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Sons of Justice 13_Off the Market for Love

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by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  Sons of Justice 13: Off the Market for Love

  Tiana isn’t in the market for love, but when her Sons of Justice soldiers get a hold of her, they take her off the market quickly. As a real estate agent, she deals with her share of flirtatious, wealthy men, and some make a move during house showings. She’s never entertained any of their advances until the team of four SOJ soldiers corner her at once. It’s full throttle dominance and apparently she’s a submissive woman with the right men as the leaders. The desire is instant, and the need for dominance on their part is accepted by her, especially when their tactics of shock and awe leave her wanting more.

  When they put up the walls, Tiana thinks they’ve had their fun and aren’t the commitment types, but soon she learn they have some weaknesses. She’s the right person to help them overcome their PTSD and make them feel truly needed and capable of love.

  When she lands in the middle of a sticky business deal, and the feds question her intentions and threaten to destroy her mens’ careers, she does what she thinks is best. It will take her men’s connections and capabilities to save her from danger and make them realize they love her with all their hearts and that they want to be with her for the rest of their lives.

  Genre: Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Romantic Suspense

  Length: 40,243 words



  Dixie Lynn Dwyer


  Siren Publishing, Inc.



  Copyright © 2017 by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  ISBN: 978-1-64010-862-2

  First Publication: December 2017

  Cover design by Les Byerley

  All art and logo copyright © 2017 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.


  Dear readers,

  Thank you for purchasing this legal copy of Off the Market.

  Tiana is determined to succeed in the real estate business, and to handling life on her own. She declines flirtatious actions of men she meets from business, but then meets Biani, Vella, Falzone, and Messina, and everything changes. A lot is going on in her life. She is scared at how much she instantly loves them, and how hard it is accepting their need to push her away out of their own fears. Work is crazy, and she’s involved with the biggest deal of her career. She’s confused, overworked, and winds up in the middle of a situation that could hurt her career, as well as the four men she just started dating. She’s willing to risk everything for them, and in doing so, suffers the consequences. With SoJ soldiers as her men, they’ll move heaven and earth to save her.

  May you enjoy her journey.

  Happy reading.




  People seem to be more interested in my name than where I get my ideas for my stories from. So I might as well share the story behind my name with all my readers.

  My momma was born and raised in New Orleans. At the age of twenty, she met and fell in love with an Irishman named Patrick Riley Dwyer. Needless to say, the family was a bit taken aback by this as they hoped she would marry a family friend. It was a modern day arranged marriage kind of thing and my momma downright refused.

  Being that my momma’s families were descendants of the original English speaking Southerners, they wanted the family blood line to stay pure. They were wealthy and my father’s family was poor.

  Despite attempts by my grandpapa to make Patrick leave and destroy the love between them, my parents married. They recently celebrated their sixtieth wedding anniversary.

  I am one of six children born to Patrick and Lynn Dwyer. I am a combination of both Irish and a true Southern belle. With a name like Dixie Lynn Dwyer it’s no wonder why people are curious about my name.

  Just as my parents had a love story of their own, I grew up intrigued by the lifestyles of others. My imagination as well as my need to stray from the straight and narrow made me into the woman I am today.

  Enjoy Off the Market for Love and allow your imagination to soar freely.

  For all titles by Dixie Lynn Dwyer, please visit

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  About the Author


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six







  Copyright © 2017


  “We’re not going to make it! We’re too fucking late!” Vella Nueva yelled out to Falzone, Messina, and Biani.

  “We will make it. Break down the fucking door when we get there and take them out!” Falzone yelled back, amidst the horrifying screams echoing through the darkness as they approached the two-story dwelling. Women and children dying, being murdered by vicious terrorist monsters taking over their town, their village, that was supposed to be a safe zone. Where were the troops responsible for watching over this community? What the fuck went wrong?

  “Oh fuck no. No!” Messina grunted as they came across the bodies. One after the next. Fellow soldiers, friends, guys they knew, dead, slaughtered.

  More cries echoed, and gun shots. Vella saw red, absolute fucking red, his mind on one thing, and one thing only. Kill those responsible for this. Kill them now.

  He kicked in the door. His ears numb to the sounds of gunfire and bullets hitting the wood behind him, one grazing the bulletproof vest, another hitting him in the chest of that bulletproof vest, making his shoulder pull back but not stopping him from returning fire.

  Adrenaline. He was going on pure adrenaline right now.

