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Sons of Justice 13_Off the Market for Love

Page 6

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “Holy fuck,” Messina whispered, and she was pretty sure it was his palm that caressed her ass.

  She pushed from Biani’s hold and shoved her skirt down, nearly tripping over her own feet, but Vella grabbed her to steady her.

  “Easy,” he said, and held her gaze with such a fierce look she wanted to run and hide, but then he lifted her up into his arms and got into the truck with her in the backseat. He cradled her in his arms. “That was unexpected,” he said to her, holding her gaze.

  “A first for me,” she whispered, and stared at him.

  “It’s not over yet,” he said to her as the others got into the truck.

  “Vella, I’m in shock right now, and I don’t exactly know what the hell just happened and—”

  “And I didn’t get to kiss you yet like my brothers in arms all got to,” he said to her, and she stared at his lips, at that dark, hollow expression, but a little sparkle of something in his eyes. She gripped his shoulder. He pulled her closer, and as her mind panicked over what had taken place and what she allowed these men she hardly knew to do to her sunk in, he pressed his lips to hers and none of it mattered for several seconds. She was shaking when he slowly released her lips.

  “Easy, baby. We would never hurt you. In fact, you need looking after,” he said to her.

  She shook her head. “I…I don’t believe what just happened.”

  He slid his palm over her ass. “You need me to show you again?” he asked, and her face went flush, and she slowly shook her head.

  “This is bad. Really, really bad. I mean I never, never would ever allow any man or men to just kiss me, never mind spank me.”

  “You needed it. You put yourself at risk, and that is not acceptable,” Falzone chimed in.

  She turned to look at him and then at Biani, who was in the passenger seat. “Oh God, I…we can’t do that again. You’re clients, and we are supposed to be looking at houses. I don’t understand why these things keep happening to me. I don’t ask for it. I’m so careful, and then you men, all men, think they can just grab a woman and kiss them, or think a woman will have sex in a bathroom of a house she’s showing and that isn’t right or fair or—”

  “Hold up. What the fuck did you just say?” Falzone asked, raising his voice.

  She looked at him and then closed her eyes. “Let me down,” she said to Vella.

  “Not yet. What do mean these things keep happening to you, and about sex in a bathroom?” he asked.

  She exhaled. “Let me sit,” she said, and slid off his lap and onto the seat. She fixed her skirt, felt her damp panties and cringed.

  She exhaled and placed her hands on her lap. “That cannot happen again.”

  “Oh, it’s going to happen again, and I get the feeling what you’re about to say and explain from your statement of these things keep happening, and about sex in a bathroom, are going to earn you another ass spanking. Now talk,” Biani commanded.

  “No. It’s none of your business, and this is completely inappropriate.”

  She gasped as Vella slid his palm up her thigh and under her skirt as Messina covered her hands with only one of his, and encased both of them completely, he was that much bigger.

  Vella caressed her inner thigh. “You fucked a client in a bathroom in a house you were showing?” he asked, looking and sounding angry.

  She shook her head. “A client grabbed me and kissed me, and wanted to have sex in the bathroom of a house I was showing.”

  “And did you?” Vella asked, teeth clenched and his palm sliding higher up her skirt.

  “Of course not!” she snapped at him.

  “What are you guys doing to me? I’m not some easy piece of ass. Is this what you do, seduce women, reprimand them for making silly little decisions, and then spank them when you don’t even know them?”

  “Never happened before, but God damn, woman, you make my palm itch,” Falzone said in a very firm tone.

  “So I caused you all to kiss me and spank my ass? Seriously?” she asked with attitude she didn’t even know where it came from.

  “She is going to need a lot of it,” Biani said.

  “Right here, right now?” Vella asked, and leaned closer.

  “No, no of course not, wait. I don’t understand any of this. I’m so confused. Why did you spank me and kiss me? I’m not your woman. You had no right to do that to me.”

  “You loved it. I bet your panties are wet,” Messina said to her, and as she shifted to look at him, shocked at his words.

