Running Into Love - The Complete Box Set
Page 109
I pull up in front of Quinn’s condo, look at the two coffee cups in the cup holder, and sigh. What the fuck am I doing?
I get out and knock on her door. She opens the door and her face changes from happy to confused.
“What are you doing here?” she asks.
“You need a ride to school,” I answer.
“I thought Savvy…” she starts.
“Are you ready,” I interrupt.
She sighs again, turns around, grabs her bag, then locks the front door. I walk around to the passenger side with her and she looks up at me confused.
“What are you doing?” she asks and stops walking.
“Opening your door,” I reply, slowly reaching for the handle.
Her mouth hangs open, then she quickly snaps it shut and gets in. Immediately her head goes to the two coffee cups sitting in the holder. Her eyes come to me through the window, I ignore her, then turn around and walk to the drivers side.
“Are those…” she starts.
“Drink,” I reply starting the engine.
“You know the Neanderthal period was like fifty thousand years ago. We speak in complete sentences now and it’s rude to cut people off when they’re talking,” she says, then takes a sip of her coffee. “Yum, eggnog latte,” she says, then takes another drink.
What the fuck is an eggnog latte? I take my drink and a huge gulp. Huh…not bad as far as fru fru drinks go.
“It’s rude to look a gift horse, or in this case, a gift chauffeur in the mouth,” I reply, setting my drink back in the cup holder.
“What does that even mean?” she questions, waving her hand in the air.
“Don’t be ungrateful when you receive a gift,” I tell her the true meaning. “And you thought you were so book smart,” I finish.
“I am smart. I worked my ass off in high school. How do you think I got a scholarship to college,” she says. “And for the record, my gift was borrowing Savvy’s car, not having a brooding chauffeur,” she finishes.
I shake my head and sigh. She’s just like the rest of the Wellington women. I guess I was wrong though, about her mom and dad paying her way through school. I bet they pay for her condo and give her some sort of monthly allowance, though.
“Which building do you need to go to?” I ask, pulling into the university.
She tells me turn by turn directions, until I stop in front of where she needs to be let out.
“What time?” I ask.
“You mean, what time do I need to be picked up? Today is a long day. I’ll be done at four,” she says, put’s the strap of her bag over her head, takes her coffee, then opens the door.
I nod, but she doesn’t close the door. I look back at her and she has a smirky, half grin on her face.
“Thank you for the ride and the coffee,” she says, raising it a few inches, then closes the door.
I watch Quinn walk inside the building, until the door closes behind her. I shake my head, then take another drink of my coffee. Nope, not bad at all.
Chapter 5
My last class let out twenty minutes early and now wish I had Ruby, so I could just go home. It’s been a really long and confusing day. Not having a car really sucks. Standing just inside the door, I dig out my cell phone and listen to my messages. The first one is Savvy and all she says is, ‘I told you once they get that look,' then she giggles and hangs up. I roll my eyes and wish she would have at least given me a heads up that Levi was coming. I delete the message, then press next. The next one is from my insurance agent, telling me that my car is totaled. Great. Now, what am I going to do? I know it’s dumb, but my eyes start to sting with tears. I look out the door up into the sky to try and get them to stop. I’m not fast enough, because one lone tear trails down my cheek. God, I’m dumb to cry over my car. I wipe it away just as a black Explorer parked in front of the building catches my eye.
It’s Levi. He’s early. How long has he been sitting here?
I get myself under control and exit the building. I take a deep breath, open the car door, and get in. As I take a seat, I feel his scrutinizing stare and I do my best not to look at him.
“Are you hungry?” he asks.
“Yes, but…” I start to say.
He puts the Explorer in drive and takes off. I was going to tell him that I’ll just eat at home. Obviously, I need to start saving the money I do have for a new car. I make OK money by doing several side jobs in my spare time. I do taxes during tax season, tutor high school math students, and I also do some mean web designing. But none of those are consistent, full-time jobs and finding the money to buy even a used car right now, just isn’t going to happen. Looks like I’ll be taking the bus for a while.