  The sounds echoed around him as terrorist soldiers fired back, his eyes zeroing in on them. His team alongside him, killing their way through to get to those in need. The victims… “Pop, pop, pop, pop, pop.” The sound of his weapon as he pulled the trigger, taking those monsters out one by one. The sounds disappeared as they made their way through checking over the bodies, hoping, praying that some were alive. He heard the moaning, the crying of multiple women, stripped of their clothing, raped by these disgusting men. The moaning and crying was torturous to his ears, his heart pounded inside of his chest and as he got farther into the room, and pushed open the door. He gasped, closed his eyes, and felt his stomach lurch. He turned away, tried to stop Messina from seeing it too, but it was too late. A gunshot went off, shocking them; he and Messin
a returned fire, stepping deeper into the chamber of death, unloading their weapons into the animal who stood there bloody, evil in appearance, the devil in his eyes and blood all over him and the long, sharp, dirty knife he had used on his victims. “Nooooo.”

  Vella gasped for breath and jumped up from the bed. He was in a cold sweat, shorts drenched, the sheets, too, and had to blink his eyes open several times, reminding himself of where he was. No longer on missions in the Middle East, but in Repose Texas, in a cottage on Tat’s property. Tears filled his eyes and he quickly rubbed them with his palms and stood up.

  You’re a fucking soldier. Act like one.

  He took several unsteady breaths and paced his room. The walls were fucking thin in this place. It was cramped, and made them all feel uneasy. Messina said the same thing. There wasn’t room yet, or any available homes on SoJ campground or around the vicinity. New homes were being built but they just broke ground. Maybe it was time to look at the real estate market and find something better, bigger, giving each of them privacy. He heard the knock on the door.


  “You okay, man?” Messina asked.


  “I’m going for a run,” Messina said through the door.

  Vella rubbed his mouth and beard. He was scheduled to go to The Ring and workout with Hook today. Messina, too, while Biani and Falzone met with Spartan. He opened the door and Messina stared right at him. They were both identical in height, six-feet-four, wide shoulders, big muscles, yet trim from their training and workouts in martial arts, boxing, and MMA fighting.

  “You okay?”

  “I said yes,” Vella replied, feeling on edge, snappy, and aggressive.

  Messina stared at him. “I’ve been up all night. Couldn’t sleep,” Messina replied.

  “Let me get dressed and I’ll go for the run, too,” Vella replied, and Messina nodded then walked back down the hallway.

  Vella exhaled in frustration. Why was he so on edge still? Why wasn’t the anxiety, the constant on guard sensation dissipating? He went to the bathroom, got washed up, then dressed in sweats and a t-shirt ready for the run. He ventured out into the kitchen to the back door where Messina stood waiting. It was still dark. Both men had their guns on them, hidden in their holsters on their lower backs. They were warned about animals and some that could be aggressive. It was dark out still, but another thirty minutes and the sun would be coming up. They did their stretches, and a glance toward Tat and his team’s house, and he could see the light on upstairs. That was the bedroom, and more than likely Talia was up unable to sleep. Although Tat said she was getting better, only waking up once a night now, it still was upsetting to them. To her men.

  He jogged side by side with Messina. Neither said a word and he was fine with that. The four of them, Messina, Biani, and Falzone, their leader, were all quiet men. Hardcore down to the bone, stubborn, crazy, and lived for the danger. Or at least they used to. Things were changing, and they were changing fast.

  Recovery wasn’t like it used to be. Being desensitized was a weapon, a power as soldiers in Special Operations who dealt with the things others couldn’t handle. They had been going from one dangerous mission to the next, all overseas, all different for a stint until they were forced back into Afghanistan and deep into the small villages. He swallowed and then cleared his throat. He didn’t want to think about that fucking mess, that scene that haunted his sleep, and what little he got. He knew what was going on. Sleep deprivation post-traumatic stress disorder. Insomnia at times, things were getting worse. He didn’t want to wind up being discharged, medicated, and tossed to the side as collateral damage, an used-up soldier.

  He picked up speed and Messina hung close. It was on his mind constantly, and that added to his sleepless nights, the tossing and turning and then the visions.

  When they finally ended their run a good hour later and returned back to the house, he felt exhausted. Was it enough to make him go back to bed after his shower? No, because now the day was beginning, the others were getting up, and then he and Vella were heading to The Ring to spar and train. This was a vicious cycle with no clearing or happiness in sight. One day at a time. That was his only choice. One day at a time.

  “Good morning, guys. Want some eggs?” Biani asked, just starting to make some breakfast.

  “If you’re cooking, sure,” Messina said, and then went right to the shower first.

