes that this is the same house Olivia and I shared while we were married, hoping she can read minds.

  “Willow,” I start to say.

  “This is the house you and Olivia shared?” she says, finishing my sentence.

  “Yes, I never moved. I never felt it was right.”

  “You don’t have to explain to me. I think it’s lovely. Why don’t you have any photos of her out?”

  “I had my sister take them all down. It was a really hard time in my life. Every day, I would come home and see painful reminders of her and the life that we had. They’re in a storage unit now. Enough about that, it’s getting late. You have to be tired. You had a big day. What do you say we head on up to bed?”

  “Sure, but I want you to know this house doesn’t bother me at all. When you feel more comfortable, I’d like to see photos of the two of you. I want to hear all about her; she sounds like an amazing woman.”

  Leading her down the hall towards my bedroom, I can’t help but fall deeper in love with her. She’s not threatened at all by memories of Olivia. She’s more accepting of all of it than I could have ever hoped for. It’s such a relief and I find that I want to share everything with her. I climb in bed while she changes into pajamas in the bathroom.

  I leave my t-shirt on and fold the covers back, waiting for her. She walks in wearing Scooby Doo flannel pajamas. The button-up top is unbuttoned with a tank top underneath. I grin at her. And she thinks that I’m a goof?

  “What? Don’t you like Scooby Doo?”

  “Actually, I do, but I’ve never seen adult sized Scooby Doo pajamas before.”

  “Where have you been living? You don’t eat chili with noodles and you’ve never seen adult Scooby Doo pajamas,” she says, standing at the side of the bed.

  I pat the space next to me for her to join me. She hesitates, then grabs the flannel shirt and slowly takes it off and sets it on the end of the bed. Instantly, Lucy jumps up and plants herself in a little ball on her soft flannel shirt.

  She stands there for a few seconds, letting me look at her; she’s beautiful. With our eyes locked together, I reach behind my back and pull my shirt off. Her eyes move slowly, traveling over my chest. I reach out my hand, she places hers in mine, and then slides into bed. Rolling on her side, I press my bare chest to her back and hold her tight. Lacing our fingers together, she kisses my knuckles and places them under her chin. I bury my nose in her sweet-smelling hair, close my eyes and thank God for another chance to love someone as special as Willow.

  Waking the next morning with the warm sun on my face and an even warmer Willow draped over the side of my body, she lifts her head placing her chin on my bare chest.

  “Good morning, sunshine,” she says with a smile.

  “Good morning, sweetheart. How did you sleep?”

  “Mmmm, wonderful. Your bed is so comfortable, much nicer than mine. I may never want to leave.”

  “You know, that could be arranged.”

  She places a kiss on my chest. Lucy walks up my body and curls up in a ball on my chest next to Willow’s face.

  “I think Lucy likes it here too.”

  Sitting up, she heads to the bathroom, returns a few minutes later, then snuggles back up to my side.

  “I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but Amelia and Ava will be here soon to pick you up to take you shopping for a dress for tonight.”

  “Amelia is coming too?” she asks surprised.

  “Yes, I invited her, I hope you don’t mind.”

  “Not at all, I’m excited. Shopping with the girls. Sounds like fun.”

  “I thought you would like that. No arguing, but I have an account at the department store set up and the sales staff have been instructed to get you everything you need for tonight and tomorrow for dinner with my parents.”

  “Asher, no. That’s too much.”

  With a kiss on her nose, I say, “Ah, ah, ah, I said no arguing. Ava and Amelia have been instructed as well. Why don’t you get in the shower, I’ll head downstairs and make us some breakfast before you go.”

  “You really are too much, but it’s just too much fun for me to say no. Thank you. I’ll be down in a little while.”

  She reaches over and kisses me once, grabs her bag and then heads toward the bathroom to take a shower.

  “Come on Lucy, let’s get you some breakfast and make Mom some too.”

  I gently swat Willow on the ass and give her a smile. She jumps with surprise, returns a sweet smile, then closes the bathroom door.

  I put on a t-shirt and a pair of jeans, pat my leg to get Lucy’s attention, and say, “Come on girl, let’s go.”

  Chapter 15


  As I make my way downstairs to the kitchen, I hear Asher, Amelia, and Ava talking.

  “There she is. Here’s some coffee, sweetheart, and I made you some eggs and bacon,” Asher says.

  “Thank you, it smells yummy,” I say.

  Amelia and Ava smile and make room for me at the bar, so I’m sitting next to Asher.

  “So, Willow, are you ready to hit the mall and have some girl time? I made us appointments for mani/pedi’s, and then it’s off to lunch, followed by a full day of shopping,” Ava says, as she eye’s me with a wink.

  “That sounds like a busy day, but someone has to do it, right?” I say, and Ava and Amelia both laugh.

  I can hear Asher whispering to Amelia, “If it looks like it’s too much for her, you need to bring her home, alright?”

  “Asher, stop worrying a
bout me. I’m fine. You gals ready to get this party started?”

  The mani/pedi’s are heavenly. Sitting in a vibrating chair, while someone rubs your feet and calf muscles are well, just heavenly. I leave the spa with pretty pink French manicured fingers and toes, unsure of what color my dress will be. I thought it was a safe, neutral choice for any dress color.

  Spending time with the girls is really a lot of fun. Lunch is filled with laughter, their childhood stories, and some of Asher. Listening to the girls tell stories is such a riot, the five of them really are close and I can see the love they have for each other written all over their faces.

  Shopping is another story, though. Every dress I try on doesn’t make me feel comfortable in my own body. After hours of shopping, I still haven’t found anything. Feeling depressed and tired, Ava walks up with a beautiful pink satin gown.

  “What do you think about this one? I think this one might work. It’s off the shoulders but in a straight line across the upper chest. I think everything will be covered with this one.”

  I take the dress from Ava and try it on. It’s beautiful. It has long sleeves, and is floor length, with a slit up to the middle of my thigh. It’s slightly off the shoulders, but high enough and straight across my chest that it fully covers the port.

  I come out of the dressing room with tears in my eyes, I say, “This is it, this is the one, it’s beautiful. Oh, Ava, I love it.”

  “It’s beautiful on you. Now let’s accessorize! Hurry up and change, we need shoes, a handbag, and undergarments!” Ava says.

  I quickly change and Amelia pulls me toward the shoe department.

  After a few more hours of shopping with the girls, I’m just exhausted. I leave with a gown, shoes, a handbag, and undergarments for tonight. A casual outfit for tomorrow and there must be a few extra things in there as well. I think the girls went a little crazy, because there are way too many bags for just those few things. Finally, we head back to Asher’s house.

  Plopping on his couch, I just need to close my eyes for a minute. Ava and Amelia bring in all the bags, and before I know it, I’m being lifted in Asher’s arms and carried to bed.


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