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MIND_The Fracture

Page 31

by Jenn Nixon

  Yes, somewhat. I’ve never focused on my own personal needs as much as I have since meeting you. I thought helping others, keeping my mind occupied was the key to my survival. It is difficult for me to face the fears lingering in my mind, Sanjeeta, but you’ve helped me overcome some already, the loneliness, the thought of going mad has become a kernel of doubt now, not an overbearing weight on my mind. Our bond truly transcends any connection I’ve ever had. You quiet my mind, satisfy my desires, and care about my wellbeing, you are all I need to survive this life.

  Love isn’t strong enough of a word, she replied, tearing up as she pressed her lips to his.

  Caelum gazed down into her extraordinary eyes, breathless as she stared back. No matter what his burden, he had the most powerful ally in his corner. Someone who loved him. Someone he loved more than his existence. Whatever future awaited them, he was prepared as long as he had Sanjeeta’s love. Perhaps not, little star, yet it’s the one word I’ve never truly experienced until you.


  After another round of indescribable lovemaking with Caelum, Sanjeeta reluctantly left him on her bed and showered alone trying to calm down. Thinking there was no way it could possible get any better, yet believing it would, Sanjeeta washed her hair, replaying the last month in her head, wondering where it would all lead.

  With Marjorie safe and well enough to go home as soon as the MIND team explained the truth of her heritage, and Gardner and his project no longer a danger, the group would return to their usual, daily search for psychic or visitor threats, in what seemed to be a never ending battle like cops going after criminals.

  Sanjeeta understood the scope of their responsibilities. The team felt the need to protect not just the humans on the planet, but psychics and visitors, too, and sadly, keeping their existence from each other remained a top priority. Although she was proof that both could work together harmoniously, her circumstances were different from the average psychic.

  One step at a time.

  That was all anyone could do.

  As she wrapped a towel around her body, the scent of bacon and eggs mixed with the flowery shower steam made her stomach rumbled. She found Caelum standing in her kitchenette cooking in the nude. If her heart were going to burst, it would have been right then. She moved to his side to kiss his cheek and stole a piece of bacon.

  “Liam just sent a text, he wanted to postpone the conference call by half an hour.”

  “Are we going there or calling in?”

  “You can decide, after we eat,” he replied. “We have much to talk about, yes?”

  Sanjeeta rounded the table and sat down. A glass of orange juice appeared near her hand. She chuckled. “I don’t even know where to start.”

  “While I have no intentions of leaving for any length of time, currently,” Caelum began as he scrambled the eggs and moved the finished bacon to plates with his mind, “I do not do well staying in one place for long. It’s why I move Rivia’s ship often, I need—”

  “Distractions. I know,” she said, sipping her juice. “How about a job? Like a real one? I saw how happy the puppies made you…”

  “A job? Hmm. Many humans do find occupations they love, most of the MIND team felt that way until recently.” He frowned and scooped up some eggs and gently set them on the plate. With his hand, he directed the completed plate to the table, and then filled the other.

  “They’ve been through a lot. There’s always a down side to every job, even the ones that make us happy.”

  “So you do not wish to quit?”

  Sanjeeta shrugged and picked up her fork. Before she got a chance to taste the food, Caelum sat down and glanced over with silver eyes and a deep frown on his face. She sighed. “I’m sorry. I…a lot has happen recently and I still have to make sure Marjorie gets home safely and I know you can do just about anything, but completely changing my—”

  He clasped her hand gently. “I don’t want you to change anything, Sanjeeta. Only if you want to, I merely remember you mentioning it and asking about me creating a pile of money.”

  “It’s crossed my mind, more than once. I can see us living on her ship, traveling the world and beyond. You’ll have to ease me into the rest, other planets and cultures…it’s still unbelievable to me, but there are people here that rely on me. I’m not ready to give it all up, not yet.” Sanjeeta rubbed her thumb over his hand. “Besides, I’m not the only one with responsibilities now, the team still needs your help, you’ll have extra time to pick up new skills like searching the internet with Lexa.”