  Vella’s fingers slid between her legs and stroked over her panties. “I think she wants more,” Vella said to her.

  “I think we all want more, and in regards to you not being our woman, that will be resolved shortly. Let’s move on to the next house and let this all sink in. But know this, Tiana, they’ll be no denying us, or this attraction we all feel. Unless you tell us you can’t handle our salacious appetites for a sexy, submissive woman like you? Perhaps you’re too young and inexperienced to handle us, and what we desire in a lover. The choice is yours. We’re demanding men. We want what we want, when we want it, and submission, acceptance to our commands, and to each of our desires must be accepted without question, without resistance. Trust that it won’t be painful, but pleasurable. Think about that,” Falzone said to her, then started the truck.

  Vella moved his hand from under her skirt, but not before stroking a pointer over her very sensitive pussy, despite being covered in thin panties. She wanted to come from Falzone’s words. She didn’t know what to say, but the truck was quiet as Falzone put it into drive and headed to the next location. She needed to pull herself together.

  The shock of what happened sent her mind into a frenzy, why? Because it all sounded enticing and sexy, and she couldn’t help but wonder if this were real, or if these four hard soldiers were playing with her head and her body. As she simmered with crazy thoughts, anger built up in her core. She wasn’t easy. Never was, and only had one lover ever and it was quick. They didn’t need to know that. Did these men seriously expect a submissive woman who would allow them to spank her ass when they were upset over a decision she made? What else did they expect from a lover? What else were they into? Why was she still shaking, and feeling aroused?

  “Tell us about the next place. Is it the one that is still incomplete?” Biani asked.

  “Just the one extra-large bedroom or bonus room is incomplete. The rest is done and to the highest of quality. They spared no expense,” she said, voice cracking. She cleared her throat. Vella and Messina were so close to her, yet their thighs didn’t touch against hers. She wanted to move closer to them. Have them sandwich her between them, and that brought on another surge of desires and thoughts she shouldn’t be thinking. Pull it together, Tiana. You got this.

  * * * *

  Falzone was having difficulty concentrating on anything the woman was saying to them as they walked through the estate. The place was perfect, upscale, yet homey, or at least could be with the right decorating. They could afford it, their positions in the military special group of SoJ paid exceptionally well. It should. They risked their fucking lives every time they left for a mission. That thought had him thinking about Tiana, and whether or not it was fair to even engage in a relationship with her. Other men did it. Their friends did it and so far worked out fine. The decision was made already and he knew it. They kissed her, disciplined her, and saw that sexy ass, and her submissive reaction. She enjoyed it. She could possibly be the woman they longed for but never verbalized. He would need to talk to the men. Times were tough. Vella and Messina were not coming down from their anxieties and sleep deprivation. The PTSD was getting worse, and he may need to step in soon and get them help. They would be stubborn about that, he just knew it. He would be, too. He hated to even think that they could get stuck and not be able to get out of it. Soldiers suffered greatly, and some lost control and were so long gone they committed suicide. He felt sick as he tried to focus on what Tiana was saying about the house
and the land as they walked to the bonus room that was unfinished.

  “It’s huge,” Biani said, and they walked around it.

  Falzone could see this room as a master suite. A custom bed fit for men with their woman. Holy shit.

  “Oh, and this bathroom, you have to see this walk-in shower, and the Jacuzzi tub,” she said, and they followed her into the extra-large bathroom.

  “Is that marble?” Vella asked in a sharp tone, then stepped closer.

  “Yes, and that deep brown marbled pattern is exquisite. The whole house has this upscale quality to it, yet a homey feel, not modern and cold, but warm, earthy and enticing, don’t you think?” She stood next to Biani and looked at the walk-in shower.

  Biani grabbed her hand, and started bringing her into the shower. “It’s huge. Can we all fit in here?” he asked, and she tried holding back.


  He turned her around to face the shower heads and the wall. She placed her palms against it and gasped. His hands covered hers and his body pressed against it.

  His mouth was next to her ear and neck. His hands held her palms up against the wall with one hand, and his other hand slid around her waist as he rocked his hips against her ass. The sight had Falzone stepping closer and his dick hard as a steel rod.