Levi pulls into the parking lot at Jax and shuts off the engine. I smile just at the thought of seeing my brother. Levi gets out, while I dig in my school bag on the floor for my wallet. Then my door opens. I turn my head to the side, surprised. He makes a grand gesture with his arm for me to exit the vehicle. I stop staring at him and get out. He’s…grunt here…open a door there…not let me finish a sentence here…buy me coffee there. He’s so confusing. And men say we’re fickle? We walk to the front door of the restaurant and he holds open the door for me.
Mason, my brother's right-hand man and sous chef immediately spots us and starts walking our direction with a smile. The hostess, Jenna, grabs two menus and seats us at a table with a smirk a mile wide plastered on her face. Mason meets us at the table, removes the menus, then kisses me on the cheek.
“Jax just stepped out to pick up Ava and the girls, he should be back soon though. Can I bring you both the house specials?” he asks, looking at me.
I smile, knowing turn around is fair play. Let’s see how Levi likes not having a choice in what to eat.
“That sounds great,” I tell Mason, smiling at Levi.
“Perfect,” Mason says, then heads back to the kitchen.
Just then, Jax, Ava, Sky, and Hope walk into the restaurant. Ava immediately smiles at me, eyes Levi sitting next to me, then smiles bigger. I give a wave, then the girls spot us. Sky smiles at me and runs into my arms. Hope follows her big sister, gives me a hug, then holds her arms out to Levi.
“Hi Unkey Levi,” she says in her cute little girl voice.
Of course, Levi isn’t her actual Uncle, by blood or marriage, but to this family neither of those things matter. His face immediately melts as he picks her up and places her on his lap. She takes her tiny hands and places them on his cheeks as he blows them outward. She gives them a firm slap and pops the air out of his cheeks while giggling.
“I need to check on a few things in the kitchen. I’ll be right back,” Jax says, then heads toward the kitchen.
Ava takes a seat next to me, while I stare at Levi and Hope.
“It’s sweet, isn't it?” she whispers in my ear.
“What is?” I question.
“The two of them,” she nods toward Levi and Hope.
I nod my head and watch them. I guess I never noticed it before. Why have I never noticed this before? I have to say, it’s all kinds of sexy seeing tall, dark, and brooding playing with my niece in his lap. He’s so gentle with her and she’s having a great time with him. Then I think about his tattoo and my heart sinks. He once had this in his life. For a split second, a mini movie plays in my head and I envision him playing with Ivy Rose. I can’t fathom how much he must miss her. Again for the second time today, I can’t help it. A single tear slides down my face.
Jax walks out of the kitchen and I quickly wipe it away. Ava gently places her hand on mine and gives it a squeeze. I look at her and she smiles a warm smile at me.
“Are you ready to go, ladies?” Jax asks Ava and his daughters.
“Yep,” she says and stands. “Come on girls, let’s go,” she continues.
“Quinn, are you alright?” Jax asks, looking at me.
Levi quickly looks at my face with concern and I plaster on a happy face.
“Yep, I’m good,” I say. “Where are you guys off to?” I ask, looking at Ava, ignoring Levi’s brooding stare.
“We’re taking the girls to a movie, and we’re eating Swedish fish and popcorn for dinner,” she says with a smile.
“Yay!” Sky shrieks.
“No, we’re not,” Jax quickly butts in. “Movie, then we’re coming back here to eat a quick dinner, then it’s bedtime for Bonzo’s,” he finishes, looking at the girls.
“Aww,” Sky whines.
“Well, I for one, will be too full of popcorn and Swedish fish,” Ava says quietly to me.
“I checked on your meals while I was in the kitchen, they should be out any minute. You’re sure you’re alright,” Jax asks me concerned.