  Caelum’s eyes flashed back to blue as a smile filled his mouth. “It is something I long to try.”

  “All couples need to have their own interests, that much I know from seeing college friends and their disinterested boyfriends.”

  “Am I your boyfriend?” he asked with a child-like grin on his fabulous mouth.

  “If you want to be,” she replied, giggling as he tugged her across the table to peck her lips. “Unless there’s a Sarpian word.”

  Velnor or velnora for a female. It means lifemate.

  I like that much more, velnor, she cooed, trailing her fingers over his chin. Although she wasn’t ready to uproot her whole life simply because Caelum made her blood boil with one look, one touch, one word, Sanjeeta knew her entire existence had changed. She was no longer the freak her parents brought into the world. Sanjeeta had friends who looked to her for support and comfort. She was needed and wanted. Just like Caelum, she found a place to call home. Since we’re lifemates now, that means you’re staying, right, Caelum?

  Caelum grinned, brushing his fingers along her cheek, creating flutters in her stomach only he could, and said, “Yes, Sanjeeta, I’m staying…with you, where I belong.”

  “See, that was the perfect answer.”


  Two weeks later

  Liam stood at the hub, tapping on the computer and reviewing the incoming report from Theo’s government contact, Tippton. So far, so good. After two weeks of interrogation, the guards were sticking to the story Caelum implanted in their heads. According to the unit’s investigation, Gardner, whose body was found in England, was responsible for every incident MIND linked him to, the hospital, government server room, all the experiments and kidnappings, and a few they added in to cover their own tracks over the last year.

  The final sentence of the message stunned him. The DHHS was going public about psychic abilities within six months, in part because of the incident. “So soon?”

  “That’s good news, isn’t it?” Aime asked, gazing into the base from the hanging monitor.

  “Time will tell,” Liam sighed.

  “This information will not change in the next half an hour.”


  “And you have some place to be.”

  “Yes, I do.”

  “Then why are you stalling?”

  “You just said I have half an hour, I’m reviewing my vows.”

  “That’s a bullshit line if I ever heard one,” Duncan said as he, Theo, and Bates walked into the base.

  “Told you,” Theo said as Bates shoved a hand into his slacks and slapped a ten-dollar bill into the ex-general’s hand as they both laughed.

  Liam lifted his eyebrow.

  “Bloody weird, seeing you in a suit,” Bates said with a shrug.

  Duncan shook his head. “They really thought you were going to wear black skinny jeans.”

  “Dina too, I’m certain,” Liam nodded and fixed his tie as he gazed up at Aime. “Privacy mode.” The AI frowned and vanished. “Where’s Val?”

  Theo grinned. “Already in the park with everyone else, pacing…rehearsing. Casey sent us back to get you, they’re waiting.”

  Liam frowned. “I—”

  “Let’s go, brother,” Duncan cut him off and retrieved a long jewelry box from his suit jacket. Sighing with relief, he left the hub and met the men near the door, exchanging handshakes and hugs of congratulations before filing into the kitc
hen where Duncan handed him the box. “Lexa and Caelum set up a tent, Dina’s waiting inside. We’ll see you out there. Good luck.”

  All three men disappeared leaving him alone in the empty kitchen. The first time Dina came to his apartment flashed in his mind. He remembered how excited and confused he was by her. She’d turned his entire world around when she crossed his path and even though he had Caelum to thank for their odd introduction, their love for each other persevered through more struggles than any normal couple ever faced. Nothing could tear them apart.

  When he teleported to the wedding tent and saw all the ladies standing around Dina, Liam’s heart skipped. His lifemate wore a pastel green dress that hugged every curve and accentuated the color of her emerald irises. The glow of their eyes filled the tent.

  “Eww, get a room,” Lexa cackled as she tugged Kim toward the exit.

  “You’re horrible,” Jazara shook her head, waving over at Liam.

  “If we can have a moment,” he said, smirking.

