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MIND_The Fracture

Page 15

by Jenn Nixon

  “Isn’t that dangerous for you?” she asked, watching him take a bite of his food and nod his head. “Then why do you want another Conduit?”

  “When the bond is formed, I’ll have more control, we are…still testing the link in a way,” Caelum said. “It’s nothing to cause worry, simply an indication of how I feel. This is wonderful.”

  “Thanks,” she replied, eating a bit, gazing at him, and sipping her wine, biting back the question she desperately wanted to know the answer to.

  “The team spoke with Connor, the unit agent. He had a thin file on Marjorie. Found her through the deepnet group. Since she’s not psychic, they weren’t keeping tabs on her,” Caelum said and leaned back to sip his wine. “They’ve called for a meeting tomorrow.”

  “I got the message, too.”

  “Then they expect you to be there.”

  “That was my assumption,” she said, nodded and taking another forkful.

  “I fear they are at an impasse and need to brainstorm with the entire group,” Caelum rubbed his hand through his blond hair. “And they’d like me to conduct another session with Dina.”

  “I’ll take the day off, don’t worry.”

  “You shouldn’t neglect your job. Dina is on the mend—”

  “You don’t work, not in the traditional sense,” she said, cutting him off.

  “I can create what I need,” he replied. “I have Rivia’s ship for shelter when required and Theo has given me a credit card to make purchases when I’m among humans. He prefers I do not ‘rip people off’.”

  “Create, like, think and poof?”

  “Simplified, yes. Factually, not accurate.”

  Sanjeeta shook her head, smiling at the possibilities. “So, right now, if I asked you for a cherry sorbet from the best restaurant in Italy—”

  Two bowls appeared on the table. Her jaw dropped.

  Caelum grinned. “A tiny village near Rome, not commercially the best, but most of the locals know better.”

  “There really are no words to describe you.”

  “Oh, many have been used.”

  “What was the last?”


  Sanjeeta cackled, covering her mouth when he lifted his eyebrow. “Who called you that?”

  “Theo, with reason. I was peering into Liam’s mind and causing him pain,” he said as a slight sadness crossed passed his eyes. Sanjeeta reached across the table and entwined her fingers through his. “I have already troubled you enough, Sanjeeta. I want to know more about your life…while we enjoy the sorbet.”

  Nodding, she turned to the counter, waved her hand to open the drawer, and brought two spoons to the table. He smirked, tasted the dessert first, and winked at her. Flushing, she tried it and moaned softly. “Heavenly.”

  “Best in Italy.” He shrugged. “Tell me your story.”

  Sanjeeta started simple with a normal-ish childhood growing up in Texas, going to school and temple, in one of the top five locations for the Indian population. Her already conservative parents felt right at home despite the various religious and ethnic frictions troubling the state over the last three decades. “When I started hearing voices in my head, I assumed it was a mental health issue and got myself tested, behind my parents’ back of course, but everything came back negative, they didn’t see anything. One day, I asked my mother to borrow the car to go to homecoming. We fought. I heard her thinking about an old boyfriend she’d gone to a cricket game with back in India and called her out on her crap. Shit hit the fan, my dad called me a freak and well, that was the last time I saw them.”

  Caelum sighed. “I am sorry you experienced that, Sanjeeta. That is no way to treat offspring.”

  “Or anyone really,” she added. “It stings sometimes, I miss my mother, but they don’t deserve to know what a gift this has become. I’d rather them think I am a freak and forget about me. Anyway, I transferred my college credits to North Carolina to room and work with a friend from high school, got my degree, worked here and there and started at the shop a couple of years ago.” Sanjeeta didn’t add her run in with Hinta figuring he already knew. “And that’s pretty much it.”

  “Barely the surface. What brings you joy? What is your biggest dream in life? Do you have a favorite suspense movie?” Caelum took her hand, rose from the stool, and led her to the living room, where the glasses and wine were already waiting. “I have a hundred questions. You have a hundred more.”