“Yes, fine. You guys have fun at the movies,” I say, excitedly to Sky and Hope.
“See you two Sunday,” Ava says with a smile, taking Sky’s hand.
Hope jumps off Levi’s lap, takes her dad’s hand, then they leave the restaurant. Mason comes out, places our food in front of us and it smells heavenly. Although, all I end up doing is pushing it around my plate.
“Say it,” Levi says, setting his fork down with a clatter.
I look up at him, confused. He removes the napkin from his lap, wipes his mouth, then sets it next to his plate.
“You might as well say it, you know you’re going to anyway,” he insists.
I just shake my head at him. If I talk, I’d probably do something stupid, like cry again. We finish our meal and of course, Levi loved it, he ate every last bite on his plate. I’m surprised he actually does have manners, because I half expected him to pick up his plate and lick it, that’s how much he enjoyed it. He reaches for his wallet, then takes out some cash and sets it on the table.
He removes my coat from the back of my chair, holds it out for me to slip my arms in, then we leave the restaurant. He again opens the car door and I get in. He drives me home in silence. At my condo he turns off the engine, gets out, walks around to my side, and opens the door. I grab my school bag and slide out of my seat.
He walks me to the front door, waits until I have the door unlocked and open, then he turns around and starts to walk back to the Explorer.
“Levi,” I call.
He stops, then turns around and looks at me.
“I knew you couldn’t keep it inside,” he says.
When I don’t say anything more, he walks back over to me and digs his hands into his front pockets. I look up at him and I don’t know what comes over me. I quickly roll up on my toes, touch the side of his face with my hand, then kiss him.
But, he’s not kissing me back. He doesn’t even take his hands out of his pockets.
I remove my hand from his face, lower myself back down, then back away from him. Why did I just do that? Now I feel like a complete idiot.
“I’m sorry,” I tell him, then slowly walk backward until I hit the doorframe.
Before I can blink, Levi’s standing in front of me and has his hand in my hair. He closes the front door, maneuvers me in front of it, then searches my eyes.
Oh my God.
I breathe in, then out.
His lips crash down on mine, while his hand pulls my head into the kiss. His lips are soft and warm as they move gently over mine. He wraps his other hand around my waist and pulls me to him with a gentle thud. He presses me against the door and we kiss for what seems like an eternity, then he removes his lips, but stays close to my face. He breathes heavy in my ear, then his nose glides over my cheek. He gently kisses my lips again, then he’s gone.
I open my eyes a few seconds later to see him open the door to the Explorer. He gets in and drives away, without looking at me again.
I place my fingertips on my lips and smile.
The next morning I, again, stop for coffee before I pick up Quinn. I order the same drink because she seemed to really enjoy it. I pull up in front of her condo and she’s waiting on the front step. I get out and open the door while she walks down the sidewalk.
She passes me, nervously smiles, then gets in. She eyes the coffee, then that nervous smile turns into one that gives my heart a jolt. We drive in silence to school and I pull up in front of her building. She reaches for her coffee, but I take her hand instead. Her eyes immediately come to mine and she smiles. I give her hand a squeeze, then let go. She takes her coffee, gets out, then closes the door. I watch as she walks toward the building, but she stops before she opens the door.
She turns back around, opens the door, and says, “I forgot to tell you, I get out at two.”
She again closes the door, turns around, but doesn’t walk away. She turns back around again, opens the door, climbs in, reaches over the console, and kisses me. I place my hand on her jaw and kiss her back.
She pulls away and says, “Bye, Levi,” then gets out.
“Bye, Quinn,” I say, then she closes the door and walks inside the building.
I drive to work with a smile on my face. I park in the parking lot, take my coffee and walk inside. Savvy is sitting at her desk on the phone, she looks up to see who’s coming in, sees it’s me, then looks back at the paperwork in front of her. Two seconds later, her head pops back up, she looks at me with surprise and stops talking to the person on the phone.
