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Sons of Justice 13_Off the Market for Love

Page 4

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “I don’t think so. Please keep in mind that you aren’t the only interested parties in this land. So if you’ll excuse me, I should mingle with some of the other guests.” She went to stand up, but Ellington’s hand was on the back of her neck and Michael scooted closer, his hand slid up the slit in her dress on the side, and stroked up and down.

  “Don’t be scared. Your innocence, softness, and uneasiness with our flirtatious actions make you even more appealing. You need looking after, Tiana. You don’t know some of these men, the players, like we do. They will eat you up alive if you aren’t careful,” Michael said.

  “We can’t have that, now can we?” Ellington added, and he leaned closer to press his lips to hers, but she turned and his lips hit her cheek, pressed to her skin, and then he eased back.

  “Plans. We must make plans to discuss things. Monday, after you meet with Charleston, meet us at the location and then for dinner. I guarantee you won’t be disappointed,” Michael said, and brought her hand to his lips and kissed her knuckles.

  She cleared her throat. She needed to get away from these two. They were up to something and she was now on their radar. She smiled softly. “I’ll have to see if that will work for me. I have several active clients right now.”

  “This land is priority, and it’s simple really. Either you show us it, represent our best interests as our real estate agent, or we go elsewhere. I hear that Cynthia is doing a fantastic job at Berthmire agency. She would probably jump at the opportunity to serve us, because either way she will win a great commission whether it is us or Charleston who buys that property,” he said to her, and she felt sick to her stomach. They knew she and Cynthia didn’t get along. That was all Cynthia’s doing because she was jealous. Tiana couldn’t let that woman take this commission from her. This was an opportunity in a half.

  “I’m in charge of this property not Cynthia,” she replied.

  “And you think we don’t know who the owners are, or could already have details on this property and a price in mind?” Michael asked with confidence.

  Her gut tightened. It was obvious that these businessmen played hardball. She needed to calm this situation before her boss found out, and she screwed up making them money before they were close enough to feel confident in closing this deal.

  “I’ll rearrange my schedule for Tuesday afternoon and evening. We can meet at the location, sign papers confirming that you are bound to our agency and to me in this process. Then we can come up with a proposal to offer the sellers.”

  “Perfect. See, that wasn’t so hard, was it, Tiana?” Michael asked her, and she shook her head.

  “We’re going to get very close.”

  “Michael, I don’t get involved romantically with clients.”

  “You’ll have access to our finances, and other personal information, we don’t let just anyone that close, Tiana. Besides, mixing business with pleasure can be very stimulating,” he added, and held her gaze as he took a sip from his glass. He was sexy and capable, that was certain.

  “No, we sure don’t,” Ellington said, and stroked her shoulder before he eased his arm from her chair.

  She took a deep breath and exhaled. “Well, I need to mingle. It was nice speaking to both of you and making plans for business,” she added, and stood up. So did both men, and they were tall, about six feet, but not as tall as Falzone and his team. Where the hell did that come from?

  “Perhaps plans beyond business. Have a good evening,” Michael said and took her hand, brought it to his lips, and kissed her knuckles.

  She pulled back and walked away, and right into the path of Cynthia Spencer.

  The tall redhead gave Tiana the once over. Tiana smiled as she noticed her boss Gordan in a dead stare at her.

  “So I see you’ve landed a pretty nice piece of real estate to represent. I guess we’ll be sharing a commission on that.”

  “That’s rather presumptuous of you. It hasn’t even gone public as of yet, Cynthia.”

  “Oh please, you know Charleston Long is going to be bidding. That ten million will be fifteen if we all play our cards right.”

  “I don’t work that way, Cynthia. I don’t know who will be the client to ultimately buy the land, but I’m certain there will be more than just a few interested parties.”

  “We’ll see about that. I personally wouldn’t bother with an unknown for this area. We need to live here, therefore we should give those businessmen with investments in the vicinity first dibs,” Cynthia said.