  “Of course. Come on, you nuts,” Casey said, motioning Sanjeeta outside.

  Dina blushed and smoothed the fabric of her dress as he made his approached. He glimpsed outside to see their friends standing around the two dozen chairs lined up in front of the custom-made floral arch Kim insisted they have for the ceremony. Valtor paced nervously, waiting to officiate.

  “Our little family is growing, huh,” she said, nearing and peeking out the tent seeing all their family and friends including Molly and her Scottish brood, a couple former captives of Tolk, and few friends of the others he had yet to meet.

  “Indeed,” Liam replied and smiled down as he reached into his suit jacket and pulled out his gift. Dina’s face instantly paled. He quickly opened the top showing her the silver and emerald bracelet inside.

  Tears filled her eyes. Ignoring the gift, Dina crashed into him and hugged him tight as her whole body shook. Scared me there for a second, spaceboy.

  Caelum destroyed both necklaces, love, I didn’t want to take a chance, either. Val and I picked this out together.

  I didn’t get you anything. She squeezed him and leaned back.

  You’ve already given me the only gift I need, Dina. He lifted the bracelet out of the box and put it on her wrist. Your love.

  It’s beautiful.

  As are you, my wife.

  Not yet, she replied, pulled a tissue from her bra, and carefully patted her eyes dry. We still have ten minutes.

  Liam grinned, drawing her closer, feeling her lower her guard for a moment, letting their emotions mix and swirl and excite each other as they often did.

  When the blush returned to her cheeks, she shook her head and breathed out deeply. “Behave, we only have to get through the next three hours, then we’re on our honeymoon.”

  “For an entire month, you promise?” Liam asked, raising his brow.

  “Barring any unforeseen visitor or psychic emergencies, yes. Anywhere and everywhere you want to go.” Dina nodded, squeezing his hands. “You think we’ll make it a whole month?”

  Liam rolled his eyes and swept her hair across her forehead. “I’ve given everyone strict orders. I think we deserve some time, alone. Don’t you?”

  “More than, it just feels weird leaving Duncan and Hinta in charge, they’re so gung-ho about everything they want to upgrade and change, it may be a whole new base when we get back.” Dina frowned, lowering her eyes.

  “Change is good. Haven’t we proven that?” He caught her chin, sensing something deeper was still bothering her. “Speak now or forever hold your peace, love.”

  “That was all she wanted; to change our future. We did and I don’t want to waste any more time worrying about it. She gave us all a gift, we have to make every moment count.”

  “Agreed,” he said, lacing his fingers through hers and smiling down. “That means there’s only one thing left to do.”

  “Oh yeah? What’s that, Liam?” she replied, grinning as nervous, excited energy rippled off her body.

  “Marry me, Dina.”

  Meta-alien Investigation and Neutralization Department (MIND) Glossary

  Classifications (Class):

  Human – home planet Earth.

  Shrian – home planet Shria.

  Sarpian – home planet Sarpi.

  Vepsatian – home planet Vepsar.

  Cartuilan – home planet Cartulia.

  Enhancer – genetically altered Sarpians.


  Psionics – scientific term used to describe superhuman and alien abilities.

  Psychic – term used to describe humans with psionic abilities.

  Visitor – preferred term used to describe aliens with psionic abilities

  Descendant – human-visitor offspring with psionic abilities.

  Star-wielder – an individual with psionic abilities capable of powering visitor devices and artifacts.

  Emergence – visitor term used to describe the manifestation of psychics and visitors

  Enhancer – a genetically modified class of Sarpian visitors rumored to be the most powerful beings in the galaxy.

  Conduit – name given to individuals with the ability to bond with Enhancers.

  Reckoning – an incident in late April 2034 where the last three Sarpian Enhancers battled for the planet Earth.

  Dina’s Dream – a shared unknown incident between several of the MIND team, which Dina began seeing during The Message.