  “I don’t even know where to start,” she said, sitting closer to him this time and pulling her wine from the coffee table to sip. “The little things in life bring me joy, like lilacs, my biggest dream is to travel, but I hate to fly, and I don’t think I can pick a favorite movie, I love them all. My turn, other than Earth, what’s the prettiest planet you’ve been to?”

  “Shria, it is very beautiful, similar coloring to Earth more elegant buildings and vehicles, you’d probably consider it futuristic.”

  “Can you show me?”

  “Yes, I can. Would you like to see it?”

  Sanjeeta nodded without really thinking it through. He placed a finger against her temple and her mind exploded with images of colored glass buildings and domed houses surrounding a surreal cityscape as vehicles hovered over land and flew through the sky.



  Caelum’s hand fell away. She reached out to capture it. “What did you mean earlier?”

  “When I said I hoped you’d be both?” Caelum curled his fingers around hers.

  Sanjeeta nodded, tapping into their link, catching something building beneath his calm exterior.

  “The prospect of our attraction and connection has created a deep conflict. Your importance to me is unfathomable, Sanjeeta. My need for a Conduit outweighs any personal desires. With you as my tether, I can stay here on Earth longer, help this team with their issues when they arise not afterward. Become active in their lives, not simply sit back and watchband worry and hope they survive.”

  “Then you want me to be your Conduit?” she asked, trembling.

  “Did you read the data?”

  “Yes. Do you?” she prompted.

  “Yes, but—” He paused abruptly, breaking their link. His lips pressed together. He blipped to the window, startling her, but with his back to her, it gave her a chance to finish her wine and quickly pour another glass. Sanjeeta drank half before rising and moving toward him. The pounding in her chest sped up when she laced her fingers through his. He squeezed her hand, but kept his gaze forward.

  She stared at his statuesque profile, trying to get her lips to move with everything she wanted to say. When he turned to her with his silver eyes, the intoxicating sensations washed over her. “But what, Caelum?”

  He brushed the back of his hand along her cheekbone. “I desire you more than I long for a Conduit.”

  Her heart stopped. “You do?”

  “Very, very much, it occupies my mind constantly.” He tucked a finger under her chin, tilting it higher. “For you to become both, is an experience I’ve never pondered before.”

  Sanjeeta pressed her finger against his lips. His eyes seemed to shimmer and she pressed her body into him. We’ve already establish we’re compatible as Enhancer and Conduit.

  Caelum’s hand fell to her hip, his stare unwavering. Yes.

  And confirmed our attraction.

  He breathed in deeply and nodded. Yes.

  She slipped her hand behind his neck as she stretched up and drew him closer. Only one way to find out if we’re a match.

  He leaned in, brushing his lips to hers, staring into her eyes. There is more to consider, Sanj—

  Kiss me, Caelum.

  He slid his hand up her back bringing her mouth directly against his. The link and kiss blasted every cell in her body with a euphoric sensation she didn’t know existed. He kept his emotions and thoughts from her, yet she sensed his presence inside her mind and understood what the word finally meant. When he collected her face
between his hands and deepened the kiss, he trembled in a way that aroused every nerve ending and pierced her heart.

  Intoxicating no longer applied. Caelum was necessary.

  The sigh escaping him as he ended the kiss shot shudders through her limbs and flutters into her stomach. His eyes were blue and full of a dozen emotions he continued to block. Caelum kept his hands on her face, stroking his thumb over her cheekbone. “You will be the definitive experience of my existence or my undoing, Sanjeeta.”

  Shuddering, she slipped her hand down to his chest. “The former sounds more enticing.”

  Caelum stared, breathing deep and slow. “Yes, it does.”

  “You said there’s more to consider, what do you mean?” She felt the link between them fluctuate from strong to muted and back.

  “Despite whatever you learn from the collector or what Bates—he is Lexa’s boyfriend and Conduit, if you wish to speak with him—says, I…am a difficult being to be around. I am in a state of constant thought and tend to overpower others with my abilities or become forgetful when help is needed and then there is stasis and—”

  “Caelum,” she called softly, touching his cheek to draw his gaze. “I don’t think there’s anything I can learn to change what I’m feeling for you.”