  “It’s a free market and I bet we’ll both be busy either way. If you’ll excuse me, I need to mingle a little more before I head out.”

  Cynthia grabbed her arm and stepped closer. Of course the woman was tall and in the heels she wore, she was model height. Tiana looked up at her.

  “If you’re smart, you’ll work with me on this. I should have gotten that deal, not you anyway.”

  “Why do you think that?”

  “An anonymous seller? Seriously, Tiana, I know you’re new at this, but read between the lines. Someone is setting this up and we’re all players. We need to look out for one another in this so we don’t end up screwed.”

  “I don’t understand or even know what you’re talking about. Good luck. It should be interesting to see how this all pans out,” Tiana said, and walked away from Cynthia.

  “What did she want?” Gordon asked Tiana as she walked next to him.

  “Oh, something about both of us making out on this deal. I think she believes that Berthmire Agency should have gotten this property not us.”

  “She’s such a bitch. She shouldn’t assume that Charleston Long will get it. It’s up for grabs. Just wait until Monday morning. You’ll be in the office early, right?”

  “Actually, I have a few clients that I’m showing some homes to. By afternoon I’ll be freed up and will show Charleston Long the property. I’m sure Cynthia will be there, too.”

  “Well the sellers’ request is that you be the only real estate agent to show the property. They don’t want others involved with this, and are hoping for a quick sale.”

  “They?” she asked, not knowing if it were one seller or multiple. Gordan’s face flushed. Obviously he wasn’t supposed to say anything.

  “Doesn’t matter. We’ll go over the rules. Do not indicate that there is more than one seller.”

  “Okay, no problem there. I think this is going to turn into a situation though.”

  “A situation?” he asked, eyes squinted.

  “A bidding war. Ellington and Michael seem adamant about getting that property.”

  “Do they now?”

  “Yes, but so is Charleston, and God knows who else will pop up interested in this.”

  “It’s a ten million dollar property. I don’t think there will be that many people involved in bidding. Let it be and we’ll sit back and see what happens. Either way, the profit will be life-changing, and open up our company to similar properties and a wealthier clientele perhaps. I hope to expand into Cinder and Brookern if this goes according to plan.”

  “You’ll need to hire more agents and staff.”

  He smiled. “With you as my number one agent of course,” he said and winked, then wrapped his arm around her waist and gave her a hug.

  She shook her head and snorted. “Flattery will get you everywhere, boss,” she teased.

  “Oh really? That is good to know.” She blushed, a little embarrassed that he was flirting. He gave her a nudge. “Don’t worry, I’m not hitting on you. I wouldn’t risk making you leave and go to a competitor’s agency. I see that Spencer Berthmire keeps looking your way and eyeing you over.”

  “As if I would leave and go work for him and with Cynthia? I think not.”

  He chuckled. “The woman is a conniving bitch who thinks she has the power of manipulation. Watch yourself with her. She could turn your words around and use them against you.”

  “Not me. I let her talk, and then I shut her down, or ignore her. Besides, I
don’t plan on engaging in too many conversations with her anyway.”

  “You will be forced to if Charleston brings her along, or remains an interested party. I say the more the merrier. The end result will benefit all of us.”

  “All of us?”

  “Well, you, me, and our sellers.”

  “Mr. Slane, so nice to see you. I was wondering if I could have a moment of your time please?” a man interrupted them.

  Tiana smiled as Gordon introduced her to this guy Wayne and then she excused herself to use the ladies room and then sneak out. It was already nine o’clock and she wanted out of here, and to a more fun setting with friends. She wouldn’t have time to go home and change, so wearing the designer cocktail dress was going to have to do.

  She headed toward the ladies’ room, saying hello to a few other people she knew. Some showed interest in using her services or letting her know that they recommended her, and finally she got to the ladies’ room and took a breather.