  List of General Abilities:

  Telepathy – depending on class or individual human psychic, telepaths can have one or all of the following: ability to read minds, memories, and dreams, conduct mind to mind communications, hear thoughts, dream share, and mind control.

  Empathy – the ability to sense the emotions and feelings in others.

  Clairvoyance – depending on the class or individual human psychic, clairvoyants have the ability to see the past or future of objects and/or people. (precog, visionary)

  Teleportation – the ability to fold space and transport from one location to another.

  Telekinesis – the ability to move and control matter.

  Ergokinesis – the ability to manipulate and use energy.

  Pyrokinesis– the use of pyrokinetic energy to create and control fire.

  Electrokinesis – the use of electrokinetic energy to create and control light and electricity.


  Stunner gun/grenade – non-lethal weapons, incapacitates most classes.

  Hub – formerly a Shrian ship console, currently networks and controls all MIND operations.

  Star of Gilmara – ancient artifact brought to Earth in pieces, reassembled and then destroyed by the MIND team.

  Barainum – a visitor metal capable of blocking most teleporters found on most space worthy ships and shuttles

  Transcender – ancient Sarpian device created for multiple technological and medical uses, destroyed by MIND team

  Aime – former interface of the Transcender, reprogrammed with Shrian artificial intelligence, runs MIND team security and computer network.

  Collector – device used by a conduit to collect and story Enhancer memories.

  Unit – covert groups of government back agents policing the general population for psychically perpetrated crimes.

  DHHS – Department of Health and Human Services, responsible for setting up psychic units around the US and developing a subcutaneous suppression chip for psychic criminals.


  Dina Ranger – Psychic Human-Shrian Hybrid, twin to Duncan.

  30, green eyes, short blonde hair

  Former Hacker, Circus Performer, Thief

  Abilities: Teleportation, Telepathy, Telekinesis, Empathy, Energy Healing

  Duncan Ranger – Psychic Human-Shrian Hybrid, twin to Dina.

  30, green eyes, short dark-blond hair

  Former Captain with US Marines and DHHS unit leader

  Abilities: Teleportation, Telepathy, Telekinesis, Mindwalking, Dream
Sharing, Matter Manipulation

  Baldwin Owen Bates – Human and second generation Cartuilan (Bob to Dina only)

  44, brown eyes, bald

  Former Lt. Colonel with Royal Navy and DHHS unit supervisor

  Abilities: Telepathy, Telekinesis, Conduit

  Liam of Shria – Shrian

  120+, gray eyes, snowy white hair

  Stranded on Earth in 1935

  Abilities: Teleportation, Telepathy, Telekinesis, Electrokinesis

  Tolk – Sarpian (Deceased)

  Leader of enemy group searching for visitor devices and artifacts on Earth. Responsible for locating the first pieces of the Star of Gilmara and Transcender. Held visitors and descendants against their will using an implant device to dampen and control abilities.

  Former Associates: Farsis, Martok - (Deceased)

  Valtor Ranger – Shrian, father to twins Duncan and Dina (Victor)

  180+, blue eyes, dark brown hair

  Came to Earth as part of a science expedition in the early 1900s, joined with a group of visitors in the 1960s to watch over the visitors and descendants on Earth. Former captive of Tolk.

  Abilities: Teleportation, Telepathy, Telekinesis

  Former Associates: Rivia, Prantu, and Nella (Deceased)

  Kimkuta Wolf – Human, second generation Shrian

  32, blue eyes, black hair

  Former Reporter and Native American descendant whose Tribe was responsible for guarding the Transcender.

  Abilities: Telepathy via touch, Supermemory, Memorywalking

  Lexa Quinn – Sarpian, Enhancer (Elexanji)

  33, silver eyes (formerly brown), curly red hair

  Former PA to Kim Wolf, Only known child of two Sarpian Enhancers, recently emerged

  Abilities: Teleportation, Telepathy, Telekinesis, Empathy, Technopath, Ergokinesis

  Theo Struck – Cartuilan, former superior to Duncan Ranger


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