“Um…Willow, I’m going to have to call you back,” she says, hangs up, and watches me walk through the room.
I ignore her and head to the surveillance room, set down my coffee, then take a seat. Chase and Max are both inside working and eye me as I open my laptop.
“What’s that?” Max asks.
I look at him to see he’s pointing at my coffee.
“Coffee,” I answer, matter-of-factly.
“Yes, but you don’t drink high dollar coffee from a coffee house. You said it was…” Chase says.
“I changed my mind,” I cut him off, telling both of them.
“More like someone changed it for you,” Max says, under his breath.
Just then, Chole comes running up to the door, then it’s like an episode of the Three Stooges. Willow crashes into the back of her, then Amelia crashes into the back of her, followed by Savvy.
“I told you,” Savvy says to the girls.
“Oh my God, you’re right,” Willow confirms.
“Chloe, is something wrong?” Max asks, concerned for his pregnant wife.
“Wrong? No, nothing's wrong. We were just…passing by and thought…we’d say hello,” she says. “So, hello. Uh, see you later,” she says, then turns around.
The rest of the girls follow behind her and walk back to Savvy’s desk.
“Chloe,” Max calls, standing in the doorway.
“Yes,” she answers, sheepishly, turning around.
“My office, please,” he says.
“Speaking of an office. I think it’s time I got my own. This surveillance room is a little…crowded,” I say getting up. “I have field work to do. I’m out,” I finish, then leave.
Savvy, Amelia, and Willow eye me as I walk through the room, giggling like a brood of hens.
“You’re a bunch of nuts,” I say, as I put my hand on the door and leave.
With that, they only laugh louder.
Chapter 6
Even though Levi’s been using the Explorer for the last couple of days, he still wears heavy, black biker boots, black jeans, a black t-shirt, and a black leather jacket. I don’t think I’ve seen him in anything else, except for at a wedding. As I wait for him to pick me up, I rack my brain on what to get him for Christmas.
I dig out my phone, get on the internet, and search Ducati gifts for men. A ton of stuff comes up from hats, t-shirts, coffee mugs, and keychains. But, an all black watch catches my eye. It has a black leather strap and a black face with the Ducati logo just above the number six. It screams Levi. I click on it and have a small heart attack when I get a look at the price. I have a few web designs I’m working on right now, so I justify the purchase and add i
t to the cart. I know he’ll love it, the price won’t even matter when I see the smile it’ll put on his face. As I finish the purchase, Levi pulls up in front of the building.
I get in with a smile, put my bag on the floor by my feet, and wait for him to take off. But he doesn’t. I look at him, he lifts his chin at me, then leans toward me.
He wants a kiss.
A kiss, I’ll gladly give.
I lean the rest of the way over and kiss him on the lips. He puts the car in drive and takes off.
“Have you eaten?” he asks.
“I ate the vending machine special,” I answer.
He looks at me with a disgusted look on his face, then directs his attention back to the road.
“Have you started your Christmas shopping?” I ask.
He, again, looks at me with the same disgusted look.
“No,” he answers.
I see we’re back to one word, one syllable answers again, so I grunt at him.
He sighs, then says, “I don’t have anybody to get anything for.”
“That’s not true. I saw Mrs. W hand you someone’s name from the draw,” I remind him.
“Yeah, I guess she did,” he confirms.
“I hate to ask you this, but if you’re not busy, do you think we can go to the mall? I’d like to finish my Christmas shopping,” I say.
“Why did you say it like that?” he asks.
“Say it like what?” I ask.
“You hate to ask me,” he says, repeating what I said.
“I don’t exactly see you as the shopping for hours, carrying my plethora of bags, following me from store to store kind of a guy,” I tell him truthfully.
“Really? Just what type of guy do you see me as?” he asks.
Before I can think better of my answer, it comes flying out of my mouth.
“Tall, dark, and broo…” I say, then clamp my mouth shut when I realize what I’m saying.