  She wouldn’t have time to go home and change, so wearing the designer cocktail dress was going to have to do. As she rechecked her lip gloss, she thought about Michael and Ellington. They were very good looking, older men, established and wealthy. She would be lying if she said she didn’t feel an attraction to them. However, it was nothing in comparison to the attraction she had toward Falzone, Messina, and Biani, hell, even Vella was attractive in his own scary way. Why was it she found the hardcore military types so sexy? They seemed like men that would demand and want total control. Control with them would be absent. Hell, she knew that if they made a move she wouldn’t be able to resist it. Where would that lead her but lonely and used times four? Not smart thinking. She was horny, that was all. She also didn’t have sex just to do it. It had been years. She had one lover and it was quick. Good ole’ Big Bob the vibrator was working double time, and something told her after this evening and the Filling Station she would need to charge him up.

  She felt her cheeks flush as she looked into the mirror and felt she looked really good. Would Biani and them approve and like it? Would they even be at the Filling Station? She wondered, and that bit of hope they would be filled her core. Look at that? She liked them. Holy shit, she liked a team of four soldiers. Wait until Avana found out. Yikes.

  She giggled, then ran her hands along the slim-fitting dress that hugged her figure. It accentuated her large breast and her narrow waist. Her arms were super thin, and she took to heart one of the comments Frankie said to her about gaining some muscle. She really needed to make time for those self-defense classes. She liked them, but her schedule was hectic.

  When she came out of the ladies’ room, she snuck out the side door to her car, but before she made it there she heard her name and turned, and there was Ellington. She swallowed hard and held her purse and keys in front of her.

  “Sneaking out so soon?” he asked, and closed the space between them.

  “I have plans with friends.” He placed his hand on her hip.

  “I hope not another man or men.”

  “Not really your business either way,” she replied.

  He reached up and stroked her jaw. “Not true. Perhaps I’m making it my business.” He started to lean closer and she pressed her hand with her bag to his chest. “Ellington, you’re a client, and I don’t fool around or date clients. I thought we covered this already.”

  “Perhaps Michael and I can get you to break the rules a little. After all, you’re exactly what we’ve been looking for.”

  “In what?”

  “A lover,” he said, and pulled her close and pressed his mouth to hers. She gripped his shoulders and tried pressing away, but he was so much bigger and stronger, and her mind went to her thought about needing more muscle and strength. As she panicked and thought he was going to push further, he slowly released her lips and she stepped back hitting her hip on the car door. “Ellington, why did you do that?” she asked and wiped her lips.

  He squinted at her. “Look at you. Damn, don’t tell me you felt nothing.”

  “I can’t do this. I’m sorry, but you’re a client.”

  “You can’t push me away either. You will represent me in this purchase. You’re in my corner, and if you succeed then you’ll benefit beyond your commission. Have a good night,” he said, and walked away.

  She felt confused and exhausted. What the heck was going on here? How was she going to handle this business relationship and ensure that she got the full sale of this property, and also keep Ellington and Michael from kissing her? He made it clear they want her as a lover, and also that they would think nothing of using Cynthia instead of her to purchase the property. This was a mess. She wouldn’t be used, nor would she be forced into their bed to complete some real estate deal. Jesus…that thought made her feel so sick to her stomach. Two million dollars of a commission or more would have to be tossed away. Her morals and ethics were stronger than that kind of cash. Eventually she might make it in the future. What a damn mess. What the hell was she going to do? Frig!

  Chapter Three

  Falzone could tell by the way his men were acting that they weren’t happy being here. Vella looked angry and unapproachable as always, and Falzone feared for the next person who got in his space. Messina stared straight ahead as he sat by the bar and only talked to Vella and Flame. Biani was on the other side of Vella speaking with Avana and Nathan. There were so many people they knew as well as others they didn’t know. It was supposed to be a fundraiser tonight for injured veterans, but apparently with that came the women who were out for a good time and grabbing a soldier to screw for the night. He and the team had no interest.