  “Did that guy who wanted to fuck you in a bathroom make you feel like this?” Biani asked.

  The others walked in. Vella on the left, Falzone on the right. Messina right there, too.

  “Answer him,” Falzone commanded.

  “No,” she said, and panted. Biani slid his palm along her belly and then under her skirt. “Biani.”

  “Tell me you don’t want this. Tell me you don’t feel aroused and attracted to the four of us,” he said, and she gasped.

  “I can’t lie, but that doesn’t make this right. We shouldn’t be doing this. Oh.” She moaned.

  Falzone knew and could see that Biani’s fingers were under her skirt and stroking her cunt.

  “You are so fucking wet, baby.” He stroked over and over again, and Falzone slid his hands to her thighs.

  She tightened. “Falzone.”

  “I need a feel. Maybe a taste,” he said to her, and kissed her neck as Biani removed his fingers from her cunt, and Falzone replaced them with his. He found her panties, slid fingers inside of the thin, tiny material and stroked right into her tight, wet cunt.

  “Oh God, this is insane. I must be losing my mind. This is bad, so very, very bad.”

  “You like it. You’re a naughty thing, a natural submissive, baby, and we’re the men to make you come like no other man ever has,” Vella said to her, and cupped her cheek and kissed her. She began to rock her hips. “That’s right baby. I want you to come for me and my team. Come for us.”

  She pulled from Vella’s lips. “No, oh God, I shouldn’t. No.”


  “Oh,” she stated as Vella smacked her ass, the sound of his palm landing on her skin echoing in the empty bathroom.

  Falzone thrust his fingers faster, deeper. “Come for us now. Don’t deny the order. Come, Tiana. Let go and come,” he said through clenched teeth, and then sucked on a sensitive part of her neck and she cried out her release. Falzone pulled his fingers from her cunt, turned her around and lowered to his knees, lifted her thigh over his shoulder and sucked on her clit and pussy. Her hands landed on the walls. Vella and Biani helped her to remain with only her shoulders and upper back against the wall as he ate at her cream. He suckled her clit hard, her scent consumed his nostrils, her perfume, her sexiness was too much.

  “Oh God. Oh!” She cried out.

  “Me. I want to taste that’s sweet pussy, too,” Messina said.

  “Holy shit!” she exclaimed, and Vella and Biani chuckled.

  Falzone stood up and Messina took his place. He brought her thigh up over his shoulder, knelt in the shower, and latched onto her cunt with his mouth. The sucking sounds echoed in the room, and she started to rock her hips.

  “We all get a taste,” Biani said, and Falzone gave him a nod.

  “You next, Biani, then Vella,” Falzone said, and took Biani’s place.

  Biani waited not so patiently for his turn. “Look at you, Tiana. So fucking sexy and made for us. You are going to be our woman, our lover,” he said, and she moaned as she rocked her hips against Messina’s mouth.

  “My turn,” Biani said, tapping Messina’s shoulder. Messina got up, but not before suckling the inside of her inner thigh. She gasped. He chuckled.

  “I could make a feast out of you, woman,” Messina told her, and then Biani took his place and knelt down and started to feast on her pussy.

  “You next, Vella,” Biani said to him, and Vella moved to the side.

  Biani took his place and Tiana moaned. Falzone reached over, and lifted her top so that they could see her belly and her breasts.

  “Sweet Jesus, she is a fucking feast,” Messina said, and Falzone leaned over and suckled against the top part of her breast where her bra strap was. As it lowered down, he suckled hard and then Vella took Biani’s place. She moaned and rocked, shook her head side to side as the men licked, sucked, and tasted her into another orgasm.

  When they were finished, the men lowered her foot to the floor, fixed her panties and then her top before Falzone lifted her shaking, limp body into his arms. She hugged him. “What have we done? What have I allowed you to do to me?” she asked.

  “The question is, what have you done to us? To me and my team, sweetie. Now that we’ve tasted you, we want more. We want all of it, and all of you.”