  “How was it?” Falzone asked Vella, joining them in the kitchen.

  “Fine.” Vella opened the refrigerator to take out a bottle of water. He started drinking it down.

  “Biani and I are heading into town after we meet with Spartan. We saw a for sale sign on this house online that’s closer to town then we wanted, but it is for sale,” Falzone told him.

  Vella looked at him. “So we definitely want to start looking for something bigger, and around here?”

  “Definitely. We all need our privacy, and have been wanting something with more rooms, with some land, too. This was temporary,” Falzone replied.

  “Tat suggested we talk with Tiana Mosely, Avana’s sister. She’s a real estate agent,” Biani said, and smirked as he cooked.

  Vella leaned back into his seat. “That’s the young, little brunette we met at the Filling Station once?” he asked.

  “With those glowing light green eyes,” Biani added.

  “I hope this isn’t a setup,” Vella said, feeling angry.

  “A setup?” Falzone asked.

  “Ya know, get into the whole commitment thing and shit,” Vella replied.

  “The way you were staring at her that night, I would think that you might jump at an opportunity to see her again,” Biani teased.

  A scowl formed on his face.

  “She’s an attractive woman,” Vella replied.

  “With a super body. Petite, too,” Biani said.

  “Too young and too petite. We’d crush her,” Falzone stated, and then chuckled.

  “God damn, man, you had to say that?” Biani said, and shook his head and exhaled.

  Falzone smirked.

  “Cool it. We don’t date. Never had time for that type of thing.”

  “No need to start now,” Vella said, and got up to make a plate of food.

  “So is that a no to calling her to set up a meeting and look at some houses?” Falzone asked.

  “Set up a meeting with who?” Messina asked, joining them in the kitchen, his head still wet from showering.

  “Calling a real estate agent. Tiana, Avana’s sister, actually,” Biani said to Messina.

  Messina looked at Falzone and his face was blank. He swallowed and then went over to grab a plate.

  Biani chuckled. “Well, there ya go.”

  Falzone nodded. “Okay, I’ll get her number from Spartan in a little bit. You guys still heading to The Ring?” he asked.

  “Yep,” Messina replied.

  “Good, while you’re out, grab some cold cuts for lunch, and rolls at the deli in the supermarket as well for tonight’s dinner,” Falzone said to them, and Vella nodded and then continued eating. Suddenly he had a bit of a pain in his stomach, and he couldn’t understand why.

  Chapter One

  “I want to know why his name came up with this investment property. Do you know anything about this, Tiana?” her boss Gordon Slane asked her.

  “No, I don’t know anything about it. Why would I, Gordon? The only real estate I showed Mr. Slane were three large estates. He mentioned nothing about an interest in investment real estate, or even asked me about companies selling out.”

  Gordon exhaled.

  “He’s up to something. Do you realize how wealthy Ellington is?” he asked, and when she opened her mouth to say something, he cut her off.

  “Of course you do. He has you showing him homes over five million. He’s a big client to nab, and if he is interested in business investments as well, then you need to jump on this and be part of their transaction.”

  “How can I
be part of it? That’s Cynthia’s client.”

  “But she didn’t snag Ellington. You can ask him if he needs representation for business real estate investments. He’ll say yes to you, Tiana. He eats you up with his eyes constantly.”

  “Nice, Gordon. I’ve had to avoid the man’s flirtatious comments and actions every time I show him a house.”

  Gordon smiled and looked her over. “Well, you are gorgeous, young, sexy, and have amazing eyes, and the male clients adore you. Hell, the female ones adore you, too. They know that you’re honest.”

  “What’s honest about asking Ellington if he needs representation? Obviously the man is already negotiating on his own.”

  “Not necessarily. I just happen to catch wind of the initial discussion of interest. He hasn’t signed with Cynthia.”

  “Cynthia isn’t too fond of me.”

  “Jealousy is a terrible attribute.”

  She took a deep breath and exhaled just as his phone rang. He answered it. “Gordon Slane.” He said into the receiver, then gave a wave of his hand, ushering her out of the room.

  She exhaled. Her boss was a piece of work. Kind and friendly one minute, then abrasive and stuck up the next. She hated how he dismissed her with a wave of his hand, but then again, she was getting accustomed to his behavior. Some people just don’t get how they come across to others. She headed to her desk to grab some files, and then meet a client at a house in Repose. She figured she would stop by the grocery store and pick up something for dinner and a few things, drop them off at home on her lunchbreak, then back to the office to make some phone calls and arrangements for showings this week.


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