  The sound of men whistling and hollering as someone headed their way sent Avana standing on the rung of the bar stool and waving. He looked at Vella, Messina, and Biani, and whomever it was they caught their attention as well. Then he saw her. Holy fucking shit, did he see her and was shocked. Tiana all dressed up in a sexy, slim-fitting, deep green cocktail dress that accentuated her large breasts, her tiny waist, and gorgeous glowing light green eyes. She looked incredible and every fucking guy thought so, too. One after the next greeted her hello, and he felt the drool fall from his mouth. She, however, appeared embarrassed and pushed away from each man who tried saying hello or took her hand to get her to stay and have drinks. She denied them and made her way closer. He suddenly hoped it was to get closer to him, and that thought freaked him out as he pretended not to be interested at all, but then she was there.

  Avana pulled her into an embrace and then had her twirl around. “You look incredible. How was the cocktail party?” Avana asked.

  “Eh,” she replied, and shrugged her shoulders, then greeted Nathan hello with a hug.

  Frankie told her he ordered her a vodka and cranberry, and then Cole, Spade, Bronco, and Woodrow greeted her, and about ten other fucking men and women before she turned to look at him and the team. So badly he wanted to kiss her cheek hello, maybe slide his palm along her tiny waist and haul her up against his chest to get a good inhale of her scent. That thought shocked him, and he must have given her a mean expression because her face went white, and she slid her palms along the dress and turned. He fucked up and he reacted. He reached for her hand, and she turned, looked way up at him and he forced a smile, despite how affected he was by this little lady.

  “How are you, Tiana?” he asked. And then she got bumped by Flame and Cast, and he grabbed onto her hips and pulled her closer to him.

  “Sorry, Tiana. This place is crowded,” Flame said, and she said no problem and then looked at him. He got a look from Flame as well as from Nathan and his team, but a smile from Avana.

  He looked back down into Tiana’s sexy light green eyes, then over her abundant breasts. She was exotic and sexy and well endowed. She usually hid her assets, but damn he didn’t mind one bit.


  She looked up over her shoulder, but couldn’t move as Messina was pressed up against her back, and he kissed her cheek hello. She
blushed. “Hi, Messina, how are you?”

  “Good now, here is your drink.” He passed her the drink and Falzone was forced to release his hold on her. But it didn’t stop him from remaining near or talking to her. They stepped closer to the bar as more people squeezed by, and now she was next to Vella and Biani.

  “Oh, we’re all set for tomorrow morning. I also came across another place a little out a ways from town, but you mentioned privacy and land. It’s one of the few places around,” she told him, and then looked at the others while she took a sip from her drink. She closed her eyes a moment as if needing the breather. She had their complete attention, and he noticed Messina slide his arm around her waist and talk to her from the side, whispering in her ear.

  “You okay? Seem a little frazzled,” Messina asked her.

  “I’m good now. Feel safer and comfortable here at the Filling Station with friends.”

  “Someone bother you at that party you were at?” Messina asked her. Her eyes widened and it was obvious as she tried to recover from her comment that she hadn’t meant to say what she did.

  When she leaned into him and closed her eyes a moment, the atmosphere changed. Suddenly Falzone was looking at her differently.

  “How was your cocktail party?” Falzone asked her.

  “All right,” she said, and looked away from him.

  “Not good?” he pushed, noticing how she didn’t look right at him as she answered.

  “It was business. The home was very nice though, and upscale too, but not really how I wanted to spend my evening.”

  “Don’t you like what you do?” Biani asked her.

  “I do,” she said, and then took another sip from her drink and then exhaled.

  “What? Did something happen?” Vella asked her in a sharp tone.

  She widened her eyes and her lips parted, but then she sealed them up, shook her head and turned away. “Wow, it is so crowded here,” she said and looked around.

  Messina pressed his mouth toward her ear. “I don’t mind, do you?” he asked her, and she turned to look at him.


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