  * * * *

  “What the fuck is this?” Vella said when they arrived back at their cottage to find Tat, Basile, and Vacarro there. The idea that they would take Tiana inside and do a little more exploring of these feelings flew out the window.

  “Hey, how did it go?” Tat asked them as they filtered out of the truck. Messina helped Tiana down, and she quickly grabbed her bags and then walked over to say hello. The more everyone talked the more he realized Tiana was putting on the breaks.

  “One of the guys, Mercer, a mechanic on campground is working on your car, Tiana. He said it’s an easy fix and was happy to help,” Vacarro told her.

  “Oh, I think I know him.”

  “You should, because he knew you right away. Said he asked you out two weeks ago and you blew him off. I think he’s hoping that by fixing your car you’ll say yes to a date,” Basile said to her.

  Vella was jealous and pissed off. The woman was gorgeous and obviously got hit on a lot. He was still trying to get over the fact that some guy tried to have sex with her in a bathroom of a home she showed. He hoped their move to wipe out that memory and replace it with one of them with her did the job, but now she was stepping away.

  “He’s a character, that’s for sure. I thought he was seeing that little blonde, Shelby I think her name is, that works in the convenient store,” she replied.

  “I don’t know, I think his mind is set on you. Maybe you can let him down easy and just meet for coffee or do lunch or something,” Basile said.


  “Not a good idea. It will lead the guy on,” Messina stated in a firm tone.

  She looked at Messina as he rubbed his palms together hinting about a punishment, and Tiana’s eyes widened, her cheeks flushed, and she turned away.

  “I’ll see. When did he say it would be finished?”

  “Hopefully today. We can give you a ride home if you need one, and if the car isn’t ready. He thought it wouldn’t take long though, so Talia suggested dinner. Want to stay?” Vacarro asked.

  “Uhm, sure that would be great.”

  “You guys come over, too. We want to hear about the house hunting. Anything good?” Vacarro asked them.

  Tiana’s cell phone started buzzing again, and Vella noticed it did that all morning while they were out.

  “Excuse me a minute please,” she said, and walked away. He listened as she answered the call.
  “No, of course I’m not avoiding you. I’m busy with clients, and then have plans. I had some car trouble as well. No, I don’t need a ride. Dinner? Uhm…can’t, I’m working,” she said, and glanced at them.

  He had a feeling it was a guy, and that guy was hitting on her.

  “I can’t, and remember what I said, you’re both clients. Seriously? Come on now, I’ll see you on Monday. I will,” she said, and ended the call. She exhaled and crossed her arms in front of her chest.

  “Problem?” he asked her.

  She turned to look at him as the others continued talking to Tat and them. “No.” She gave a soft smile, but it didn’t reach her eyes. She had an upset look on her face.

  He placed his hand on her hip. “Hey, who was it? A guy?”


  “No, don’t Vella me, it was a client, a male one and he what, wants to take you to dinner, hit on you, what?” he snapped, and raised his voice.

  “Vella, this is why I don’t get involved with clients.”

  “Bullshit. You’re already involved with us. Don’t try to blow off or minimize what happened,” he said to her, and the anger was so deep he feared he could just react.

  She swallowed hard. “I wouldn’t minimize it, nor would I expect any of you to. Things happened too quickly, and I think we should pull back.”

  “No,” he said, and then she looked away from him, but then Falzone was there.

  “What’s going on?”


  “Some client called her, a guy who wants to take her to dinner. Now she’s talking about pulling back. Maybe she isn’t so special. Maybe she’s just into playing games,” he said, and walked away toward the house.

  “Vella,” Falzone called to him.

  “It wasn’t like that,” she called after him.

  “What’s going on?” Tat asked.

  “We’ll meet you up at the house in a little while,” Falzone said to Tat, and Tat looked at Tiana. “You okay with this?”

  “Yes,” she said.

  Vella, was so pissed off, his patience on thin ice because he had no sleep, and those damn nightmares, but he walked into the house. He was in the living room, sitting on the couch and a moment later Tiana was there.


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