  Fear flickered in his eyes. “Tell me, Sanjeeta, please, what do you feel? You tremble and blush and I know the physical affections are welcome and mutual…does it go deeper? Do I excite you as much as you do me? Are you scared? Will you consider being my Conduit…and more? Did you enjoy the kiss?”

  “Yes, all of it.” She smiled, taking his hand and guiding him back to the couch, hoping to cool down and wrap her mind around the rapid, peculiar shift in the conversation. “Being a little anxious at the start of something new is completely normal. I’ve been considering both, constantly, for two days now, and yes, I did enjoy the kiss…you still look worried.”

  “It is partially the situation with Dina and Project Phoenix.”

  “And the rest?”

  “I feel it unfair to tempt either of us further until you’re fully versed in the function of a Conduit, for if I fall deeper and you decide not—”

  Don’t fill your head with doubt, Caelum. She took his hand and smiled. I’ll do whatever makes you comfortable.

  He squeezed. Thank you, Sanjeeta.

  You’re welcome.

  I should retire for the evening so you can rest.

  Not sure I’ll be sleeping much.

  “If you lie down, I will send you adrift,” he said aloud, lifting his brows. “I know how much you enjoyed it last time.”

  “You said you didn’t eavesdrop!” She flicked his arm playfully.

  “I never intend to, some of your thoughts are unavoidable,” Caelum replied, motioning to her bed. When she blushed, he smiled. “Do you want my help?”

  “I still need to clean—” She turned to her immaculate kitchenette, chuckled, and went to her bed, sitting down. “Of course. Thank you.”

  “Welcome.” He moved to the head of the bed while she crawled in. Once she got comfortable, she glanced up, smiling again. He brushed the hair on her temple. She instantly grew tired. His eyes flipped back to normal and before his sing-song voice sent her to sleep she heard one last thing, “Sleep well, little star.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  When Liam opened his eyes and realized Dina was still sleeping beside him, tears threatened to fall. He wouldn’t dare wake her, knowing each minute she slept healed her body and her mind further. Today, Caelum would delve into her memories, separate what didn’t belong, and hide them deeper and out of reach.

  Dina murmured and rolled onto her back. He brushed the hair from her forehead, watching a smile form on her mouth. Her eyes were glowing when her lids peeled back. “No dream.”

  “Two for two,” he said, leaning down to kiss her. “Good morning.”

  “Did you sleep as well as I did?” She tapped his chin when he nodded and kissed him again. “I’m glad. We’re going to need it.”

  “If you change your mind—”

  “I won’t, the longer I can…know they’re there the more I want to search through them, fill in all the missing pieces, but I know if I do, I may make things worse.”

  “It is a possibility.”

  “Anyway,” she said, pushing the covers back. “Did you arrange breakfast?”

  “I asked Lexa and Bates to bring donuts and coffee, and since it’s almost seven now, I’m sure they’re already here.”

  “I think everyone is here,” Dina said, tilting her head to the side as she sat up. “Almost.”

  They dressed and exited the bedroom together. She reached for his hand as they ascended the stairs. Chatter and soft laughter filled the penthouse. Dina buzzed beside him, an indication she was excited to be among her friends again.

  Kim, Casey, and Lexa stood around the breakfast bar giggling passing an oddly shaped donut on the counter, egging each other to try it first. Liam noticed Casey’s frown as they entered and Dina’s quick shift toward the table where Bates, Jazara, and Valtor were sitting. He greeted everyone with a cheery good morning, while he approached the ladies and nodded as he collected one of the to-go coffee cups labeled dark and sweet.

  “What is it?” Liam asked, slightly amused they were still staring at the donut.

  “Bacon filled,” Casey answered reluctantly, avoiding eye contact.

  “Why?” He cringed, picking a plain glazed from the box.

  “No idea,” Lexa said. “Fifty to eat the whole thing, Liam.”



  “Give it up, Enhancer,” the Englishman replied.

  Lexa frowned. “Then why the hell—”

  “Did you really get it, Bates?” Duncan asked as he exited the base. Bates and Jazara laughed as Kim pointed to the counter. His eyes bulged and he went toward Kim, she lifted it from the napkin. He bit right into it.

  Kim gagged when he groaned with delight.

  “That is so wrong.” Dina pointed her finger down her throat croaking. “Are you sure we’re related?”

  “It’s not as bad as you think,” Jazara confessed.

  Valtor shook his head. “Brave souls, you are.”

  “Did you and Hinta bring Sanjeeta,” Liam asked Jazara, glancing into the base and seeing only him and Theo.

  “He got a head call from Caelum, he offered to pick her up,” she said.

  “I bet he did,” Lexa blurted.

  Bates shook his head and Kim snorted.

  “What’d I miss this time?” Dina asked, resting her head on her father’s shoulder as she sipped a coffee.

  “Lexa,” Bates’s tone playfully warned.

  She waved him off. “I think they’re sweet on each other.”

  Liam watched Dina’s brow dip. She winced and scratched her head as a distraction.

  “Not sure how she puts up with his scatter brain,” Duncan said, setting the other half of his donut back on the napkin and searching for a cup of coffee.

  “If she has Conduit abilities, she can help him,” Lexa said. “Bates lets me mute what I want, makes it…easier being me.”

  “I remember you suggested it when he came out of stasis, he opted to use Aime,” Liam recalled. “A Conduit seems a healthier option.”

  “Can’t argue that,” Lexa said, moving to the table and sitting beside Bates.

  “Are we talking here or inside?” Duncan asked with both hands full, ready to settle in for the big team meeting.

  “Where do we have the most chairs?” Liam asked.

  Jazara said, “Eight in here.”

  “Eleven in the base,” Kim said, then added. “Plus the couches.”

  Dina, apparently ready to get to work and away from the vibe Casey was throwing, led Valtor and the group into the base. Liam plucked another donut from the box and entered last, finding most of the stations occupied, including Theo and Hinta already at the hub, while Bates and Lexa wheeled chairs from the me
dlab and tech room toward the group. He certainly didn’t want this to feel like a lecture or give any sign of authority over anyone and dragged a chair from the lounge next to Dina, who seemed surprised at his appearance.

  “It’s kind of you to share,” she teased, reaching over to clasp his hand.

  Before he had the chance to reply, the hub beeped. Every head turned. Hinta glanced up and announced Caelum and Sanjeeta had arrived. Liam sensed the curiosity spill through Dina as she eyed the doorway. She was trying to read them both, probably interested in the crush more than anything else.

  “Good morning,” the Enhancer said, walking in behind Sanjeeta who waved at everyone, slightly overwhelmed seeing the entire team.

  “Glad you could make it, Sanjeeta,” Hinta said.

  “Thanks for inviting me.”

  Dina squeezed his hand as the two late comers moved toward the hub where someone had moved another lounge chair. Liam saw Sanjeeta blush when Caelum offered her the seat. Dina tapped her thumb on his hand.

  How cute is that?

  Adorable, he replied, smirking when she rolled her eyes.

  “Looks like where all here, jeez,” Duncan said, still standing next to Kim, eyeing Theo and Hinta at the hub. “Everyone knows each other right?”

  Valtor laughed. “I believe so.”

  “Right? How are there thirteen of us?” Lexa said.

  “Hope no one is superstitious.” Kim gazed up at Duncan.

  “Superstition is the least of our problems,” Theo mumbled from the hub, causing Casey and Caelum to glance toward the hub along with Liam when the Cartuilan called his name. “You should probably start, rattle off what we know.”

  “Very well,” he said, rising from his seat. “Aime audio only.”


  “Bring up the Gardner, Phoenix, and experiment files. Fourth screen I want the sphere data,” Liam said, sensing Dina fill with worry. “After our interrogation of Zila and her crew, we hit a wall. As you all know, we’ve tried facial recognition on Gardner’s description that Admiral Reich gave to Theo, scoured the internet and every government database with access, and followed the trail of the experiments into another dead end. The only new clue we have—”


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